Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1962, p. 19

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lllPORlANn Chou me Inr your child should difififintlfifl your an ulthly ooaunla no or Birth Announse call our charmed De llva the tents tncludlna name will publish II or thle Claulllad mar WGHAWIMWI at Hamilton Ontario are herly to announce Ilse arrival oi main ler ilannller Marlon on Mon day May it that ount Elfin Hospital ataier lor Abbie nhlldlihil v33 fill cheer to Cpl pd n3 Corey 1e Arras linen roan MARINMl Ind MN Allen llartln Suoud Ontario are he to annolmoe the birth oi the Royal lllntorlalso$plulearrle hlcmmVARYM WI Reel Victoria mallet Harrie on no16otnwun Mre tleoreo hictlllllvarv New well daillht INM ll RM nnsInix lhllldl Nortn In to announce the their son lledsrick on Saturday May ll at the Royal Victoria lion Alt m1 pital ROBERTSONAt the Royal torla Hospital Barrie on Priory May ll seat to Mn and Mr stla liebsruon Maple Ave Barrie daughter Nancy Anne Hospital Barrie ltlm to Mr Trace Allenwooe Ontario sea ENGAGEMENTS EVERYNICHOLS MP and hire Gordon Preetny oi Barrie wish to announee the enaaeemonl oi their dlltnitel Audrey loan in Mr non ulnn Nlohola ol Orlilla The marriaula to take limo Illty 2d at Central United Vietorla oepi day ltlay ll Iiordbelovod wile oi Nelleon Heullp nu Codrinltnn suer Harris loving IlIiIr oi Blanche hire Ray Kahlil Aime Mn Writh Blank May lira no rain nlv Reginald and llay allnl the Potluck Funeral lid aaylleld street Service the Shepcl Fridayv at Intere InerlPPll nlon Cemete lry An Examiner Want Ad PllONE PA 82414 FOMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY MAY 18th Trinity Parish Hall item pm nonman Msv llih CALL PASSlot PA $8665 Ausplnesol Womens Hospital Auxiliary BLOSSOM TEA AND BAKESALE WEDNESDAY MAY 30th 30 pm 30 pm AusplceeUClllu lledchurch Children 151 mane Cooperatlon with lub ol Barrie WAG mixed on roorne lolohen Lie damfioflelflcchl ll lasts 01 so ed ltgaar new HENDER$QN mum ll COLLIER mesr nnonnrn ms SIROUDLwhroontccmcotdad home with all conveniences €oodiamlly home large lot In Rsnsonsblyprlcedylhone Par cv Ford TRIPLEX Willsell or trade ior morlgsne lolsl rent one monthly lble III oodbrlclr building and can hesold on very reasonable terms Phone Purcylonl new nsncn aunosmw Barriea better buy Attractive very complete manyoxtrss pertinenthree bedrooms 1m square ieot lareu Full price new only $1400 downlo one NHA mortgage Carries ior one plus taxes Whether you con sider dealing up tolhls roomy home Ql¢9tlld move in now let in show you No obllzetlo Vcail Emerson Swain 108 nunnonsnn than The large iamlly will loveohls three bedroom brick home All rooms are bright spacious and immaculate Alu minum storms and screens Close to all schools Carries or $82 monthly lncludlnztaxos on 595 NBA morlme Cali Rite Seandrelt nvmmoe cam ltllA sclrmnm rn Mots nonorisv Wilcox PA nests renal mnn rn smo EMERSON awaiN an onion Member at llama Ind niatrlot and Ontario Real Estate Bonds Marshall CALL lsownsnrou of annexe LIVE LIKE KING Let your tenante loot lheblll You will agree it can be done when you see this double house separate units each consist lneoi large living room with llreplace dining room kit chen bathroom full basement iorcedialr oil heating in good residential area close to echools and shopping slo sleooowln do pay ment balance on easy mt NHA RESALE Attractive bedroom brick bungalow large living room dining area kitchen bethroo riuli basement storms and screcna carries loresiotper month including inter prln clpal and taxes This is the not while the owner selling The price is right so call us todayand one agood locket this one non PRICE essoo Very attractive two bedroom bungalow Large living room dining room kitchen bathroom iull slza bmement Forked air oil heating Garage ingood residential lire ll her no polntment to see lizlsone today TilTIN ernm BARR my on nvaniu arr anti District Board nsrrla and Estate Board WI no DUNLOlSl you Only sol per acre REAL Gray MILL name andxna PA M252 Indlil IBM when 1m IDOM ni 232 Tlitln PA 371881 millsme gllllnls lne Palm PA am soulturn phone lvv mu GENERAL STORE Large building containan store post oliiee lockers andrepalr shop Yearly lurnovsr about 3000 in village on paved road about lfivmllee irom Ban vrlo In nod tobacco Indies rel farming sresltl heath lorclnn sale SERVICE STATION uvine quarters ins nenr Wanna Texans 10 ACRES Nearly all wooded spring emek stocked trout pond dwelling rooms bathroom nil hentedWould acoonenodato two small iamliiesclierage chicken house on good road close to city miles from too Highwayfllhls properly priced to sell an owner has other in terests lshACRES rnontlng on new development road chm to city Oiters areal opportunl to builders orln vastors look thirproperty over iha price will surprise Nearly new ll bedroom house large lot Siroud area Conven iences Substantial down pay ment required Acomiortable older room how in Thornton oll heated double lot Priced to sell or owner transferred hire Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates lhone PA euro as Duniop St Er imam lemmepa use OWINZioNnePA wan ooamlnnnsr roouulnmnn ALL nomads an s7osl Doris Nutlglen Maryann Bml Norm liesket om home kitchen with REAIFESXATEJBROKERw carrier to hom lifllt basement cum wms 000 ion entail bungalow inside of own PA W0 ownw wm ESTEVENSONS Fouryearold orlck bungalow three bedrooms Nile montage 4r month Good location Iosothingeyou require alter buyingn new completed this more interrelation cell llinll aeonooll Bun Ilo lale Attached lllll reeuon loom cloee PA HIM 0NEYIAMW inf bedroom tar as on my lens lot Camp llordan H000 lnrmn EbMl Alllmu lwo neonunni Home with em lntallttr located in north close to Public and AaklnI mm with re manta lels Bllllyilrlterlfihpnn nionan our bedroom hours lllahwa il North nnsrcity llm lta All eonvenlenesx Two bath room lirenl ehod aerale aluminum stoma and leans not water heatlol Also includes our aem or well ndecenad roperty No other amall oulld nla on property Talon PA am In mlth 0w ran unsan schools hue and shone ham private treeo lo hloeka tn sech Inn yachtclub hrlallt llvln ron iuil dlnln room lam enov hllohen eo nred fixture pleca auxwith van oola Mll oil heat Overalaed attached price and gt Lorsron sale nor NB BALE1IHW one and hall mileaiout town Drilled well Telephone PA W0 enuthIrLV ea onlaee Drilled nceaalnn Palnn IS Barri Exv Ill ill FEET its Streeta Good or will pay Joint per month Call it 90an Real mute PA 34431 evenlnu VPA M1311 CHEN Wllli veers can per month Will no up tourne mua outside city lllllll Gall lieai ml PA W1 evenlnia PA to anus WANTED FAlllll WANTED to buy lllll acres or morn Caah deal Telephone rams Fennel zoo acne ram lnrrent near Phelpalon lllvur rune throuah mm lor pasture or livlna nahi Ap iv to ltd Grin slat loA Ava or lelepllon FARMSiFORosAL VI ACRES Wllh lawn and ham eprlIIl pond OMWVWill takeicar or boat aapart mane Telephone PA M185 Iltor pan lorolder onu Rent coo Available immediately llyllarle hedrooma divided HM roused ogre caveman Low RATES LlFE1 lNSUREpj Wllli LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILOR YDUR RUDD we while cqu Phenom Mon gage Funding WM SimpsonSears me wrote 1081 BPACS modern ouildin lsr mmerdal or llah Telephone on 51 NURSING HOMES DONER REST HOME financed ploassnt home er scent an tarded lcey service Reoson able rates fPHONE 77STAYNER or write PO Box 194 Stayner ARK EDEN NURSING KOMI Bull iorthia work hemmed private rooms tind mualn care loud odd rooms eta loss or on strong harp HousesJoaeur DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and lthln dl ee oi One andtwo bedrooms Balconies lBalnboo Drapes Slovesand irldgea olndividuni Seinplo euite may be een by aliin rive RooMliouee or rent two to downto Tolerhon were ior turflze idioms novel roll rooms and be llculltllilld duplex $65 Apply lll JRoberieon or telephone ran UNFURNISHED ml lh rooms and bath heated BOOMgllnlumMJed sparela entnneo ltydr heatInd rtove lnal Il month Telephone alter ll pun lg rtment Living room kl hflruom with twin bedly room aelioontslnsdfiheated tral Adults Apply 139 Collier lt lurnlahed apartment Wllll without stove and reirlaerator pbona rs em isr reamlrivata NI um renea andba cvn lblepnonI2PA will mean in roomnpertsee Emmet II anrmelseel endubua door in nhtda Elleom Ml III nurture no to IG oo mermmfl ea lune With atoveand re subtle eehoo MODHNthru edlllnmrnteh dry room on 0nlctulnltab In the mxomssnnoou Aparlmnn in to sshr and am pl Earphone PA ill aetiocntslned lilo north It on lluled Avallaitls rnedle my all per month meal It in Gunn Street Tel hon HM on at baeheior run nly est nun PA M76 mile Halli Bl Den All conveniencaa Immediate gnuwlon mitt JRNIEIIID Apartment Central Three rooma and bath Balloon talned Prl Heat lllht wate Italy phone PA Milo alsrllll noon tarnished or un Ol 5Ple spare specious nrounda and awlmmlns pool 51d per telepn M062 lrlyere plied Central location Laundry and parklna iacllltles lInltor ser vlen $100 monthly Available June TelephonePA MM rm nannoons lllaunaelo dryer and Available madlatsly PA eases ior iunherlnlormatlon Two BEDROOM Apartments or rent Steve and relrilerltor lup lied Laundry Itlllllu lint er aupplled Newbulldlnfl am ple parking PA M74 Till ROOM or rent ussfurm bleed lleuonnble rent in ex ehanze ior lint ianliorlal dull Immediate pouesston Telspne PA war between llldl HEATED VNlIIRNISEBD contained apartment and Three larae rooms ear anh parklnl Private Intranpa 13 MODERN sour room pertinent two hedraomsllvlnl room kitch en and bath private entrance Perkins heat and wateraup lied Telephone PA new or app 47 hell Avcnu mumsn two In apartment to apartment hulldinl All modern chuveniopcol lite oi awlmmln pool Not on ectlon to baby No pets 9M mou hlvr Tele phone Strand gt runnenoom furnished aperi ment modern eei contended clean1naln floor Parkinrt prlvy ateentrance heated newly de corated Central location lelrr phone PA Ml 0N BEDROOM srn apartment bu idiomfieat artnlent in er retriaerator ltovealorale and un milltiea Parklnz Avali ahls nine Incinerator leir Phone PAJlidl parlmenl with sated Ground elltrallca Conveni mun excarnorlau apartmentiaavellabl immediately new modernbullulna Auto ant zllvbsaaroomlllyhedsoom and lece bath Heatedlutc iully ecorated Available new or ne Telephone PA automa ll or as Wt BED Dill healed merit Slover remnant vata entrancslront and sea Waallinl facilities in ment lnelu only Centra laioedvenetian blinds Intomatlo incl Rent man seasonal7 nirlnzr monthly Avallahlls lrnrncli APPLIANCEREPAIR tor gaup lied Laundry naieollltle Aduite revelation Pa cllvefi per cent CloeI wees OWNWWN loartrnnnt Eonllatlne ltllth le omatlon CONVENIENT lent lull lmuon Modern one not iwobedreom pertmenta completely ileum as stove Illfllele WillMI ONYS APPLIANCE ND WashingMadzineeDryersrhuto Washers Radios House Wiring PA6l227 and info ORlLLlA SCHOOL OF 35AFE IVlNG Serving snce 195d FORAPPOWTMENT munmgr L655 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEDx Exlaavatlog and Grading Water Delivery thedietonel Hall yard Backhoellorhlrs DENNIS MORAN FiliondGrolvel loading trucking anddozlng JOHNlELLIS CONSTRUUIION mm mm nLoonnwuLLTnn ALES ANDSERVICE Corps Complete line lree estimatesday or venlngs Workmahahlp nosememo Gardene lam or email Lawn matntenanea ilnwer lardeuat saiialaclion anteed Telephone PA Nm lull details COMPLETE Garden peat Soddlnl tor soreyinz and renal earvlca nerdammo and Lawn Win dnoe tor the tumurmnnMAlla have well rolled cow muaure in PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON snmy Palullnl Service Sincolm CE HOUR SERVICE ALL Marthe on alts WELLDlGGINGj WELLS DRILLED Couplnnd Drillln BARBIE

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