hiss haaavglrfjudiizlls Jill dotltvblameite it be any asleep happytonottce tonetisg Jac has appe frontyofs local store already wills nameptat Queens ark lnthoe ningthe Boy Scouts fireworks display at th With the accident toll co tlnulng to climb in the Dominion theCanadian lilgbws Safety Councilts to be recom made to lans havetnores ti xerciaed on the hlphways throu Federal regulations ins ead of rov trial which now differ to some ex ant When the members the 00 oil ether in Regina this ask Ottawa to pass legislation calling for reduction lathe permiasable aico liol level to 05 per aAt thapresent time the law was driver is unpaired when the alcohol levelin his bloodstream reaches16 per centsfibe av rag ound manreachea thispoint ter drin Big 12 ounces of whiskey in atwoho period The Canadian Safe Council eileves this is too highand 11 ask the Federal Government educe the per ml sableï¬alcehol level to 05 or htl chwould give the average oun er admit of tour ouncesol whte ean two hours if he was going to be behind grounds Another resolution will make it man datory for drivers to give breathsamples veaas acorn rowu Barrie Examiner May to 1947 lit ev lton Beverley MA DDformer rector of Trinity Anglican Church edl3isho Lloronto Firo dostr home of Mr and Mrs Roy Cream cam bell Avenuexi Paul Fisher Freedom announced snnualcampa or Barrie Community Concert Assoc on would he held May lit24 Mayor Grant Maor named honorary president ctiveof $15000 in clothing fromliar Four hundred Barrie distri veterans attended the VICDay and Vim Ni ht sponsoredby theLeg on at Clu turgieyMay2 zéproclaime public holiday Kiwanis andltota met jointi to hear McDowe Toronto NR public relationsdlrector eak ontHuronia Miss Rhoda oung Wnslnstnlled as president at an nual meetin of Womens Canadian Club Charlie earsey professional stated that notable lmprovem OEACED POLI Woodstock Sentinelfie vs by the out gover 1131uoriaws inthis provlnc nra IMIDIflOsoavsl Manner ornansou Ninosing WADGB Basins Mus months Ii Can sponsoring rhavegrave responsibilities when they driveua car along up ort om erated Women lns tut Ontari decided tofaskthe Ontario Attorney makebreathxisnslygis and and tea mandatorywhen it must be airbag wn lsti into highwaysibesidg pints re dr is the teenagerswhoae chief ailb en ehindthegyheelofacar alto xmwwmrewwmm Wremmmflmflfl ire211W AW hecan go The safe of Md erseems to eaterhisorlnd is oin to endo all provinces Trequ re am to lie17 are old beforeithey can secure ll ur provinces already dothlts we to provinces issu to one who hasreachedldyears such egisiationris supported by Ottawa than nationwide training course can beplanned to teach our youth that the lav pas elled 10 yrs curiosity that room and Hilalleyteatuied on in itscl aus aradss at less moble had llttleatiect 06d men feel who that command this riotous contraption to 313 the place Dobbin it was such out the livesoi most tpeople uaii alter the turn oi centu At first only the wealthy ooud afford to have an auto mobile mde to ordar but nncs mass production techniv ques were applied to the car in automobiles were golf course atBarrie ntry loathe resent season Jake notions of Ham lton was speaker at Orilllafoot The Bombers were hope in of Us is made to the son town mar Roxy featured Mickey Rooney in fLove Laughs At And Hardy Granada bad Buster Crabbe Prairie Britta flood relief fund reached ob Badmenfl imperial featured The Hon ricane also Laurel and Hardy lnTowed Club 19 announced in Hole Ken Robin recreation ctor announced programin parks and swimming torsuns within the reach at the aver sggnerson dry oi course automobiles are considered necessity but the story oiï¬ltb coming is leoioriui and lively one full of Glmpei teii hour the nuclear plant is operated andslvsv counts of nuclear aubmarin explain it is now feasible asilesytrom subms ineasucb as the bailistlcyniia siloPolaris ln additionrihb development of special high quality steels has made pos sible much deeper submargenco smiths development In under ctel sound equipment has been tremendous asset All these things have contributed to the revolution in submsrin lag So also have the dedica tion imagination andï¬hardworls of scientists engineers and no mariners dump migrant well1 who are curious about the past will enioysee lug such models as the1Picrce arrowt Strapleyldsteameri Sluts career or er peope this book will bring memories sundayfsmliy dinners with music MinT Em etsPoint dance avllion was ening thesoason lth= obrPoweiiiel ody Men BarrieAirport offered spec ial lustructiunin flying forheginnera Sparks Bros Circusvwas booked int the fair grounds array of wildganima Barrie Arena roller skatin season wlth WesAlsopp te hotels ran his thsem to attract Essajtoad forthe holiday with three ringsand gigantic fleet than are themselves skippers oti nuclear submarine and tram first hand eirp enc tarsus Pink ck nostalglo pridel oticcomplishment llouns turo lt is also story of verses of gereeverence and disaster an tragedy lntbis bookMr only records the to bringing the observation at authors otthlEMnk feel the agreat deal that is writ ten about golf is misleading and oiten layers should forget what they ave heard andstarl asuta book explains and it us tea the application at the tested principles and should be helpiui for improving play ersgamcu Mr Dante teacher and Mr sports nation are ve umlmcedzplayars book should most usaiuilto the newcpmer to the gamma well as to the experi encedplays Recently Mentalxlleaith Week was observed across Canada and our newspaper very gen uslygave considerable space this week to th hospitalized tend this kindnes don vih great l95 says the president of George Weston Ltd Canadian millionaire Garfield Weston is widely lmown her for bringingioblaw Grocet the anadl or his successful experiment to hiringyoung Canadians to managehis new inblaw Groce terlss in Britain His interests spread cyan further from ership of the luxury Fortaum and Mason store on London PlccadIinohiqlnvo US groceteris field Hls holding scompany was formed in Canada In less Each and everyone of the interven ing vyeplrswgs pfofxltable Even it greatest in the moons tory1 and looks Llorwar gt with conï¬dence to yearwhich Ill npnst year chairmansans arena rolling ahead and convincing 0th usly tight money and the de aluatlon oi the Canadian do have resulted in the growth in Cana seeding all ex said at respons ihllity to 2mm to see out they are not forgotten Th provincial council of women was in early this year nnuai art to cabinet Iind Frequentlywhen patients or discharged from mental hospl tats to reaction volatile com munity which they set usion sometirbes pending lsaccordlngiy rapidly Foreign trade nd price are steady elicitamassed ppr ensioo Most me it iiinesse canbecurediust well phyeical illnesses whose conditions in the mental immunity just conditions have sacral Ah its whlc Canadas economy is really nsro have been lust another tycoon escrlblng the boom conditions which Canada tsiust onte coupled with thrgrsate othls own companys in tact advanced irom asseteot $2 million and its of $200000in ltstlrst lots to assets of $12 million andpmtits at so million that ye ACEME THRILLB ButMrL Matcall went further as hinted at the excltin new cientific dl the pace Age Wino reier so frankly to the new techniques materialswhlch will We hear tell oi new systems which will revolutionise tights and cooking in years we mpa rightvhere Quebecs metro oi Montreal which plans ufactureane typ tigerstoa withou mov lng parts inxits refrigerating Abovemii wa those magic words Laserl3ut nobcd has yet drawn back the curtain tor the publicto see what is around thetsiflraeï¬ has an cor stlrtv nan than