tithesnon the minister tookon anatherhe ierwho jhouted How about the sellout oi the Columbia The only sellout soldMr Dletenbaker was in the inatlontofftbat man dsrknessvthe WANIS MflFiCAflDN He said he hopes ratiilcalloo ol the CanadaUnited Statasflo lumbin River treaty will be one then otter iaing Roman Cnth Qu genius Protest of the that acts of the new are this itament in Winnipeg hire Pearson said he is sorrydtt Diet bakerwont debate th issues on television re lucky sold heck ier it Im lucky he didnt take in up retorted Mr Pearson When hlr Pearson promised theta Liberal government would eliminate chronic unem ploymeot another hackle shouted How Are you socialist Howl replied Mr Pearson By electing Liheraiuovern mcnt pledged to put into client Liberal program Heekiers have turned up at other meeLings oi the pnrty leaders during the campaign Liberdls Religious Signage 4wvw=auaw QUEBEC CF Robert Thompson national ieader of the Social Credit nafli said Monday night the Liberal arty is trying to dividetha elector ate with religious propaganda Mr Thompson told cam paign rally at suburban Ste Fay that turmeriméral trons Japrt minister Honel Chovricr recentiy accused Social Credit ottaiking about encyclicais in Quebec and about tt Bible fin Western Canada where the Catholics dont hnva chance iihis istliel kind of poppy cncir slander theyre threw ing at us trying to divide us whenthc last provincial byelec tloulln Alberta was won by man horn in Quebec Mr Thompson speakingim tireiyin English tor about 40 iminutes said childrens ailow onnampage Murderji107 ers Rampaging Plan tribes men murdered 1M men women and chitdrenot the neighboring Still tribe in northeast ligands last week internal affairs Min istcr William Nadiopo toidpar Ziiament Monday But Nadlope said the ram page occurred on retaliatory raid after the Suks killed Pians in an earlier attack liesaid 60 ottho Plan war riors were killed in fourhour battle with 76 men at the Uganda Battalionoi the Kings Africa Rifles who Were at tacked by the Plans as they re turned tmm the massacre of the Suks troops tired at the speariwield ing Piansfrom ranges of iiye to 25 yardsandthis accounted or the heavy casualties gt no las New Democratic Party eith of setting up co rprehensive he ian it elect Panniers vroronias KAMPALA Uganda Rent7 leaderps tzillionday night ing at us trying to when the last provincial byei the In Albertans no as burb of Quebec Cit Today all tour nor will be on thecompeign trnliin the West MrDieienhakertours Koiowna Abbotstosd tend Clearka inmnlulund British Columbia then ifiies tolVicm am Mr Pearson fiiuriioln Winnipeg In North Battleiord Sash then on to Edmonton Mr Douglas atom 11 his home province cs irorn Lender in Meltort Soak while Mr Thompson filtrate Calgary tolr nightmeeting at Caroline Ate indfrinceltloorger lilrDlel Spduflï¬o op where they should startwhen youths were about to start higher education woven sea on BANK veiopment bank within the bank ot Canada to provide lowinter est loans for school ennstniction and other such projects ihe cost of money to build school is mu than the cost ofythe school itsei he said We have become economic slaves or system that has talieli our freedom away he went on lhe system must be changed and Social Credit says it will be changed Earlier Monday Mr Thomp son toid reporters Social Credit probably will win more seats in other provinces than in Alberta its traditional iederal strong hold in the June la federal election He also predicted the party will win back 15 of Albertas 17 federal seats This has become national party he said think were going to be theupsetln Quebec As things are going nowwe have manual getting as many seats as the oidriine par ties and well certainly hold the balance aipower ForvYour Summeriiaeation Seethe Canadian West the Rockies $10520 irons annals includes rail passage mealshedaven tips mountain resort 0r travel to Social Credit government would establish municipal dc insulin ope said the government