Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1962, p. 7

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prawnw he saw up under the dia ltev Blsciwieil iresh Peacej adPralse FofNéuFainflvRules sour sevandays week no you ever you are getting through tofeoplal WeiI lm themother tour children and id like to tell you what your column has done for our iam ily it has provided us wllhaaw ground rules to live by Hera grajustaiswr BAL Beiore Ann Land srsi everyone in the house used to openup every bit at mall regardless oi the name on the envelope You put step to this practice Our relatives used to drop in three timas week Your column gave us the courage to ask them to please call first Now when we have otherplans we telithem and we are no longer trapped in our own home by unexpected company And incidents they are overhero much less often which suits hoetine Our 15yearold daughter told as three monthsago that she is not going to smoke no matter whatths rest at the crowd docs beéause EAnn Lenders say it is illthy stupid expensive dastlractlva habit which doesnt do one thing ior anybody 4My husband used to go on silentsgetls when something botheredh rnedtrom Annighander the lsdomoi talking things out You may have saved him from an ulcer used to has my husband endlessly about hanging uprhls elothssand putting things in their proper place Your col umn taught me it takes less energy todo these things my selt You may have savedme Itroman ulcer dont know whether should kiss you or kill you for this one Annbut now Im ironing the bedsh TRUE BELIEVEitS ar Believers marvelous latte lhsniss an Youve made aux no rust span DsargtAnaLsnders iy hus and entertain tairly oiten ion roslonnow osaengaged in constructive ork should ttnd thlsan excel it you act new starsalso sugar wall iorpersonairalatto shl Ba conservative in ilnanv matttfl however Your only goof periods along these llnes wlI as this month dulySepte berand Februa reapswerede vico Wednesdgéjlfta better to 88 EwswmwsFrv We anioyreolnpany and itsvno strain for me to have dinner psrtyflor not it When the weather is goodwe have had hand and have slaver home litany people we have enter tained have uevar invited us back There are ilvsor six couples weve had to dinner at least halt dozen times know ior tact thoylhave hadparttes and not included Yet when avar invite th the bra Johnrwonthespot My husbandsavs it as many as so ior barbecue notcara ior us they wouldnt accept our invitations But why dont they invite us haekt Am Lpetty EXCLUDED Dear Ea Some people like you well saoughto go to your parties but not qults well enough to invite you to theirs it youve learned who these people are wise up and take them oil your gues list ETIQUEHE Dear Ann Lsndersx am it aad trying hard to learn good manners When meet per son for the lirst time ieel tool lsh saying how do you do be cause this phrase has nomean lng lthlnk pleased to meet you is better Myglrliriond says its corny Alter person says pleased to meet you iind myseltsaylngwsame hereof and test like seal But what else is there to say Maybe somethlnglis wrong with mebut1 dread matting new peoplefbocsuse lsn uncom lortable about such things Can youghalp me or am bayon hope MUSHMOUTH Dear Mushmeutht Nothing is wrong with how do you do but it it4seems toallsh toiou by all means say sometlng also such as tmhe to meet you agreewl your girl island about pleased to meat you Its corn ball and more oiten than not it comes out pleasedtameeteha Same here an gg Islet bankrupt vocabulary have met youtoo will addthe person whatever phrase yoususeit hi ways sounds better learansom gt nlonthl possibly tine gains through real estate deal Where roman and travel are ooneerned theaspects will be excellent in iuly September Novamheroad next Ma curb tendencies to Nletyhsnd femotloaaliim in gust andOeiobal and nelthe borrow nor lend durln evf business opportunities prasaged ior late December should get youvoli to ailne start in itseocspaoiallyityou eould be furthered nslderably rd in the literary field or en gsgedin other creative worh child born this day will beendoWedvnth the qualities to succeedasa writer teacher uslelaa tenantstom Cansdas most sueeessitti auth ots issn sltrsotivahousawiis ltsiy Swedensnd South Airleo ry smears Sehreiner Sehmldt Keith May sadder ri Lync 1Fron left Males Mrs OHreeht WINNIP OP 0n who lives In the Norwood row By jeetion slip had caught the bug shwssy true prolessionslld Hoogstratea says her main centfle to continue writing the oney she makes never write it led market my material Wlth twonovels now in the works VMrs Hoogstrsten Ialegt ready has had hershort storied tieles published in Good houseksep Chatelaine and In magazines England New Zealdad Austra lia Holland France Denmsrltg Mrs Hoogstratan says she hates arty crsttsmen andhas little time lor the type at so cial activity usually associated with authors You cant engage in all the social activities youd like and still be productive auther Ive iolmdyand soIva dropped Almost all extra social activity except the things do withrny husband and iamlly She questionsthe value of Canada Coiunell grants for per sons like erseti She says sits feels she already by her husband it usedto be assume that anythingwrltten by Canadian wasnt much good shosays hFortunateiy this attitude has disappeared years To Tour Europe Erie Confinement Betty Kennedy cEitBs we mens editor has date with the stork next Nobemher The Gerrard Kennedys already have three sonar in thernennllme Betty has tulisehedule ahead includ tnga Europeantrip Canadian Paellle Airlines June 21 to July Stops scheduled srs HomeParis Lisbon and Ion with sueh personalities as sophla loten Gina Lellobrlgfda Mau rice Chevalier MaieoimMug garidge Lords Be rbrook and Altrlnoham etc The recelded intervi scheduledior inclusion In Hot tys daily WEB program the last 20 rnsueuran Mme cur came natur she grew up withit Daughter hi Conservative Ll Sir she married thelaletPlerre Cas raln Lib al MP whewas speaksrol has tellttit RECEIVE arenas anon the opened up look Open iss Margaretliushca due Mrr Mrsller Western ontorlo London Miss Hughes saeecpt position with the el ar vlee in Ottawa willb dtlii strawt tubrlce to aght necessary there wet ny eopie Light to part look at cool ion iavorltes moms lers Nha rte express the own individuality more lhnnlnproviotts sestens lhouruceiul pointed ftoe is still duminuntp wilhxlhe cent beginning to show daytime hoes Popular hes the slimone clther highi with us broadened straiga htrcet wear the para Pm shanks sllng ackshnd sandal eliceisa mlng into pro inence The revivals spaclstot pump has other strong fashionltrend Whito shoes areleaders in reieglenceawhttalshe ondiwe use our lsridaltl Wéls at PrincessGrneo oi Monaaosaid making the ammunwwmm Wigwamwmqtvnewmpmaaw its esklv iairsio inan interview published here hdihas decided not the Hollywood iiim Idppefl tdiroctorg red Hitchcock who fwaa to start in August has hergdeelslon mussels Wtile social Credit Party nails oils HOT on Core

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