Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1961, p. 1

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titanic ex amine OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele hone PA sans The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 6653 LOCAL WEATHER Moderate Wednaday but be coming colder Low tonight on High Vcdnesday 45 For lull summaryturo to page two The 97th Yurdla 278 Barrie Ontario 6m Tuesday November 28 1961 Not Mo Than per Copy12 Page Cant Agree On Control In Attack OTTAWA CP Federal provincial disagreement over who has control in event of nuclear attack on Canada re mained unresolved Monday at the close of cabinet level meeting on civil defence The question of who would have the last wordthe provin cial premier or federal com missionerin province hit by nuclear bombs and missiles was among the touchiest discussed in the closed meeting Quebec Attorney General Georges Lapalme said that under present arrangements the federal com missioner would have lull charge of the province in wartime And he may be anybody lie may be federal civil servant Defence ster llnrkness said that the areas of author ity are not defined with suffici ent clarity This said Mr tlarkness would have to be studied fur ther Another federalprovincial conference would be called but no date had been set The one day conference called by Mr Iiarkness also discussed fallout shelters fed llsk Inquiry Into Ballot 0n Liquor TORONTO CP The wets have called for judicial ex amination of about 2000 spoiled ballots in liquor referendum Saturday in suburban Etobicoke which apparently approved din ing lounges but not cocktail bars One group has called for slice on polling hours was mis ending Unofficial figures showed 63 61 per cent of the 39640 voters favored dining lounges but only 5964 wanted cocktail bars Of ficials said the official result may not be known for month Supercent vote is required for approval of each issue There were claims from some residents Monday that many voters turned up at the polls after they dosed at pm So turday eXpecting them to be open until 10 pm as was the case with the advance polls Clive Sinclair chairman of the wets estimated that about 48 per cent of the 90000 eligible voters turned out aVinew vote claiming township eral financial aid emergency supply and health and welfare measures and training lllr Harkoess said the federal government is drafitng plans for new lessexpansive home shelter that will cost $90 and up The present government designed shelter costs about $500 to build TORONTO CPt Clarence Dent former president of 5the Electrical Contractors As sociation pleaded guilty lllonv day to charge of conspiring to reduce competition in Onta rios electrical industry In June 1960 the association was convicted and fined $7500 by Mr Justin Wells on similar charge The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the con viction Mr Justice Wells also granted an injunction restrain ing the association from contin uing its policy Dent pleaded not guilty on the To Oust NEW DELILl Reuters Prime Minister Nehru said to day that India would continue building up its border defences so that eventually effective ac tion could be taken to expel the Chinese Communists from the areas they have occupied lle cautioned parliament Provinces Get pc More Cash OTTAWA CF Estimated net general revenuesof provtnA clol governments for the fiscal year ending March 31 total $2 749000000 and estimated net general expenditures $3097000 000 the bureau of statistics re ported today Both estimates represent eightpercent increases over the preceding fiscal years pre liminary figures Contributing factors to the anticipated rise in revenues are Ontarios general sales tax and gasoline and motorfuel tax in creases in various provinces For the first time health ex penditures include full years spending on provincially op ersted hospital insurance plans in all 10 provinces IN NUTSHELL Rockefeller libandons Search HOLLANDIA AP feller New Yorks Governor Nelson Rocke today abandoned his fruitless personal search for his youngest son Michael in the treacherous Dutch New Guinea jungle and began the long sad journey home The chances of finding Mike are greatly diminished Rockefeller told reporters as he left the search headquarters in Merauke on the south coast of the island Soo To Host Dukes Talks SAULT STE MARIE Dot CP This city will be host next May to one of 20 study groups of the Duke of Edinburghs second Commonwealth study conference on the human conse quences of changing industrial environment The conference with 300 Commonwealth countries up in Vancouver June memberslrom more than 30 opens in Montreal May 13 and winds Quebec Wont Join Power Net QUEBEC CPt Monday Quebec doesn wide electricity networ Resources Minister Rene Levesque said intend to cooperate in Canada Ho was commenting on Prime ment Ontario May Study Rabies TORONTO Cl day the provinci Leo Troy stock through rabies since Agriculture Minister Stewart said Mon government may have to think about whose llVeSLflCk is hit by LNipissing to restore to farmers who have lost Sept 28 the compensation which was revoked by order in council at that date Mr Troy said there are still cases of rabies in his constituency Study For Degree TORONTO CP Phone the University of Toronto Students kicked off the Its called phonetalkethon and calls for const fad Thursday not talking over the phone In Talking lines are humming nonslog at latest co cg Organizers Georgette Dutheil 20 of Ajax and Viv Nells 20 of Paris 0nt lined up student on the phone students 100 men participant must spend one hour and women students Each day talking to another They aim to keep goingseven days two more than the mark claimed by University of Illinois Aussie Wheat Sales Endangered SYDNEY Reuters Rains which flooded parts of New nuthWales during the last week wllleost wheat growersup £4000000 $8960000 rain seriously damaged up government expert estimated the to 20000000 bushels of wheat one thirdof the New South Wales state crap This may jeopardize orseas soles and reduce Lil onetenth the export price of the wheat by Electricians Chief Guilty lit Trade Conspiracy Trial Nehru Determined conspiracy count along with the association in 1960 but when the charge was ordered re read Monday by Mr Justice Ferguson he pleaded guilty Mr Justice Wellss judgment and the Appeal Court ruling were read into the record by Crown Counsel Campbell Grant The indictment against Dent and the association resulted from federal combines report on May 1959 which accused the association of attempting to fun nel all electrical supplies for construction job through elec trical contractors Chinese however now to expect action which could not be followed through in getting the Chinese to abandon the 12000 square miles occupied by them in 1959 Nehru was speaking following READY FOR Poised and ready an Atlas missile topped witha Mer cury capsule which will carry ORBIT BLAST chimpanzee into thrice aroundtheoarlh orbit stands on its Cape Canaveral launch ing pad government charge last week that China had committed fur ther aggression by establishing new posts on Indian territory in the Himalayas He said the government shared the strong feelings of Parliament and the country but was opposed to adventurist ac tion which could lead to dflicul ties Nehru claimed that the lost two years had not resulted in any change to the Chinese ad vantage but that the situation had progressively changed in Indias favor militarily and oth erwise Indias buildup would continue so that ultimately we may be in position totake effective action to recover territory in Chinese possession he do clared Thousands Strike To Oust Leader SANTO DOMINGO AWDir minicsns by the thousands went on strike today bending the call of opposition leaders for gen eral walkout to force President Joaquin Balaguer out of office The strikers disregarded on antistrike appeal by Gen Pedro Rodriguez Eehavarria armed forces secretary issued shortly before the hour set for the walk out The only reason they are in viting you to strike is to pro duee clash between US armed forces and the Dom can people said the commu nique of Rodriguez Echavarrio The communique had the ef fect of throwing army might be hind Halaguer and against de mands that he accept immedi ately the formation of provi sional government that would hand the presidency to the up position National Civic Union Business came to halt in the capital and other large cities Viriato Fisllo president of the National Civic Union called the situation very grave According to reports the op position plan would make Fisllo president GENEVA APiThe United States today described the new Sovietplan for annulus cted fificmfifiTas aspar ent propaganda gesture put for ward in vain hope to mislead and deceive world public opin ion US delegate Arthur Dean told the first sessionof there sumed threenation talks that the Soviet plan does not provide basis for agreement Soviet delegate Semyon Tsar apkin formally submitted the new plan at twohour 20min ute session He also demanded that France the worlds fourth nuclear power be invited to join the negotiations Dean asked Tsarapkin if he was prepared to negotiate on the basis of an old western plan for controlled ban on testing Tsarapkin replied with flat on The resumed negotiations thus US Bomber Crashes In NY PLAllSBURGH NY AP One of two 347 jet bombers on routine mission over north ern New York crashed and burst into flames Monday night at Plattsburghair force base The second of the sixengined eraft la ed moments later with two engines disabled One flyer survived The he dies of three others were found in the wreckage The cause of the crash was not disclosed An air force spokesman said the pilot of the second plane re ported severe icing conditions while descending The survivor whose name was not disclosed was found walking near the wreckage He could not recall how he got sin of the plane Russian Bid For llTreaty Called Propaganda By US appeared to have reached vir tually hopeless stalemate on their Pearson Says Dont Enter By Back Door OTTAWA CP Liberal Leader Pearson Mondny offered this advice to the Canadian government in its attitude to possible British entry tothe European Common Market It you desire to be received via the front door it is not normally gnodtuetics to throw stones through the windows Mr Pearson was eonunenting in prepared statement on the British governments release of the text of speech made by Deputy Foreign Secretary Ed ward Heath to the opening of the Common Market negotia tions in Paris last month Mr Pearson added jl would be more impressed by the hurt reaction of the Ca nadian government at not re ceiving the text in question at an earlier date if they them selves had adopted more con structive attitude of full partici pation in the Commonwealth discussions in London and Brus sels of the problems arising out of the British application for membership in ECM ENDS BOYCOTT UNITED NATIONS fAP Russia is ending its long boy cott of the United Nations com mittee on the peaceful uses of outer space Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin said Saturday he will be present ywhen the committee meets to day even thoughvhc opposes the meeting London Newspaper Claims Canada Knew jUK Secret LONDON CPlNavv that the secret speee is know to the world British newspaper says Canada knew virtually every thingit contained all along In the latest development of bizarre episode of leaks and counter leaks The Guardian says in frontpage story that the Canadians have Men keep ing to themselves the fact that they as well as the Americans were recipients of grand seale leak The story of Patrick Keatlsy The Guardians Canadianborn Commonwealth writer follows closely on other twists in the fantastic tale first that the United States had received leak on the sircoiled secret speech mods ibybritain Oct 10 in Paris second that despitethe secret stamp the document was being sent in full to newspapers and news agencies by Reuters which obtained it from prlvate Moreen in Brussels The Guardian storyis of par ticular interest since only eight days ago in London Finance Minister Fleming of Canada made point of asking Prime Minister Macmillan for the full textof the Oct 10 speech which Fleming said Canada had been trying to get ever since it was delivered Britain at firstrefused then changed its mind after wide spread rcports that the Us government already had the full speech Canada House spokesman said Monday the full text was received there during the after lIODII But The Guardian story says that nthrcughoutfitbe whole of what it calls the Common Mar ket leak affair the Canadians were alsoreeipients of leak in practical terms the story says this meant that Fleming knew almost the whole con tents of the speech before he arrived in London to submit formal request for the comlt plate text t0Macmillan The story says Fleming and his advisers were brlefedon the 62 main paragraphs of the Heath text paragraph by par agrap They were not given verbatim report but were able to take away fairly full aide mcmoire much fuller than the two summaries previously sup plied by the British government to Commonwealth diplomatic missionSin London In London press confer since Nov 20 just after seeing Macmillan Fleming said Can ada had received summary of part offs dceurneotwhat it wanted was the whole docu ment The Guardian story says few members of the Canadian for eign service knew about the eonfldentlal briefing Flicker03 id0 ea ontrlnl of $175 and fringe benefits Teenagers Said Suffering rom WASHINGTON CF In formed sourees sold the Inter national Monetary Fund likely will scrutinize Canadas econ nomie and monetary policies at meeting of the executive board in January They said the 18 member board will consult with Cana dinn financial nuthnrlties on the question of Canadian interna tional payments problems and other issues which may reflect on the stability of the Canadian dollar They said similar cun sultations are being held with other countries group of Fund staff experts recently was sent to Ottawa to make an oathsspot study of the Canadian situation These ex perts now are believed to be preparing report which will be circulated among members of the executive board before the meeting takes place board members then will re fer the report to their govern ments to prepare official posi tions to be taken when the con sultations begin DOLLAR HITS LOW 0n the New York foreign EX change the Canadian dollar was worth less Monday in us mt ney than at anytime in 1095 years It sold at 5161875 US cents Since the June 20 Cana dian budget when Finance Min ister Fleming announced pol icy of depressing the exchange rates through use of official re serves of American dollars and gold the Canadian dollar has been fluctuating at discount of between three and four cents Police Believe Human Torch Killed In Ont TORONTO CP Police to day were working on the theory that Alberto Agueci 39 may have been slain in Ontario and then taken by private plane to the farm outside Rochester NY where his charred body was found Thursday Three detectives from the Monroe County NYsherifls ol fiec were in Toronto today working on the case The Toronto man had been named as defendant in nar cotics conspiracy trial now un der way in New York Police said one reason for slaying Agueei in Ontario and then taking the body across the international border would be to create jurisdictional problem ilsuspects flanght andput KINGSTON fCP Newspa per men were ejected Monday night from meeting of prison at four Kingstonareapensl in stitutions One reporter George McBur nie of the Kingston Vhigsstand ard said he was punched and had his pen broken and his notes scattered The guards were taking part in meeting of the Civil Serv ice Association of Canada at the Orange Hall Pro nt were about 200 staff members of Kingston and Collins Bay peni tentiaries Joyeeville institution and the Kingston prison for women After business discussion the guards started to read po tition addressed to Allan MacLeod commissioner of pen itentiaries and it old Mae Lean warden of Kingston peni tentiary MeBurnio who had entered earlier and taken seat at the rear of the hall said that at this point he was recognized as reporter and hustled tothe front of the hall along with Charles Yellowley news direc tor of radio station CKLC who had just entered the building After vote of members they were ordered to leave McEnr ole said the exec They said it would raise the question whether the trial should be in Ontario or in New York state An RCMP spokesman mean while said the RCMP is virtu ally certain the slayingdid not occur in Ontario but across the border Little Hope To Step Strike lit GM Plant TORONTO CPiA new 3L tempt to ward off threatened General Motors strike was to be madebere today But there appeared to be lit tle hope of settlement being reached at the conciliation meeting attended by representa tives ot the united Automobile Workers of America CLC and the auto producer Ballots from 13000 General Motors workers at Oshawa were being counted today and the vote was expected to support the strike decision taken by workers at Toronto Windsor and St Catharines All three locals voted over whelmingly in favor of striking to back contract demands and to protest the slowness of nego tiations whicbstarted early Sep tember Meanwhile more than 800 members of the independent Teamsters unioncontinued pick eting plants at Toronto Oak ville Oshawa and Windsor The Teamsters went on strike two days ago agoinst trucking companies which haul new cars away from auto plants Their demands include zirconl in crease in the basic hourly rate Storm Delays Queen Mary NY CHERBOURG Reuters High winds and heavy seas in the English Channel forced the Cunard Line ship Queen Mary to postpone the landing of 168 passengers from New York until today Eating Poor Iood TORONTO CPFifty per cent of the teenagers in the United States suffer from spam diet and Canadian teenagers have similar problem Allen Ann Dunham vicepresident of General Corporation said Monday She told the American Womens Club six out of every 10 girls and four of every 10 boys are endangering their future because they are just not Eatingthe foods they should Inadequate diet produced an adverse effect on health work ing efficiency and behavior un der social and eeonomie stress We must recognize that these youngsters are marryingand starting famtiles at very early agemany while struggling to continue on education Miss Dunhsm said Many of the youngsters re not physically fortified to hstand the social and economic strain President Moisa Tshombe right foreground makes his way through applauding fol lowers to address crowds I32in football stadium at Etlsob staff which discussed conditions CHEERS ran rsquBE Last July Louis Rasminsky now governor ol the Bank of Canada was coiled into consul tation by the executive board to explain the Canadian policy which runs contrary to the funds system of fixed parity values Some board members were reported to have advised Can adaat the July meeting to re turn the Canadian dollar to pegged exchange rate but in formants said Canada gave no firm indication she would ac cept the advice The Canadian dollar has been floating free for ll years Some members maintained Canada had depressed her cur rency exchange rate to capture more markets by reducing the foreign price of her goods in re lationship to other world cur rcncies Canada has denied this Cana dian authorities have said tho new Canadian policy was de signed moinly to discourage the heavy flow of foregln capital into Canada and to make Can ada rely more on domestic sav logs for her development Newsmany Punched Kicked llt Prison Staff Meeting ogized for the roughingup inel dent Before he left McBurnie said he heard the petition read It declared the morale of staff members was at its lowest ebb in Kingston penitentiary where guard William Wenb worth 42 was stabbed to death Sunday in prison dormitory The petition referred at one point to lack of discipline among inmates and said they had become insolent to the point where it is surprising they even let guards into the peni tentiary In telephone interview later from Ottawa Commissioner MacLeod said he regretted the incident Asked for comment on the petition he added feel if the officers want to send petition we will get it in due course It was only 10 days ago was in Kingston on their invitation and talked to 150 of thern There was no indication that they felt this way will besurprised if the situation has deteriorated to this extent Bible Pedlar Says Not Necessary BLlND RIVER CPiATor onto man arrested Saturday for selling Bibles without pedlars licence maintained in Monday that he didnt need one Gordon Sim argued that religious articles such as Bibles are exempt from municipal by laws precedent to that ef fect he saidhwas sat by the United States Supreme Court and upheld later by the prov inces of Quebec Manitoba and Saskatchewan ville He told them how Ko tanga was determined to fight all United Nations forces which have attempted to enter secessionist Katanga

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