AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY QWAVERLEY Michael Adams had his lon ails removed in Penetang Gm eral Hospital Mrs George Barr visited her daughter and sonindaw Mr and Mrs Orton Broun Several ladies mm the oom muniw atten the bazaar and tea at Vycbridge Anglican Ch urch Mr and Mrs Morris Darby and girls and hir and Mrs James Darby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cleoptl on King in Toronto and Mrs Charlie Johnson ra Vince Johnson oi Lind Mr and Mrs George Brock of Toronto visited Mrs Norman Drinkle over the week end Roy Trunx is able to be home again niter being pat ient in Penetang General Hos pital Mr and MrsGartield Brown and Mrs Spurgcnn Brown visitt ed relatives in Toronto on Sun day UTOPIli Mr and Mrs Arnnll Muir and Mr and Mrs Jack McCann he special dinner on Tues honar of their father other ltlr and Mrs Fred lllcCann on the occasion of th lr 55th wedding anniversary Everything was quiet on account of Mrs McCann having just come home from hospital on Monday The family present ed their parents with two lov4 ely rings Their youngest daughter Mary Ray and iam ily were unable to be with them irom Trenton EXTENDS THINKS sincerely wish to thank all the nurses and Dr Zerny or the good care received while in Royal Victoria Hospital and for all those who sent in low els giits and cards am in my Bttb year and it was my lirst time in hospital do think it is grand place or anyone who is sick yours slnv cerely Mrs Fred MeCann one of the Utopia correspondents tor The Barrie Examiner MANSFIELD rvnnnENs BANQUET An interesting event took place at the Cedar Room at Shelhurne it Tuesday evening Nov 28 when the retiring reevo oi Mul mur Township and Warden oi Duiierin County Reg Brett and Mrs Brett were hosts to the oliiciuls oi the municipality and county and their wives at banquet Lavender United Chub ch of which the Bretts are yaluable members Served delicious turkey dinner to about 150 guests His Honor Judge Robb oi Orangeville was toastmaster and Hey Harold Martin minister at Lavender United Church said grace Lin dsay Jelly ol Shclburne provid ed piano music throughout the meal and accompanied Elwood liladili Reeve oi Mono and Mrs llladill in two ducts also in singsong led by Mr Iliad lii Bruce Matheson AgRep for Duiierin County proposcd toast to the County of Dutierin to which James Vardlaw Re eve oi0rnngeviiie replied Rev Capt Downer IiIPP Dui icrinSimcoe was the main so ealrer He was introduced by Hon Earl ROWE MP Dui ierinSimcoc nnd thanked by Hunter County Clerk Elmer Reid lliulmur Clerk Trensurer ably proposed to TELEVISION PROGRAM CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE hloNDAY nncEnlnErt 400 Womens Show nine min Dnzrle optyos Tv Party Now mum Popoyos Tv Party Farm Market nepnrt News Don annleson Weather Sports Zlno Cray Theatre nnn Messcrs Jubilee Danny Thomas Show Live Borrowed Lite Bob Cummings Show Intertol Iostscrlpt To swuasa new 7m Rep Crev llth Cnry Moore Show 9no lted Shelton oan ErnntPnne Challenge loan lnonlry loan King nlnmnnor lltlfl cno TV News In The Weatherman Today in Sports Community anI 30 internal Cnnlnn WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1045 Test Pattern 1100 nompor nonm 1200 Popeye Ind Pals lmo Noondy Report ast to the Warden to which His Worship responded He in dividuaiiy mentioned all who had helped him during his term of oiiice Mr Reid spoke oi the Warden as good chair man quiet but inn and easy to get along with Ed Eldridge deputy reeveand reeveelect oi Mulmur ior l962 thanked the ladies tor the lovely dinner to which Mrs Maurice Hawkins re plied Elwood Mddill on behalf oi the county presented the Warden with gold watch and Msr Erctt with roses The Queen brought an enjoyable evening to close hIULMUR NOMINATIONS Friday Nov 24 was namini tion day for the Township oi lllnlrnur at Honeywood Reg Brett Reeve oi llluimur and warden oi Duiierin County gave up his position and the deputy recve Ed Eldridge he came recve tor i962 by accla matinn Emerson Grier who has been councillor was acclaimed deputy rceve The ratepayers will vote for thra councillors out or tour candidates Har vey Stewart Russell Wilbert Ritchie and Wayne Snell Another nomination will be held to nominate third school trustee as they are one short for Area No FIVE ACRES hlr and Mrs Alvin Greer mov into their new home at the Five Acres inst week group of neighbors spent Mon day evening with them to elk tend best wishes They were presented with two heautilul lampsnnd large vase BELLE EWAET BAPTIST LADIES AID The Ladies Aid oi the Barn tist Church met at the home oi Mrs George Baxter with nine members present The meeting was opened withgllo reading oi verse train the Bible iollow ed by roll call Articles wen read by Mrs Johnston and Mrs Roy Hill Alter much dis cussion the meeting was closed with the reciting ot the Lords Prayer nice lunch was ser ved by the hostess Mrs Baxt CONTRiiCT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER er Next meeting is at nth Ralph Curtiss Evelyn Reid entertained of her little iritlnds on 20 at casion ot her seventh birthday NAMED CUBMASTBR Duncan Coutts has been ap pointed Cub Blaster or the First Lekw Troop Smut lohn Newlove Stephen Newlove Jim Ferrier Robelt ttlotiat and Pet er Hough were awarded their swimming badges rece Recent visitors were wllh Mrs Hougb her daughter Joan and tarnily Barry immuloy and inmin with his parents Mr and Mrs Clyde Millie and iam iiy with James Reids Mr and Mrs Townsend Mr and Mrs Butler Sr of Toronto with Fred Quantx Tho McDowell boys spent tu weekend in Tomato With their aunt and uncle and spent day at the Winter lair WEED ESSAY WINNER Congratulations to Karen Eto mat on her sucuess it tho coe County weed essay conest Mr and Mrs Fred Quantl visited her sister Mrs Victor Douglas of Hobart 0R0 STATION Weedend visitors with Mr and In lilrs Howard Crawford were Mr and Mrs Andre Gelinns of Sarnia and Mrs Craig 01 Oriliin Mr and Mrs Charlie Bail Sault Ste Marie are spending tow days with Mr and Mrs Graham Mrs Allan Bell Barrie is spending few days wit hMr and Mrs Norman Leigh Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Howard Dunsmore were Garry MacDonald oi Drillin Mr and Mrs Lawson Barrie Mrs Emms Guthrie visit ed Mr and Mrs Walter Mor row few days last week WHITE GIFTS December meeting of the VA and Wills will he held at the home of Mrs Bert Crawlo rd Wednesday Dec 13 at pm This is Christmas meeting with white glits CWE BEARlNG FLOWERS FOR THE FAlRESI EMMSEL lN THE FATHER THAT THE PELIONSMER mFOUNDER CYRUSDUNDEE LIKE KNOW HIM FAMILYPRACIKALLY FOUGHTTNE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON SINGLEHMDED GEE HATCERTNNLI TURNED OUT TERRlBLE WHATS THIS PELION reason LIKE MISS JONES REALLYDONTKNOW JULIE SWWLYSAID SHE WASWUNG my REALLW our Youe THOUGHT ting Wards News winner Sports East dealer HOMEWORK is so MAVBE THE CBCTV News Farm Report The Weatherman Coming Dlents Both Sides vulnerable Today in Sportr lilovlo Knowing that West had the king of spades Siiberwasser de 233822 on mu pin Community New Crossroads Virility DECERmsR lo Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room I100 Pantyo and Pals 1230 Noonday Report News Wentnerusportl rnrm Report Coming Events Loo Movie Booby Trap 230 Open House 300 School Telecast Adventures of allnky Flower Put alert lhn womens Show Arthur Home Show liliko Mercu Cartnnn Pnr New Headlines turn in Draw Farm Market Report News Don Jamloson Weather Sports Man an The Run Mlle do Paris Music Break Friendly olnnt Maggiev margins The Dmcns Show Yes yes Nanette Rania Dazzle Huckleberry Hound News Headlines Provincial Aiinlrs rum Market Report News Don Jamleson Weather Sports Pierre aerlon The Lin and Mr Ionu Bachelor Fatbr Playdato We The People News ilngntlnu nxplnrnunns ch TV News The Weatherman Today in Sport Community New HtGiIWnY Patrol CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY uncommon Professors alduwy ran Sports Weather Pierre Berton News Fathcr Knows Best Top Cat Whiplash Inspector Maigret Take Chance Riflemnn Loretta Young News Weather Sport Men or Destiny ssass Psflrlrlsflrstsn an 545 Pierre Berton 650 News 100 Leave it To Beaver mo Zane Grey Theatre 800 Theatre At Eight Gun is tor Killing arm Checkmate 1050 Peter ounn 1100 News Weather SPDItl 1125 Men oi Destiny 1130 setter Late WEDNESDAY DECEMBER News Free and Easy Noon 4616 V103 oaxoys +AK42 WEST nosr 4K74 AJ532 74 A85 Q1085 $10953 QJIB SOUTH 41098 KQJ982 732 +5 Thebldding East South West North 19 Pass Pass Dble Pass 29 Pass Plus 49 Opening leadking oi spades Here is an interesting hand played in Turin in 1960 during the match between Holland and Belgium The final contract at hoth tables was our hearts At the first table the Dutch West led the king of spades and continued with spade to the ace East then played the jack of spades hoping to develop mep trick for West but this never materialized and aided that the best chance or NEAT F02 picruRE defeating the contract iay in trying to get diamond ruff At trick two theretore he re turned the singleton diamond It was obvious to everyone especially Cats the deelarer that the diamond was single ton In order to forestall the imminent ruif Cats won the diamond in dummy cashed the AK of clubs discarding sp ade from his hand and then led third round of clubs He hoped that East would win the third club on which Cats planned to discard his last spade This would prevent West trom being put into the lead with spade to give East diamond ruii It was good idea and it certainlwaould have succeeded ii East had been asleep at the switch But Stlberwasser was not caught napping 0n the ace of Clubs he had followed with the six but on the king he was careful to drop his jack Had he played the seven on the king South would have made the contract 0n the next club Silberwa Tu BE HAD DONALD DUCK oom TALK Better Late 811131 gkï¬heatro South easily made our hearts ser played low and there was then no way for declarerto inane DECEMBER $3220 31 devdégidseï¬geï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬i prevent East from getting TgoAcssn deriwa gian west opened me mm of diamond nut to defeat the con4 WONT 5EEMTU MON WEI Spades not the king Deane tract Sllberwasser was easily NOBOFTY DOWN V951 Prt an entire Cats of Holland played low the victor in the cat and mm at AN H3 WKASWOEKN EYE AO MEEEEA Playhouse News Professors ltldenway WA Pl rt Ngws Em from dummy and East Silher game 53 EMMON funcgflggufémef wasser won with the jack Tomorrow Planning the play DAILY caosswonn Elnin Playhouse sports Wentner 822923383 Flight To Honk Kong The Detectives News Weather Snort The Jim Coleman show Better Late ACROSS DOWN 11Fde Baby gland LBlondes coin or one aid 20Morass Bicycle Unfriendly 22 Candle 321 Wheaten nut wmchu me flour tree Rings WE 12me 413am 24Asnnre an 25 as urno Jewellery 13Ci=rernmly jun boarder Gilts Galore From $733 Imamrider 6Riodeln moon Urn mMnrked STENNICK 913154235 2533 33 ii things with writes prescrlpunn sor 3331 move JEWELLERS you mu Ohm ELSE WAS GONNA oar Dump 1qu plenum nnd bunnlo admins delivered ran 01 ChIIKB lolcutde NWT CUSDENS 13 33215015 14 Work 32 Fibbern 40 Senna gatherings 34 Handle otwhnlu IfHIiknmAnciv Im 16 Added 35Acros 41flnratltlo as 35559 3193963 quantity econ acryorpatn ts Collier st PA 64¢ HIII== WW slang nun CARRIER MlSSsYOU may FAEIVII in If your carnerh db haw am tamarindMM searin mm IVAï¬ai WE on 32433 ovnx Tlvxl d0 nmnmrIrmi wry row or rw AHTHAT REMINDS MEM GRANDMA MVGDCVNEGIILL mason nor per mars mm GET AT THEIgOOKiETg mm ï¬izï¬ifnï¬Ã©ry$o75yarfg 1115 kiTCHEN GETAT we masses CABiNET THEMEDICINE 37 Cyclades CABINETl And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home 38 Hangman THERE Is No CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE 23 molelclnb VALLEY TAXI 44 Actress DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Maude 45 Diminished MUGGs AND SKEETER