generous DIPLOMA Tho isnnusl the llaughler banquet ol the gt CGllv at Central United Church was held last Iveuln in the Church Social iisi One oi the nighttime the gushing war the graduation oremeny when Miss Mary Doldgs received her diploma and graduated from the 0611 Mrs George Miles CGiif ï¬uperlntondent conducted ti ceremony Tonmonrerare PEOPLE AND PLACE colvs do man of leadership mention for national OGli Above Mrs Miles islt pres Doidlie her dlplo Phoao EliseoDlironor annoy counties can Notes are Intended to cover the general social liteolttis city and dlatrlet Weddings sunlversarles hl bridge parties and coming oi ire partial station and Ira sellers are all items at later est to the woman readers at this pass Your help in lap DWI lbls news will be greatly enunciated cuonsr socrnrr EurunrArN Forty two members at the Elmvale Choral Society presen tod musical program at the chetong Hosgltol entertaining at the main ulldlng and Oak mdge The choral society is under the direction Whitfield Alrervu coNqurioN Mr and lllrs Roy Topping Strabane Avenue have returned to the city iromkllilaml peach Florida where Mr To pping attended tourdays con vention of the Crown Liio In surnnce Company While at Miami Bends the travellers were guests at the Deauville Hotel En routehome Mr and Mrs Topping werclguests at the horns of Mr and Mrs Rohe einish oi Tampa Florida vrsrron FROM suausuo Mrs Garth Holchouse oi Brl ghlon England is guest at the Oakley Park Square resi deuce at her souinlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Cremo Visiting Canada for ilrst time lllrs Holehouse ll holiday in the cltytor three weeks Sho also plans to tour AOutario oudzlhe United States accompanied by Mrs Gremo BIRTHDAY PARTY The 15th hlrlhdnyoparty oi the Orilllu Business and Pro fesslonal Womens Club was observed at the Birchmere Hotel Orillla The guest speakerwas Mrs Janet Wai son Presidentelect of the Tar onto it and PW Ciulr Memb asset the Barrie and PW Cluhzattendiug the party there Mr Joseph tMurphy Mrs Arvillawtï¬rlest Mrs Jones Mrs Ralph Dawson Mrs Florence Burroyis Mrs Robert Duncan Mrs Bruce Brtukworth msuemyuneanrssr Members of the Barrie Bus doors and Prelesslonal Womens Cluhwere guests of the Coon cll oi and PW Clubs of Metropolitan Toronto at the annual Emblem Breakiast held at them Mill Restauijant Toronto Attending the break astwere thy Mrs Constance arduer Mrs Flor 1he speaker no errors GreenSaivs alui ng College of the loronto White was Mrs Hargreaves Mrs McCaon president oi the St Marys CathollcWomsus guawho sponsored the tea Presiding at the tea tahls wersMrs Jeny Cough were Mrs rgoMcDous Mrs Harry tridre Mrs Tonysaso Mrs Slan uers Clync Kitchen nveners were Mrs DonovanyMrer McAllar Mrs ADecarle and Mrs Godin Convaniog the haudiworkitalbe were Mrs Murdoch and Mrs Clarke Mls Lloyd McCloske at tickets Am honres The Pro esslve Conservative Womens Association held anl siternoouj tea at the home at Mr andMrs Heher Smith Colllagw od Street yesterday oiternoon ieo convenersj were Mrs Noble Mrs Ken Cheniler and Mrs Alvin Mitch ell Presiding at thetea table were Mrs Rowe Mrs Don Allen Mrs John We ads and Mrs Noble leo hostesses were Mrs Walter Humphreys Mrs JohnvE Mc an Mrs Gordon Mcflurk and Mrs Craig Conveners oi the kitchenware Mrs Nesbitt MrsBrett Mrs Mur ray Sykes and Mrs William Crooks MrsAlvin Mitchell was in disrge oiithe guest book Mrs Barbara Wheeler erg ranged thetea table centre piece of blue and bite earns tions JUNE TEA The annual Juno tea sponsor ed the WognensxAtuiillery in the Kiwanis Club was held at the home Mrs RobertNel sou Highland Avenue Convener oi thetea was Mrs Slessor Receiving at the do were Mrs Allen and Mrs Nelson Tickets Mrs Lang lickelsier the cupcoitee maker Mrs Earle Little and Mrs Charles Rogers Pourlhg tea was Mrsired Smith Mrs Walls Mrs Bertha StevIarta rs Marie Kearney Assisimgib tbo din ing roomy Mrs Bert Robertson Mrs Murray Hail Mrs led Nettieto Mrspd Davies and Mrs Harry vMilne Mrs Henry Vanderbeek Mrs Phillips Mrs Felt Ernest Burto Flower arraug meals were by Mrs Al lison Land Mrs Ernie lrvrne Conveotng the kitchen McIntosh Mrs Boyd Robertson Mrs CharlesChristle Mrs Bake tallie eon eirvin asst Simmons Mrs illirs William Lalung were Mrs no Laggett Mrs in MHrNorlis Mrs Allison Charles Newton MrsLorue ouroitlcemsusger decided we Budge Agnes street have announced the engagement oi theirjdsughter Mia Anne Budge toj Tobln sen oi and JohutfohinhQunu Street The wedding ceremony will he place in Contral United CI Brena eitictotlug our svsnsiSAi FOR TOMORROW Anothergood day Both sonal and home uiialrs will be governed by the conï¬gurations And where businesr matters programs should work out ex tremely welL FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your co pe indicates pleasant outlook for most well plauncd and cleverlyrnauaged aiialrs especially those lnv iugljoh property and iamily in terssis Avoid extravagance or speculation however uancial status is promised for this year Onthe contraryhpos sibla gains during the latter part of this month in July and September couldtbeoiiset it you dont conserve and plan with ttisiuturain mind personal relationships arecen cornedso you should tind the next twelve months propitious iolj cultivating newsirlendshlps ior romance domestic and so cial activ es Especially good vemhe December and next tokens of appreciation for past etiorta which shouldrha tortil eoming in November Lookior some excellent news of business nature and apos sihleopportuuity to travel early he endowededbli ue tntellec DearvAra Lao unit tall 0hurchJuna43wl hey are concerned well planned No dramatic rise in your ii iltaaspeets are good wlaere It most this when vi tedmy rs erlatho hosp aadwhen cared term at hom ibe dress were her Junior also It ood Will industries Give all thsclothlnz to which av tech mother similar it an act Taren who wouh ioyearoldglrl permls stou to marryueed to have their heads examined Andyour ooh must have bats in the hatches too man zsyearold who wouldflconslder such noonmu Odor with so months JuiygSeptemberLNo else so well your fun new maestroaemldlnlodsdhcil out= colors restbred hatter hatingpr sCaiigoayl May You may be surprised at ldhorn nthls day will Macawarraqu qurckly conver heihlngs they are no longer itll extra Cash they need