MITTS KNITTED ON Are you mlttenknittcrt iIhcse interesting styles can oil be knitted from one has it instruction which is avail able in ten sizes to Iitxgirl and boys as well as ladies and men Suggestions are pro iYOUR HEALTH vided or varying the has ic design to make tho color tul mitts shown above how ever you may preter to de velop your own ideas med ium weight of wool is used for wermui and quicker knit Prenatal Position Causes Clubfoot By BURTON satin MD BILLY WAS BORN WITH CLUBFOOT The right out was bent down with its sole turned funder Hed have to walk on gits outer dgol Billys trouble started with crowded living conditions before vhirth With his act crossed the top at the right foot was wed ged hard against his left leg At the ankle the out can bend up and down like board fastener to hinge The sole can turn in or out like the pattern of cardie Billys loot was pushed down with its sole turned in Hi Tom might have been bent up with the sole turned outwards Any combination is possible Mom used to stretch his ank le 10 times twice day Shed bend the foot upwards twisting the sole out but never hard enough to make Billy cry But stretching wasnt enough The doctor had to wrap Billys foot in plaster east to hold it straight Each week hed PORTRAIT YE FOR CHRISTMAS SMITH STUDIO 38 Dunlop St PA 84175 Over Hunts gt remove the cast stretch the ankle is little more then put on new cost This treatment struightcne Billys toot within few months To keep it Irom drop ping back into old habits Bil ly had to sleep wearing special shoes bolted to metal her He didnt mind The gadget stretched his an kle more than necessary To straighten green twig You have to bend it all the way back Later the sole of Billys right shoe had to be built up along the ouetr edge He doesnt need this litt any more Today you can see his lanoy TWO NEEDLES ting it you would like to ob tain the knitting instructions or these mitts simply send stamped selladdressed cn velope to the Needlecraft De partment of this paper re questing Mitts Knitted On No Needles leaflet Number 152 footwork blocks away Irom the local toothall stadium any Sat urduy alternoon Hes the one who kicks the hull high betwe en the goal osLs and with his right foot tool CARRY INSURANCE QUEBEC CP The citys oldstyle celoche and Victoria drivers are being required to curry insurance just as taxi drivers do The horsedrawn ve hicles are used mainly during the tourist season gnnmnnnnummmnmnmnmum 33 ESSA RD Eve Leririox Gemniue Rowo PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS till DEC 20 uuummmmmmnnv PERMANENT WAVES complete By Appointment Only Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmnm OTHERS 695 750 Shampoo and Set At All Times $125 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE ALLAN DAL gunmen FOUR OPERATORS 850 1000 1250 PA eesn Gwen smith Jun Johnlttm unisaannnmmisinnnmnnnnnnnnnnnmnm Shopping Plaza Johnson St Hwy No II CITYWIDE DELIVERY Poth aim In Store Phone PA 82429 OPEN am pm SUNDAYS il am pm ABSOLUTELy FREE WA To Entertain Former Members At Yule Party The Unity Auxiliary Coll cr Street United Church met at the home oI Mrs John Cockbu rn on Monday Twenty members were present The program couvener to FrcdSllkgavethculltowor Ship Welt on the lord be ol good courage and He shall ammo thine heartX nic scripture readlng was Psalm so allowed by meditation and the hymn sung was God the Rock or Ages Taking the topic Youth In Transition mm the this study book Signals For The Sixties the group was led in stimu DELICIOUS ANN PAGE FRUIT CAKE E8 240th 97 4POUND SLAB 193 Frozen Food Features Banquet Brand chicken Turky or Boot MEAT DINNERS Bnoworop Rog pkg HAVE it pkg 9e Rog pkg SIHAVE 20 BRUSSELS SPROUTS 29 lnewonw AULIFLOWER R09 nets MAVE 9e 10oz Dita 49¢ latlng discussion on the needs at youth in the community During the business session letter was read Imm the Men tal Health Ameistion and mem bers Agreed to mutributc Christ THE HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC Stage Spectacular For Royal Guests mos slits for the patients in Pcnetang Hospital BATHURS Gamma AP Thousands oi singing dancing Plans were discussed tor the and chanting Gnmbians put the next meeting Dec when the calendar torward to stage their auxiliary will entertain former spectacular traditional Christ memhcrs at Christmas party mas lantern parade or visiting Queen Elizabeth and her hus band the Duke oI Edinburth Sunday night Huge lanterns most in the shape at old clipper ships were carried past the Queen on the shoulders of surging sea at Negroes One at the lanterns was in the arm of Buckingham Palace Ii TIIIS wrriis yam Panm BAKERY rm mm BAKED IN AiPI OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Thin Wonk Futuring Juno Plrkor RAISIN PIE Rog HAVE to 39 STOCK UFYOUR FREEZER AT THIB LOW PRICE Jlno Fltku SPANISH BAR CAKE JIM Parkr Cinnamon BREAKFAST ROLLS Jlnc Parker BREAD mumm Jon Poikor Twin Pack Fudge Oatmeal or Lemon Ron cooCA 10o $29 Rea pkg OfloOAVE M33 R09 loaf RioSAVE To 2mm35 Rog pkg HAVE Oo OLD FASHIONED COOKIESmm39c Jane Parker WHEAT TWIN ROLLS Rhongt flare Proof You Save 0in When You Buy 8P Supertht Quality Meats IMPORTED CHOICE QUALITY AMB SALE LOiNS NANA 0N 27c LEGS suonr cur suANK LAMB FRONTS ROAST HOPS SIEW curs A21 RUMP ROAST FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Florida Hand Selected No Grade TOMATOES 9c CELERY STALKS PULL GUI OR ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESB mm in Jumbo No1 Grade OIiWornIIa Fruit Green No Grade Short of SW Picklld VIC Pot Fancy Quality Sliced Skinlou BEEF LIVER Fancy Quality Loan Fork Finn Grind CHOPPED sun Burns or Enox Fanny Qualiiy Aligood Smakcd Sliud Rindlou 87 SIDE BACON spuri Bland AeP TEA Cheiu nuniity Hnivu ACP PEACHES Tho All Purpose clan LESTOII Choice duality AdP PEAS Coronation Combination =h19t n19 CROSS RIB ROAST COTTAGE ROLLS BACK SPARE RIBS swamRight All Mont Brown Surv SAUSAGE PATTIES SMOKED WIENERS CHICKEN LIVERS i569 lb49¢ it 39 1569 Amok 39c 25 1Ibpke43r 39 mm 57 GROCERY FEATURES Rea pkg TieSAVE Be His Rise flag tlnl 49o4AVE 0o 20Iiez tins Rap MI AgoSAVE Ha 16Iioz ioti 35 line 37oSAVE 2e IOUoz tins NOTHING TO BUYI FR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPH WILL BE TAKEN OF YOU OR YOUR CHILD AT OUR STORE EAT DEC 9th 10 am to pm VA ABLE COUPON Cilp This Coupon Its Worth $2000 During Our CLOSING OUT SALE of MENS SWISS CALENDAR WATCHES 2995 995 FREE BORDENS ICE CREAM FOR ALL THE CHILD REN WHO ARRIVE AT OUR STORE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT PRICE coupon an sewn cnlcnrlas changes data automatically every 24 hours Anti magnetic year murantce Changes dlln every 24 hours Limit watches per onnvnn EXPANSION BRACELET To MATCH REG $493 OUR PRICE $199 swiss LADiRs Wisum ll Jewels unis low price with coupon RUE zest SHOP AND SAVE AT BLRITE DRUGS OUR PRICES AND SERVICE CANNOT BE BEATEN BRUSSELS SPROUTS LETTUCE McIHTOSH APPLES CRANBERRIES Iuol Arrived Frmn Tho Tropical Large Bulky Nuntho em you Attractlvu 24 to so High Daree Dooklu Rog pit AceCAVE cu Butterscotch Creme 1601 pkg 45¢ SARAN WRAP 2sfi roll 37 Black Diamond whit 84 stick 40e Aricanl lochw Llrgo am Firm No and OnhrIo anoy Grade Cape Cod Lab Orldl Jail0 4o Doll DUTCH CLEA OLD CHEESE GIrk 0mm new Bar Plain 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