TO HELP WANTED UNSKILLED MEN MALI HELP 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY morons tury sitting found hire Er nestine May Dunn 44 not guilty of theft of letter and Posimisiress TILE mam EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER 11 GIIT who arrested her thought the here The Royal Canadian Air Force Offers Training in valuable trade free uniforms tree medical and dental care good pay to days annual holiday an excellent pension plan Earn While You Learn Applicants mint be single 11 to years ol age Canadian citineas or British subjects and have at least Grade education For Full Information Visit MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT ORILLIA ARMOURIES is December Noon to pm war war when on can start your own business experience necrusry Nothing to invest Rat ennces required Wrtta Esuia icr uost Roch Street hlantrui 15 Queber FEMALE HELP SECRETARY or an interestins and responsible position Must be an accurate typm with dictphone eaui merit experience In met Exes ant working conditions Please reply by letter sittns nu education and experience to Box Barrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED LL LOOK AFTER children Ln 1y own name Viii ink is and deliver reirpnnno copy tor Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day hetero publication 13 AUCTION SALE BANKRUPTCY AUCTION sans Friday December 15 pm sharp At The Farm Of JOSEPH COWIE at Lot 25 Concession Adjala Township miles straight west of Alliston and miles south of Highway 89 Auction sale oi pigs cattle farm machinery hay and straw Terms enah No mcrve as this is bankruptcy sale Auctioneer JERRY COUGIiLIN iry An Examiner want Ad PHONE PA Mm Thursday Dec l4 i0 am sharp for thelstate of KRAMER MOTORS LTD at 145 Bradford St Barrie AUCIION SALE oi all Inge equipment office equipment and etc Terms cash Na re serve as the estate must be settled Please note that sale will commence at 10 no sharp in the morning and die sale will continue until all the arti cles are sold Garage equipment will be said ï¬rst eifice equipment will be sold last Lunch counter on the premises and sale will be held in heated garage JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY DEC 18 1230 RM SHARP Auction sale of farm stock tar plements bay Klain straw and some household effects for WILSON WRIGHT At Lot Concession Earn Township three milesuwest oi Cookstnwn it mile north at Higiway 89 Terms cash No reserve in farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auotionur hy An Examiner Want Ad OLD CUSTOM gallon of beer was part at the daily diet of ladiesAinswait log at the court of Hoary VIII who died in 1547 EARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOURPRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD REEF PHONE PA 84272 Requitted SI THOMAS CPlThe sus pended assistant postmistress at Port Stanleys friendly post office was acquitted Friday of stealing mail sad said she wants her job back theft from the mails She was suspended Irom her Job iast stunner aiier two let ters containing cash postal money order and cheque were found in her home in post oifice investigators and the provincial police officer ters should have been in the post oifice But the jury was told it was common practice for employ ees to carry mail out of the post office to deliver to friends in Port Stanley Lake Erie village seven miles south at District Pastel Director James Fidier of London said out court Thursday that any decision on Mrs Dunns rein statement will be made in ct lawn Try An Examiner Want Ad THE PERFECT PAIR YOUR DAY REG 37495 SAVE $3500 NOW in REG 26995 SAVE $3000 NOW CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Rutter FURNITURE GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlap St 33995 multl cycle timer for regular and gentle washing cycle speed wash and spin ninormni wash and normal spin normal wash and slow spin slow wash and normal spin slow wash and slow spin wave action agitator washes clothes safely without angling or bunchinil automatic sank cycle loosens and removes dirt from badly stained or soiled clothca before washing 239 THE ONLY DRYER WITH FOUR WAYI TO DRY exclusive dlnlaheat selection rotary timer control exciusivn super capacity dryer cylinder largest in the industry giant 21 blower fan exclusive variable heat Input bell rings minutes before dryer is finished exclusive way venting gt PA 641247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 168 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS sio reams so $1250 PERMS $10 $15 PERMS $1250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS cash Credit Layaway No interest or oarrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 APPLIANCES New and used vacuum clean ers $20 and up Free pickup and deliveryoa SETVICE OReplacement parts tor all makes of cleaners Hoover SALES at SERVICE DUNLOP ST 2ND FLOOR PA 68643 CATERING WANT TO HAVE A7 CHRISTMAS PARTY And still have ozy hamelike atmosphere CALL ALMA LEE 132 Owen St PA 85133 Goad bookings still available GIFTS FOR HIM MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA $9641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyella socks $150 DKO Ask About Our Very Reasonable Gift Guide Rates Now At PA 82414 in 137 Dunlap St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stamp Coin i7 Bayfieicl Buy Him Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COINS GIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up Also Misc Gifts BARRIE Whilst Membership for young and old it brings full year of growth through wholesome fellowship and activities CALL PA 87261 FAMOUS PLAYERS Gift Ticket Books THE IDEAL GIFT FOR EVERYONE Now Fiee Ticket in each book On sale at noxv THEATRE or Phone PA 84681 GHT IDEAS Rust Craft Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Biliiolds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Ioyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along With Mitch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Aloags Ray Connit For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalia Jackson Seabreeze Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gift Certiï¬cate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Darrieslidost Famous House of Bargains OURMOT1O IS SATISFACTION 0R CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA ems 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT DOGS PETS FREE Christmas Trees with every puppy purchased from our kennels IBASSET HOUNDS OPOODLES ODACHSHUND 0R have fun bring your children to select and cut the tree at your choice$1 Beasleys Turkey Ranch AND Royal View Kennels miles north at Barrie on Higiway 27 PA 89722 iNQUiRE ABOUT our CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE water temperature selector select frarn many combinations of wash or rinse Sfrcsh water rinses to rinse away dirt and detergent builtin sediment remnvir suv THE PAIR FOR nu REG 37935 temperatures save $6000 NOW cycle rotary timer speed wash and spin easy to service water temperature selector built in Sediment remover nulomntlc water till super spin dry safety spin automatic tub brake extra large tubehlakc extra large wash tub suds return regular $19995 now Lower priced model dryer er with suds return regu Lower priced model wash lar $34495 NOW BUY BOTH FOR $43990 SAVE ANOTHER SE5 surriis IPAlit FOR $si499O RN 289 17495 fresh water rinses Iiilevel air intake automatic door switch many other outstanding ieatures $55490 AND SAVE ANOTHER $2500 REG $22495 SAVE $500 NOW rum is iiiiiiiiiii gag5 195 EXCLUSIVE FOUR WAYS TO DRY super capacity dryer cylinder rotary timer control position beat selector switch giant 21 blower tan exclusive variable heat input knee action door latch hedging minutes before drying done way venting hi ievel air Intake Hist DOLL With every purchase from now to December 24th of any MOFFAI appliance we will give away free oi charge one 36 MOFFAT doll valued at $1395 it you wishoniy the doll ye may purchase it for $603 automatic door switch many other outstanding features SAVE ANOTHER 25 ussouii tow cOsr CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN grit6531