Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1961, p. 4

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16 Bayfield Sir Valls Publisher MONDAY pzcemen Christmas Gift Project Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited eet Barrie Ontario Brian Slaigbt General Manager II no rm For The Mental Patients gThose of us who have had to spend some time in hospital know how import ant to our recovery was simply the desire to get better And we know too that prodding our will to recover was the as surance of our families and friends that they wanted us back Yet there are sick people who do not always enjoy this kind of comfort and enocuragement and many of them have been in hospital for long time Not so long ago members of the Can adian Mental Health Association spot checked number of mental hospitals across Canada They found an amazmg but common condition Large numbers of patients lived in them without recelvmg visit remembrance or gift from soul outside The only people calling them by name were attendants doctors and nurses When Christmas came it only intensr fied their loneliness the sense of being discarded At season when others re ceive useful gifts they got only what lit tle could be bought from the personal contributions of hospital staffs ISIC any wonder that their period of care in hos pital stretched out year after year Adults Back Canadian Conference on Education study says that about two million Cana dians are taking part in some form of adult education The estimate appears in Continuing Education booklet writ ten by Dr Kidd secretarytreasur or of the Social Science Research CounCll of Canada and the Humanities Research Council of Canada and is the sixth in series of nine booklets being published to stimulate discussion of topics for the 1962 Canadian Conference on Education to be held in Montreal next March Dr Kidd reviews adult education activi ties by business corporations night schools libraries universities labor un ions farm groups cooperatives church es and voluntary associations He writes that an educational revolution has been going on almost unnoticedthlsnre markable educational phenomenon is of men and women going to school Rapid technological and social changes have made our society learning soc iety in which people have to continue learning almost all their lives he writes The emphasis on adult education has Reason for this is not deliberate cruel ty or wanton neglect Often lts sheer mis understanding belief that because mentally sick person doesnt respond to visit with recognition he or she doesnt know that friend or loved one really cares Butbavent all of us been intense ly grateful at times for some kindness and weve been wholly unable to ex press ourselves We know from recovered mental mental patient Cash is not requested In fact its discouraged They want the evidence of personal interest in the form of gift to pass along to sick person wholl know by it that someone in the world outside really cares really wants them back To School been changed from remedialmaking up for deficiencies in formal education to continuing realization that more and more adults will be engaged in edu cation most of their lives This may be little optimistic but there is no doubt that there is such trend based on the changing requirements of vocations As Dr Kidd notes The engineer or machinist may stay with his company but bepromoted to the position of manager or foreman He no longer uses much of the specific vo cational information or vocational skill he has learned or acquired Now he must be able to deal with people to select train and promote others lie is in new realm and it is one for which he has no formal preparation And there are many others elected officials for example who must extend their knowledge Most people still do not accept the fact that adults can learn well and they seem to take it forgranted that their faculties are impaired Dr Kidd says In behaving this way they handicap themselves for learning Other EditorS Views NEWS FROM GOMORRAII Financial Post Now that it has stumbled at last into the Promised Land Hollywood appar ently intends to stay there as long as the milk and honey holds out Note these upcoming spectaculars planned by the purveyors of Bibleand bust epics Sodom and Gomorrah Mary Magdalene St Luke Barabbas Joshua and no fewer than five lives of Christ Even the lengthy Gone with the Wind will become mere breeze if the plans of one studio come to fruition It is thinking in all humility of course of producing definitive 10hour version of the entire Bible Thoughtful and practising Christians can muster impressive arguments gainst this cynical and ceaseless ex ploitation of religion Their most tell ing criticism however is this The Biblebased movies encourage the viewer to identify with the good guys and boo the bad guys yet the whole meaning of the Bible is subverted it is argued if man fails to identify with or recognize himself in the sinners There can be no doubt at all that the Bible has been good to Hollywood But it is indeed difficult to believe that in this case the Hollywood versiomis better than the Book SAVING T0 WASTE MONEY Financial Post There is little doubt that the much lacerated Canadian taxpayer will have deep dollarandcents interest in the recommendation of the Glassco Com mission on government efficiency But from all indications alert bus iness management may also find it wise to make the Commissions report rev The Barrie Examiner Authorlud second cllu null eon Office Department Ottawa Ind for plylnent or postage In mu only Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN suronr General Mann MoflEltthN Murmur Editor campus wanna anrlnur Manm nanny wrzsou Advcrlkinl Mantar JOHN nonnnn rclrculltiou Munm subserlptlon rate dllly by carrier weekly sla2o year single copy 7c ay mall in Ontario $10 year 5400 six months $250 three months month Outsldn Ontario $900 yui Outside Ida noon yLIl out as University Ave rarammain Cathearf Street ileumi ilas West Georgi smug Vancou 721 Member of or Crnrdirn Dally Nawrpper rub Illhcra Association The Canadian Press and the Audit Bureau at circulations The Canadian Press in exclusively entitled the or Jim republicatinnor all new an lrlrsa on rm credited to it or The Assoc meageru or enur nm the local mm publllhi flierinn lywood television film makers quired reading for its own timeand motion study people Consider for example the brief put forward to the Commissioners by firm which supplies precision machines for engineering and drafting The company claims that its effi ciently designed drafting machines and tables can cut drafting time by at least 10 and perhaps by as much as 40 Most Canadian government depart mens it points out stillwork with drafting equipment little changed in principle from thatgused 100 years ago In highcost high standard of living country such as Canada it is Increas ineg clear that we are going to compete successfully only if we keep leap ahead of others in efficiency in all areas of the economy What the Glassco group have under taken is the biggest efficiency study ever done inCanada It is to be hoped when the report appears probably next fall that business as well as government will be able to mine it to great profit HUMAN WISDOM Corner Brook Western Star There is no such thing as an inevit able war If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom Those words were spoken in July 1914 by Bonar Law theCanadian who decade later became prime minister of Britain In war and peace people will take risks if there is chance of winning It is the nature of man President Ken nedy recognized this at recent press conference when he said Our ambition is to protect our vital interests without War which destroys and doesnt really represent victory for policy In this dispute over Berlin is there still an area in which human wisdom could operate IMAGINARY IMMORTALS Manchester Guardian It is amazing Just how indestructible first rate characterof fictioncan be once the public fancy has taken hold of him Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson defy even the efforts of their creator Conan Doyle to kill them off and have lived on oscillt figures venerated by men whose minds can match in fact Holmes wild est fictional flights As if this were not evidence enough of their powers of survival they manage to emerge stillflas rromthéfiistiained batterlng of the Hoi at ients that they were fully aware of kind ness and responded to it even though their sickness made it impossible to show their feelings in normal way at that time So the Canadian Mental Health As sociation has taken on project of en suring that no mental patient shall be without worthwhile gift at Christmas They are asking the morefortunate cit izens outside mental hospitals to add one item to their Christmas shopping list for Hammer ammo MAW ls SEAMAN uewnsaormmoueo lNlO RWRL Mavv wtoutsaveo arsEAnLL mh alsz AT THE LIBRARY DIE JDNED CABINET IN 58 WE mummgwm NSSDE5PI BF WINS LETTER m0 1o Lia70ml we Offer Exciting Novels For Christmas Reading Rider In the Chariot by Patrick While searching for their odd characters mad spinstcr down Postwar Australia is the sets ting for this novel and the title is symbolic Tile Riders in the Chariot are group of four people who live out their lives elusive visions While has chosen four One is the half heir to in run estate outside Sydney another is blackiellow or abo Bcnlall with girl posing as his wife takes on this job in order to trace the scientists The trail leads to remote Polynesian island where Bent all and his wife find themselves in great danger Behind this community of archaeologists and their Chinese henchmen crime is being prepared As the presence and meaning of the Dark Crusade comes to light the story moves to an equally well describe the Japan of almost any period in the thousand years before it was opened to the west This story represents traditions among the peasants Chan the second story is quite different from the first The time of this one is the be ginning of the 20th century but the period doesnt restrict the theme Chan the wife In the story is the submissive inart half caste raised by mission arics corrupted and diseased but ablc to paiptbeautifully The third is washenvoman living in shack with six dau ghters and drunken husband who nevertheless proves to be rock of lava The fouth is Jewish refugee from Central Europe The meeting of these four and their struggle with the powers of evil around them is the core of the novel They keep seeking their visions sometimes succeeding sometimes failing but always awakeningthe sym patliy oi the reader It is vivid book full of depth and meaning for the individual exciting climax by Ii Chute The Dark Crusader by Ian Stuart The Dark Crusader is the exciting story of Rental Secret Service agent The Eng lish papers had advertised for fuels experts for Australia of fering excellent pay and other advantages for married men without children Eight of Eng lands scientists had applied and been accepted then simply van ished without trace ate loneliness and the Archer year 1850 The Moon and the Thorn The relationship between Hen rietta and Adelia Blackwell daughters of an American gen tleman of means and position was shattered when the hope of marriage came to Adelia and love came to Henrietta happened after that is an ab sorbing story and is well told what might have been light book gains stature through Hen riettas search for deeper understanding of her own girl hood actions their effect on those who loved her and their part in accounting for her ultim The Old Woman the translated by Donald Keene Donald Keene has translated into English three modern Jap anese short novels Each has been bestseller in Japan The first story The Songs of Oak Mountain is based in part on legend and is set around the The story might compelling figures REPORT from UK Hope To IlsSure Value For Money By McINTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner LONDON Britains political parties are concerning them selves with making sure that the British housewife receives good value for her money when she goes shopping in the stores of the country group of Conservative members of par liament has been making study of this subject and has produced farreaching plan Their proposals have been pub lished in pamphlet issued by the Conservative Political cen tre The proposals include one that Citizcns Advice Eureaux be set up to be used as offices to which customers could com plain when dissatisfied sys tem of dealing with complaints based on one which is already in use in Holland is recommended HOW IT WORKS The method of operating this systemissimple but interesting If customer has complaint that he or she has been were charged or has been given poor value then he or she calls at the complaints office states the complaint and leaves deposit of one pound $290 If the complaint is justified steps are taken to rectify it and the de posit is returned But if the complaint turns out to be friv olous and unjustified thenthe customer loses thc deposit The Tory MP who prepared the pamphlet reject the idea of setting up ministry of con sumer welfare Instead they want thevlaws that already exist to protect the shopper to be more thoroughly explained to the public and that weights and measures inspectors in every district be given powers as con sumer protectors At the board of trade minister should make consumer protection his special responsibility LABOR INTERESTED The Conservative pamphlet is the second sign that the political parties are taking more interest tpday in the welfare and pro tection of the consuming public The Labor Party has also been delving into this question and indeed produced its own pam phlet urging greater safeguards for customers in advance of the ConServatlves Some of the suggestions made in the reports are The shop laws should be re vised so that shopkeepers have greater freedom to open at dif ferent hours without weakening shop workers rights Every medium of advertising should have its own written code of standards says the Tory pamphlet and if the present ef forts of the advertising industry to produce more effective con trol prove unsuccessful the Board of Trade should call conference If after an appropriate time this conference does not produce comprehensive set of written codes then the government would have to consider taking direct action in the interests of the consumers lculate selfesacrificlng wife who was so lungthe Japanese ideal This story represents the tradi tions of the town dwellers Asters is the third story and both the period and place are vague This goes back to feudal Japan for thrilling tale of evil aided by witchcraft Donald Keene is well qualified to translate these stories He has attended University in Jap an and spent many summers in that country As well as translating Japanese novels and plays Keene has edited anthol ogies of Japanese literature Met Lady by Howard Spring This novel concerns the lives and loves of group of wealthy upper middle class people who divide their time between Lon don and Cornwall The span of time lies between the two world wars and the novel is really the account of George Ledres life during that period The story tells of culture in decline due to pressures of commerce in ternally and the brutalities of war externally Although nov elist Spring has nothing new to say he tells an interesting story and what it means to live and love and hope in the 20th cen tury LONG SERVICE TlIETFORD Que CWRaymond Savoie 63 has retired after 34 years as port man in this Eastern Townships centre He estimates he walked To miles week for total of about 120000 miles Doctors Clerks Run Miniature Bail Company TORONTO CPIA group of Toronto mendoctors painters clerks salesmen and executives owns and runs the Canadian Great Western Railway Its miniature madetoscale railway that runs through moun tain tunnels over suspension bridges and hills past rivers and into big city freight yards it takes elm members of the Toronto Model Railroad Club each with his own control panel and section to run the complete railway Trains can be moved to any given point without han tiling them Crack passenger trains move from city to city and freight run from mines to waterfront Trainmen make up trains in marshaling yards BIBLE THOUGHT Let us run wlib patience the race that is set before us Hebrews 121 Life is race and the race is not always to the swift Sometimes our burdens become heavy and we feel we are mak inglittle progress if we are patient and trust in God we will win By PATRICK NICHOISON Canada has been world leader in establishing many flratsin the field of human freedoms Prime Minister John Dlefcobaker declared in Ottawa His own career in public life has been marked by strong stream of endeavor to cement full freedom and nondiscrimi nationby statute as the record Ihows Mr Diefenbaker was address log conference of editors of newspaper published in Can ada in languages other than English and French There are nearly 90 such papers following the democratic line published in more than 40 different lan WHEEL People laughed at me when said would build Canadian citizenship without prejudice he stated But from the time when he made his maiden speech in the House of Com mom in 15w up till Dominion Day 20 years later when he in troduced his Bill of Rights in that same chamber he has worked for that objective There has been an amnzing transition in very few years he explained adding that is nn tionollties other than English and French are represented on the government benches in Far liament today most of them for the first time LEAGUE 0F NATIONS The prime minister described how he was raised on home rtead in Snskiitchewon in community consisting largely of people of Central European ori gin especially Germans and Ukrainians Being of mixed origin my self he said know some thing of the feeling that was too apparent in many parts of Cflllv adathot good citizenship de pended on surnames or blood counts It was that which set out to obliterate in this land Yet despite that lingering pre judice the prime minister ex plained Canada can boast fine record in abolishing preju QUEENS PARK Crime Speech Adds Wintermeyer Prestige By DON OIIEARN renouro Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer may now come into his own Few if any speeches in re cent ycars have had the impact of Mr Wintermcyers attack on organized crime All sides of the houseyes the government benches too though privately of course classed it as magnificent And the speech may have been enough to give Mr Win termeyers star push it has neied CA IUS RESPECT in the long run the most sig nificant result of the speech could he that it has won for the Liberal leader the respect of his own supporters It is to secret that Mr Win termeyer has not had the united support of his own caucus gentlemnnly man slow and thorough he is not one to set flash fires And there are some fireeat ers in the group backing him in the house Now they have an example of his approach in real action And they can see that it works much better than their own freeswinging methods POOR PRESS Another angle is that the Lib eral leader really for the first time has made strong impact on the publicand particularly the press Newspapers have not been ln clined to give too much import ance to Mr Wintermeyer They rather have favoured the more OTTAWA REPORT Canada Is Leader dice on grounds of race and re ligion like to study Canadian his fury he told the assembled cd itors There is nothing as in teresting In fact set out to be teacher once and enjoyed teaching history Prominent in our history is our heritage of freedom our record in abolishing discrimina tion he said Canada was the first country In what is now the Common wealth of Nations to establish religious freedom for Roman Catholics That was granted un dcr the Quebec Act of mi more than half century before similar freedom was accorded in Britain by the Test Act of MN IT TO END SLAVERY Canada was the first country also to remove political disqual lflcation for Jews as conse quence of the election of Ezekiel Hart to the Legislature of Lower Canada and his long struggle to be permitted to take his seat in that Legislature Canada emancipated slaves In 1793 long before the same step was taken in Britain or the USA Then too Canada was the first territory in the Common wealth outside Britain to attain responsible government and it was the first country to foresee the modern concept of the Com monwcalm for our first prime minister Sir John Macdon ald predicted that the day would come when Canada and Australia would be independent selfgoverning nations the equal in status if not in stature of the Mother Country Thus Canada has in many re spects been the cradle of iridi vidual freedom evidenced by one old lady who declared to Mr Diefenbaker came to Canada for freedom And in reply to his question she replied in words reminding us of our freedom which we take for granted Freedom ls when hear knock on the door at midnight and can be sure that it isnt the secret police activities of ND Leader Donald MacDonald But the Toronto newspapers and most of those throughout the province went wild about this speech And they are realizing that this slowacting and almost gen tle rutchman has both purpose and news in him This is condition which can be expected to continue Ther can be little fault on the press in playing down the Liberal leader to date He really has had nothing very positive to say and yet has felt he should say some thing But there is the promise that from here in he will be heard from This on organized crime was obviously the result of thorough research and study by group And it was an ex ceptionally competent job There have been number of other such groups working be bind the scenes for the Liberals And ley also will be coming up ith detailed findings This is what Mr Wintermeyer needswhat he has been wait ing for Todays Dimerick MOST FOGGY FACT We have heardof fag Thick as Soup Which would be very bad for the croup Twould be hard to belieVE And still worse to conceive it were really so oh SloopSloop analan was standing in front of the gate when the team ran on the fields

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