arriving two ism tea iira April was arrested lues day and charged with setting the blaze Thaehnrge was leoi 17 laid seriesi Const John vestigation oi incl cats on heat his Donavon on the metropolitan Toronto force for two years faces it charges at shopbrcnk ing three oi arson and one at thoite His beat covers part at cen tral west end Toronto Chinese rei ugees poured into Hong Kong in moderately reduced numbers to Usmid repnrts thaFCnmmll nist Chinese border guards have made thelrJirst move to stop currentexodus Eyewltriesses Chinese rdsgat Shautakok border ownsblpwhere the irontier runs through the main streetl iues day removed number ot Chi nese on the bordervienee and drove them away in trucks The Chinese had done little in aeentrweeks to block the iiow oivreiugees to title overcrowded Brittsh éceiony The task was ieit ie lieng Kong police assisted by lndian Gurkha troops on British forces Tuesday they rounded up ooo refugees and shipped titans back to China ihcloseri trains runnin MB But today the number oi da rted rehrgeos was downto roughtdo more than 50000 the number at reiugees returned to antiy iailed ust ona tra ing the and helped the occupants from the burning building It The two othori dlag DOVML the alarm and to one on 1aln double goragarl Deputy Chiei George lhllloit said most oi the burglaries with which Donovan is charged wareot service stations where small amounts oi montiy er nrch tools were atol leksoulioraome Donovan was called dlvlllon about his work and the coasts hi signed on the spot on was not ao Weiiare Society or to do comes by life chines Commu his government Earlier harder poiie said temp Perdcttill To 15619th common CPléThe pilot oi CFlMSlarilghtcr alrerait parachuted tor saier Tuesday inst hetero the VCaflndienbniit supersonic iel 1c ed Sand burned in inrm Namao Air memo of hero miles th automatic ejector ground Wr oftreiiatrerait was mi most it had burned RCAF osiicials cord oned oiithe areas immediately and pieces oi aircrait were being packed in moval Hi AnitCAFjspeireysman snld engine oi lh adrerait appar alter the air creit took thepeir hasa hrHrcsaidihe pilottrled to tur back to but could tmaintal iro also search girthe hills of eberder security acne Chinese re other report re who hjev ï¬eld near en therein Alli aionin tho nlrcreit useflFhe pienesg gait was about 50 ieeteba onenriiguan pllot sui iered only aspral donirle snthnoou or are society is the Free World ears The Answer re any at the nited Ciiureh Canada Bonrdzoi EVengells and Social Service said giua country sue Canada to putinte practice the Christian teaching but the strong mast help the Weak he said Dr Mutehmor saidhe lb ileves Canadas present hosp tal insurance plan old see lionsiamily allowanc andunv employment insurane all or sectionsroi weiia seetet He said BuUiiiiQ brioi to ba presents royai commission servich Moy= no will include for adequate health rclde HAMILTON migration authorities working iullftime in an at tempt to get William Ferguson bnekfio hlsiiomein Scotland er Fergusons mother and iatherLMr Mrs John Fer guson oi been atathelr sons bedsid at Joseph Brunt Memorial Hospi tat erory day since Febmary whon item was admitted to lowing car crash atthe Creek traiiie circle Itiospitai here are Stoney Iniey NiagaraFails in me Earlier pollee lniormalion mutt He and Menarmoit with MeDarmott ulnar Vincent been convicted ti months ior draitinga myster long series oi statements at trihuted to hlmin the taco diary oi Coast Scott the document that resulted liar vietlon oilthet An old fashioned poll cal pieniewith mortar touchwas highlight oi Tuosda cam paigninï¬lin th ionilg Liberal Leader Pearson ar rived ty helicopter to mingle with picnic throng oi about 3000 at farm outside Toronto where sl Liberal candidate stagedttia guidï¬ailnlr it was complete wt tried chicken potato salad ice cream clowns shapely drum majors attes and riding displays by the Cenadian international esuestrlenteamp Prime Minister manna wssin Toronto toe butrhad la more sedate setting tor huntingnaetivitles teaded two tides in the suburbs drew ng stndlng room niy audience of min ry on em eyed by McDormott and lay to got WJ Shrubbnow police chlai lat Poterborough oi the antlgamhilnggquad in 1058 mathrIght participated in ous tandoori rirent which eventually reached the antigambling squad lbyrin Gardner cu litice be was ci ed politics involved in the release circuitous sautetailing how to knoekreuta rival oi the Mo DermottFceley combine at Ni agaraFalls gt That Wright purported to out oi datathe irlendiy hand shake and personai greeting ihare were onger speeches at Haitian where Douglas EMPiiAdis SAME Although Mr and Mr Pearson pathsi across onto the ilar topics The Liberal leader old mod on duceunemployment ltcen for est tires were reportedin Dn tarictedayr six atTw ediour at Knpuskaslng tw trSwas titre and cheese Fire danger auditions were moderate except at North Bay Tweed and Lindsay where the danger ratingrwas irigh nets awaiting trial texee wt spending balance hedgerow lower ll Aimostatt Mr Dleie short punchy turn quickly to political standby which has never gene have speeches andv was v4 wantiautvintothe village eie wit ll crew ale lWe iust ol it rsnldCurtll Green sea slslent polleechléf at this com munity near the Missouri lino ParLs oi wingshpieaesvot iulselege pieces oi the inside crushed to Jamaica Ba lobe lameness to borate told in separatejtntorviewsthat iniorntaiion has been uncovered indicating bigger names may be invoired than any reported so far in the investigation oi the ndictad iihaneiers alleged in luence deaisiwlth government oiilclaisr No congressional ysubcom mitteos in vWashlngto and tour BrandjuriesinTex pioring new the ct scan dale and rumors surroundings the debris oi Estes operations in cotton storage at =govern Vment jgraln and fertilizerr Jed eraiireurt charges and Texas indictmen accusln im tlréi iie ole last Merehl killing and 5a libbean The are telives of industry government and labor piehsda vlsltQelo his Venezuela Trinidad Jae materand The Bahamss bore iatnllierizer themselves with the requirements planet wth andvthe purchasing poi icieeroi electric utility dietrib Vinlthese Carib an The delegates would see porturtitles he saleai dian trieal equipment editions