Our Business ireoestimeteeo RFARRANDLTD used goods plus nan Milt damned Item was preview original cost We also tent DUNLOP sr hone an 82427 LA cons Bicycle tor soodi condition lel hone PA MUD PANMIor £14531 LAW IV Nulhlr Steve or iii nuiometlc In it Big Bay Point 11 Davenport Chem sir or ox tellsn were it DEKALB PULLETS More and more poiiitrymeu are choosing DEKALDT Started ready to lay sad day old chinks Order now nearly ordardiscaunt Fer rvioo hdp on your poultry prob all Craig Hunter HUNTER POULTRYEARMS STROUD PHONE still hard to he tore meat Over sonal selection capona assays rooms FARM astronomy siv CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies disservice David hurrah Farm Equipment is CASH TRAD TERMS BALE ELEVATORS and savatrom SHAKELL MANUFACTURING CO Leirny SiR UD 73li21 BARRED ROCKS sfmmv on June ll rs Niiock Registered haidifl Baby chicks started allele FARMMACHINERY Case New Holland memos ova as Limited quantlty Buy direct BRADFORD urticm 110M Plait Trust in ood running condition telephone hA mes livrturtrier tangtiers PERSONALS CAR HAVING orvNovstotls Anyone wishln trs tialatsIephons PA commnto Toronto Mondsy to Friday usva Be one eri lam Toreador Jinn Can use two preseason ele phona PAOTlauafler toms cums moennti smith or Angus Ontario will net as re sponlihls lor eny dealslneurroo In my name Ni ii consent fromle June ML wousus ceiu aaiiurv silol ceiowsves Sets etc by certiï¬ed htisdresur in your own home or he list see vies Bernice PA sees er PA N651 JUNE sirens raisins All duced turning in about in eod armada Ior tlis whishhhiflia ï¬ll ll mo iPiERlENCED sTENonansssrt rii srrl and basins Successiuiopplicsntniust oootyplu speedend ba Apply in PERSONNEL masons the Barrie Examiner courate worker wriilnsnto the P0 BOX 70 BARRIE stating age experlence and Will 39926 noumsmttours cum horns and two chlioren monthlyi Li VI Gsrritk SI Maple As WOMAN re ulred In so and learnt and yssrs moo sitar nsusnssomu er Women or guiroti lnuneiilstely or at titles In home Indra Live in 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sherana call house in midtown New Yorkln the wid col Colemon Mobile omo openulmssndlalerhsm nauyiiesters with Tanks and oil raidEd by police she ro its it lated hut paid iousands of dollars in bribes and entortelned the US immigration service tbdeportatlon it she haden gagcd in rostltutlon duringthe gvmigsmsf ilva year prone ding her naturalization in 1929 was ever taken than it bliss Adlersald she docldcd Her backhpubiiahad in 1353 city oiilclalefendpoiiocmen to avoid being put out oi business only PW Allenpuhllcatlenoiher book said the bookmight sublecther Friends oiioredlto help her with her book which sold more MclUitK AND L9 $550 850310 at $1200 coummuun minim than 100000copluhut no months Coolsg rsl ssio hand MINESING MOTORS Ruby Beam Annesinstitute F°dTEa°and Equment Telepbenldn was or oppiy st SALES AND SERVICE roe mum at Ansus Ont DiNINGlm or ulr ilhle DELAVAL harm and chins clemat Veneer Telephone PA nusinns Fireside stool moose SALES AND SERVICE any did over console utlnsiun 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Successiul Bidders slia mm 11 Ease Road at oasii eflofllï¬‚ï¬ is purchased articles within No appointment necessary UNDER AND svvrasusror Koch cm live dï¬vlselrazoudil write Flori Faclas issued Danish modem ocmio if nonsensian student to rennin Hm WWW °i the tilonriamps and be hellishimtewlm as one mm thighs to so an riii Tbi viittlitiicttiï¬iiiiSin shit smallness to mam off new TV stools Sunbeem WY gigflwï¬uulhigniflqumm etdm Fm reeled fautometlc colleemhker new gigglygflgfwï¬mf has oiiered 31000 reward tor Qggghlgégggduggibctgz Hamil WW5 and mm Picquot were ten set complete also Mcalhï¬e mm lniormation leading slogths an owl PM of the saidGrace Caruso wiiu tray General Electric id rm arrest and conviction oi the and losephCnruso have LSteam nd Dry Iron Westlng ï¬le driver at car said tohnve iohibsby sitting in incl or d3d bike will house automat eater Elec imam mbe ob caused acrash Sunday Oilï¬lglk on mm on all the right summon and or new Gents wrist Wed way ioi killing ismasserting 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slow vmiii IN LOVEWITHA cleaners reduced yin sewing Centre 23 Dual Barrie PA 37969 WEBER Couple pinnuall Janine can Gncoy Tm Farms PA 16606 or FA HIM APPLE BARN 60 per bustier mesh Singer FRUIT VEGETABLES sternusa any Courtlend and othervarieties Fancy Macs and operand newborn Euy ltnow ivith Iovv3c hidinsured scorn PLAN Loss BRAND mow use V0 WAGENS one ran some on Moscow $1767 Excliiilcence LGas British subiec All applies lions must be made in writing toAthe Scions cousgasm BOX33 BARR ONTARIO wYOUNG MAN 24429 Toworlt High school educationGood op portunity All usual company benfts EIRESTONE srdae DUniop St carious msuaauc with an agenaytti your foym in your area ii yauare bondable noneptahl 0N0 iuvnsrinsrir nanom and can prod references ED MISSION RATE OGUAHANTEED YEARLY GRAM N0 AGnLiMiT EFITSV OPENSION PLAN iiaidngprevlous sales expo once and car is desirable but not essentiiil PHONE MR FREDJOUNSWW SALES ADMINISTRATOR PIERCE MOTORS 81 SA D0 0N AUNMOB IATION omcrmvmnamvncomg suit more complete descrip be eari at the Sheriii Court House Barrie daitit tion for this propertyL may Bins Pails Clothes Hamper Pictures and plaques Sunbea Mixmaster set with juicer eta light Mohamedset with OF WHICH3 Id gm lamps Kodak Brownie Camera title interest andequity oi re demptialtl oi the said Greene1 Dar flow sï¬ï¬‚ï¬gwgm 0mg Ilrlc extension cords and nuns for sale by pubiieauctiohst my otilaelnlh9 taint Hnuaa Barrie Ontarlo$ on Wednes 4th daytoi July AD oclock in he sit with flash Blackelectric liv ingroom clock End Tables erous other articles All the above in new condition TERMSLDABH No reserve as ownerhos ell thecoiintry Nothing to be oved Imiliv settled for Frank Webb Clerk Admit Refugees TORONTO or gt Boland Michenar Speaker at the last Commons suggested Saturday use can till it Financing garden hose and toolsyElec ï¬nk HAMILTON CPt The Na by admitting reiugees IromRed China who have re this country dians to suppo relative Education lional Conicrence oi Canadian the autumn on have higher about education can be better ed in Canada Andrew executive actor toidlthe annual inset ingoitheNCCUC Sunday tho the study should assess pros search student aid and buliding yiiisiudyii Universities and Collegesplsns 6ghweggamgg°$ï¬v to launch an intensive study in onto Stvlauls trith June 18 general election members oi ioronl Chl nese communityeta meeting sponsored by the St PaulsChi nese Progressive Con i7 ted more than $10 pectiVe needs ior teaching re tall enciryéa iii things and ethercapltal costavSPeclal apple buter Phone 10 Do HAR tha MAYOR MUTE BARBIE 91 pa asses 3500 attended Whitsuno tennis services for the ifDlLCiiAH new August mo ahnson motor tlitted or wstsr fielephnnl FOR UNiISTlED mm Huxley one the yvprlds tore most blolaglsts hnsrniaed storm bya proposal ior uo tworld Iaoessrsrs um crisis animus NUMBER no aurrrss estr termovsn weeks old aisles 75 iiï¬ï¬gyémmnnuirllfwgfl You tan come spsclsiist atruoi so is is inl ucc mu ed ï¬rearm admit one mtttlm SUPERIOR PROPAN tnmsunn TV rlsdsrt Fr wNew phone Number Booklet Act now Ii iiwo donr utelriiï¬ttlic whims my mu mlzmlxl Tom Hwy1 Sou class Icondlilan dlo Terms suit solarium Wmf tile comforts Progresswe Canadian company now accept app assailant ngï¬ EME T5 the tilt antssis ll M11 my ms Palmth doarblscli low milesgenivv ilrsli hodyAl taoo snort if° so its weer evenings enlightened ouple tlrststep wardpasltlvo suhiec normseon Va station wsscn two tone hlsalsridwnite in out rs bitll but shunts El II girth em to be