on Mother Elizabeth and bieyoh Jean Drapeauofluon hen stand outside in one lii hide increases showed up at scattered pointsacrosa Canada 39 today following law boosts thedcihliiedfdoilar But many merchants indicated they were boldlngthe line Bread seemedtn be under ummwesm heaviestprice pressure with increases in client or planned in st Johnsund Hilliax0i tawa Toronto and in some Sas katchewan cities Butnnc at Canadas biggest bakers said there is noiuatificatiou tor bréad price increase Georgejc Metcali president of George Weston Limited which operates bakeries at Tor onto Brnntlord Ont Montreal and Edmonton said Westons The latest devaluation of the dollar should not be Used as an excusefor Increasing the price othread he added Viha first price peered last isiesdaywhen two large oil companies raised the wholesale price oi gasolinc The air transport board announced Spain iidopis Hatch Biu ses VapJ came to catcbaglimpse otthe liell toscknowiedgeflis greet royal visitor tag of hundreds oi1people who Montreal vi photo it had approved request to in crease transoeeari fares eight per cent bakery spokesmen predictedihen that prices ot mu In the week blamed on ginair products Wilflidybï¬lflllctitttd Qahndi gt be issoid at by Prime Minister Diefenbaker in mnaisfl speech at Magog Que Thursr day that his government will act quickly against greedy people who take advantage oi the May dollar devaluation to raise prices Friday Dr Henry in charge of combines investiga tions in Canada said atottawa that he and Justice Minister Fulv ton have been discussing the question of price increases in the light of the Combines Inves tigation Act Mr Henry said he had IE ceivad no instructionsairom the minister and he did not specify the products under discussion Buthe said his oiticcjtiad ceived complaint from the on tario Retail Gasoline andeui motivav Dealers Association in Denying Choice Of Manon any Piagued by bomb ng and crippling rikesi Genera imo Fran clsoo Francos regima today EpEndEdzifll two years the so isb enples constitution choose where th inantto live in Spain the sweeping edict government concentrol the movement of anyone opposed to lnebco and keep egitatorsont industrial centres hit by yenweek siege of strikes that approved the decree suspending key ciause inSpainSbill of rights fewhoura after the second in three days iPniicebiarned the lett Popular Liberation Front for tiievbomblngs which shattered windows inlthc bank and caused other ey were iinkedto recent trlkes Franco as chargedthat So viat snh ersion and but headed separatist in Cdtholic priestsplayed major rolevia the strikes which an Severe Hecltllilii cio in Madrid causing minor damageuThe building now is it making no general increase price of gasolinasold through its service stations but posted higher prices for its industrial and commercial customers InVestioaiin Bread lip VANCOUVER fCEt Jus tice Minister Fulton said Fri day anyfgeuerai increase in the price of bread will result in im mediate investigation of bake companies involved under prp visions of the Combines Act He told in political meeting the fedcrai government willpre vent any profiteering resulting or icon demonstratioan spread in Korestodayvpibe 05 military called the eoofhiemeot order tampon manure to reduce the possib ty oi incldenil yiew oi the wave of dunonstra tioos demanding the as signs statnsoi ce agreement giving sooth Korea Jurisdiction over Ameri icemanin some in centcnnial dillC mess intbe evening Both affairs were pri vatedwith press and puhii iuncbco per rmed thequ tomery visitors task rot signing thegoiden bookat the city hall and received numerousgirtsfor herselt and cherfamily Attiiefregimentai dinner the Queen Mother and two ladies inw ing were the only women allowedas 300 oiticers and for meroiiicers oi the Black Watch sat down to nibble haggis ap piand the bagplpe band and sniff snuif The root was served from ihe traditional roots head car rier and the colonel in chief suitied at hersdeiichtely with Voutfeven sneeze irom devaluationoi theCeaa diandollar Speaking of price increases announced by some oil compa nies lids Fulton said some oi the firms concerned are begin ning to telltlse trntb mit the increases based on dovaiu occupied by Vatican tribunal and by the yic general otilie panisharmed Student groupsy some lieved linked with the Commu nist underground began lesiof demonstrations in April against tbeOpus Dei an orgaio izationot Cathollcviaym The at attitude to the threaten gas and oil price increases He said erosity uammwmmwwmwmmc raw34w WWnmmwasr one wmfllmmsansï¬wrMFMX Enrich co sued io centre student at the Lothiingor has been in others missing today following tire hich destroyed Nis Meander Al boll eat he checked the upstairs area oi the aonmhiramo and stucco building aho The men presen iv silver snatch cup4 two andled bowllike device tradir tionaily used in Scoiland for drinking toasts with wood and silver engraved baseicom memorating the dinner Earlier in thaday at the pros vinciel luncheon she had been presented leth is brooch oi ad agate mined in the Gaspo Pen insula set logold anddecor nted with spray of diamonds The brooch was presentedby Premier Jean Lasage Speaking in French therQueen Mother said theiewci proved in que way your taste and 011 you are CPi McDermoit and VincentFaeley long subjects of attention oppositiodv parties hatebeen guilty of dishonesty in attacks on the governmentto is de valuation policy liéfsaid Idherai candidate Jack Nicholson seeking elec tion inVanconver Centre wis itedottawa last year on behalf 0f the British Columbia forest VGreeirfs Greeting sound he ternaiAifaira hi ster een delivered an election campaign industry to demandtliat the dol lar be devalued speechhere Fridaynight and experience Manitoba bondage raointo thewseyerest hcckilng by afederallca net minitei thus ion on the Eremier Duit 1ohiinoiMan1 itoba watchedtrom the pi form as more thanhouPlogr Conservative followers sided with Mr Green to shout dgwnthe iovyoung hecicierstwo tor ondshades vmetel covering an rafle osepb Smaliwood Newfoundland isaid today nance Minister Fleming told gbrazen lie in claiming he did notsuggest the topic for speech to the llotery orMriIfiemingi lay the Rotary isteiiing the truth and Flemingvtrdd brass sug ging or line Canadie speech scheduled ohns Bntnry ev Robertviiennox prin cipal of Presbyterian College ntreai has resignedin pro1 test against the College board oi governois selection at new Professor of Now the antigamblirig sound off provincial police were arrested Friday bye second PE uad clamis they owned Western 0ntario cidentuliy time when the cone is in access while the Deteriothnntflot Appeal decided whetheriseeloy can be forced to testify aboutdria personal its nancesi is high and that the commission cannot force his clientto give evidence that era was Mowiof flre at baithourlater the sec was filled with room register in ddns still The earoldbuliding is the lei mum in this min third ingt on theSasketchcwnn border about and miles north west ot Winnipeg There now is only one hotel leitin the town 15ooo Situated in the main business district at FlinFlonthe tire threatened the business area but northwest wind kept the flashes blowing the other way toward the fire hail immediat ely across the street arreatfGambiérS for Driiarvey to mariner wanted intho obo itiondcstii on moves uhooi girl whose disoisrnheredIbody foinid loosens ading the physicie theme and ofiico Thoviciim was Botbars inf nunento 1o takanvby mother last sundayio Lo ringer for an abortion The gkli Coilegeoflio was tour oaths pm mam from hisQueens oiiioo homo sioce Sunday otter telling lira Lofrumonio to go home await cellfrom him Also Vrnisslng is the doctors pretty rcooptionist Theresa Coril ociioile oi his famiiyst Canadia hunting lodge aboutfoo miles orth of Montreal RCMP halo bee notified prpblcmvbecauso no diplomatic relations Castros govemmen nardiatten said on phone caller told wont toiled them charging Ioihringer in nah iawiul illght toavoid orrtst on an abortio charge not con booted iwlt tha Iofrumento giris den WAS INVESTIGATED The Queens district adorned cities had been investiga as activities oi actor to eat the Flin the trucking tirmsemploying moguey Cu The coller than tiny in the case because to ringer been sisterMreHeioa Dean living in Mexico City Barbaras wolitodovparsntsy Mr ck Lofrtt motto last we Luivo striking highway transportedrfw crs have broken ranks and signed indl The firms whose transport ucks now are in operation slgnedsimiiar agreements within the last two days after breaking away from the Motor Transport industriai Relations Bureau Thebnreau is bargaining agent tor the trucking firms whose 7200 drivers have been engaged va provinoeywido strike sinceiiiay 23 and Transport which iirstslgnad an agreement Thursday was allowed yester day by McKinley Transport Limited in reaching so agree ment with Teamster oneness Both are Toronto iiims Both agreements call for Sitceutanbour wage increase reductionot the work week were listed only as prth Feeley told ithe commisslo pectoral hehas sunk $16000 tor$19 theventure to 45 hoursifrom in welfare benefits and flat payment oi $100 in retroactive pay The bureauis holding firm on its Letter of mincentanhour increaseover threeyear pe rind from the date of signing with the international firms hoodoiieamsters rtage Association representative and signed indi vidual ntrects with the Team ster Winter Works For 145000 UiiAWA CF Last With ters municipal winter work ncentive program which ran irom0ct 15 toltiay 31er ployed more than 145000 men Lahor inister Starr said Fri day The statement basedonpre lindnary figure was released through Mr rra officeiieoe lie iscamp going in his tario constituency The figures represent 20 percent increase over the pro vious year when 121000 Jobs were provided totaict 2746 mimicipallties took part in the programlast winter mperce over the previous year