JIIh JIercurualurtrin REPRINTva available PI Iluflu Beet Inth uraniumloo lu gear Buchanan artaa DVIyBItiIIbIttltnl run Ill be armament Ila Pu Ileor up 11veeu sold our Btroud Iona um run xanrurrl Ibm or new call aces cities We or sorry cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints aUv salm mucus ttlghestpricer paid Old Vehicles or Wrecks MCAN SCRAP METALS ADtiIliopSt Wes Just across Hwy 400 wPA M1686 Io DAYS ONLY Ifurnaces Forced airpoil or gas Installed complete with duct workhnsvlnw ns 275 PERWEEK N0 DOWNPAYMENT Used oil burners from $25 up WoooivAno AND sou STROUD PA 60391 OR SIROUDIIRS ASPHALT PAVING Is Our Business Irce estimates DISHERFARRANDITD COOKER In Ntt Scooter tm Llho new Tel phona PA $82973 moons luArsltNiir uolIorrri or nir Fire 12 rweoirrs leio pssnoPaoom attcrd part Flam tbl iii PA am or thriller details rattan vCRDlCE otbl paintball Dli rvlintilua Mnowod Ordcra Nitl it 12 cis II ac surely tier sun damn on namaco tor rate in good condition with all pipes and controls or best ollcr Tolsphona an om ROTDIILLER blower and CuliiVl tor combination sale in good conditionilelsoaonuan AI inundation manna Folding Vacation Trail It for sale Sleeps aix people 3650 Alli Moot Boat new condition on Telephone Ill wear zmcmlc onoAN ca Victor sopn 11 trobloinnncw condi tion lbtt or best otter Apply to germs Fina Foods Thornton II TBDO DELUXE Hand Mower now last year Reasonable type heater torawatcr straponitherrnosiat Te D9618 TWO CABIN TRAILERS tor Hie suitable tor our and two per Io also overhead goraxe doors br it new Telephone PA lISM or is Mary Street ELEDTRIC RANGE Ioi rile automath clock minute mind wannlng oven storags drawers perfect condition Reasonabla Tai epbona PA 84924 OIFICE EQUIPMENT for It 0M Dealt loath sons roUNrAIN tor sse also small Cash Register stoop Do bte Wattle lronrCommercialCl arotte Machine Apply Ii Martin 11 Mosley5L Wurarr Beach PHILIPS Camblnatlon Radio and record player enl Electric Item Electric Store All exr out can Borden i072 alter ltIOULDEII Plywood Emit Inclory TeeNee Boat Trailer 16 Evinrud as Best Sell rate 1y Apply Agnes St Baltic IotBLCItAITtioat motor and trailerIm sale 35111 motor etcctr starter iully cquippu ondiiionseriorru Telephone rA use LARKREID IIOII windlhiel all controls custom upholstery on FARMERS MARKEI ACCORDION am for Ialtq Good supplyol power clcuncd Farm Supplies is Service loss somer Icnac month usable for pas twat attu downs IItulVIJtIrhippiu tor ulo clepnons srwrtta to 5hadywall Kannoil ilus lotions bars Douro omzos IIIAD Hum done undid ms countt Aii tn cod condition For turthar inlon motion talopbooo uses POTATO tor Ill Kltlbdlu tbir or seed purpose ApPlit Ct Marrow Lot contusion Inniuil nlepbooo ivy mu GARDEN SUPRLIES roar LDAM torulh ti pn yam ï¬rlv lzlavlor Peatrliulnnr MENTION on aranth sedge poet or lost mould ror Illa Approved by Ontlria rtculturai Cuticle Apply as Bald or telephone PA was uninsroca ngiiosl prices oald tor dead or crippled cttitle and horses Smali animals removed tree Forfast settles phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or asklior ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 1t noun miss dun wear NICKS DEAD OCK till Folonoad Ontario Licence No 172062 Nien Montague Prop LIVESTOCK Til0 PURERRED iiaretont Eitli Caivca nine months old Tote phone an actor OLSEN COW tonsto treat open about Itisy IAIN grass cattle tclophono am told THREE VEAL CALVEE tor Awtyzflrtbu Cooper Coohstm telephone to 04 LIVESTOCK WANTED 1215111 on Tim good and Bow trcoirom dllenac wanted to be bred In June For turther partic ulara tblcpilfltlb PA ENDS FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Climax Timothy seed at moder nioprioe PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 DEED IDTATOES tor ule Four dutidn Katahdln Curtlflcd Suba fll Choice nualtty Apply Max Craig Ilit Barrie IPA E7677 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE IPA 8378 CASH TRADE TERMS Garden Tiller Sales and Rentals ALSO LawnMowerï¬ales and PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE vIiivy 11 Best In iractor Service asthma lused nook mflntha up on II 622 um suitor mm IiIANURE LOADEN totit Ford Tractor sedorc rear end winch type In condition Apply Han old West RR BndtordTaie phonc Conkatown 45M 63AUTOMOIIVVIE moron CARS FOR SALE for ale Good running condillo Mus telL Ashing No ruad bl MI returned atop leleohono PA sour between past asioi CAIHI READING and odviunn Two New suanalruuer units ANGLIA in aditl Itadlo at both snow tires 11000 miles No moov down tan or paymoasta Phone PA ems runoinl earn dltionwltb radio pester war atering atbttu Apply at in nnlstil mu can have no mo models that our bar 93 hi with no down payment 1s epbona lira Dixon PA com llli STUDEBAKER door IIIIIMI walon VI automatic custom ra rtlo 000 miles noo Norton am and HI ll CADILLAC amaIl aortas am Good runnlnr order lood Um For aoltd comfortable old er ear that Ia more economical than you would imaginsrtoil tbs owner at PA HIPS TRUCKS AJRAILERS lasi roan lTDN Tow Truth or rate In loud eoodluon $815 Tols pbona iA Win or turtbecdn tonnaiian mi amnanannn Pickup Truck good running order ileltinspror noo Can ha mp Concession Int 0m Sunda Mondayrhm pm altar pm PA Utility proximaton illion weir eni tor carrying heavy load Prteoul room 635 Camp unrda tit rvvn RBDRD Itome new paint lob down aylnent Hurt movo south tor allla IBSITord WWTGIA TRAVEL TRAILER IIIOOII viy wood with canopl wire tor sthIlc up two adults and two cbildrc Apply It tut Peel Sb Barrio PERSONALS all motion llld Clll at 155 lnnirtll Strrci Barrie anytime LEAVINGJDII Jriiittt Colllmltll neatltlorldayr HRVEIDIIIII or passengers to share coat and driv Inp Telephone FILMS WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY SHOP Coldwavu Soil ctm by certiï¬ed haller your own home or Magi vice Bernice rA sass M531 01 FOUNDA Bird In the vicinity of Metro Avenue ot the canary tarnlly yellow and brown mark trig TelephonavPA writ Lorr Lady wrist watch in Loblawr store or vie Findcr luarc phonic PA H109 Iiici OAP retitrnJo The Harris Ex bv EstablishédrMidlandj4 Company no QUALIFIED cons WELDERS Io PIPE sllrsns For pressure plpo Iabricatloil PHONE MIDLAND 526226 or APPLY iN PERSON KERR PIPING LTD MIDLAND BALESMAN required or IllIIIJIIIILiIIDG Enligline any Write iv liliil Earrll EltlminerFl rhoavy uty OTaeoTrallcr soon 05 st uIIcI Telephone PA 791 Newton Street km 195 PETERDOROUGII Boat iilro Cabin PBCIAL Sin vacuum cleaners ilIItI com btnationtioor cleaner and ooltsh or Big rcductlonsli Save whlio you are doing your cleaning Sinus eruBuwing Cent 25 WA Barrie PA Bosilnazllutnt con Seller Runabout 25 obhson clectrir rtari wlnd remote controls liahia cushions covcrVIIi In cancelled condition and ready to Erin aw lietephons PA Mottt ttange sultablul In onto or cottage suns Apartmellt lzs washerused only no man hr the hey1831 Uicd Thar Wash Itood workinl condition til fallenAli 155 STU BAKER Common or sale alsoitISS International ï¬tfln pickup Truck Bothln good condition Tuluphond PA com or BpplyiBI Collier Street ut omatlc custom radiowbite wall tlrcl power brakes and steering rMuairscll Contact Cpl Cato night at Camp EDP loss PONTIAC In gleaming bloc anddwhlte automatic transmissi oral manufacturer requires shift work quired by Jana Appt necessary APPIy at It Dunlap Bart cities in Moore Building cncirrinonth onarnlll7 SALESIHELP vAGENT5 la ruro with our cosmetics rnc tats proIiLo up Do mrweehly Thundch Service toodani an 25 to it was alter pm PERI wanted Borne Examiner QUALIFIED NANA requires vacatlon roller drtv Tr trailsrespertoncs lu throulh to Sept 1m lions at Ioari trade it as in 5Coataet lirL PA ems Box Barrio heroin 1001 AND DIE tialrar ro ulrcd Immediately bridal marred in automotlvonooitnls mpany mop lnmrancubensllte Contactr Coolie Latte toilI Benetton phone Milli ELECTRONICS NEWS MEN run our becomav spectatiatul tralnIai ncc illiaiod name In Electronics sins since im Automationp aa ate Booliet Act it Day classes start Lily Montreal or Home study RADIO AD sol lr osiIBWGEruPrTmto FEMALE HELP STENOJCLERK Small manutacturtng concern Barrie quires stoneclerk torgensral=dtilcavorlt tiling etc Shorthandnot eo nicoo industries Ontario Teta esaory Full employou beach Withour busy week Modern alr conditioned oiiice Reply ieronces Gardner Zoll RELIABLE lVOb to help In an bar tor EXPERIENCED to hlndio large clicntoio res by tcla phonu tor MINI WOMAN with pleasant volcs tar telephone aoiiclttnl No experience low oraryor pemanent to out alter two children It Was Eulh Telephone PA um lioUsEKEzPan require Live In or ouL Electrically on pro with all modem appliances Good wa ltallvoltdn week Tciepilonoitlt 371 WOMAN required or general out its for restaurant and home in Thornton and that information PP Bertaura you would enjoy working in houra day calling Girl Cometleictlente on tobe caiabllahed in and around Barrie and willtnr to make light deliveric aim Writ studio Girl Cormettra Dept arose Mo Latleur Ave Montreal s2 Route will pay up toflfld per hour DO YOU LIKE SELLING Stance ciner culinary products Commis aion 45 premiume tor dean and customers economical spec load vacant dLrtrlrtstIo day trial period JITOtDeFt 71 5130 St Hubert Montr Am sum ought to have been made by public auction Jerry Colifll signed oil or SEPTTCTANKS Excavating andGladin Water 29 Anne sum ttAlLLcallytv Warmly15 Equine position tiIbddAbovomiil be sold at Inuu Bryadlgd nu 1000an bypubiic auction roar oi as McDonald St Barrie is in debted to Bay City Motors in tho sum ot satiat repairs and storogooi is its Bulcksedan serial number tt50D7ttt Lte coco number Hum tlmtl reg Lrlered In its namoot Metburn MeGraw 55 McDonald St Barrie Orland and three months have elapsed since said poymentvtheréot NOTICE ISIIER BY GIVEN that on Nosday helsth day at May 1562 at the premises of Bay City Motors usedcor lot 45 Bradford St Barrie the said Buick sedan described above will be sold at 1000 ahn Iln auctioneer Terms cosh toresorvobld BAY CITY MOTORS 45Bradi dSt Barrie Notice ToCredIIors ndOthers IIEALEY late oi the Township It Oro In the County at Simone Widoundcceosed All persons having claims against the Estate or Martha Henley who died on or about tirenthdaygoi notiiie All day at May 1962 their names uro oi the securities Itt any held by them Immediater alter tbeisnid Iistdayot May 1962lhe as sets of the said deceased will be distributed among the par ties entitled tilareto having gnrd only to the claims which the Executor sh It then have notice DATED the lat day nor GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Wilson Building ot Mai Barrie Ontario Solicitor tor the Executor BUSINESS an About Low Rates ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Pertiaps AA Can Help WRITE Po sex 501 onpuoNE PA 1stints APPLIANCE SERVICES APPLIANCE ANDTV SERVICE 24hour servtco DIRECTORY Lcorrocics coliirLlTl Garden Serv on bvex Jerry Coughllo auctioneer Terms cash ubyect to reserve sari cuv morons 45 Bradford St rrte Ontari Allparooils hdviud claims agallnt tho Estate oldotin Gor don Campbell who died onor bout the till dawn April 1962 arornotltted to send to thaun dsrstgnod on or betorotbe sist dayot May 196a their names andaddressa and lull partlcuw Iars at their claims and the na lure of theIaecurttIea iii any hold by them Irornedtateiy alter tho said dist day oi May 1962 the as Is III Id II will UttililithBItiotiZlilrptir ties entitled tharetogtbaving re rord onlyto thoclaimapt which the Executor shall thenhava notice oaraotiï¬ï¬sy of May Deli CURE Wilson Building Barrie Ontario Solicitor tor the Executor series at cmaamuntry con iarenccsand seminars was an nounced Thursday night by TradeMInIstel Rees Ihe iirat conierenoewlli be heldin Winnipeg next Septem ber ha aatd in ineech to members at the Canadian Mam uiacturera Association prairie division The do epartmentialso planstoopen permament de sign centre in Toronto next No vemberto provide showcase oi wellnesigned products tor Canadlsn and foreign buyers Mr Heesaaid SERVIC EyMonthp 22 inertia2444 LANDSCAPING KimL Soddinl Seedlulr levn atutenaoco Cedar Hedger Pow er Spraying and Fertilizing Per Iona servteator lam mall ioba Fm estimates PA 95 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGI EDWARD SMITHAND SON Pain gondPaDerlianlIdl SprayPaintinlt SmicoShcoiMb LBarrio PA If you wish an gt In migraine em NM mm witty earlier this not tho niubios bavrtli steer in Satur tusod to mod tics Alandtacloan ordered than to beiors ho remanded them to sentence men he anything he soldwould help demonstration brother John wasltouod guilty the bombing wospot dons bats or revenge against gondola or Canadiansn We didthis by our great bo iron WM HINTON BA Barristerl Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen Si Cornsr Collier and Owen PA618ttD BOY SEAGRAM rows Barristera Solicitors Notartas Public Conveyanem ale Brunch oriico Bloavala Out Owen Bt PAMJII we 00 Gordon Teak IL CONDERISUGG BARRISTEIIS soucrrona tnorAnras PUBLIC CONDER BA sunci no gt mull Duntop St East PA BARRISIERS 11055 CDWANI COLLIER ST VINGSTON MYERS RCOCIGURN Barristersand Sclicito lICouIers Barrio PA WILSON MOOREY nannist SOLICITOR 17 ï¬ction or PA sons Haber Smith 00 Arthur McLean times Owen Barrister1 Solicitors otc GLADSTONE CURRIE EARRISTER dc SOLICITOR FUNERAL HOME HOME submron salt AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms 10 Wonloy EL Barrie FA when Mr Jun Youve stratod by driven Paul Hawkins wt to gelherbts mutually iromocrttcb They ttlsuuilory shoutedaiter tho sentencing but there war no midnight iboth chit toldth tho rm jig ian Walkertsamiibotteldir stroll tor Ryan COWANACOWAN SMITH McLEAN STECKIEY FUNERAL tornnrla Junior event minus starting some Saturdau oaand rats llIa chances PROFESSIONAL Dioramas Taccou ANrs HARRIS NEEDHAMI WRIGHT Cartiliad mus Accountant Toronto and Barrio oi Plan Skilltill Theory andJ anamlnlt oval narrator Iiualc Toronto AII Ascr Itodon1motb Studio I1 landlord EL PA um THE oavrss OFCANADA vorcs ljrrANo wanna Raltltarod Inuit tton PIIIW tbeo PranthLItitt nth recto Moratorium arrle Ella iner ottern 61 142 SO PUMPED Delivery Crushed or flat yardBackhoanr bin rostrle Morton Barrio PA 49M BIG BULLDbZER CALL LEE EveningsPA daitll IrauoscurlNol am EARLY or your am Rotamu Lawn ill Tromunvoaararr or matl Lawn maintenanca mwammdom Iflzllphohl PA sons 510cm 1ST9NE QUIKBRIK AND Free Estimates Budget Term SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al Smith HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domesttc Commercial Alcoonditloning PRATITSTREE PHONE Pastors WE LS JDRILLED EUMPBINSIALIED BY LICENSED DRILLEIIS EREEESI doupland Drilling RR ARRIE