Mrp day tittiortb lathe morning Mr Iismtitonsnnouuccdiher to tircday girls must ryjnoys hooksfwhcn arkrd one to acustomer girls Ithtstailcsnd be polite to and open doors cic must stand in the cats until all the boys nre girls mustpeyrlii bills and endlhc day by gov tag to the Mrp dance hlost at these rules were carried out except number although live or six girls were seen to stand as the boys ate At noon some at the boyr threatened to ioree the girls to wash their care while other girls were seen doinr up boys shoeioces etc Luckypeople who only have abbut eight boys lnvthelr mm appointed in each room to make sure the rules were kept add some at the delegates were thexrsdenciesr during be nt their attempts classes anos cormrcm on an also number at lieutenants company sergeant ore and sergeants surname minion Central Collegiate 2nd Lieut Moisop an um Sloane andhir Cole central ilssllPrepdrmg Eor nget InspeCtro mun rotiirnlughome by air August 10 and rplritunlnredltntlon with the instructiverccunlei trons lb case slit run three surrealism mm at done Im13nn the coroner vecatinnlhls William in ensCadellnwtcufll is Linda on tint Thursday those at you who his ra sndsergean Jo BEL as stunï¬lled day nseven in men teachers took advantage oi the day by having their boards erased and other little tasks done The day mriniinaied lor nnmherol students the Twirp event held Fridswevcn log The girls were required to trrnke vegetable corsagcs tor the boys and contest was hold to plckvthn heat corsoge The winner was Norman South wood with his courage made of celery stick and other vegan tables with Spring has Sprung written on it The Winners of the spot dnncc were ill Stewart and iricnd imm tral The winners of another spot dance were couple lrorn Central and North The winners at the elimination dance were Doug Armstrong and Pat Walker both irom North They received passes to goonTown to see Bobby Cur la During the evening voting was held to choose Mule resistiblc When the ballots wcreLcountedltJurnedoutto be our iavorrte illic Way arid maui teacher Mr hihC intyre Tho nmnooup was Bill Jennin With pompand care mony Macintyre was crowned Mr Irresistible and was presented trophy ENeryonsltelapped iiy and we alliorowvthnthis name will go down lnNorths gletory as the first Mr lrrcsis Thedance was sponsored by the CnnreraClub and Yearbook SWE and our thanks lo all those who helped and to the teachers who advised and chap clonedtor the dances SHOWING On May our rifle iearn along with Barrie Central and Drillia competed once again tor the Boyle Trophy wich was won last year by North our team consisted at Paul Marshall Andy Malcom son John Robinson Bobï¬irap pet and rDavldLBohier Paul Marshalliwon the individual award with 190 out at pas Isihle 200 Also this is David Bobiers final year shooting Our team once again won the trophy and in doing so raised the winning total trom751 to Con stulations go to team mcm ers and their ream ers Mr Martin Mr Macintyre and Mr McCaw EXAMS Last Friday Grade 13 wrote special exam in French it was set up as an experiment in making the French paper into threehoucexnm of combin ed Authorsand Composition in stead of the twotwoandahali hour exams enehlhc students in general thought the exam bit on the hardvside hut glad to have had the ex ience of writing CADETS Ion Monday the cadets in hool practiced from three our oclock Officershave all beenchosen forbby now and they are as fol only ranks abovecaptein including Regimental her team Major Boys Lieuten Andy McNebh Dennisvliatclifi Comp commandera captalnal Ter ldeson Glen Eel Wbrtleyh Bab Campbe Regi mental Sergeant Maj Hutcblngs Girls Lieu ant ohei Tina Cameron Mater Coan Captains Donna Beryl Henketh Carolyn Gall Sslwood and menial Hutchings ergeant Major is John NMFS Dont iorget the Graduntion Dance tomorrow night in North Round Room The theme will he ahioonlight Serenade1119119 will be anorchestraand dano willbo iromt until 12 oclocir at which time there will be midnight bulictJTid kets are $150 couple On Wednesday Grade 11s wrote 11 Physics exam Last Wednesday they wrote Geo metry exam oi the sums type Dont target your yearbook payments at noon in the main hall it is necessary to have them paid or soon to enable us to order the correctnumh er oi copies printed DONOR STUDENTS This term there are quite low grade 12 and 13 students on the Honor Roll 75 per ccnt or better The grade 12 students are Tina Cameron 935 Janie liuyer 87 Patricia Miller 869 Colin Wortlny 851 Karen Ferguson 886 David Maw 79 Elnlnn Sponagle 795 is Coxall798 Carolyn Cox an sJoy iiinger7s0rJanct ltooke 789 Anne Baulclr=7li Marilyn Wortley 794 Jerry Mc Clelland 730 Jerry Vaer 737 Sharon Hay 75aPatrlcln liar ris 751 The grade is students on the lionoraholl arn ns follower Ulla Lentsius iil Leslie iolliite son Lynda lraeynnio Allan Molfait 775 Brian Cook 773 Myron Spenngls 752 Susan Sellers 750 COMMERCIAL STUDENTS On Monday morning the grade 12 Commeran students journeyed to the Simcoe County Courthouse They toured the building and met the personnel Some of the stat members al so presented dress rehearsal of in court case without the Veteran Reporter Dies In Toronto TORONTO tCPt Herbert iBlsusymlgga on aveteran of it years on the editorial staii of The Telegram died WedncsA day of heart condition lrom which he had been suffering for the last two years An obituary in The Telegram =ssys Herbert Eiggs prob ably had more friends oniajttwn if ll Mr Blggs was born in Le don England and served as sergeantmajor in the First World War He came to Canada in 1922 and joinedTha Telegram several years later cadet inspoounnd follows Lteui Wayne Richardson num my be attending for tho tirrt time including our grade ninei may went to know Just exactly what Centralsannunl about As usual the boys and girls platoons will be inspected by visiting dlgnltery iromCamp Borden Heading the cadets this year Is Battalion Conunnndcr Cadet Larry Shepherd with Motor Grant Poever as second in command and Don Esiordel Regimental Sergeant Major Commander oi the boya known as Company is Motor Cari Banting Jim Bra dy in Cadet Company Sen gcnntMajnr Piatoou Commanders are as number one Cadet her two Cadet Lieut Gary Mawi number three Cadet Lieut Mike Lumsden number four Cadet Lieutsliorb Shan non nurnherflvs Cndnt Licut Ray Thompson in the color partysars Cadet Lieut Ross Spam and Cadet Lieut Ed Eillotscn are Major Neshlt Cs Reads More Brion ea dent Kennedy had this coma ment Wednesday on the press am readl toying it less Kennedy sent ripple oi laughter through his presscon fcrence when he gave Liiiiiylep to request for his view oi the press lngenerai as he sees it lrom the presidency The president uickly added have not comp ained nor do plan in make any general complaints read andialk to myselt abeutli he said bulgl dont plan to issue any general state went on the press critical oneand ha ls attempt ing to do his ii ruin Loss nasvv rnorsnrvrnnns One or Fire oi undetermined origin caused an estimnted $700000 lnstruetingtheboysxonrpsnyi worldcnmp in Norway but the screening committee re that met the an enraged esrassubstitutc tor TheGiri Guide Association girlsin guides in Canada it is certainly an honor tor Linda oorp Synn John Pclieiier Lieut Wilcox and Dave Mon dlth are in diarge oi the Bren Gun Corps mammal instlvnir physical cducnlion spay are penny and so Sloane lnthe GlrlsCadet 0018 the Commanding oilicer is ptsin Susanne Gnuthler Geraldine West head is Sergeant hint or intnon Licutenants and Piatmn Sergeants are as ioiv lower number one Lieut Ker en Hare and Scrg Linda Ha an number iwop Lieut More Goodyear and Song Susan Hardy number three Lleut Barbara Snow and Serg Dore on Hunter number four Lieut Kay Hickey and Serg Nancy Stork Instructing the girls Company aroMlss 1i penis andA Cockblnn who is also general coavencr tor the whole inspection lOItiTENDCAMP Central salutes LindeCorri gens grade twelve student who has been chosen by the GirLGuide The Guiding Association has ceived so many applications frequhed hythbassodation that the trip to Great Britain was thedeserving girls Linda whoisvll has been in guides inr 10 years and hopes toheoome Guide Cap1 tnin when shareanties the ripe old age of 21 At present she is company leader at the Al andale Guides has set up an international fund to sponsor girls guides from ditierrnt countries to at tend the annual world camp in Norway Attending both the Norway Camp and going to the British Isles are only to eligible girta irom all Canada Considering the number at in be flying England Jul Congratulation onhelng chosen Easter Holidays town at noon Edinboreugh gt The money for the trip is be ing raised the Mothers Girl Guides in Barri From Central to anodeTQ to go to England and Good Luelr Enioy yourseii KEY CLUB TRIP We now have detailed re port trom Barry Dyok and Jon Hennebry concerning the Key Clubtrp to 0ttawslnthe Jon and Barry were the dnl cgetes among the 11mm or at Ccntrals KoyllCiub is en ingthe Ontario Quebec and Mnritlrno District Convention The Key Clubbers were up and left Barrie in care at an hour Monday morningwhen some people are retiring They trevelledvie Oriilia and Petarboroughand arrived at Fisher Park Collegiate in 0ti After registering til Flint and shopped in Hirll The Key note Assembly that serne atoning ieatured guest weimmethheihey Ottawa Monday ght getacou alnied dance was arranged for the unfortunate Oiliroi town boys who didnt happen in already know local girl The primary purpose of this Apple moans Public Address and Sound Systems 2Way Rani Complete Enter and Service nonsrv ro Box 4061 PA Milli Mitt sembiiea luncheonr not short period wiilgbemott wel come to the students oi St Jose as eperiod oi inner re solution and consolidating ot nnnrusrnnnsmnurmgm nonwunpnnoenwninn women and June dance was to enable th boys to most girl to he to the Gnome hall the tolloiving Wedn dry Tiresdny was continuous round at business en es andeanquetI tor ouridclegstcs Alter the last banquet there was Talent Show but do are Itlrlrid that most boys wont howi If 0n the last day the ot tawnivistt the delegates elect ed the new international exec utive endxspent the siternoon sightseeing The Covemorr Bali started nt nine oclock and lasted tor most at the evening and part illith PiiiiitS norm snuinrm to snr MORNLAT 10AM In cooperation with the DEPARTMENT OFLANDS AND FORESTS ANDTHE ONTARIO FORESTRY ASSOC Spouse by lthlwsnl Proceeds toHumanilsrian Sorvlc ot the next morning Cen Cred nitcloclrlicires per couple and roasts option at Music will he provided by dance band CadeHrrs isnext Thursday in the at eight ofeleck See trelttesi Rememberthe Dance toni tnin wary noon ncrro numbers riled CONSOLATION 1512500 FELLOWS TEMPLE arena starting IER 5T out there tenement vino oval5 xrhe COLONIALWay ogsWsdnsedayndï¬htto the Bonnrnnsour Bull on downtown Des Forges Street Police said the threestorey brick building housed thriw stores dance studio and the oitices oi finance company and anlnsuranceiirm RECOMMENDEDAS ADU ENTERTAINMENT 7MURDERrSHE HE MATING GAME rnsrunn Ar pm 705 19 SAID provide thislsdiiifvliltme Oil100 rundown your lowthen diatom imrgcr to you obviate the Colonial myrdchnï¬roimum cosh orttlizy souirfgsi CohniaPafaCEory built package units or it anLd at tremendous igiwd and erigrneen ed to cut buildin posts all down the line Mid Niéfllfimiéd Withslubh precision dial desiredyou conldpossibiybui yourself ofersflnxibiebmcplamto meet your Main and vronasehechdelrcyedtayw STAGE Anson son Iheetzock ciarmn oyotc War We STAGE 21mins components inons ï¬nish rnsrdh hungdoorsete onwlpraording rq you know debts including everythingro close the house indnsulation 5mm do ecoriomico theï¬npncing the home of your on commons int ion our orient timrnrdnr aorbrothnteaitnlooinllt mien