Pninpicnrrrro nonpartisan ontrcnlpoliec hold back lip arrives lie lsto open Stiidy crowd at admirers at the Windsor Hotel as Prince Phi the second Commonwealth Wirephotol Newlindependeni Countries 50Strongï¬Altj TCOnierénCe By ALEXANDER FARRELL MtSFtTREAL CF Airieon oped countrle experience at indusirinlly devote avoid their delegates can he expected to mistakes play big part in Prince Pliil ips on Commonwealth study Conference opening to day in Montreal unithem atroniFo total ol woo delegatesthey all come from countries newly independent or about to bo como independent and coping with vast problems of mass ed ucation and industrial growth They hope to learn from the Thesis mistakes poorly planned or unplanned comma nlties townsgependlng too ing to numb law examples are the reason ior the cooler nee cannon oasis No iormni recommendations or reports will come out of the MW liAiVA CE Th Duk Edinburgh weekend her as the house guest oi GovernoreGenerol Vane ler heioro leaving or Montreal where he launched his Second Commonwealth Study Conicr ence today Prince Philip who arrived irom Britain Saturday took nd vantage oi the capitals sunny wnnri spri anther to walk in the ov rim House grounds and watch is cricket match Sunday morning he read the lesson at Christ Church An glican Cathedral was at the controls at the piano gt mine airliner then trons oired to so than of the Queens Flight for the loomile rnnvca LAN ransom Taking overthe controls oi the brightly painted ed and black Hero rincctPï¬ï¬‚ brought the plan to Ottawa Uplands As he stepped down from the alrerait onto the traditionalViP red carpet he waswelcnined when he took on Sunday plauded by crowd of some till to Canada by the GovemnrGenr oral and in Finance Minister Fleming acting or Prlmlent ister Dieienhakcr who was slow sent on tho hustings The royal visitor loudly ape atternoon from RCAFStatlnn cameraveiicking spectators in Eochcliliotoily to ltionirenl side the his hangar oi Air where he spent the night at the Transport Commands 412 Windso The tel quadrant was given royal by toomangRCAE tlgun artillery salutewas tired the doth FieldArtillery Regiment an 0t iiiwa militia unlt cons air can MayorChatlette Whitton of Ottawa nearly got leit out of things but mauagedio squeeze in word withihe princebefore tawu RiverParkwaywith th GovernorGcnerol to the nearby Rockcliiio Air Station said are welis to service representatives hen climbed into tlicolaneand immediatelytooir his piac lng his ilrst Visit to since the summer ol too it Saturdaymorning to Dorvni Airport from Lond iio Queen husband male capitals scenic driveways ginning to lower ith tulips conference meeting in various cities goernss Can pmblems Prince Philip is expected auller regime am re dyto Salon has said but no my honor olnathis into ideas his always ira iii Solon theI 5n rents military civilian commenderi Alger stepped toiyo balcony height of cyalt oi settlers He closed hlsahorta dress to crowd oi about not or the With the ritual mrasessviyeila rtain him in so his boots said The Fourth iiepuhlic was doom andsoonwould be dead Salan lied no love for the reeling Earle regime mine had on conviction ior do Ga either particu aims on then into ed men hy honorary France and We AlgerlovEra hm mg 71 air The era arsed on ninboratou the conference no in for perv icctianding at RCAFStntion sponsiblc or the ownatiolrs and are aspiring toward econI omic and social progress None of the present African members oitiie Commonwealth was in dependenti 195a gt Pen Directors OTTAWA CHJustice rliiln ister Fulton today announced an organizational change penitentiary system vi the creation of Aregional director ship for Ontario and Quebec Ontario regional director is David his McLean present warden oi ingston Peniten tiarylle wllioversee the Kin ston complex of prisonsKing stonand Coltins Bay aeolian iiaries Joyceville vinstltuhnn arm ampsatCoiiins Bay evllle work camps at Beaver Creek and Landry Crossing and the prison tori women at Kingston rupiEdLSunda 275i parishioners protest agains ousting oi their mi ni at Rev Stunrt day supporterso stood up art tiled church Mondaystarted controversy Presbyteriani clergymen here anddrew criticism mm the Cahadlan bornfniinlster emeritus of oneoi New York Citys largest Presbyterian churches The presbytery at New York 51he rnave was prompted was reported because Dr Mer riam had introduced his dog hhoiims perso remained in thechurch proper to heap Craydon McClellan at presbyter at New York Presbytery read an explanation iorthe acti He said anyarmy inn era hesitated to join new revolt 101 at the army draitecizilnal punctured tho dre megprlvateshs the Ken lolly since nulles political F0 Holidays on unanno TORONTO CPiJack iggs he described hlnisefl as no weelrpotdtoll said today inancod ttlp oFlorlda with thepro in sales iorce oi the 05 err embattled Lao Thai oiiio ie expected to agree pro requesti he one in cm idngdom ihelmo involving emai lnea was ordered by Presiden Kennedy as partoi astrategy aimed at getting tréjp into position ior ulok intorvg tlon in Laos sho id he decld alien is necessn in portal on aircrait carrierinrlr 7th lee other elements of the 7th Fleet were steaming toivard the are tinder orders issued by enne Saturday tio nfuniï¬lï¬fézniï¬ihr Coohsvitlo and said he has bookmaker on his own th est loyears or so The Eniorcer Popnlia oi Ham lltonihad moved in 31 ever heard anything about these two movingin andolsosaid he had never heard any discussion oi McDermott and Feeley bringing in racketeers from to deal with Papnliay commiminby during hi inaugural sermon is year ago nd byliisintercas sinn withihe US state depart meat over an Iranian student at Columoia University who no cused dieiiranian government at corruptionu Thepresbytery took the posi tion that the incl iULS Fran ii agencies of the presbytéry He said the elders we mov the ARTHUR ca An autopsy on thehodyg at liiat arnmela 82 hasdlsclosed the manwesbludgeoned to death in the bedroom of his isolated home in Ware Tawhsh Port IArthur pro said Sunday llDtlSlleS rinms leaders Dr Merriam denounced area isr shirt at the type that would in given theevcnt of war Inc Editing and topic parolior flair necessary Kennedy me with military and dlpiomntie dv ors Sunii iorflo minutes third coniereoce onthe Laoti situï¬ln tii Arthreedayro mcc Rusk den Lyn nermhairmen pith olntchi no no pencciult nettienient still 15 possible it Soiilet Union co in on Jim capturing it iromroyal Laotia government troops Batiadded the killings ere in getallatlon for the European Seer tArmye slaughter of Moslerns hunted liloslem maid Three Europeanstwo an Tisfnessmanwar ported to have vanished1n Al giers and authorities said they apparentiynere edaway by Mbsiem These indicnt to light aitera predawn attack ona crowdedlttiosle urba avrlyearmed Secret gArmy ommando that caused Jan ndeter ned number of casualties tho Europeansguse at automatic weapons and fired oweve am certain that Ithe Soviet Union has under to contml the to give sayin iormation on military moves or even to describe the scoperoi He said military activitl dosed attlieiapltr Postpones Reggts 3111 naiy torelondi lives one fired hacir gt The mans oodwveredvhody was iound as rdayon the mm were con uctiug routioermiss ersun investigation He had see since April iii Police said théy bad aavyhblun rumeat pos bly used an weapon lathe aseoiis diffusion plant for the manufacture soil enriched uran5 flum ineprints ioran atomic pending 000 year to develo 35 31 niiclear strike thnttliere re divergencies But he the triit make France is at the heart will double by 1965 rbombsand planes are expect to be ready iqr rviee the deaths might exeuselor more dom shoot gs oi veiled Moslem ii Macapagal