mhdlhndntiil are contest sang in on paper new iv edaeed Mrs Kidd conductedmac mu and lore lcri contest The committee in Mr and Mn PM Pianos cberge served delicious refresh 010 thrill 111 Tomato Leonrmi Dnekworih attended manta giantArthur the TraceyMartyn wedding mat town Carmen Dcwneyac Guthrie and dough vaieat MeiPriest UTOPIii and MW WM 130 ryson in genie Susan Unit Visitors with Mn and am and Bond Gum belts ii Bmwniey over the weekend Participants were Mr and Mrs Brooks WNW mm Chunk of Hunuvm Mr am iadiescurling club met at the Magnum home oiMorgaretCcmei ragï¬nd nï¬boaxï¬ï¬rmoruna QWMW MW Put on ayv rsw and Mrs JackEllll neressn no Drawsreleased loam be Cilik IndMflnd SW McNbb Ml newiyeieeied president resid lace Clark oi Grand Valley WAunu Ml ed 111 meeting my 5mm ng Wm Kelly bushieaa session was 16 ommMamowudj Mothers Day service at Utopia 94 9mm Pmldm tireLords Pr srRoil United Church It 930 or the coming year and Mrs wu mm Hanan wim5und when 11mg lacs Spence was elected the 5mm Comm PM of iormer secretary and treasur Mmm commuted no 10 Mr and Mrs Nell Dempsterr mm Wm ward seboiarshipior under Mr and Mrs Sandy Damneter Mm me privileged students lrom other daughter Shirley Barrie 11 MW mum in 99 countries The program for the eel cam and Mrs John Ma mm NEW mV coming year was read by Mn commun Beamiah who pennanent tr cmtserwee position athCASC School Shawlligworlrwin the orderly room at ONWi Coy qump Borden Harrier Race will ehaid at camp thlsirl day Mayll Last year RCASC Schoolwoothe event andrweni on to win the commandCroas Country Championship it wne was the lira was anynnlt Borden had on this event cable the RCASC ï¬ction is earths siekiiat Mrs Haiiyard who was on eiek leave or uvarsl weeks has returned toduty Jim Forbes CFMS training centre has bedn promotcdio lirellghter andslraa transior red toCamps lire department ed Church on Friday Mr and Mrs Jack Robinson and com Harold Gore Bey spent couple oi days last newwith Mr and Mn liar ey Robinson Mr and Mn Hervey Robin rinmilsr at Sunday ay with iher son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mn Algin Rogynsohnegokdgdgesh ymps en to and Mrs Leslie Rose and iam iiy and relatives in the sudden passing oi Mrs Roses mother Mrs Frank Widdliieid at News market The C611 and Explorers motherandoanghter banquet in Angus United Church hell Tuesday evening May was Brennan Moose his parents Mr and Mrs Lorna Brennan Barrie and his sister Mrs William Roseand son Glen visited with Mr and hire Frank OConnor Sunday May By nnunssn snoaason PERSONAL NEWS Miss isobel Webb Toronto spent the weekend withMrr Atkinson Mr and Mrs Vern Abrams Torontutapernt the weekend withme Is ere parents Mr and Mrs Mel Brayman Sympathy oi the community is extended to Mrs William Neviils in the death of her mother Mrs liiaudeMliiar Thursday May 122 Tiller Mr and Mrs John Mason evenlnl most interesting year shes in Holly grade and siren up aewdutlarf evening wmhm mm or mammal on an Coy RCASC School held Barrievisited Mr William week We UMHLCIIIPPE 01 Fulfil lmm Cloughiey Saturday even °°5° alumnawe owner materials mg oerqprohlemaAalngle ongaa ro attended the WapiesN laon onprobioms oi interior decora fro theiormsrs niece GloriaWap predated thls service dis Rochester NY and Miss Whirlwind ï¬ller on hand Mrs William Sutherland van Gmemmm church and eliminated as raking Museum Hail With cast of about 35 99 spent tow days in Chatham standard eonvertsia Jon Sunday ed s°°n¢tltd9 WWW Magnureconvenorahowta Mr Tarbush Barrie tiu Sunday institute work Mrs wen re Mr and Mrs Ken Bush ported ontha ummaryy day on be mm 1° Mitt the 148 Jack MeCsnn an and meal atCollier Str MglgawnlSmlta Mrs Fred McCann Sunday mm Wm the am Mr Mrs Kenncdy was con mm ll heldquarim Mug new and funny adianrinduetriea Shointroduel gt Visiting with Mr and Mrs and Mrs Ellis and family CM mm dud my ed the guer sooner any MrsTMurrpy andirrnili nter only viatgdvilllflilgindmljtggfol Rummy Mt lar andextorior iialshes ex on was on Mr and Mrs Jothrlest color schemes etc Members and Mr and Mrs Mel Priest were iree to ask any questions whom no reception at Vasey sited ting The slides were very int umttï¬anotherihlmmgomnh church Saturday The bride is ereattng and the members an MW um manning Am rt Nichol pi oi various samples at era eye Bollpropellodrotarynutriit Tillyonr garden around ï¬lrfflelggzlnlggiurgzwlm 93 On Saturday IVle St mm mom swathbaglgrautrlmlcloee cuitivstnrdurlngthagrowing Scarborough put on its Variety in meettillclmdWm at ed friends in Oshawa Monday show 75L page garish QuegiNIiea hostesagael Mil forever Mr gt0 Eagsndchuta easier In week the show was entertaining to iasml solo Give Me This Day tures showed the area and LLamsi Miss Nancy AtrthDeep River visited the latter part of the Easter vacation with her parents enigma Alrlh ndlng the EmpkevGranl wedding inWood stock NJ Mrs Airth recently visited elatives in Kincardine Winners oi the lucky draw held hy Cookstawn ladies curl in club were Mary Morrison Barrie Phyi Jevons Beverly Monkman Mrs Riley Mrs Han sen and Mrs Atkinson spent ew days in Toronto atte ing the annual meeting at the Anglican Church Womans Aux iliary ww Tuesday evening May 41 ladies at the United Church Womens organization and nine visitors irom Anglican and Presbyterian churches met in the Sunday school roomvoi the United church Quiet music and the reading at hymn opened the meeting President Mrs Norrie Caults announced the minister for anniversary May to will bailey Mr Higgin son Mrs Willis Corrigan open the meditation was glvsnby Murpherrs Corriganded rn prayer Mrs Shaw was pro gram convener irene Kali sang lrene McMaster introduced the igpeaker Miss Beth Huddleston Reg Miss Huddlesien is on furlough rom Quito South America where she is mis aioaary nurse lwith World Radio Missionary Fellowship Miss Huddicston using Isaiah aslher text told why she dydedicsted her life to God ndsoi her happiness in it Miss iiuddieston through pie dresscustoms and habits of thepeopls and the hospital ltd which sherworks it is one oi rthe beet equigpd in south mericaShe spiayed amali tribal umea and some nature handiz wo luneh was servdby the committee in charge bringr ing an interesting eveningto WOMEN iNEfliTUTE Thursdsy evening May at gooiock Cookstown Womens inatitutemet in the town 11 with thenew president Mrs presiding Topic was Home Economics with Mrs iiiiin convener Motto was Youcannot do todays work with yesterdays tools and aka successful tomoer cali fUses ioryviaegar answeredby in members Training schoolprotcict Ne Mr and Mrs lion Grima hard and Gordon Bradley red Mr andeflsAbboufa Ravenshoe Sunday Mrs Thomas Lyons passed away at her home here week The funeral was held at the Lathengue funeral home in Brsdiqrd Burial was in Prea teriancemetery Breton The ladies at the Anglican Guild held suceeaaiul bake sale in the hall on Saturday large crowd oi parents and friends attended up last Jackson Larsen By M118 MAURICE REID ers aners Jack Willard Toronto spent the weekend with the latters William Noble Mr and Toronto wereweekend guests of Mr and mother Mrs Lawn ilison Orillia was home with her mother for week Miss Luella Dormeily is work ing in the Ore oiiice to on house at public so ho Mcnday night At the service in the united ChurchSunday morning Roger Percy son of Mr andan Waite old sand Susan Alana daughter of and Mrs Allan Giassior lined by Rev on appreciative audience Mr and Mrs Collins the ionner ing the entertainment the AYPA served reireshmentsu Members of the cost were bli letcd in the various homes and attended morning service at St Peters on Sunday St Georges Sear horough Jan Cavariaugh placed second in the interprovincial iinala lor the Lions Club at Nouyn Quebeo on Saturday liiseprlze was 9100 Congratulationsden The Couples Club held its May mceltng at the home of Mrs and Mrs Jack Downay DeVotlonal was taken Alan Jotuislon and RRESERIPTIONS We tinysd vri you nrea fly ourtcoue bi Ask your doctor about our pharmacy next time he wrl prescription or Y0 Pre crl tioh pick up and delllvarlyd el manner so oasroe PA Mm is Collier at Yen um Hcraidssay meat packing Packers and Canadian Dressed Meats will lay oit employees no shutdown oi the two big MAY HAVE LAWN3 LENBRIDGE tCP lh tlStithhridie plants Canada result at the lowerreto aqulprne the Canadiandollnr While ants is planned oiiiclals at cut production nth lirms said therelwill be Avail Wm