who were no dsclioed tostand out amonsvtheCanadlan rennin all ovurolttarlo heseid Liberal ever pa wiiilamBo an ooaventt soymtdilberal who oppose non EarlRowe trust spoke moansmama several poi itlcel eldest oi the ihoh action lasted or POLISH Heronch coarse dissemination tttihthhihiiitl harm its ltandpo hlag tombrig aadweb tï¬eï¬lnttitnem rp Arranged For Barrie Student JanCnvanaugh student oi sights at present day Ottawa St Josephs lligh Scbooi leaves sad preview oi the national hdthncrcapitalasvtt tinned turcln Citizenship which will tuture Theyywili take part aka the term at urday in group discussions at Carleton evcotitflied visit to nations Univireity bearing on the out Capitol in is being sponsor ed by the Rotary Club other rie to participate in thlsiiih at pmject at the Rotary oi Ottawa Along with 220 other boys ltnd girls from every Canadian province the Northwest Terri toricsnnd the Yukonall spon sored by Rotary Club Jan will tour the Parliament Build ings visit the National Gallery Ridcnu llail theresidences the Governor General the RCMP Training Centre at Recir cliiie Park Ottawas City Hall and other points of interest Under the guidance of the Na doaal Capital Commission the young visitors wilihc all one in ï¬scal aryiaiaodsJiIdelr Giihreltar We Na les aw meAIex WJLW Beiru ashram hoped sow mam see Liberal candidate more must be filled in Ontario sent the riding in Ottawa Ms Laura praised Liberal snout rostrva ayslcamsgana Btlti Studentsllr Moving gggggmggggesgzim amp Borden liiS Wesle dental co co roraa lot at training This year there are his stizt outs on this course On its con 11 ciuston the majority will have only short holiday heiore pro aerationio return to either service universityor to that LOCAL GENERliLl uehnnssrons av Bridle rector oi attenth Man rtnnnhannthDiesiIn Crust momma osï¬bnndcd his urfly AMP ORDENiim m1 mum l° Palm mid as killed his car andinvesiigatton shows HEWt it Willi Rem inst tly on Highway operate to that the seat belt behind the ml July l° of Schomhcrg last nightwhea drivers seat was doneup and it WU 15101181 59° his car was in colllslou with yet Mr Pacawas thrown irom thrift the Canadian BibleSo another vehicierbcioro rolling the car while ltwas rolling with Mo Bridlels martial overiour timeson the highway av with two daughters attending ltlr Pace alone in his car high school in Alliston was returning trom work at The 5m Wt Vell Downsview when he mliided Me Wm WINS SCHOLARSHIP Wm it mummy mule although both cars were demol James Waverinmlth otiBnn Mich mm mm mm tshed in the accident Mr rle won the Ohio Boys in Eng we on the ML Pacas body last the Anderson lend memorial scholarship at tuneral home the annual entranceacholarsh vainclllrltltlollcoksald WES nown it examinations at Upp Canada mam College Toronto ATTEND SEMINAR ioy Christian or Churchill Oatr attended iourdsy sem Ontario College oi Pharmacy at Toronto More than 150 pharmacists irom all parts at the province were also rpresent emisuantsasf sociated with Aliendnha Drugs QUEENS OWN RIFLES The wind Annual Reunion din ner oi the Queens Own Rifles Association will het ceAebrétedAIn oron os niversiy venue ioro her marriage she taught mm To awsunezamtiï¬lhif Mime Cooks Presbyterian Sunday the Armoury is to he demol The Variety iiinb was School Later she taught Sun ished gt termed in Pittsburgh in me day sonata at Zion Presbyteth gigglmaglsï¬ngaagrï¬gnm ian Church and Jubilee Presby am building Equipping and meihtalningv of rtratning school for crippled boys will King Olav oi= Norway ad Prince Rainier ancl Princess time of Monaco will take part the celebraqu liner candidatonriirom British Columbia toNewiouadiand are movinginto Camp Borden this week tohegln sunnuer trains isncgI at the loyal Canadian to on re am 640 it wile will rcceivb university of their choice under training at the school which the sponsorship oi the Canadian uses stall oi almost 100 people Arrnyq to administer the activities that 10 WEEKS will continue throughout the The and iear oi the pro mmen two and tilt course tor the students in mm ll all it ale admiltlstered in three phases higolyeeksgorrwemaln along withaaiatroductory phase ï¬lly reï¬ll canine and draws on regularoiiicer mtulle rare or or trainingvplnn students Cartodinn mmflie Y9 PNVth Onthis Oiiicer Training Course ot gféégghlh hear there are mi iicer candidates aiong with students trorn various other mummmm cots oi government nd politi cal science feature at the trip will be the ceremony on the last day oi the visit durinfluwhlch each boy and girl will receive acato adlun citizendiip cortiiicale thorn lion Ellen Falrclough minister oi elttlenslllp and im migration The 321 students who will take part in the rim Ottawa visit were selected on the basis oivschoiastlc standing partlcl nation in school activitieerand ability ubli eaklug Fovei each student is scheduled to describe his or her experiences and impressionsto hometown audlences FRONTWHEEL seearhtto LUBRICATION with each on crimes It you an the strata mwnag=rrwnf=f== Thomson Buys Trade hooks LONDON OP Publisher Roy Thomson Wednesday night announced the cqulsition oi threo irada atloue Th Purchase or were not give One is an industrial publica tion called the Labour News an independent and nonpolitical other with an average weekly circulation of 36000 It honino connection wit Labor whtr all work together for over three weeks doing practical training In addition some oithese ol learn which didnt get national survival training in phase two so The introductory use ottite program is for eats who litii livid time rpan an ne my will theottake this course be $21333 myth ear iore eventually passing the DANGERFlELD ram course The Medical and llduxnï¬lliiï¬mdu Wh handlearr anMQTOR that tot1mg week sonnet to take is hase three Com Phase chats actually the real course which has start at the sehooloi infantry students mgrarn and lube ï¬rst year of are program which teaches young lcers thebaslcyarmy skilisw ch will be necessary for their careers This course continuesvior 10 weeks In ad Members of Barrie Rotary Club were told the story oi Variety Village Torordo at their weekly meeting This school is sponsored by the Variety Ciubot Turns to red at Do newt hills THOMAS HISEBROUGH hedi at WTï¬ï¬ï¬‚me alter lengthy illness Shevwas bornat Crown Hill December 26 1870 She was the eldest daughter oi the late Thomas and Elizabeth Wlil is year 05 the othersare chemical trade publication and coaiif dentialvguide circulated to see ondvhand motorjdeaiers Earlier this year the Thomson organization bought number at trade publications dealin terian Church Stayner She was an ardent worker inthe WMS at both Sunnidate Corn ers and Staynarr Foresters As young girl shetmoved with her parents to Sunnldale Corners On April 10 thhe married Thomas Risehrough and they termed tor many years in Sunnldale When th retired 72 years ago ed to Steyner Throughout her life Mrs Rise broughwes active in church activitiesr While in Toronto be Beauty Queen Contest Gettrgian Hay and District CreditUnion chapter held directors meeting at the Sim coe Federation of Agriculture office they mov announcement be held ayear The cha ter plans to hold banquet and dance and beauty queen cons test The girl who wins will later compete with pther beauty queens for the all Ontario title at the Ontario Credit Union Lee guc convention Frank Murphy of Siroud said there had been numerous in quiries from various organiza trons which wished to form new credlt unions Tlte next chapter meeting will he held at Brechin on June 21 lennedy Centers With Top llids WASIHNGIONV AP Presv ident Kennedycalled in his diplomatic and military ads visors to discuss how to stop the now it and The conierenca Thursday broke up only hourl before the government announced least or now the United States is concentrating on means of re storing the yearold ceasefire that was broken Sunday When Her husbandpredeceased her in April i960 Sisters and bro thers surviving are Annie Mrs Alfred Watkinsi°ol Klme herleyBC Bessie Mrs Ross Elliott at Cookstown William of Stayaer Margaret Mrs George Dittrnant of Calgary Bertha Mrs Thomas Dono van oi Slbbaid Alberta Jane tlttrs Norman Brown oiist her and Vida Mrs Melville Bates ot Sunnidaie broitt er Robert predeceased her in 1959 Her itineral was held from Mothers mineral Home Stay ner The service was conduct ed by ltev James Ritchie Pallbearers were iive neph ewe Orville Risehroug McCaitry Bstes cousin Robert Hull Burial was in stayner Cemetery Relatives attending from nee came irom Barrie Bolton Cookttown Waliterton and West Take Course Barrie squadron Grey and Slmcoe Foresters has complet ed tourses for recruits on iioldcrait gunnery driving and maintenance and wirelcse Fiitylive otiicers and men at tended Meaiord APV hangs over the weekend to complete their studies said it was one of the best courses in years The boys get the theory here during the winter and then go up to Meaiord to get the practical end he said it was real thrill to the chops to drive thebig tbnir fire the big 75 MM gun and the 30 Brownie machine guns There are 135 oiilcers and men in the neuron cannon VANCOUVER CPtAVam couver bookstore named in Situatedln East Toronto on with factory new sndphotog tlltion to students mm the in making welding repairs to metal working drafting and commercial subjects with each This year graduates as Washington as distribution point for Sovietvpropagsnda ls nosuclr thingtts owner said Thursday TNQMINATING CONVENTION cf the DUEFERlN tMcoe enoo conservative Assoctnrlow on hold iha HIGll scuoot auotroetutvr SHELBUliNE THURSDAY MAY 17th yclock for thopurposeotchooding ecantiidaie The meeting will therehels roverran agoterm meat stronghold Pending further developments the president made no new de cisions informs Entrifrthe lighting continues the us may have to decide whether to take drastic new steps to strengthen theraati Communistwsovemmeat torces led by Gen Plintiml Nosavan Such steps could lead to the involvement or USt iorces in thehattie to keep Laosl tram being crushed by ontmunisi supgortedlathet rebels president told press troops therevwaa tomato course be tires to EVERYONE ts Invtrco HankrHase MEN Vï¬gï¬USSJHE ISSUES OF THE JUNE Itl ELEC sPACtous comronrita Meta PARKINGAltE shew 12 acresoi landthe building houses training centres dining room lounge games room and six dormitories The students in the 10 to tityear range re mainior an average to Training is given to watch small electrical appliances student being allowed to take the subjects of his choice To date174 boys haveL ceived graduating certiï¬cates and most are doing well The translation of the Schools motto is Do Not Despair Trust In God group will cess of $350000 earn in raphy entry corps students from the 62ND ANNUAL nan Insetcrtou BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE BARRlE ARENA THURSDAY MAY 17 1962 aoo PM sohussrow are rashes FRM CITY HALL tickers room arunnms ocLoctt wtrtttirott an eAnttttKtWAtttsy MA Monti ddsMonsAy shatteringngy i4th and 15th 3W9 Kiwanis PeanutMan to Shall houses and apartments inVBarrie tosell tins of Peanuts Assorted Nuts the wisest natures our vou atttc Mtrt proceeds from the sales go to the ants Welfare Fun ntMtMerRthoArt Monanv MAY 4TH mammoth9 in the