atria Singapore uldphe had report the varmlnailongpaitenaat bu that he hat not received tempt against the oiyearold gum urine bin loner too is fine iaanyma while Memo war Horus South Calcite Slit Members TROISJtIViERES Que flirtyone members ot the Sea arcrs international Union lndJ viaro arrested on charges ot Intimidation Sdturday in lice crackdown on the water ront the men were hauicd oil in am and are to be arraigned odey in this st Lawrence gillver community 55 miles downstreamirom Montreal All but two of them were granted 500 bail Ball or $2000 was set tor Bmdwick Hanerty of Vancouver and 31000 for Gilbert Gauthier oi Montreal described an uenta oi the union The police move follows an appeal for government action hva it Davidson president oi trollRiviera Grain Elevators Limited by the Eli in dispute botwecnthe union and Upper Lakea Shipping Limited Telegrams asking torvint vention were sentto Prime Minister Dietenbaher Labor Iitiniater Starr Transport Min later Balcer Premier John Le sage and Labor Miniateriiene Hamel of Quebec as Well as the provincial police Fourcprovinciai policemen participated in the waterfront raid along with contingent ot 25 municipal police HA8 FEUDED The SiU has been ieudlng with the shipping slncafthetrecentiyiorm dian Maritirno Union CLC won bargaining rights for Sea men employed by the carrier Mr Dayidsons elevator had been picketed by the union to protest servicing of veaseiaop eraied theshipping om PMY Last week the carrier ob tained an injunction prohibiting picketing of compnny vessels in Quebec province in his telegrams Mr David aon said his employees were unable to go to work without worrying about those at home who will be next to be beaten or oven killed He said thugs using baseball bats have alreadyheaten one man and the mans wife in their own home sunshine iiregiiieported Dormow ReutersiThe Lib erai and Labor parties reported iurther gains in urban and dis trict elections Saturdaymore support for the argument that the conservative governments Ieconomic policies areunpopu ar All told Conservatives lost more than nooseatsconethe dis trict level in England and Wales lastweein The size or the de teat was seen aaa mirror of the unpopularity of the govern menta wage restraint policy the recentbudgetl incense un by that us Sin Secretary and apparentlydid not understand completely Australian position on rltiah negotiations or membership in the European CommonMarireL in statement issued here McEwenuaIeo criticized no Import quotas Ihat nrontiai iia said the us must stand Australias trading tier wrth Britain cannot be or in am thath serioulconseq that woutd attect not onlyutua trall rttrd hi $381133 ï¬fppoimfllf man not Vldt as him itll pennanent 5exiension or dust msu ing Commonwealth pmlercnccs MW he mew ex Ivar manv months We Ill PagdedgCommjorhlilarkIeglwouid mfésmwflonwowl so no preu ca at us interests in world oi expand ing and liberalltradeu He said Austrniia is néady to ace iimi sen BY FiIeCICiCketsli The iirecnacker menace has been brought home in Barrio hya the that erupted HEADLINE at the Smith andEutler iur aann =axanrman nlturefluzie at 137 Duniop 51 East than 952 new we va Funwlrun UNTIL Nsswrwi riaeeaurnonmes AT iiM£ we wru eneseerGIANr omfort vm lli maybe its Pontiacs smooth surge po Pontiacfsmastertulhan ng