ni gt the rtlén local 19er theï¬ in ter en Steve at various perks issmiling Steve discovered last night ata meeting of the various goes that he has no hettyproblems ght olt The problems that iieahead But for thepmo nt at least Stevecant countAnny extra gray and he deserves the reak As youve athered theme ting was iojdetermhre which leagues glay when strata parks Qplydlsp arose between the Industrial gue Ladies league There was differone ct opinionss tohow manyttrst or late games schleague should Yours trdly as senior league rep and most others left the sitting tolet ese two lactlons have tout But while there it was learned that there will extra time at the parks Shear Park for instance has couple of free nights Some leagues are taking no vantage of the new park in the eastend and its dandy credit to the Parks Board Barrie anilDistriot Senior Softball Association shed for thenights it had for good many ears at Queens They are early game Monday doub eheader Wednesday and early game Saturday Thtsloo also asked fora con is of Sundays pe month Its 11er it will be grante same as no on else peared to interested in scheduling games on that The Industrial loop will have its usual Tuesdayko ThursdayTandiridey notionat Queensgaasmellra irebase extravaganza sgainrt Detroit Tigers and out scored themm Priserookie John Bong Powellrmnshed pair at twomnhomers or timore es the Orioles beat nesota miss so in the alt noon Bad weather knocked out the other games on the seired oleBoston at Washingtonsnd qu Angelea ntClevolnnd 11x Players Like anode dietitian scheme or England WI moire an row is thUahkstoJivehltsruéhe took 32 lend into the ninth Barrie and District Ladies Softball League will then Yogi Berra opened up lay Iuesdayaod Thursday at Queens and possibly at with double and Howard thenew park re shed in His it haTcQWwiSr an ogposltefigld ff mglglggmyggmm gt The Church League will use most of the parks on mmit Park Bum ed various nlghts When the tltfs are over its hoped emplete schedule of all perkstimes for these 193 colleagues in Canada last year WWW Broupset by the ban prohibiting Wm mm gues can be published MEETING NOTES The se doled out only three and huflmmPlttmï¬m Flutes onsorvtournamentondheaistmi is week The all trailed 32 when he gave way mm JornatinnaL nsiie seid dn wen Tim foetaus will be in the offing later Albums My carnesoutthose players in erna one F0 Roma WM or the Eastern Canada mores flung gt the use of the floodiights at Queens this season men11 at them wad in theseventh tordim Castes WW WW 593111 ho checked in team signed up tor lbronto City gt star game is tentatively plannedforthe 26th immanm 31ml Meghan However when ruling away Pat Wannamaker 1s in charge of details and tickets said ï¬endsoon nut Torgis last night have another workout scheduled for Sun tternoon two oclock at Queens Ciarkson Hotel of the Industrial loop hes work out called for Corinngton School Park this evening at seven bells Everybodys welcome gt New washroom facilities going up should be boon to egglrgysone prif only there was In 31m CANADIANPEESSQ Games Friday an 1011475 9471s 110412 313 1311 as vWednesdnyIBesults Boston at Washington ppd rain as Angeleslnt VCleyeland Kansss City los Anselm Jacksonville Buffalo Atlanta Rochester Richmond ornotrves who practised iï¬w York at Philadelphia Lgs Angelcs at Pittsburgh St hours at Cincinnati til Houston at Mil aukee tN LChlcsgom International League WLP GEL relief side pitchthe same one struck me out on helore CIMOLI SPARKLES The Athletics whacked left hsnder Don Mossi 23 and re lleler Sam Jones for it hits and in runs in tour innings and worm up their berrsgeagainst Ron Kline Glno Cimoll opened theirsevenrun second with triple oilmsxing it witha two run double and adding another nobleiaten All told Kansas City hanged ut is hi including homers reo Causey twotriplee and five doubles Alealine and Dick Brown had be singles earh hlleyBIll Brutouvdilso homer an picked up the victory in lost in the slugging pinch the 0rd aPowellJ old lglnnde and the muscles to match bombed zhistirst two major Rookie Johny Wyatt Edyear big reputation homers and decided the one over the sion to play in some was warned that Fconldnt play for team in Canada but im hopciul oigettlng emits biiion games he said He said the English League probably enforced the ban he wsgesmowtend dont want to risk having their stars in the altsea players themselyes have been eager to come to Canada better pay The innAP Ed Gottleib will askthelN tiooal Basketball Assndationto day to approve the sale and transfer oi Philadelphia War riots in group lrepresenllng San Francisco But Gottieib wlli some home toPhiledelphia with brand new franchise granted by the league The Associated Presslearned at dierNsn as Boston Muifett at Wash gtrm Stenlmuse New York Ford to Detroit Gallagher 01 at ansns City Rossini Cleveland at Kansas City do NIlItinnlLengue Werinesdnys itesulis oinnet at New chicago IosAngeles ttisburghz San Francisco Milernuitco flatteride PPd Daï¬lastht Worth Indiana Second Wm ChampionsMda major oi itsjiï¬dfltlo purse Jay Hebert in the tirstiwosqms of thelnitlal round over the Gantesfroday Columbus atSyracuse Ni Richmondatgltochester Ni Toronto at Jacksonvilletilt Wednesdays Results Oklahomsï¬ityts Omaha Snead Seeks out the Tournament Ileiwes slatedtot oft in 000 Outs Intermedia Port Colborne ereaiord Port Coiborne leads seven final 21 bestoi Allan Cup Montreal Trail teaminoluding superstar Wllt oSen Franeiscoiorï¬aStl ing the Warrior from Go 25 gt is Bernard Solomo mostly of local thient The see at Philadelphia the Stilt Chamberlain of the group uy for poletype buildings no dill you wont lhn Treated through your lnr toursmm iinninti in um shapesand sizes Fade may no nners like It doesnt figure to be any dit terent Saturday when ntield of three year oid horses break from Churohfll DoWns barrier in the sothrunning oi the $125 madd turf distance ol miles chemerys Sir Gaylord th favori tspnot as heavy as eitherijian the choice or th ell ltihot stablemate be inthe start ing hold Trainer Casey Hï¬ies saidhe planned to drop the nameol his ace fillyin the entry boxtodayt but that she will be Derby starter only if something ha pens to Sir aylord Otherwise she willgo to Fride 535com added Kentucky Oaks tor fillies 18 and 17 starters come in all 51 single was thejkey blow iantngot ottto and the iirsi inning to the Butlaiopnwe Bob Baileys tworunsingle cltmaxed Columbus threerun uprismgin theaixth it was all the room Riverboat smith eededJnrpickmg tut th rid ory but Will Stargell an ary us glut homers to huildthe nkgdsciuk hadflt Mistresses TORONTO CPiDnn homey urnay lotus iii finished in thirdpiste tie wrth Stirling Mosenf England aim year the world drivers Osman Presser kengondtirat uptes timer Morrow oi hilltth dealer or wire OSMOSE PRESSURE TREATED W000 PRQEIETS LIMttm