ve the righttoprintth news both dand bad in order that pop enerally may reach their ow one on todaysvents United States and GreatBriiain en the sivlle ajto wri at and com men on news in Way few other tountriescan match Freedom of the pre jhotcome and remain automaticall Some people hav had itriheniost The Germans were eprived of their right to free exp on in the press during the days of Hitler The people of Red Chinaend the Soviet Union get all the news thcir res ective govern ments feel is fit to prln Cubans lost their free press when their bearded lic tator Fide Castro took ovor that tiny island country Dictatorship thrives on suppression and one of the first free dome to gotta that oi the press One more country may join the widen ingcircls of people who cannot get their news except through the control led press Ceylon is putting onvthe clamps and by the time this editorial is them may h0W6VEitlOBS way rule ijewspep the newswhich sometimes meyihit the ov erement oi theday cannot be sea And people who ereiorcedhtota the predigested pappthat goes for nerve can not hope to control shortloirevolutio The eopie of Ceylon live on the other side the world end what happens to not cause rip leï¬of er te mentonthisxside oithsg tlantic we as Canadians and freepeop who value our rights to expressiourselves shoul nr vigorous protests agelhisti theligh going out inlyet anoth er en idioms accidents are stills cause of numerous deethswith falls particularly of those overjtiï¬ predominating Con Etrery toipopular belief more than half the iellsroccur on thesama level wthough stairs ladders andfmekeshiit cllmhing devices claim good per nt gage ofthevictimslu This points out the fact that floors jas well as stairways bear careful watch ing in orderto reduce this tell of life The Ontario Safety League reveals thatan other illusion is shattered by studies of iloor surface the beliefihet waxing makes floors more slippery Although shiny floors are often assumed to be the cause of fails it isafact thatsomezflooi kin and carpet tacks reduce thesehazards As older peo arethe most frequent victims lightin is en importanthfsctor to consider for so with feillngeyeslght Light switchesahouldhew1nstalledboih at top andbottom of stairs ys lamp the ed pse illa members of the household and then with an eye for convenient and safe passage from one room toenother Wellleidcarpeting on stairs reduces the slipping hazard Sand mixed with Paint °¥3¥°ht all will PM gritty less hazardous surface and shiny white paint on the bottom step will pre vent many fails to those wh mistake the ilast step for the floor love sturdy ed andrmaintained properly wax it onsmeary rather than well dried nd buffed heights th possi bility oi slipping Loose tiles rugs curlededgesand smallr rugs account for many falls Promptrepair gobs underlaysvrebin ng OTHERE 10 CONTROL DRINKIN Gait Reporter With mountin accident toil through sout the coun Canadian Highway iSafety Council on the right track when it plans for more safety on thehighways through federal regulations instead of provincial which differ toisome extent meetingin gOitawa to ng forareductiooin permissable alcohol level to 05 perv cent the present time the law says vdn er is impaired when the alcohol level its his bloodstream reaches15 per cent lh ge150poundman1eaches this after drinking 12 ounces of whiskey ih olhour period The Canadian Safe ty on ll believes this is toohighhis asking Federal Government to re duceithe ermlsseble alcohol level to 05 but should he installed as an phoneme Vi cident and that these handrailing for basement stairs is not always standard equipment in house dlto the femilyslsafety Mponant in own satiny mpg 51 lgem grateful for yo toriai on doomtralisstleeoi in in puma dustry because for many havehsen interested industrial devslopansnto so that all states Furnmsepeouid without warning all up New provincial or governmentcannot deilbs atelxwhlch 5will be source oHn giverons part of the novelist dustriei power snuchnaeded an advantage over anothsr its governmmi is careful check for innocent looking Vdcarly divided between the deathtraps will fend off themost sistent killer in our homes to dental fails when requeste the sceneo so stsbe admitted as legalevidence Another phase of the drinkln problem is reported inï¬the United Stage where therelis growing concern over thedis was less those ich impinge minimum age is 21 Jersey and Pennsylvan the onejsid nd Connecticutjand the tetherimembar authentieso yew Provincial and Federallgovern ments deal iirstbrleily with lHishway Ontario hearth a1 finest highway system oi province in Canada Prov Highway 490 has withoutdeuht an the most important sisal evindustrial growth e0ntario Water lieso sea Conunission Conservative creation inOatariov has enable ed many small municipalities to install Wetar vast 1sietistics of so buildan in omen but seen liken mention the ll as edsd uth Sashltchewsn darn in that provinde The Conservative government has introduced plensior tional LPower Gri will provide distribution for ectrro viii seam oiindustrielpo hava started nucleerreseerch and developers near Kincerdlne in0nta rocesssdnow Repesme terms are spread itemed semiï¬nal 1y completion Labor incentive ara Elven to companies locating In horseman more alive Gove tea is is king vas oanrentsfor techni Jill policsesofthe of the New England grouptm thevother up ave all appealed to LGovernor Roc lies of NewYork to ask his and Housing Co typeofhnanci atriro thch at Whitesbellk in Manitoba and rover many re entrees mg the neediomeéhnicsltgillt ihï¬wmmmrwememï¬mmmpammw new some comers on em rsasmm enoush to warrant cementwssindeedie pleas ant lurpriso Hwevsn the editor musthave had tongue 42 ordinary mid Welshman flew severe emotional shock xterm indaeek vdien he said rfWe it hard tobalieve etwsf have this Kind of disconrtesy scdsrsatness to overlook its ever greater smallness Yet we rarelyiooi outisideri so why keep trying to fool ourselves but true that win isw cept the businessmen of our city shavethat the pub llcia hers toserve them typiï¬theyhaurtegere Eserlgevthe is he idndof malls sse army which will control lose neonthislettertepasa ontothe localPUClhe otjtdawnrish so mud1oivBarsies overedvsr that we ere inway The writer in nunon ably with peswcantj oi public has oitenwondere weydont use more spr has thesepest not use them communal the answer moonlighters per pit than any city in Can da fEs ifi ting to improve or stands we OE ourse we ingon willed sets warts They ihsv etalong arm in scares the iirstvassei vi to Amerieeh castlean Stu lled teosstvis usage and 2who have ielttbs bad effects of sprays outsmell gems and fish were most severe int nee ongovsrnment tiy their conï¬dence by theieci the why vnhis piece wssprompted by the fact it looksss thongh ws gray brain for another look ered subnianne the But the depertme is not too realistlcdperspeeiive Ali wereH mind people once in while thedistiootrprebebilitythst the ntlrsthuiidingmroreetsd Beniemes en outisouse it new eterpillezsthis been coniinnerl lfvtthis happen muchthatyou it do baths and retest your own property unlikely there will be Intestine programs assassin riialnsilrat nucle nought was launched in teso Live in ofilw mweys heds pow Dread