set one comnmvwrrn FLOWERS uterus PROUD Mm THE News ol the Blessed Evmttan announced to your friend and relative for only £150 Juat drummersme DEATHS lownwnnemw ramon tauinnit er the uan iiannoneidi top If ot ordnanandinaa otion onto Mona Mn Aiian Wilson Moilimebrtoao Haul In John aynar oi Barrie and Li oeouod inhumanml the Poihid marl Hun gang Barri learntlo it PM termat Barrtadsnian Camaiary UlelRXohfl lulu lloyal Victoria Emltal Bar rie on hieaw Juno ll Rob rt larnu Sinclair in hit 01st Beloved hound ol oraiey er ifmday mile at pm in pment nuthrta Cemetery IN MEMORIAM Ai storeyind bell elara condition rooms both good livlnuoom with dining jarea Recreation room ï¬nishedu Bonito PA PA SEEING 150 aoreogood iarmiand Spring waterhabarn Strollatnbllnz am Aimtlw ilooririnlilrtontraet arsonousasronnam Sarah out new loud HENDERSON relation name 310000 Three lamtiydwelling rents at$205 monthly1ann Wnttonbdï¬hm ill2l to along an auspo on Call Rita Seandreit 1m nose serene Split level hastom built lhree bedroomsipopulnr bahaped liv log and dining room lovely Hone ovarkltdten two hatim On 65 manna tertrnCallllitaScan new Mb Will sell or trade or mortgage Faun1n loving memory of dear iather andlrandla1han Pellay who pauad may no 1001 lor him life more abundant ldtnl at COMING EVENTS Leiroy United Church ANNIVERSARY unday June 10 1902 Services it am and 780 pn12 apeaner At note Services emanation Alliston Moonrsr tours rmBy mom jhe Catholic WomensLeague octet evening in the hallFrl day was suitcase The follow ing were winners of prizes let $00 Allan hurt Moonstone 00 Tony Mareolinn 129 Pro mmnda Drive Sault St Marie 313 $1500 lack Lawiorn 21 Maeknnna Drive Srarbore 4th 51000 Peter King Mount St Los Members of them liketo thankail who tied with thi project Mr and Mrs Miller at ended the graduation party at Bourgeois dining room inshonor ut Glen Mount who graduated trom Ryerson Institute oi loch pibgy Mr and Mrs John Rumball undLanceflloronto visited Sat ttttiay withFrawlaye Mr and Mra King and Armour Bounaau attended the eral of Mrs Kingehrother ihomespnonn Pre Total rent em monthly Thisia good brick building and can be sold on very reueoueble temls Phone PQEQFOKde eornvrnu nIvnio Fiveuore with gravel on Modern our room bungalow with full basement Forced air on heating Attached garage Gall Percy Ford avmmas cam ma acmnm ea we noamwmooat an oasis ranar roan ea emu Jameson swans ea spool laminar er Barri ana District and Ontario Beat sane Boards HENRYI THELRICK EMiCHmto 15 Owen St Barrie PHONEPA onion umraaa or one eanmn ursmcr am mara aoann MELROSE AVE Brick bungalow with large liv tug room diuiugroom and kltl chan lhree family size bed rooms Four piecettle bath Finished basement with rec room den workshop and star ageuoil heating Mortgageear ries toi sauna ineludingiares Second mortgage than be ar ranged atm per month memousrnnm Bungalowwltii living room dining room kitchen three bedroorns1and three piece bath Basement with three rooms andloath and private entrance Close to downtown shopping plaza and Queens Par Asking ice $13500 warnme er liviugroom tun piece bath Basement iplanned for rec Nomi We aim tor Vietnria JotEm value pina prone ob rnwéuiaa no Mm or any aslAHZ00 moonerirorimv its humor er seeped lot One sum the sat W110 attempt lrlievel home overlooking thebay nine lot One oi Barrioo thifFFfBRQWN name Manse enouasx erenu at one loard hett Nonrnfsrnaar bedroom brlelr btmaaiow luil basement rec room Mongolian Leann thh llvingroom kitchen bedrooms dba pressure aystern nloailvlng room In drum Just 3L0VELY3 BEDROOM AMIL OMB Custom nun noon style brick minnow to and um Out the city in the countrybut Beautiiul mahogany finished lriteh nmpbo bedrooms and bath Largeroom Norman DUNLOPS boomram Immtsbatflollnro one Howard is GraydouKobH moo arShalulr Pannier 15 WQNN 61 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Situated in good residential area Close to schools and shop ping Ful price $0500 Terms mane ST VINCENT STREET bedroomlbriek hnine large living room kitchen bathroom iuli size basement tor gonLv $1900 thisone today veer cameo Large bedroom brickhome in immaculate condition tor only mnme Beautiful bedroom brick bun galow extra large kitdhen and spaoe lovelyimished re large garage On nit buys in fiZarrletoda ha 100 ACREFARM 014000 liull price Good build lnge arcelient productive nu all under cultivatlon Barrie Easyterm Mmfflfltl ll neat with vanity Large entrance hall has alloonvenlenres plua low taxes Millage has aaea lliarlnu utledgoPA 35105 $16000 For iurtheriniomation call this niiiceno New iourhedroom bungalow living room tom of cupboard Laredlninlm mm mm in at trout etiqu be itaedaa elswelli Sh harem alto ob wtliron tiolrmanI sham an enema 282Ti£ï¬nst melon Frame smaweaunvrarcn terms on balan Just ofimainhighway For inepectionieell Emory VMttlel VKIll Martha FA Ml 3m illumPAï¬M idambar th Barriaand Diihirt ll 5M aailitl Iiuxurlousilevel home lojood residentiaiarea Close to out and Separate anhoola DI alrable features includ Three bedrooms denLshape and dining room KM kitchen with traditional cup boardstamilr=ronm attested rovnnv LlliLE noun yaw Neal Apartment for Mar mm heated amnesia muosmom city nun boll Indie locatod i0atl Inhoo incl separate aeboot Barri Av hole June it two monthly Mir Etoro tedon Collier Street Ivoaotlab July Monthly ice lull Phone PA Hill Dnnlop at YE tortaigapldeaay Availabl 00900 Vi Five rooms and bath Nicely ireed lot affording much pri dietaoce at downtown FORSALE 0R RENT oiiium diurcheo INCOME PROPERTY gt Showing excellent returns Splendid downtown life molderhommwlthv screened porches Separate din in room living room with tira pleeepdenand modern lentil itrstiloorullard wood oora throughout All in excellent conditloin filooear gara Prestigeiocstlon sronn anion urge lot with ahnrmlng three abortion plan yet rte hurtln wmir IWt illDIOOH atrial Close to huroh whom 111 Ave room noun two bldlo rams For SALE rpan an um um pm 4an FARM WWII at amused medium learn 1n ore to anpavadroad Bull nndilion or head oi run pine oi mach Mane par lav loin concern rig immediate rate it oeoooo ply to no appear PROPERT WANTED PROPERTY FOR SAL OR RENT gt mannanae Room homodor l°Eehluat than oea en tittym attainimmediately liter pm PA melodrama Alaoeu eutrebed room downstairs Breellent oil lit laud meetmn jnxcnerrouannuv top v1ew0wnutranst GMch floflfsmek lBll Inlix tiara Year round loudness ï¬t mant included in and maekhar mllyennlnpod Gm in concern Book on July aroma cundiu xv liidhuiat naa Ifllil III Tolrphgna mm COUPLE with tho houiatlbee WANTED RENT in Oman or Alliaton by tat lrflliouutor artunent For rtharinlormr on telephone PA eons APARTMENT on do wit oo La opp gen uaun thin walking dirt Iioi wntown Dana alndotwo bedrooms IInotharaiora VT QFrea washingan drying incliitiea =1 QMany other tine appointment Children welcome sample suite may be aeen by calling PA83i CHOICE APARTMENT stream ished heated tapaltment Sella contained with laundry ud paridttiyiaclliti Neer stop1mrnediete possession an Apartment for not oenilortab aideal route or bush phone PA man ontainatl bitndn automatic 9Wnnm®mmeÂ¥wv momma mnt nute an bo hie1e entree fluemoo loom NOIIDIMM It onnhï¬iflv canoe teem two bedroom in bartmani hulldin in eonyaflngoneu ii at on in 1th Alarmtent iet teetion nt lieu to denature ton and nmamlorplm more rauonable not to pilot pan ova innow pg rent from Telephone om artmont turn rater ll onerweni JtIHWEL one hode refrigerator wh Alan two bed tine flan toltitl ndriiaydmiv élAgL Vineeng Stuat or telephone normal hanirniabad two bedroom ilvlnl room kit nboarrla salmo ntrth Itiao throa arini lo raonanN vo large olean two bad mant Elvindint mm in new hulldlnlr al atreet near nor Mt NEWLY decorated brunt and Ih traailve hnlurnlahed three more apartxn nt with rivale bath uli conta ioron Stunt district atop Telephone PA room kitchen um reatdanti iahed Private pared the month Apply It runrnauao that room aparb mant mundtlloor private ant nnno private bath vorv eantnlly locbted ideal ior couple only 70 monthly tnol hydra and eat ra Hose CONVENIENT Ell hid location modern twobedroom aratrnent completely aelMontatn venetian ndry iaallc ND ltlur Telephone 1L UNPURNIBIIED two bedroom apartment with sunpnreh private E1i1yii iiifi vlis BE Mil my eiaphono ea up three ree rooms and bath Veranda astral and dryer Parktnr ielvp ne PA total or on most SEMI mans ona large lot ihree roomapartmant rollinan tar and atova availahlaSelieon taiiled 10 minnt wllk iron downtown Telephon PA M133 TWO BEDROOM lplrtlnont can it tral location rear restorroeruulnas um JNFUBNIEEID Aplrtinlnt three rooms Iildhlhi aelieantalnedr aleetrle stove and rotrtgera 11me mt PA rrmna BEDROOM heated wartv mentuin upperfloor ol modem triplex Clone toach Itorea £00mth af iltralrloea on Living room kite bed room and him 000 month TelephonePA am as parts 0N BEDROOM Apartment new ly decorated stova Ind re newnunon It On Telephone PA Mil orwuherand dryer Central in nation vailableiluly luielarphnni alter pm Baat iled Availabialaiuna ma ra we um incl BENI Parking apaeeidell tor eoupl with one mall onil ialephon PA Mm atterl pun lAsl litlln Largeene bedroom apartment heated unturnlrned ecucontained stove and Miriam tor anp lied Laundry and ar 1nztan tlaa Adultl Avlinble lnamedlnioitvlelephona PA 84357 rrrnNianan apartment Three roomLanrl bath modern nail cam heated trio artment Stove 15d ralrirarator ineludad Arlultaa Telephone PA Mm torJun the niormltinn monanw iivevlroom lua sun room petal 1h lireplaee oom Va it uurunursuan pertinent Thlo roornaand he Salieoniaiuad Newtv decorated atodnlrhlnl lround noorJNear city he valovaand utr aarlatnr nippliadn Telephone PA namlahed Ii and tom private ath aaparata ontraruae laundry mulu tie month Available immediately Ml