llnrpltal Darrie on rri December ml John Itan ktn Veaymonth 3t Kempentelt Drive beloved husband at Cath sm rt 30 MAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ll IIIE BARRLE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER I961 REAL ESTATE BIRTHS mercury sols SALE Nuhaayu Child to tan or lace dandy cbiio ia tub or green hencedays Child is lull or Thursday child has in to Fridays child In loud and IV in serumya child uoras nerd tor is 11 And Sarah in Day is lair and wise and good and II Chlldnn nearing ibis gamer Cullen always ow which tee their olm Olhflt 1m vdlnl taronnatton your call suture assrte Imlntl lilrtti Announcement will include tin name at your child the da ot thv menus and you birth the welrnl and em er vital lnlomallon printed men1e II become permanent record in Dunn ooois or pamily Albums also me or barris IIImi lllrlh Notico is only 50 To bi noilce phone on soils DEATHS NicllouAl the Soldiers Mem orial lIoIpitll Drillia on Satur day December ital sa nushln wire or the late Nichols in her sons ye near mother or Ileary and the ate wu Ilarn Albert ot Drlili loving grandmother or Mrs Cru sey iDnroihyl Alberto llrs hi Cole illildredt and no or narrie Bruce and at oril lla Itullnx at the Doc ttle urns hintrat Home Orillla or service on Tuesds December at 130 pm intc lnt st Lukes Ceme tery ltamiet Ontario FLEWBLLINOPnud ay at the Iloyal Victoria Hoept har rir on Saturday Decem er ml Dora Emma Robinson be loved wile or Fiewelllng and dear mother or Elsie Mn Smith or Toronto Ernest Long Drench llllliie iMrI Weller and Ross both at Asian and Nelson or Richmond Htl Resting at the lennett Funeral Home harrie Funeral service on Tuesday December at 11 am interment Park Lawn Cemetery Toronto on arrival at motors approximately pm VEAYMOUTII At the Royal erlnr Elizabeth Alien dear hthoi oi Ruo inirs Hurry Adsmr ol Toronto zeta lieatly and Allen both at aarrie in his aotn year Itrbllnv at the lennett Funeral Malta 151 Cradlord Street Bar lunerai service Tuesday tcemhor at pm Interment flarre Union Cemetery Black Knight service lllondly at pmlt IN MEMORIAM chincNDcNln loving mem cry or our mother and grandmo hcrawwho passed away December God knows how much we miss her Never ahnll her memory lane Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid iovlnrly remembered if her William Mary end Iy ncNNIcKln lovlnil memory at deer husband and loving ilthcl passed away December There is no parting Irom those we love No distance can divide For today in memorya garden We still walk side by side I3lClI hdlnwnlng day thought oi ctuntlde prayer the hearts that loved him lIt Itlways will be there Lovinriy remembered by witn aiul inmzn COMING chNTs ANNUAL MEETING BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Wednesday December pm AT LIBRARY HALL ladies from Veaymnuths will idemonstrate Christmas wrap ping and Mr Art Harris will idcmonstrnte indoor Christmas decorating BINGO STnOuD iiALL TUESDAY NIGHT PM Jackpot rimlull card 58 numbers called CHRISTMAS TEA AND BAZAAR Wednesday Dec 30 pm pm Central United Church Social Hall ADMISSION 85c Auspices WA KING EDWARD LADIES CHOIR CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND SONGS Wednesday Dec 830 pm KING EDWARD SCHOOL BURTON AVENUE ADMISSION 50¢ Helen VSmethurst at Lowray lOrgan Elizabeth Chisholm at Piano Jean Dobson Director BARRIE YM YWCA SUGGESTS Membership for young and old It brings lull year of growth through wholesome fellowship and activities HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST FA 66453 ANYTIME MELROSE Popular splitlevel roomplus with carport Ex tras such as TV antenna patio tool shod work beach formed and well trced lot with pretty patio Carries Ior $89 per month allcr down payment Call Norm llcsketh PA 37016 EAST 0R WEST Quality homes or Iamily living May be Imported by appointment only Dial PA 66453 or PA 84073 for Maryann Smith CONC 0H0 Only $3500 full price Here is cottage with all conveniences that you could winterize easily years old Make an altar todliy BE COZY FOR CHRISTMAS In this small bungalow with lovely rant and brick yards and mature trees Extras in clude rootlwarmer stillporch storms scrccns and new gas furnace Full price only $10 000 Call PA 66453 today youilbc glad you did TRADE NEARLY NEW HOME IN BARHIE for Inrm This home is in the best residen tlul area There are three bedrooms bath with vnnity Lshapod livingdining roam convcnicnt modern kitchen inquiries wclcomcd Cull loo Palmer lit PA 50863 or Em ory Miller at PA Soï¬a or drop in to so Bnyticld St and talk your trade over with any salesman HERES REALBUYI Cor ner Sophiu and Thomson Streets This home has been drastically reduced in price Call Jot Palmer at PA $0863 tor all the details CHICKEN FARM equipped to handle 15000 broilers and In catcd on 170 acres of slightly rolling and near Roscmont 35 miles north oI Multan Coil Harold Forster at Pll 66453 for Iurthcr details Member ol Barrie and District Itch Estutdhohrd Evenings Call Emory Miller PA from Jon Pnlmcr PA courts Karl Marshall PA $9917 Doris Nuttycombo PA s7957 Norm IIesketh PA tITtllti Maryann Smith PA aiozo CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member at some and District Real Estato board HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 575 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDRETI PA 84h DOROTHY wwcox PA M3541 PERCY FORD PA Moro ENERer SWAIN PA Moos timber or Barrie and District and Ontario Ilcai Estate boards ROSE REAL mmis BROKER ia TIFFIN 5mm BARBIE CALL DA on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and District Real Estate Doesd MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 31802 113 Dunlop St KEITH MARSHALL REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKERS 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE MOOREPA Niall FRANK NELLESPA asbss OFFICEPA arzsoz Member at Barrie and District Real Estate Board sTrtouD Flve roam bungalow withgaragc large lot close to school and shopping Iaellllles Private mortgage available Tole phone stroud 42ml CALL PA 87261 Merrie Menagerie When grow up PM going aardge 011 large lot ot so ilinrioh spring PA asvoT lsllItToN AVENUE room brick home ily living on landscaped lot in It deep Two room apartment on main iloor LARGE thrdobedroom liltck hun gaiow Dshsped living and dining room with llrcplace builttn china cabinet Frigidaire builteln stove and oven unlta Hanover kitchen cupboards BuiltIll vanity in bath room Hardwood floors Attached Crescent Telephone Gordon PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Private sale built tor lam Tnlephone PA 135207 Try An Examiner Want Ad REAL ESTATE 113 MOOREPA um Rooms FA Nod CORBY Phone PA 51119 FOR Blur chip investment ing 315000 net are available at our office mus humid Dismlci Rm STATE Dom BROKER MILL MARSHALLPA suso MURIEL JmERYPA Mm Motel Restaurant Ultra modern motel and restaurant Io catcd in busy Georgian any town Our best business listing Further particulan Sioull Agencies Lid COLLIER ST BARRIE PA8 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL EA ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL IDSTDIHPA out CONNEJrPA moi REAL ESTATE on Duulop St costarPA outs SALE 530000 down payment Show 590i DUNLOP ST sinsr llonTLAoE PuNDs loe Longtin PA solid Everett Shelsoeu Oro 2m Smith CampbellPA c7389 Fcrgua GarveyPA was PROPERTY WANTED Tlllltt BEDROOM modern brick bungalow Central or on bus line state location age and price to Box 05 Carrie Examiner SIX 0R SEVEN Room llouse vsnt ted to buy Centrni location Gar age on heated Write stating In ention age priee to Mrs len kins RR Siroud Ontario BUS OPPORTUNITIES urlranrcrtv and Drnper lion ror ssieSepnrste wor slipp Two bedroom housc Low rent Vondertul opportunity Illness compels Iulc Phone Alisian lIE oszoi ssnnnwnha and Appiinnce buil ncss Modem prosperous Near Orllila Long lease Living qusr tcn Apply Lungeviu uro kcr box 93 Vassge Beach Tole pbone 29v SMOKE sltoP sundry store in excellent downtown location ideal or retired gentleman or eouplc Good tncome Selling reasonably as owner has other in terest Apply Glis smoke Shops 40 lilspio Avenue asrrlc MORTGAGES busi Immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private Iunds avail able tor any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DunlopSt East over SIMPSONSSEARS MORTGAGESlat and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial and residential Dandy tamed on existing mortgages hurri Mort uace Broken PA acsoi FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY i7e FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS GARAGE WANTED in Barrie to store car rvr approximately ï¬ve months Telephone PA ololc Low cosT aPAcE tor rcut Clean modern buildings Suitable ior commercial or light industrial Telephone PA dss NURSING HOME ARK EDEN NunsING HOME built tor this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good rood TV rooms station we gun or outings Telephone doiu stroud APT5 HOUSES TO RENT ONE DEDRDOM modern unturn lshed basement apartment 55 per month Available immediately Telephone PA li7DIZ TODAY GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT ADI in the Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER has or VALUEN0 FEELS CHARGED Evenings call Howard Norris PA Hm CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA oozsl PA dam Mrmner Lb Barrio Baal Lita Board Shelswell PA 89961 PA 68742 AVAILAELE INTEREST Jack lvillson PA H511 Norman sbelswell PA amr Joan LearPA 55751 charlie ReadPA Mail RENTALS APTS housns To RENT BRENTWOOD TERRAE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch ch lull basement Central loca tion $85 per month Telephone PA 119238 LARGE nicely decorated two bed room heated sellcontained spurt mcnt Central location Children welcome Telephone PA wool Two Rooil Apartment rurnish ed rcIrilznlator Parking space Adults only Telephone PA 34017 or apply as Mary StrooL Two RDOltl Iurnishcd apartment private bath separate cntrancc stove and reirigerator Telephone PA basis luanSilnD three room apart menl East end on bus route Hydro stove and roirlgoratnr sun pilcd Telephone PAT5030 FURNISHED two room apartment in quiet well kept downtown home suit business lady or gen tlemnn $50 per month Telephone PA 56267 MODERN three bedroom bunga low immediate occupancy tor rent on shorttterm lease Teln pnone PA daooo or iurther dc FIVE ROOM Bungalow or rent withgnrage oil heated Right at the bus stop and close to schools Available Immediately Telephone PA atzsoo THREE Rooms and bath baro mont apartment Hot water heated with oil Private entrance Central ly located Partly lurhlsbett TuIaA phone PA Drona or PA Mood ONE AND Two bedroom apart merits stove refrigerator ianltor service and laundry facilities Rent iug irom sauna monthly Telephone Leech PA Mora HEATED three room Iumlshed apartment in rent stove and re irigerutor Adults only Available now Apply at 98 Innlsill street Telephone PA 117090 Ile ROOM Rouse Jor rent Eight miles Irorn Dorrie near No 11 Highway Water inside Rent ing reasonably Telephone Trans Elmvalc ANGUS Four room house with bath unrurnlshed Apply to ill Robertson telephone HE hoses Available immediately AVAILABLE November two bedroom bungalow au eouvenlem car all best Reasonable Tele phone Oakviile valley Moon or write Box Burris hammer THREE BEDROOM Bungalow Ior rent in Allandale Garage and back yard Ideal for children $90 monthly Available December 20 Telephone PA Biisi Two BEDROOM unturnlshed apartment in modern apartment building Retrlgcrator and stove heat water storage puriting and laundry facilities Available Dem ember 15 Telephone PA oilsv UNFIJRNISIIED Apartment rooms and bath Ground floor Heated Clean modern selleon tained Central location Parking stove refrigerator and partially Iurulshed it required PA Isoil APARTMENT three rooms with private bath refrigerator and range Downtown Suitable Ior adults $515o per month For your iurther intormaiion telephone PA our 35793 THREE ROOM Apartment Inr rent unfurnishod sclicontamed rea sonable rent Available alter De cember Telephone 21112 stroud or further inrnrmatlon FIVE ltoontED furnished hcstt ed apartment with two bedroumil on ground rloor Private entrance and bathroom Prefer or husl ness girls or school teachers Available now Phnuo PA 114192 UNFURNISRED Apartment Allan dsle area nve roonu living room with nreptoee kitchen with dining area three bedrooms use or laun BARRIEFXAMINER to be tyrant PHONE PA 842414 PHONE PA 824 dry room 95 monthly includes heat and hydro Apply 86 Petl st RENTALS APIS HOUSES TO BENT VERY cLmMI one apartment in lirti Available December lat elepbone PA Duos NEW alODmN our room and tcr heated Heat hydro and range supplied Tclcplaano Lamp iiorden iio eoueet UNPUaNIsilizD tbree Ipanmenl ror rent on North st Nested Plenty or cupboard apnea lull It PA win wrunmsuxb cal and two bed room artmeau bested central Iy leea ltiteeens with buutln cupboardL Adult only Telephon PA salsa and utzr and you PA busts ttalv AND Modern one and two bedroom apertures scenic ltempeoleit ter arking and lnelu ed Automatic outlier Plt sisal routs ROOM Apartment bath unlurnlahed stove and rigerator supplied Conlnliy lo cated Na chldrern Available im medistely For turtber lion telephone PA soul Titus ROOMS selr contained with sink and modern cupbouda oil beete tiled noon kitchen plenty ol closet space stove and relrlgeralor supplied suit couple Phone PA Miss Nstv LARGE Apartments to rent in new apartment building One and two bedroom gultcs stove and rotrlgcrator supplied Ielllnv dry Iacilltles Queen street area PA M1385 anclou modern Apartment selleontained private entran ideal or bachelor or couple Pa lug tscilliles stove and relrigers tor supplied Telephone PA on or PA 84294 ONE BEDROOM rurulsbed beat ed apartment sell contained Lots at parking space Tile Iioors and large elesed in verandsh Tele Egon days PA H1717 evenings Mohair heate unrurnlahe two bedroom apartment RoIiiub star and stove supplied Laundry Iaeilliles parking overlooking park and bay Apply it St vim cent st or telephone PA Mo vAaAoA nsAcn Winterixe comfortable homes to let it liticd or unnirriishcd Reasonable Apply Langcvin broker 415 Mosley 51 ga mach or telephone 190 ml zoNg overlooking the bay rooms and bath attached garage walkout basement cold room storms and sereens and many ires Telephone Plt sovsi even ings PA omit SMALL live room cottage reas ot zos Dunlop Vest Cllln and warm sail monthly Garage Space healer included Adults Available Dccenster Telephone PA 5H UNFIIIlNISIIBD upstairs apart ment three rooms private bath Central location 011 aoated Pri vate not water tank In private homeno other tenants Avail nble now Telephone PA S9157 ONE nnDnODnl Apartment Owen and Grove streets nreu Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available December Telephone PA com or PA Midi or PA ssril lelv MODERN centrally located two bzdmom apartment tor rent lletrlgcrutor stove and laundry Incllities Avnllable tmmcdlltcly Innitor service Telephone PA balm tor turther inlormsuon LARGE HEATED Apartment Livt lug room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contllncd Very central Plenty or Itpnn space Available now 55 moutnly Telephone PA 324 Two FURNISHED heated lplrt rnans each containing bedroom living room kitchen and three pieee bath Separate entrance hot and cold water Over Craig hurst General Stor Tclepliane Ivuhtnl ll tnlorml Pi $9575 liNrthlellrsD clean three room heated apartment Kitchen has modern divider counter Stove and rerrigerator Three blocks trom Post Office Good parking Suit couple ssn monthly Tclce Phone PA $1320 NEW MODERN two bedroom bungalow overlooking park and bay Lovely grounds Double gar age Paved drive Gas dryer drapes Adults 5115 per month Low heating cost Telephone PA Nels TIIREE 1100M ground iioor apart ment separate entranca and haul heat supplied Close to schooL Also three room modesnly sie enrstcd apartment with nursery Each available December Tela phone PA 89228 UNFURNISRD heated sart rnent living room bedroom tcb en with stove and rerrlgerntor Lights and water supplied Pork ing space Central location Tele phone PA 53575 ior turther do an ROOM BOARD bedroom new buildinn Au tomatic washer and dryer ml bath apartment in Angus Hal us water room Telephone It meal uml or even Help SClnIIClII Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE SeFARMERS MARKET FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL on can NEW 3110 FINANCE RATE Phonp Collect Stroud 4135 Woodward and Sons Heating Contractors RR Strand HANDY HARDWARE 5th Linc Innisfli Almns Beach Road ccomplete matchbox model series Iskutes tobbogans ulcyclcs wagons Oluu lies oi soc toys oGiitwareI Beally Appliance CASH 0R TRADE on Skates Appliances eta Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the New FM Stereo The Best in Sound McFADDEN Appliance INPENETANG 81 PA $938 Ample Free Parking Terms to suit your Budget In DOGS PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by EARIL MOUNTAIN Ind LONGLIFE Lovely pong birds budgics and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish nirtles and all pets OPEN ID no PM DAILY PHONE PA 58036 llarts Mountain ior DU glul one all or plbone Miss Dr tur ta mm VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntoin Snow Courtland and other varieties Vindiulls $125 pes bushel Fresh cider Phone PA $9291 cmulinma mud delivered to mil home APPLY Grucry Farm telepbona PA won or PA sodas APILR CIDER herb or Iruu roe sen also appls butter or break Iaat snack or anytime We buy gallon and hair gallon lusts Telr Dim PA WW ARTICLES WANTED wt WILL PA clidn tor good used rmniturensr any good used lflieia individual or content lotus Phebe PA m1 Ctlamlvi RADIO wanted Inr loss or loss Dodge or Piymouth car 390101 PA Hoot or ruriber STORE OWNERS Assorted uantity or old qtook COIJNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINCIApL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Propane Refrigerator SERVAL ONLY Reconditioned Guaranteed Year sooso SHORGAS LTD 147 Burton Ave PA 60512 HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP SI WEST PHONE PA E2427 each LoANa 00 at or month Tolepitgu pA mongol greieent sinanee so Dimiop or Daub PIANO Womswith rer Reconditioned Priced res ly Apply Mrs aalunda RR Angus CHINESE Rm 3101 or sale grey like new us or nearest offer Telephone Camp Borden ova duttms only ROOM AND Datum nvuilablu Close to downtown Apply en czy street tor iurtbcr iniorma on Room AND BOARD with mother ly can given for babies and children in my own home by the week Apply to Box 79 BIrrleke umlner ROOMS To LET FURNISHED Raoul Vcry central Working mun preterred 113 Day ileld street Barrie BEDSITTING ROOM to rent in east end Suitable ror one or two girls Parking space Telephone PA 59644 for further details 110031 rent Heated Iumrshed with rsngnttc retrigerator and linen supplied Apply at 6i Mary street tor rurthcr information liltIGIiT Furnished Housekeeplnl Room Stovc and relilgentol Lt cuted between hospital and shop ping plaza Telephoue PA H301 Two LARGE unfurnished rooms to rent in private home Located close to downtown would make an ideal small apnrmeut Tele Phone PA 60479 aanlrr ROOM ror rout two beds Housekeeping lt desired Fol two qulet business gentlemen Parking space Telephone PA Mm alter pan ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32nd Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25o PER DOZIEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario TYPEWRITEDS bought sold renb ed repaired student rental Tutu Ark nbout oIn Rent Try then any Plan eStar Typewriter Co slinr pm Drtdtord st PA doors TELEVISION Ior sate 21inch Phitco blohde sharp picture on and Glld smoke Shop 40 315531 Avenue or telephoiu PA BAEY CARRIAGE in good Condi tion or sale also two bumorhot phtd cabinet radio and femwitll stand Telephonl PA 81297 for de tails some TRAIN linguist ED gauge 3800 value Seven locamov Ltvelltpleca rolling stock Mlny accessories Price 315 or best one er PA 198 ancTnlc RANGE eor nlo deluxe model by General Electric dou ble oven two storage drawers oven timer builtin ressure eoox er Good condition elebhono PA Ema BEST BUY lrs primed chrLitmu Tues Your choice Scotch Plato or Spruce 3100 at sum or $125 delivered Bert Maw Minestng Phone 15 nVDsoN SEAL coat ior nle Ill 10 Ladyl nylon ovaldines size IVY Fawn Bllnlbt Coat II no Apply ior Sophia Street West acme alter pm DEDRqu herniture Two Brest era client of drnwarl two nilllt tables vanity bench in walnut nnlsh double bed and springs single bed complete Reasonable Telephone PA H217 RENTAL SID nectrlc Pom lhle Muchlnu or rent by th wenil nl tlil month Singer Saw ing Centre Dunlo street West Telephone PA ormmvalg 24W ATTENTION Pncnsal smoke shop in Maple Ava PA arias in addition to trash stock at Imdkdn needs we now carry tor your convenience bread but ter muk entree ete etc Open shill nail pan Sundays noon to its wonderful the way Classified Ads get ree suitsI Phone PA 824I4 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattla and horses Small animals re ovcd tree For last servic phone BARFIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE noun day7 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foullead Ontario License No 139C61 LIVESTOCK auAnD AVAILABLE to horses Large box stalls and good rldlnl nl Tolophonl PA lrWIB alter pm POULTer st CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chinks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkch Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milkcr HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRI EXAMINER raonr PA szili BUSINESS PARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cut New Iiouand David brown aeany Farm Equipment 17s BURTle AVE PA arm SPECIAL Team of horses one seven years old one three yean Old Drive well SPECIAL One Massey Binder with canvasses $65 CASH TRADE TE AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MI DTOWN YEAR END CLEARANCE 1961 Pontiac Parisienne $2725 1961 Ford Faillane 51990 1961 Pontiac Laurentlan $2550 1980 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $183 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Same with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR any It Now With rowcoal LiteInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCUHA HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 1955 DODGE or sale our door Clean throughout Radio Four new tires Tolepbonl Cro Isl alter pan mo MERCEDES aENz tor sal lso Diesel oerteet condition 006 miles $2I50 Can be nnaneeo Telephone Carnp aorden dos Nisan cAsnSeeSeabosni rio ance Your ranch Neigbbor ma or 310 monthly lei Dunlo street Barrie M477 I554 DODGE Royal two toned with sndio and automatic trans mission Gond condition No rea sonable otter mtuscd Owner luv ing country Telephone PA Salon 1554 FORD two door automatic transmission good running condb tloh The down peyment has been made on this our Take over pay ment or weekly For inlorm tinn phone llns Dickson 66595 alter pm 1959 oLDsiloulLE Super 88 bluo Ind white radio power brakes power steering automatic air conditioner whltcwslls rour door hardtop 44000 miles Will accept trade or arrange finance $2100 Telephone PA assos alter pan Try An Examiner Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 CHRISTMAS Claim inside painting sud genera olehint Good work and reasonable rates Telephone busnerd PA Hone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling Shingling porch recreation rooms Complete trimming to housas and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA SEMI DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Thrice weekly pickup re deuverv ll FRANCIS JI REAR PA 56551 Lela than rigor dunner DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 56651 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 4907 Barrio Try All Exam per Want Ad PHONE PA INII INSULATION TNSULATION With No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTI MUIR AirTile Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free Estimates guaranteed work PADITING AND PAPERIIAPGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA S6991 MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA $0966 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertor St PHONE PA 84563 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled ram animals under the above Act FREE REMOVAL GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95081 Telephone