plaudits oi the nfllciais oi canqu that own and lit her liststoot tanker hit water with mighty splash at thevnllingwood Shipyards estarday The vessel as yet unnamed owned by Canadian OiiCornz anies Limited and was built or Great Lakes trade in season aLan oceangoing tanker anadian Oil spoke to the as milled workmen directors of the company and lsrgeitumK out oUntermted ellizensjFoli speciallyrigged lever and the Visrge vessel slidsmoothiy into lthe water with tremendous ngineering Ltd Ceilingsodd the company which built her laid the heel for the vessel in January 1962 Since that time more than 350 orkmenhavs been employed in getting the hull of idle ship ready iorrths laundsing When tinslly com pleted the new tanker will rep resent an investment at stigh ly morethan $25 million Due to be christened tnA ust the vessel will hav acity or 50000 barr ofjg line lully loaded speed of iln unloading and 6500 barreisan hour loading These volumes are said to be Hoe greate ot any ship on the Lnkesand should place the vessel in the van of the new tankers makingr their appearance on th Superstrudure work tri als will newcompieied before the Augusteeremonles wh Ere tanker olfitjaiiyxwillbe some the biggest addition to Canadian Oils transportation system since the pompsnys MV White Rose Choir under Mrs John son were guest artists wh theWmnensvhuxiliary on rleCmnunity Concerts group served more than 75 captains and workers at campaign dinner Essa RoadTrashy phasized the imp developing eornrnunity cniture along with industry Mrs Nan Cook communit Concerts representative irom ty brnught lag Shesaidhnving Counter group torthe coming tea would makethe cs palgnalmost WW men the oompanyfa Sarntsreilsary and all Canadian Oil marina Ierrntnals tnOntario and uns bee the tanker trucens oceansolos service Has she may carry cargoes to ditterentv parts ot the world tinder rt er ooncerm As Canadian eompany hseominuad we are pleased that this ship is being built in sCansdian shipyard is giving unoloymentto Canadians and that mostloithematarialn snd equipment used in the construe tion ntths ship are Canadian msda and of Canadian origin andlsinvilnswith on guess disn companys policy of spend in its money in Canada when ever possible The tanker isons otths itrst tnheibulitunder diseased Vessel Construction Assistanc Act which is designed io stints shipbuilding in Canada The hull otthavessei prio her oisteaihulled ships lsarieh ad irom the Collingwoodyards since 1903 when the lluronle took to the water Mitre as will use Arnold Cookstmm shun Midland The son was thehighiight eveningi their dudedfLinden by Va sanilltam Muslc When SottVnices Die by Charles Dedican byjohert JIM air under MrsJohn Doir events and communftv ac tivities at so or so years ago or at anythingthatre fleets thefhistory at the county would be especl and science commerce and TFM sweatn Midland Stud the Midland the ans Knights momma The seomd convocation will he Sat urday morning for theapplied enes graduates and the third will be the attenmn of same day or general arts presieal andheahh education graduates Being graduated nuns the turday afternoon convocation Strand 1th See Coi Shdes Stmud United Churchmet in the basement otvtha thumb on Wednesday Mrs Fred Jackosn was is charge otthe program Mrs RovGoodteHow took theBlbie study him its is Risen was shown along with some ideal pictures theCGlT has i1 MlssJeanW and TrumanFiattllweretea Vitess iémohiesf in tion at the Blessed Sacrament broadcast Tpointantitrust ro surname 1196251963 vsrAsoN airman asked lmusis pproad the cam with enthusiasm and to in early returns She said Bo iurini hrilllarit Mont is engaged feludiogseï¬orshd benedie Bnptlst Ch rth Clappeitan at Wotslay ice at Br mun colitit het nouneement is mi withfirestuitioh injuniversltyhiadlltles eea 131 Imnces tortrsvalextboo th andmaalsHewiiislso of totem Ontario its isaottvfin snusnberoi zanlnation land