also min eagucrs some into All the soon mun case one at the hottest pieces speculation was theirhiilt Schmidt tanner coach and gout hgenersl manage oi pltrulns mlsh bake Loni These four players were in voived in trade between St Louis Cardinals and the BASEBALL RECORD bygone cannons Nelionnl League Ii Pot GEL 40 i5 727 3B 17 691 19 13604 23 21 571 25 24 510 13 23 4621431 22 29 481 15 In 31 MW ones San Francisco Los Angeles tClnclnnati Pittsburgh St Louis Mllwaukeo Houston Philadelphia Chloago is as 31422 New York 12 as 2o1 23V Tuesdays Results lies Houston VSanFrancisen 11 Chicago lesnngeles so Pittsburgh 23 and game innings rain to becompleted tonightt Probable Pitchers Today San Francisco McCormick 22at Chleago Ellsworth 347 LosnngelestMoetler as at Pittsburgh GibbonitHJ night Milwaukee Burdeite Hint Houston Golden 3zi night Cincinnati tJny at St Louis Jackson sot night ltiaw York Craig 24 and Hook 343 or Jackson 26 at Philadelphia MeLlsh Mahniiay 57 night Games Thursday rnï¬ San Erancisen at Chicago inclnnutl at Louie rMiiwnukee at Houston tN Only games scheduled Almerlenn League Pa 27 19 537 27 19 537 26 10 1565 Ne York molarstand yDetrttIt Minnesota Los Angeles and Sndecki fired the bell into more that chflige hismlndiie eclnled inB thointerestl oi hlrfiamiiy that he made the decision as wailas hlsbuoinosl interests or immune IUumntirmed reports etith curly sy had it the ï¬ne hangers and loronto mos ro oaths verge1 oi Alex Grummanion tleidar DonLandrum secon iromlett went from Cards lay me ATHET Associated Press Sports Writer Stan Musial his 450th home run to put bouts back in the victory column ailer eight straight losses EutjCar dinnl pitcher Rey Sadeckl wound up on the losingside Minutes after Mualal gave VtheCands roe illnnlng trl umph over lnnatiReds fumingst is manager Johnny Keana announced he was tlning Ssdec t$250 because he gooled oft Keane said he levied the ï¬ne tor thetpoorest exhibition of chart Ihnve ever seen on major leaguedlamond Every one else out there was trying to win and he gooied off in the tiith hrningndeeklv faced ii conunltted two gerrors gave up two homers allowed live runs and sailed to retire one better Rede pulled to 951 land The 21 year old leithauti are first pitchwas hit tora homerby opposing hurler Bob Purkey Aitera single by Ed Kosko SadcekLmlesed Marie Keoughs attempted sacriiice tartanerror Then Don Zlmmer tappedone back to the mound centre field Frank ltoblnsons threerun homer topped it New have Pet GEL £313717 Nicenwhlle the age Kansas Cty Walker Mt at nun and trim right and shorts op cues nnocnnornts syncs PLAYERS will be optioned by the Cards Daryl Robertsonrlght Rob to runs oi thesnmaieague Chicago Cubs Shortstop to the 011an exchange iorjt ertson on option to Sen An tAP Wirephotoi lead ing San re no Giants blasted Chicago Cubs 1H and mnintuined twogame edge over runner up Los Angeles The dgerswon the opener at their night doubleheader with Pittsburgh 32 and led 73 after eight lnninga when the nlghteapwas suspended by our few itll be resumed tonight Houston Colts belted ll waukeeHBraves Min the only other game played The New York Philadelphia game was rained out Musial who went ln pacing the Cardinal on back and his averageto 316 with 11 hits in his Inst25 atbats also cut downCookie Rates at the plate with errors iect peg inth fourth inning Checked on three hits or tlve innings by Purkey the Cards began to lbattie back ilnelly pulling even in the seventir when Bill White threerun homer and Ken Boyer smashed tworun shot It stayed knotted until Musinbwon it for reliever Lindy McDani 23 with his homer oit Dav Sis lertM ALOU SPARKS WIN live run eighth inning sparked byiallpenlous homer id Mod the Mets hotel Tuesday night and will get try Tuesday Reset Atlanta Richm stop Andre Rodgere gave Utho row and 12th in is genres Alter Alon homered and the next two batters walked Rodgers dropped line shot by date Pa gan that conceivably could hallo been atriple play Doubles by liarveyKueun and Willie Mays pius Chuck Hillersfsingle iol lowed Billy QDoll 73 won it with tivehltt the eiineherln the sixth on sl gle by Tommy Davis Stan vii llarns or got the victoryE With 243 innings of llelt by erry asherry Francis lost it Maury Willswho had three elogles In the tits gem slammed two doubles at slam the nightcappand Jim Gilliam stroked on double and threa singles as Dan Drysdaie tonlaoiths Texas League Brass Glnnts their iiith triumph in mm art uh six Volayereie the Los Angeles clbb ortn rnii lr Sold are L90 onod inward tornieer non Eml LAWNBOY AM usvp Assassins noesjtv MERMAID Meanrusnmeronnrtess Made by Wide assort tionsitinntitnctrirersiiatpriees to gt 1850 Onallew prlcato ales tnstl reduc Monti CL RANGE mee rntr usr vou choicestij overnl ti aetion Worth TCs mentAilat tank lode Alurplnrun handle kgrt ottovorsil ewsrn atessow non sutiiul Words are cMettMAro GREEN nor son Asrirart note to greenrolld 51 sod Handsome gyldcoiour trim lean shaped cork grip bar in guide use with spincast ree tisst handle Ioekin chuck Mlcrowlosura reel loch many dollars more price only mature swim jgcashngiiitek MERMAID tooyo capacity ocean cm liloyd ittiii iatoher POWEii MliWiii Picksup xcllpplngs on eaves ot mowing Vacuum swoops our lawn as ltrnows Eng amps onnit easily on expands for easy dum lng Lightost weighthlgh went for victory No Theie game Thc seven Bruce 31t and 13bit attack in which every player ills the lineup got at least one safety the Colts st powered easiest hon na oil was catcher chute Soar on converter plate and in charged onto is ne ti in none of i9 tray divided into tlvecom partments iitslnto lid ior extratsto ages ace Seamless steelcon etiony Seeb useuamel finish with rustpr venting dercoat Handy ii rule on lidChromepiatedleckan oanylnghmdie die ti iastic Elgsti hd