tMapie Womenelnshtute was no arcs AK as One attach Rouadlayer is tpbiespoonshuttsr washapredawl PS teaspoons baking powde teaspoousalt cup soft butter cup sugar ggs eup milk lleaspoon vanilla hatter two 8inchround layer cake pans and line in bottoms with buttered waxed aper Melt the tablespoons bu tor in email sauce cheat oven dd scans and IA teaspoon salt fï¬ gently until or Eli are ghtly browned Cool Sift tog the flood baking powder and the Vs teaspoonaalt Cream the utter gradually beat in so or Best until light fluffy Add eggs one alatlme eatlnginweila or each addition Combinemiik and vanilla Add dry in ants to creamed mixture alternate with milk thining lightly after each addition Fe din pecans lrurn into pre ared pans spread evenly Bake npre heatedoven to semiautes cool in pans onycaka rackslo minutes Remove from Ransptpeel off paper completely Fill andfros he liowin Maple Butter re Cream Va cup butter Gradually blend in cu alliedlclng sugar alternately with tablespoons mi Blend in 12 teaspoon maple flavoring Use to fill and ostButteredBecan Cake TY DESSERT The women of Burton Avenue United Church are know to beamong the finest cooks in thecity Their rocipo files are bulging with mouthwatering gems Theffollowlng delicacy ie from the files at Mrs McLellanand was sampled by this reporter at the Spring Fdahionjï¬how and Dessert Partyisponsora by the United Church Wome Mr McLellansays its easy to make and can be eparedjweil in advance HAWAIIAN DELIGHi 15 double graham wafera rolled to fine crumbs Vs caplwhite sugar Va cup meltedvbutteru Combine and press into spans reserving few for the top Rind and in fone lemon One large rnation milk chilled in refrigerator 24 hours andbeaten untilthick 34 cup white sugar One package lemon or lime jello owder dissolved in34 cup water and set until syrupy out 20 min one large tin crushed pineapple drained Add rind and juiceof lemon to whipped milk add fold in jello and pineapple Pour mixtur on umbs and sprinkle remainingcrumbaron topchiii overnight in refrigerator 4Phetos by for son of Mrand Mrs Garne Gallaugher oi Barrie St GeorgesAngiioanChurch Barrie will be the setting Stayner tor the afteran wede WilliarnDouglas Gailaugher liver Map Hold May Session ng Whitï¬eld Save the Queen and the WI Collect and refreaiunents were servedtby Mrs McGrath The May meeting at the homeroi Mrs Rimardsonywlth 251adies attendance The president hostess to OHalioran was in the marvn enuanarrons Alter theOdewand the rdsPrnyerLbhe mimitesmt 0mm am For the Aprilmectlng were read me ad therewas considerable WI D59 gum 29 uslness ior the soaring year discussed poll was answered by til visited favoritezhobhldhéand ifSaih ndmolher Mrs ma us certainly the move in this are at more leisure and swlit transportation weeks with lilanihagoed summertime has bsco persons thehorsa ehd huggylv nan innards apprehension stings setlhls is notonlyinshioaahlo andiun but has raprnetical 3Nahllno Laodem know lorta iaetthat our wyesrsold danghtorisi having an aliair with marriedmanwh is twice her pan The manisher boss which sceountsfor her twogeubstantisir increases in salary within live month period lie is separated from his wits and hardly and maintains an apartmeotmenr the cities when qthstlon MILunusually late hoursueha ilaris up and says shots not child and can do as she pleases liar iathaoieels lltwld slot on respectability or invite her to leave the house im fearful oilgiving such an ulti mahim because lm airald she will leavs andmove into the mans apartment This wouldrol course ruin her reputation ehd possibly wreckher llie What can moths Aroma Deer Al id gm years not going tachangs her pattern moral values hack andsuse it as an excuse todo lustVthe thingyou are worried about can tell you now that this rebelliouulrl topreaehinti or Tthfdat Yo best bet is to get someone out side the immediateiamily to ilRSSiiY its ESTRELLIIA ron roadshow This should be ahighly stim should workout excilien morning should work out ex tremely well and the should beihighly congenial social concern FOR THE BIRIHDAY ll tomorrow is yourvbirthday your horoscope indicates that irom nowuntlltheond of 1982 itwou be advisable to locus on long range diinaneiai programs There are indications that by compared to roams ammo nndthe Ont broughther intent dangh activities terSusann toMontreaiii travel ntelllae live but oi age is an adult and you era of behavior or her same oi ll you throw her out of the house she will probably strike ulating day Practically anyeri deaVor in which you engage Business protects started in the boy iriond is in thosamo class We both have jobs from PM till 11 PM live days week so only time we get Saturday and castles he has no our ad very littlegmoaoy to spandwastey at home ond watch TV every Saturd Sunday night My folks know this would think theyd cooperate byieaving us alonebut no room with us and spoil every thing My grandmother lives with us and shagsits there too Do you think thisia lair What can do nbouti N0 COOPERATION Dou NaCot ice lorriny sorryior young couple with so little imaginalton that they are satisiied to vegetatelin lront oia TV set every weekend so your boyirlend has no extra money to spend and no car Youdo havevlect dont yourfnewspapcrciSotry not going tozmggest that you shoot your parents and your grandmother soyou can have the idiot box to yourseiip kids E6 troubia atartedl when went back to my old Job My hus band has always been pretty the children were away at school deal would be wanted to open and above heard about what earnedso lputmy salary into joint hank acount He said itswas gimmick to getour money raised up so he would not risnow what was what tlow realise harcsente me because he doesnt want me kn what hohos inthe hank ding the bank state ment twhlch hatriedï¬to hide my husband draw out $5000 was Liraproiiton areal deal lie sold all piece oi our property and never told me abouttih or from thin happened tohlm they sit right there in the living you lheraj are many interest ingplacos which are ire Look fight about money andwsineev good idoalogo aoklto Work wouldn know beans about his rgioeitsvwiso tainyest is matched or colorécoordlnated ospoct too since matching in is more easily to plastlcfauroco luggage sponge or cloth dipped into hot soap or detergent suds to wipe the entire surioce and than cloth Hardside pieces can be dampened freely the suriaco is textured uao wolilathored soitbrush to coax groundin dirt irom ih indentations narrannv Alter rinsing let luggage dlt extremes oi hot or cold soft plm such as the popu lur cotton canvas Icarryoils are sudsmade with minimum at water Wipetha surface work ing quickly Uwi slrokes Consume aerNos interiors cu on awaynil llnt dust andsand cotton swab Ipnedinio suds rims iastcnlngs and hinges Do this iolthiully iter each ways he credl Hithii whireildidmtzknow he as It rinaevwipe with clean damp inanzairy placeaway irom beat ahampooed with 9iry overlapping Bciore washing lining on Thenfappiy yf sudsusing lo digginzuirtfrorxlzcoracm do trip and your luggag will all Mekoslt extrasow hobys food the lust Ht in the ids or nearby Gerbeiaéc1clsithesei new Conveniences for the ilnttlrn bigger container for haorti apportioniostviolatorstoddlers growing nasdt