Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1961, p. 6

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HONOR RETIRING MANAGER AT DINNER PARTY dinner reception was bold in honor of retiring man ager Monahan man sger of the Barrie branch of the Canada Life Assurance Compani at the Cedar Rail last evening Mr Monahan is retiring after 40 years ser vice with the company Among the guests attending the reception were from left it Harris Mrs Warren Wiigar Mrs Robert son Fowiie Toronto Mrs Monahan Mrs Victor Ellis Collingwood and George Chappel Examiner Pholoi SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES CHRISTMAS PARTIES Among the guests who attend ed the annual Christmas dinner party for staff members and guests of the Superior Propane Limited held at the Cedar Rail Saturday were Mr and Mrs Al Gardiner Mr and Mrs Lionel Edgertnn Mr and Mrs Harvey Weber Mrs Shan Kear lley Murray McLean Mr and Mrs Murray Rupert Mr and Mrs Jack McLean Mr and Mrs Norman Kelly Mr and Mrs Fred iinrking and Mr and Mrs Lcn Kirk The inner Wheel of the Rotary Club will hold its annual Christ mas supper party for members and guests at the Bayview Ter race this evening Convener ol the event is Mrs wil Iiarns president Among those attending are Mrs Bruce Fr endt president of the Ladies Auxiliary to Barrie Lions Club Mrs Lorne Carter president of the Kinotte Club Mrs Fred Smith president of the Kiwanis Club Womens Auxiliary and Mrs Vance vicepreside ent of the Soroptimist Club Mrs Fred Skelly Mrs John Stevenson Mrs Ross Turnhuii Mrs Herman Tomiinson Mrs Jack Batstone Mrs Vern Beat ty Mrs Bezzant Mrs Caldwell Mrs Waiter Carruth ers Mrs Clark Mrs Syd Cox Mrs Robert Delaney Mrs Bruce Edey Mrs Cy Elston Mrs Eldon Greer Mrs Thomas Kerr Mrs MacDon ald Mrs Angus McKay Mrs George Muiholiand Mrs Sarjeant Mrs Fred Sarjeant Mrs Peter Scott Mrs Jack Webster Mrs Williams Mrs Leon Garrick and Mrs Ernest Rotman Canadian Tampax Corporation entertained employees at Christmas dinner party at the Cedar Rail Friday evening Har ry Kelly was in charge of ar gangements Dance music provided by the Rhythmen led by Gerry Stubbings The womens auxiliary of the Sea Cadets held its annual Christmas party at the Green Corners Tiffin Street Mrs Sbuffiebotham vicepresident extended greetings to guests on behalf of president Mrs Cole An exchange of gifts was the highlight of the evening The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Scragg 38 Newton Street Jan 16 at pm HONOR MANAGER dinner to mark the retire ment of Monahan from the Canada Life Assurance Company was held last even ing at the Cedar Rail Restaur ant Mrs Monahanwas also guest of honor Dinner guests were Gooeh vicepresi dent Toronto Fowlie agency superintendent Toronto Mr and Mrs Monahan Mr and Mrs Harris Mr and Mrs Warren Wilgar Mr and Mrs George Chappei Mr and Mrs Holman Mr and Mrs Robertson all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Van sickier and Mr and Mrs Graper Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Ellis and Rigley Coliingwood Mr and Mrs Jack Gerow Midland Mr and Mrs Breckles Oriiiia Mr and Mrs Yeomans Brad ford Charles Blackstone Hun tsviiie POTLUCK SUPPER The Womens Auxiliary to 102 Air Cadets will hold its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs Eleanor Brett Peel Street Honorary members who will be guests at the party are Mrs Laura Noble Mrs Hurti bese Mrs William Wolfenden Mrs William McKeever Mrs Albert Bentley Mrs William McFadden Mrs Art Wilson of Aurora WlIIST PARTY ihemembers of the Junior Auxiliary to Royal Victoria Hos pital held Christmas party at the home of Mrs Neil MILVor Weldon Crescenl Dec Court whist was played and Mrs Jack Stoliar was the prize winner WA YULETIDE DINNER The second annual Yuletide dinner of the Evening Circle of the Womens Association of St Andrews Presbyterian Church was held last evening The WA oi Essa Road Presbyterian Church catered for the dinner which was held in the social hall of the church Guests in cluded members of the After noon WA and the afternoon and evening missionary groups of St Andrews FESTIVE STAFF PARTY The annual Christmas party for employees of Marlsfield Rubber Canada Limited was held Saturday evening at The Embassy Blake Street Don Fergusons orchestra from Dr angeviiie provided the music for dancing and buffet sup per was servcd at midnight Short addresses were given by Jansen vicepresident and factory manager and Rosser president of the com pany Mr Rosser presented liveyear service pin awards to Bert Shuiz and Douglas Neely RETURN TO BELGIUM Mr and Mrs Mike Baker Dunlap Street West entertain ed at family reception Sun day ovening in honor of Mrs Bakers parents Mr and Mrs Steurs Mr and Mrs steurs are leaving Malian airport to day for their home in Ant werp Belgium alter six months holiday with their son inlaw and daughter Guests attending the family party New CWL Group Hold First Meeting The first meeting of the St Christophers Parish Council of the Catholic Womens League was held at the Social Centre on RCAF Station Camp Borden Monday with 15 members pres ent Presiding at the meeting was Mrs Duffy who appointed convene Mrs Langevin tthird vicerpresident as spirit ual Convener Mrs Hancock membership Convener Mrs Meienson press and magazine convener Mrs Bouchard education convener Mrs Pageot tseeond vicepresident radio and TV convener and Mrs Baurdeau social ac tion convener The members voted to send cash donation to the Swan River Mission for Christmas Mrs Cloutier agreed in head the lunch committee and Mrs Murphy and Mrs Costello will be on the enter tainment committee IN AND OUT GORING England CPlhe notice on gate at this Oxford shire town says Please do not open this gate as the dogs will get out If they do get out please prop open the gate so they can get in again Thank you were Mr and Mrs Harold Jenneit Mrs Banting and children Brian and Brenda Mr and Mrs Mike Myers and daughter Janie Mr and Mrs Ralph Baker son Roger and daughter SueAnne all of Bar rie Mr and Mrs lom Lyons and daughter Linda Mr and Mrs liarry Baker daughters Shelley and Gayle all of ivy Among friends who called to say farewell to the travellers were Mr and Mrs Frank Len nox Mr and Mrs Bruce Grey Mr and Mrs McGibbon Mr and Mrs Ted Cickowics Mrs Danicisan Mrs Robert Hardy all of Barrie itirs 0r viile Elliott of Brampton Yuletide Seasons Festivities News For Social Department The Womens Department of The Barrie Examiner will be publishing special Christmas pages on Friday Dec 21 and Sat urday Dec Names of holiday visitors in the city news of Earrieitu leav ing for distant points accounts of Yuletide parties and other bell day events will be included Womens organization are also invited to submit items of social nature items may be taking place during the Christmas season These phoned to the womens Department at The Exam iner PA 66537 extension 17 between 830 am and 430 pm or submitted in writing The cooperation of our readers will be much appreciated by those engaged in compiling these special pages LIONS CLUB AUXILIARY Mrs Tony Saso Is Hostess At Annual Christmas Party Mrs Tony Saso Mary Street was hostess at the annupl Christmas party of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie Following the bullet supper business meeting was conduct ed by Mrs Bruce French pre sident it was decided that members would donate $170 to the Lions Club swimming pool Arrange ments were made to clothe sev eral needy families in the ar ea Fifty dollars was donated to the Lions Club for Christ mas hampers Lucky draws were made dur ing the evening and won by Mrs Noel Stephenson and Mrs Earl Cox An exchange of gifts was conducted Special guest was Karl Jen nett who demonstrated the art of Christmas gift wrapping Among members attending were Mrs John Anders Mrs Bell Mrs Don Jackson Mrs Cecil Cook Mrs Allan Cook Mrs Clarence Corbett Mrs Earl Cox Mrs Frank Craig Mrs Bill Dyment Mrs Bruce French Mrs Jack Gurd Mrs Charles Hurtibese Mrs Bruce Johnston Mrs MncLean Mrs Arthur More Mrs Ed Myers Mrs Ed Nor man Mrs Jack Richardson Mrs Rowe Mrs William Sarieant Mrs Tony Saso Mrs George Seymour Mrs Earl Smith Mrs Gerald Smith Mrs Noel Stephenson Mrs William Stephenson Mrs Sung Mrs orval Risebrough Mrs Harold Webb Mrs Cy Wilcox Mrs Gerald Woodger Mrs Har ry Nesbitt om TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER 12 1961 Many Factors Contribute To Tarnished Silverware TORONTO CPUPine trees wet plaster walls and carbon monoxide fumes from an under ground garage are just three of dozens of factors that can con tribute to tarnish on silverware Atmospheric conditions which vary from neighborhood to neighborhood also vary from home to home and even room to room George Carter explains Thats why some women have to polish their silver more ire quentiy than others Some pieces may need more frequent attention too Mr Carter talks about silver affectionately Its an affection tl grew from buying and selling silver for 37 years Re cently he retired as the head of the silver department at large firm in Toronto Blrks but is back on the job as consultant Looking over showcases of antique sliver during an inter view he pointed out the work manship of the pieces This piece was hand done he xplained as be flipped over patterned silver tray lYou can tell because the work has been hammered through to the Mr and Mrs Jim Morrison of Painawick celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at an open house celebration and family dinner party The celebranfs received many gifts card sand congratula tory messages from friends and relatives Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PAT2414 yuannunuumammunmunnnmanm PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS till DEC 20 hummnfllmlzuuuuuuuung PERMANENT WAVES opposite side Although the base of silver piated objects may vary the finish on mediocre base can be quite good if polishing is dor hand with wire brushes patina finish is obtained This gives dulled appearance which when closely scrutinized reveals red of tiny scratches This is Sheffield or butiei finish Mr Carter exv plaiaed Design contributes to the value of silver How well the work is executed how much silver is on it and whether the silver is well balanced are all factors in its value When purchasing flatware be sure to handle the pieces for comfort The pattern should be chosen to match the type of home and entertaining the per son expects to do Although there are many modernistic patterns the traditional pat terns are still the best sellers Mr Carter said In recent survey of 180 patterns the top to all traditional PLACEDSETTINGS Instead of buying six or eight teaspoons at time Mr Carter advises buying flatware by the setting Then when woman has two placesettings she can at least use them for herself and her husband Silver is enhanced by use Mr Carter says and benefits by frequent washingbut never in dishwashing chin When the knives of flatware are to be washed do not imi merse beyond the blade Boiling but later sometimes melts the cement where the blade meets the handle Sterling silver is likely to scratch less because it contains hard copper alloy You can only plate with pure silver and it is soft Silvr plate usually lasts from 20 to 25 years If the item is goc it is worth repiating but it is sometimes just as reasonable to replace less expensive item Christmas gifts for men on early as you can But even if you must put off shopping until the last minute count on us for lion selection of gifts in good taste and good fashion to please every man on your list Ga Reports Indicate A11 The regular monthly most lng and the annual meeting of Womens Hospital Auxil iary was held in the hospital There were 28 members pre sent President Mr Jack Butler presided prospect tlvo member Mrs Rowell was welcomed and Mn Whittaker was welcomed back after long and severe tilnesr it won learned that McCormll has been seriously ill but is recovering nicely airs McCarroll will be coming to Barrie for the Christmls banquet Dec 12 The Auxiliary decided the television rental would not start until the opening of the new wing Annual reports were ufol lows Sewing reported by Mrs Gable total of 2210 art icles sewn in the year Reg ular sewing day is Tuesday and the extra group sew Wed nesday and is convened by Mrs II Page Marking has all been done also good deal of the linens for the new wing are stamped and ready for use VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE Mrs Michael Hogan report ed voluateors wrapped 1605 dozen obstetrical dressings Mrs Bruce Murray gave the financial statement for the Sunshine Cart in two years it has made profit of $61463 Inventory has been taken by Mrs Flowers convener Mrs Judd Kelly reported on knitting for the cart She gave out 102 balls of wool to be knitted She had received 32 baby sets quantity of bootees and several donations Mrs Heffron who has charge of finding the volun teers to man the cart reported nine new volunteers in the year but need for more The cart made 104 trip through the wards Mrs Roy Tod reported the four vending machines oper ated by the auxiliary brought in profit of $05801 for the year The corresponding secretary reported she had sent out 65 letters and 11 cards six plants and flowers for two special svean The president thanked the various conveners who had looked after the refreshments all year Msr Ray Allen records chairman has gathered all minute books and records of any kind belonging to the aux iilary together She has read them all and made brief history of each year of the auxiliarys work Members were anxious to hear some of this history but time did not permit Mrs Lloyd Cook recording secretary reported 10 business meetings with an average at tendance of 21 Projects for the year were Nightingale tea rummage sale and tag day Taking over the telephone rent al was new revenue AUXILIARY PURCHASES Items bought for the hospital were An anaesthic mach ine croupette for the babies patients roller for moving patients $500 for linens $125 for flower vases reference books for the graduating nurses Christmas cards for all in hospital at Christmas the Globe and Mail forthe mens and womens wards each morning and five msg azines for the student nurses as well as $50 for games and recreation needs for the stud eats Mrs Blake Lawrence report ed profit of $8914 on the telephone rentals Mrs Butler gave detailed report on her year in office Mrs Clifif Elrick gave the treasurer3 report Receipts for the year were $247320 Balance on hand is Active Season 993 in the current account in the special account to utab loisszb the gift shop there is $2 15 in the life saving account there is 39902 and in the men bershlp account 31 The aux iliary voted to buy 12 new work smocks NEW EXECUIWE The new officers for 1962 were installed by past preil dent and member of the Hos pital Board Mrs Fred Eplt lett They are Past president Mrs Butler president Mrs Hey Christie treasurer Mrs Cliff Elrick corresponding sec retary Mrs George Brunton recording secretary Mrs Cook This is Mrs Christies third term as president of the Hospital Auxiliary The 1961 president and of ficers were warmly applauded for their succasiui year Mrs Christie announced the next business meeting will be Jan She named conveners to the standing committees The next event will be the annual Christmas party of the auxiliary which this year will be held in St Georges all Aliandaie at Dec 12 ROCK ROLL PRINCE RUPERT BC CF Rock roll caught the fancy of the audience and won the prizes at talent show spon sored by the Elks Cluh Top award of $50 went to Alec Leighton for his imitation of El vis Presley as classical and wellvknown popular pieces were lost among the jukebox songs and hipswaying presented by young amateurs ALL SIZ PETITE TD JUNIOR To an MISSES 12 TO 2035 BUY NOW Pay Next Year The ideal Way To Shop SussManl Charge Account So Easy To Open So Convenient To Use Continuous No Down Payment Small Monthly Terms Many Mouths To Pay KmIEEKIIMIIflqmImusKIKEKKKKHKKKKfillImKfllmEKKmKK nmuxmnmunuunuuu TODAYS RECIPE UNCOOKED SALAD DRESSING eggs beaten tsp salt tsp mustard tin condensed milk cup vinegar Beatleggs salt mustard and milk vigorously for few min utes Add vinegar stir well and set aside for few hours to thicken This will keep ueii RB St Peters lVA FRENCH ORIGIN The sedan chair home on poles supported by two men came from the French city of Sedan to become fashionable mode in the lad century FREE Christmas light let string of Santa lights with purchase of TYS to this value of 1995 or over Cash Layaway or Budget at Firestone STORES 88 DUNLOP ST PA H585 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Borries Largest Selection Peppermint Twist Brand new Holiday Dresses with ma ge benefits Mm 998 Shimmy like your sister Kate or dancer wick ed twist this Christmas is HER CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE DUNLOI ST YULETIDE BLOOMS HERE Yes were all abloom with is traditional Christmas flowers and greens In many new and enchanting arrangb merits Como Sect unmannannummmanmnnmmmnmk KRK See our beautiful polnseiila plants OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL Dan commerce Mane strep 22 DUNLOP ST complete By Appointment Only gt mnmnnnnmummsmmmm Free City Wide Deliverie Fendleys Flowers 74 BLAKE 51 PA 35975 Travel Arrangements World Wide Service AIR SHIP BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 01L Johnson and Co Ltd 127 Dunlap Barrio PA some £91 an an Toronw Elli solar OTHERS 695 750 850 1000 1250 Shampoo and Sat At All Times $I25 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 33 ESSA RD ALLANDALE PA 68571 Eve Lennnx mammal Germaine FOUR Gwen Smtth Lawn yr OPERATORS June Johnston Wmnnnm zkflmflnmnmmxm BARBIE Veg Vs ctdia

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