Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Dec 1961, p. 5

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ber of the House of Represen formula ior playing lotteries Arab Israeli Clash Seen Over Refugees UNITED NATIONS AP The United States and Israel headed today ior an open clash Action 0n Cuba Expected In OAS WASHINGTON AWA prolt posal to call hemisphere ior elgn ministers conference to comider collective action against Cuba is expected to win approval today in the Organiza tion at American States The proposal beiore tho 0S council is sponsored by Colom bia The contercnce would con sider the threat oi communism and decide what steps to take against it Cuba is not men tioncd by name but is the obii ous target it is expected to iight the proposal Cuban Premier Fidel Castro clearly placcd himseli in the Communist Saturday when he declared he was itinrxistLeninist and would rcI main one until the day die His announcement seemed to pull the rug from under those in this hemisphere who have sought to defendCastro irom charges at subscrvicncc to com munism In fivehour television speech Castro said he was iur ming united party of Cubas socialist revolution mono llthic organization like the So viet Communist patty with re stricted membership He said he was taking Cuba down the path to communism and maintained that the aria too is on the road toward communism CAPSULE NEWS 12 Saved TOKYO AHTwelve Japa ncsc trappcd since last Friday when railroad tun nel under constnictlon caved in on them were rescued early to day Police said the men were able to survive their 50hour or deal thanks to sixinch dia meter pipe through which food water and other supplies were iunnelied to them Survival Now TORONTO CF The Tar onto Committee ior Disarma ment Sunday announced change of its name to the Toronto Committee for Survival Dinah Divorce HOLLYWOOD tAP Dinah Shore and George Montgomery announced Sunday they will be divorced thus ending one of Hollywoods so called droam marriages at cment said There is no dramatic reason for the split and the decison was reache th no roncor by either party She Date Set NEW YORK AP Repre sentative Victor Aniuso Dem NY said Saturday in TV interview thatgbec 20 has necn selected as the date for the United States manned orbital space shot Anfuso is mcm tatives committee on science and astronautics Children Flee Fire ST PAUL LERMZIE Que CPITwenty children tied the St Paul LErmite Nursery 20 miles northeast of Montreal when iire Saturday destroyed one section at the building and severely damaged the remain der Police said three children were injured slightly Win Win Win ROME AP italys Mister Lucky chemical worker with had 75 more winning tickets during the weekend to put his Weekend prize money at 4100 000 lire $6530 Altogether Pier Giovanna Vallauri azsyenr old Turin resident has wan 44 922000 lire $71874 an 93 win ning lottery tickets this year with the Arab world over how to help the 1500000 Palcsttne Arab reiugcos The General Assemblys spes cini political committee was to take up the annual report oi the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Arab Rciugees in which Dircctor John Davis oi the United States endorsed ycaiold assembly decision that the estimated 1150000 rciugees oi the 1948 Arab lsracii war should be givcn the choice be tween golng home to isracl or taking compensation tor the property thcy lcit there Saudi Arabian delegate Ah mad Shukairy planned to insist that the reiugecs should be given this choice while Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir was expected to set forth is raels stand that it is willing to help compensate the rciugecs but not to take them in ior ienr they would endangcr its secu rity The United States was work ing on resolution to commend US scholar Joseph Johnson ior his Arab israelt mediation as cial representative for the Palestine conciliation com mission The Arabs did not like John sons recent report which said it must be assumed that there will be Palatine Arnb rciugees for at least decade THE BAKER EXAMINER MONDAY DEcfiuafiR 1N1 Cottagers Deteat Residents But Election May Go To Court GLEN ORCHARD tCPI Grey Cup day or not summer residents drove north to the polling stations in suiilcieot numbers Saturday to win con trol oi the Modern and Wood Township council Urged by oottagers associ ation to protect the values of their highpriced holiday homes in this liluskoka district resort arch the residents elected thrcc oi their members to the fiveman council Wright president oi the Modern and Wood Ratepayers Association whit represents year around residents said Sunday night that the associa don plans to challenge the elec MAIORETTES LEAD THE WAY High kicking majorcltes lead the way as the Grey Cup Doukhobor Jailed For Court Reiusal NELSON BC CP young Sons of Freedom Douk hobor was placed in contempt oi court here Saturday when he refused to take the vltncw stand in the preliminary hear ing of William Bejey charged with terrorist olicncc near the Kootenay village oi Vinlaw last February Fred Davidoif of nearby Krcstova was ordered placed back in the RCMP cells until he purges his contempt When ordered to take the stand in Bojeys hearing David oti said believe in the court of God and said before shall not witness in any other court The bespectacled hlccdomite then bowed Placed his feet apart his hands on his hips and waited iurther comment irom the court Crown prosecutor Bo wen Colthurst applied to have Davidoti given the protection of the Canada Evidence Act Da vidoii was earlier ordered in stand trial with Tim Jameii on charges of unlawfully placing dynamite under railway tracks at Brilliant last February and with Mike Chereakoii and Paul Chornoti on charges at dy namiting highways depart rncnt grader and truck at Wins aw KEEP COOL Moist fillings creamy pie iilllngs and pultry with dressing or sauces in it should be kept in the reirigera or NOW SHOWING Feature Times riltigiRE Stars At 700 Sun At 351 WthmrmYoh womammoumurmu muobnnmn COFEATURE REACH FOR THE STARS WITH WERHHER Von BRAIIH COLUMBIA PICIURES town CU RTJURGENSVICTORIA SHAW amnion watts mow Car Crashes Baby Dies After Crash By THE CANADIAN PRESS The traiiic toll continued its downward trend as wcckcnd driving became more and more outofseason activity Canadian Press survey of accidental deaths across the country revealed on overall to tal of 21 from it pm local times Friday to Sunday mid piete sets from and transformer 70 DUNLOP ST 31 DUNLOP gtSTE ISI9IDUNLOP ST gt V49Va MARY ST parade starts down Yongo Street Toronto Saturday night Fifteen of these were tratiic fatalities There were three drowniags all in Ontario death by tire and hunting iatallty in Prince Edward Island and hunting death in British Columbia individual provincial figures with traffic deaths bracketed Ontario Nova Scotla at Quebec British Co lumbia Prince Edward Island OI Mainlobu Al berta Newfoundland New Brunswick and Saskat chewan This survey does not include natural dcathsknown suicides or industrial accidents Make thts Year that railroad hobbyists say are the most real istic made Locomotives put real smoke and have builtin electronic whistles All Ameri can Fiyer trains are perfect 316 models and run on 2rail track See our selection of com mas tincluding train track Available At THE HOBBY CENTRE PA 68871 ROBINSON HARDWARE PA 82431 summits or BARRIE PA 83345 GARNETS Honorsaor PA 68321 aé Association otticiols will con icr with lawyers he said to see what steps can be taken to bar two at the three summer rest dents from sening He said an Injunction may be sought irom county judge The cottagcrs outnumber per manent residents in the town ship An estimated 500 travelled here Saturday and polling was heavy when voting started at to am it appeared many Tor onto nnd Hamilton residents voted early then returned to Toronto ior the football game TORONTONIANS ELECTED Their votes were enough to elect the three Toronto men runningexecutive Dot son who hcaded the polls with 561 votes Bushnell chartered ntant third with 514 and liousscr on invcstmcnt who was fourth with 498 Veteran Hccve Percy Woods was unscath as Joseph Pratt on electrical contractor with to years experience on council was elected rccva with 560 votes to Mr Woodss 383 Harold White wood con tractor in the township was the only your around rcsldcnt elected councillor He placed second with 527 votes Four others were deieatcd Leo Gon ncnu who had served eight years on council Mary Matilda Jestln Joyce Schcll and Pratt More Roads Are Promised KENDRA CPS Accelerated mining and roadbulldlngdcvel opments in northwestern Onta rio were iorccast Saturday by Mines Minister Wardropc Six more geological and mag nctomcter survey portics soon will be sent to this part oi the province where he said there is an iron ore rcservo estim ated nt 8000000000 tons Mr Wardrope spoke at nomination meeting which chose Pete Robertson oi Kenore as Progressch votive candidate for the riding provincial byelection Jan 18 Hevviill Kimba Hurls Threat Rejects Ultimatum EIJSAEETHVILLE AP Foreign Minister Evarlste Kimba oi Katanga province threatened today to shoot down all United Nations pianos flying over the secessionist province oi The Conio Thelacting UN chiei in Ka tnnga George ivon Smith called the threat very grave statement and reported it to UN headquarters in New York Katnnga troops killed one UN soldier wounded three others and raised is as hostages dur ing the weekend in communique Sunday night Kimbn said the Katanga government had rejected an ultimatum by the UN for rc movl of all roadblocks Tho communique said the UN had threatened to use iorce as au thorizcd by the Security Coun cil and the Katonga govcrnmcnt had warned in turn that force will be met with iorce Smith seat stronglnote oi protest to Kimbn coiling tor the immediate release of the 15 UN military personnel RELEASE DRIVER One other man an Italian Red Cross driver was released Sunday and said he had spent nearly 24 hours in military camp where he was pushed around but not beaten up The ilaroup at shooting brought UN demands that all BuiuwuTulumwunumxuuuutrunnummmsw WEAYMOUTHS for BOOKS YOU WILL DO BETTER SHOPPING FOR BOOKS AT WEAYMOUTHS We have the newest books in fiction also books on curling galfin and technical books and an ex ceptionally wi range from 25c up for children and teenagers 30 DUNLOP ST onhmfimmnmnnnmnnnanmlunnnnnum Books to own or give you are more likely to find the books and Bibles you want at Weaymoutbs WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE Katanga troops be confined to barracks and threat oi mili tary action it they dont stay on their bases Both sides accused the other at tiring tint and oi kidnap pings UN vehicle carrying three Swedish soldier was iired on Sunday night at roadblock leading to their camp The driver was killed at the wheel captain and sergeant were shot and seriously wounded alter the car crashed into tree Katnnga govemment com munique sold the Swedes tried to force their way through the roadblock and shots were tired at the tires of the car causing the accident FIRE ON AIRCRAFT Ketonga gendarmes opened tire on UN planes and helicop ters Sunday UN irish officer was wounded when one plane was hit on routine illght near Nyunzu in the north The simmering bitterness be tween the Katangnns and UN forces since the ccaseilre pro claimed Sept 21 ilared into shooting Saturday night indian troops and Katangons clashed at Elisabethville airport Smith said the trouble was started by drunken gendarmcs The indlans captured to gen darmos but turned them over PA 84055 later to listings authorities Kimba claimed 20 gendormn were missing and believed killed Smith denied anyone was killed UN spoltcsman said tho Katangans seized UN military personnel during the weekend and 15 were still missing11 chdes two Norwegians one lndian Kimba had promised to re leaso them Sunday but none was turned over In New York the UN acting oratorygeneral Thant di rcctcd his rcprcscntativcs in The Congo to act vigorously to reestablish law and order President hioise Tshombe who is in Paris ac cused the secretarygeneral oi intolerable provocation by ASj suing such an order IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING ADMIYIANCI Awoman to win Apast to forget PETER FlNGH N0 LOVE FOR JOHNNIE iiiillthtllmi mime tantamount murmur ammo Eve At 700 and 900 pm connections before he starts earning ONLY LIFE INSURANCE CAN PROTECT YOU The important ones will be learned from now until he grows up The more education he gets the better he willbe able to compete in the modern world The insurance policy you take out now can guarantee his college expensesgrc matter what happens to you Undoubtedly you are presently insured but your circumstances are changing so make sure your life insurance keeps in step with your life Tell your life insurance agent what it is you Want for your familys future Guarantee that your family will always enjoy the comforts and security you have provided for them Make sure of tomorrow today THESE FIVE WAYS Guaranteed benefits at big expense times You can guarantee funds for future expenses such as 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