Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1962, p. 7

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in re With the dehurdlu extended warmgw coma oolmneang Mimi me that it use ears in my gm mgmrfugywl uate studies at will hallyoitheWMBhsdbee helli to this semeohurd lst doatikoow illir imlggaa alehre top as it Respond th day program filed see was rm toms rulingchludrbodyihbhtr Beams THE scenes St arouses TEA Behind the scenes at lbs spring tea at St Georges An more aby twitter3mm print my letter and my ar chdy ea hesexpindlmiliasefia ogan vs you one JHLFVPalsslihenk ou ily engaged littlelr assembly toughfid commoner oi the line duties the lettere Wsms glican Church untimely ei hiraniillum emu Mrs fillhfiEl¥5fl$hfi ternooa is the abovetrio bus ltobertWelr and Mrs inlaid to 1ng fin rs clatyre remar WerH shewasematalharnoe sizeoi lit Home And School Meeting iheiorrner Blanche Patterson oi Alllston anduws have not been disappointed recommend that wfiifi codename this decl slob is onewhlcb must he made by youriamtly But would like to say slaw words which may halnuA pet can bring GOLD CORD BANQUHI The annual mother and daughter banquet oi Sixth Bar rieQompuny waseveu more impressive this year since lit pa =5 FE I4 III Mahnn brought the toning oclose nonunion sans Rememher the rummage sale Vfiterirll Belly she had been pri seed to attend and floored hat the tint one about he in her own home town Shs said The installation oiilcers was the highlight oi the annual meeting of Prince oi Wales drama and School held Monday evening The installation ceremonies Home and School Council read the lode oi Ethics for tho bene iit at both the executive and members The needior good executive and member rela tionshipwas expressed by Mrs Agnew de lnell member oi their exacutive that lloronlo conference UCW proud to have Mrs WrA it at Simone Predoyterlal as MrsG lhomiwn Creemore Treasurer Matted the alloca tion of Simcoe Presbyterial as included gold card presenta °lt cintalsclrrrlrrll led the in aid of the Division interna tional Fund held Lirlnr lty Parish Hal tod This those at head tabla Mrs rice and guests in singing Canada and then introduced event is being flzonsoredby the local Asde Central District on Lot Barrie much liltgivssCblldren sensejyotrresponslbilliy and teaches them unselfishaess so please silly it your mother dlandges her mlndsnd says yes oni send me many have new rugs were conducted by Mrs cw FREE manna stone said grace nndCapt Agnew connectors Conigali proposed the toast to being 325000 plus to ior ex on repart oitho enrolment Mm mmpkmvrm prunes that returns had been attendance ior this month but The state lccrs ior Mt on is as follow past president Gibsonr president Mrs Feltis seeond viceplesldent Mrs Hutchins secretary Mrs Thomson treasurer Pellntler membership Mrs Revelle publicity horse spondlag secretary7ltirs Bitasimmonspmgrurn Mrs It Fadd en social convenets airs it Gating hire Mrs Agnew member oi the naked to have it given to the grade ti class The members were eatertuIn ed by group oirboya and girls singing iaverllc son The remainder of meeting was chaired by Mrs Fellls who thanked Mrejliolloway ior directialg his singing and Lloyd or or punhnent and School Association will be held May 30 Refreshments were servedat the close at the meeting Trophies Presented To BlindBowlers Barries blind bowlers held their annual dinner and prose tstlon oi trophies Friday even ing at the Legion Hall Wally Kennedy president oi the bow ing club master of monies beautiful bouquet oi while and yellow mums adorned the head table gilt of Mrs Mar ierry Smith was electedpresi dent Arthtlr IIOWBIdBOBfin has as secretarytreasurer Mr Murdock announced the appointment of IWally Kennedy to the MB staff at Kitchener on June 25 Mr and Mrs Anderson entertained the bowlers and the piano accord the engagement has been announced Vol Miss Carolyn and Mrs Howard lhorneof lbomton to Kenneth Harvey Baherpson oi Mr and Mrs Jonathon ABlalser of Maple doivationdtmy Citadel Gol liar Street will be the setting ior the alternoon wedding on use PRESIDENT SINGS WASHINGNN AP Pres identKennedy came late but stayed long updating happ birthday Thursdaynlgbt at reception given ilnrhisbonor by visiting Norwegian Premier Ei nar Gerhardsen who was 65 been invited to the reception at tithtborae daughter of Mnn ltlib it ed following which the offering Thursday Abhut 100 guests had it good with 60 out or groups reporting ior the that quarter lithe Bursary Fund she reported now stands at film Mrs George Slrachan Dalila reported that registration at the United canes Training School was aolowthut partoi the accommodation waabelngused ior otheru urposes and that tursfiorlcalladlantifalds are have we lulled she wondered Mrs Jaines Henderson Tot am gen red warmer tuary in remembrance oi de ed mendzera while Miss Kins Allister played anomali atemusic on the organ Mrs tupllng and Farr Onllia conducted the teruoon worship service recall in the men ofthe Bible who had resifionded to the call oi so smooth ty saying United Church Women must be con victed converted andconsecrab DI wasdedleatedby Mrsw Prosse er Jordan Drillia rec onunended two books Stream nlng the Business Session and ow to Lead Discsusaions the Queen at Aloooarlieacb has beensub Headtable guests included The Reverend Father Black well Miami is Phllpott home teacher tor the Canadian Na tional instituiaior theiilind Miss Green president oi the local MB and Mrs Maison of the same organise tion Division Commissioner there wont be some or Cart trlct rescn atlve from the Catholic Wont ens league BrownOwl Baker othInth Barrie Brown Owl Rn Glorglannl oi Sixth pack Mrs It Srieiey who as sists with both Ninth pack and Sixthcompany Mrs Rsaun ders Lieutenant otsixth Com pony her daughter Elizabeth who an warths gold card recipient and Public Relations Secretary Mrs Martin Following dinner the ltev Path contained We law though none of the dictionaries mentioned God in their explan ation in the word loyalty to God is the only foundation act it was mee held plan no BIO ior Mrs Mehulay and Blackwell spoke briefly suiileet of loyalty as an acttiter som certainly an ieadersit is our rasponsl in blilty toaatrths example for the girfiaidtortle sure that everyone in the been part well There are periods in the tits at aliwhen theauargy and et iort devoted to projector problem seams in vain and withdrawalxirom the stress is odds Guides endbrownies are tosome criticism since the omission oi com tha sense at the article changed To clear up any misconceptions the ilrst ting oi this new packrwna on March as with the enrolment cerem ny taking oesoaav With all tbawork involved in the rr at international iund binmngaiii limit the iaithtuliew This is wrong at iude and division does inviting temptetio this is particularly in tho case oivvoiunleer leaders who give constantly at their best etimea in the taco of great taught to work eunseiilshly ior Dear Anni Lenders this is touchy subject had faced halp ive tried to talk this over with myhusband Harry buievary time bring up the subject he tells me lm imagining things When we go out ior dinner or ior en altarthemovle snack with irlenda Harryalw an niansger lobe away tram table when th thelcllatkr nthriewoccar alone when he has not been able to leave ior themena room last enough he tumbles EtIWBd until someone else takes othersrim afraid hes getting the wellde aarved reputation oi cheap skate What can do Mus antennas one Mrs Couples whose out together should take turns clung up the cheek When its sour husbands turn and he does his disappearing ect its pes iectiy all right ior you to talre the cheek and say to the othe know Harry wants this on Thenbnnd ii to Harry when he returns to the table lhelrirlends at their home on rpm which one can build loy Parirdala Crescent Barrie allies to home uornmunlhy and country Mrs Martin raise spoke to is on the familiar words promise to do my best Gilts were presented to all those who ln some way had contributed to the growth and wellibeing at the company thoughoutihe year Three most important erre monies took place alter dinner Iwhen Commissioner Carter en tables Kitchen mavenerwas rolled Kathy Alidnson as lure William Crooks TllE STARS SAY 81 commissioner Gray um =a Elfswallow Eaarm tainebble Winters was prese FEW is ill or warn flew up able Mm Emg Mmesney Saturday should prove to be La use guide company was in charge of ihe candy stimulating day Personal rte Elizaheih bedspreviouslyra table The baby narsurl the lationshmwmbeatthelr most ceivedrher gold cord celtlilla babysitting service were is consemal best10 was activ his twin Mrs Keillor Mackay heldits annual spring tea and charge of Mrs Lornd am thou PEOVB BWFUW at ceremony in London Ont hnke eaIeIat the parish hall on and Mrs Don Nicholls able Outdoor Interests are 8150 am Wednesday atteruoonReceiv favored are travel and ro Color parties tor the even lngWere Ma Ann Stone ingguestsat the event were it may be near wh it Shelia osemary Mrs Walter Dyer wile oi the fig Teauie ior the Umon Jack 7mm monument Gray Elaine Me WWII httv all was lice and Dorothy Bibbyior the 91 599 gt wmd flag on usnt short but most enjoyable campfire led by DATING WISDOM Dear Ann Lander Ottl daughter is 17 an excellent dent fine musician and ma lure emotionally and physically Lorraine has been dating since she was is She has al ways respected curiew we to the therattuesSecretan Mrs Taylor first Vice President oi lbronto Dnnlerenca UCW ably conducted two song est sessions teaching the gath IFPEOPLE llNDVPLlicrsiff cring to singhymns in loy Ptlone Eileen Dixon or Audrey assesses cam the beneiit of others and it lettto it wfli usually do commendable job it is however whenopposl tion or ladllierence is expart enced from outeiderthe move ment that the enthusiasm and ardorrlsometlmes wanes guldermay well ask if the el art to glivemthe gllflsia bail trainings lzenspsren Worth the headaches it involv 35 es The answer to this is at gfiafig course resounding Yes on mm Despite all the dlifieultles MI Gum countered it lLLjeanrg WM antlTifithdhing well census This excerptme poem omega limit$31 mommies dsuecess is failure turned in every Budget on We mvitsvour inspection 3liil°t WlliiilllS FliliSi Andyou can never tell ho gimp mu close you are Bhrriefilwhom eslnll garet Book also lovely floral centrepiece tvlas =donated=b Fendleys Flowers Miss Josephine Green presi dent of Club so made the res entatlon of all Club out as were ilsdles high singles May Cor belt mens high singles trophy Jerry Smith the ladies high doubles was received by Elean or Howard and the mens high doubles went to Wally Kennedy The ladies high average was won by Aunt Bell audited Wren received the mens high average we Elli so onate by Mr and Mrs Ballr House wherehe is slay¥ rings tul fashion avarvnvc session Mrs Perkins Midland conducted the evening worship session basing her message on Pauls letter to mus which tins Mrs Harry Smethurst Mrs Lorne Gilhooley and Mrs Cain Mrs Koblmeyer was ticket convenes Mrs tunnel was in charge of the Notes are Intended to cover the general social tits oi the cltyand district Weddings anniversaries birthdays bridge parties and coming at nga parties visitors and tr vellers are all items at inter eat to the snarliva rtfiulF 4V PM this news will be greatly appreciated Beiora You Buy Fara Compare AI withbfi gold cord an to It FrankSand ereoi Hawkestone tor iadies high triples was presented to Agnes Maison by May Sanders Josephine Green presented the Barrie Bowling Academy Trophy in Garry Bradley mens higbtri arnnvolras lt St Geotses Evening THE STILL WINE FQRALLOCCASION pee Winner The members oi the bowling ub expreséed their appreda tion oi gii reg merchants it tomorrow isyour birthday Williamillurdock iield secre North attended the ScottBell you may anticipates yearot wedding at the Christian Baptist change new business and so Church Newmarket ton Satur manth ventures and quita pos day They also littended the slbly change of environment receptinnwhlehwns held at it wouldbe well to remenr 19 CDmDsss Restaurant in her howeverthatin any trnusi Newmmht acilonfoi major importance chungés should not be made without cautious consideration Do nothing under compulsion or duressIet your keen mind rathel than your emotions be your guide Ar Fevaros Best éperlgI Jior managing RAIT your neres une ep tember November Isle De camber and February SPECIAL you aroicsreiul toavoid Guild Conveners oi the tea taryoiBarrle andSimcoe Coun were Mrs John McGowan and ty and Parry Sound distrlety Mrs Gerald bougheed Presid conductedrthe election oi oi ing ahihe teatable uriug the were ior the 196m season site on was Mrs ank AE 45tILUB Members oi the Gee Club nf fiStroud will meet at the home of Mrs Parker Peacock May 14 iha guest speeker will be Mrs Eileen Hankin D1reo tor ior the lie rded Children arranncorvvnurma rCiiy residents attending the conventlon oi the Ontario As sociation Eetarded Chiidr eingheld North Bay to and tomorrow include George Bradley Lane Mrs Eileen Hahkia and James Lowe uionmav mommy Mr and Mrs Paul Heskamp Feasting Street will leave Mal nd that practically all of your yearaha markedly Germany goidenwed anniversary at Mr lieskamps Mr and hire Joseph Heskamp oi EpeThetrevcliors=wlltwto Switzerland andA stria by motor car and will visit Mrs lieskampe th Adolphe Reln oi Vielln trlnp during the man day on the Contin suea LEAGUES Now FORMING AEREDUCED $UMMER RATES rants by Jen Morrison We at CANDLELIGHT RITES tellght ceremony was the lil lei Miss Mnrionlltuth Presser Rev ioted the ad ghiar LProsser of Lairoy ihe bridegrooma rents are Mr south and Mrs Wll am Atkinso ot Lei hltion part vol of liprd

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