Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1961, p. 3

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Wiu Start Work On Woolworths Store This Year Canadian Sales Manager for the Woolworth Co Ltd Fred Gooderham told the Kinsmen Club last night that groundbreaking for the new Barrie store will take place early in December The new store which has an opening target date of llny 1961 will incorporate many firsts he added Some departments will be leased to local merchants such as the dry cleaning and shirt laundering department the drug store the boats and out board motors and the like There will be threequartcrs of mile of counter space and room to park nearly hundred cars It will have the largest sale floor in Canada larger than any lwostorey store as well and will incorporate 38stuol and mohair and table lunch counter At the corner of Hayfield and Ross with new idea in design for Wool worths leaving out the tradi tional red front it will have frontage of 234 feet and an 83 foot depth PRICE FIELD We will eventually establish complete chain of department stores apart from our variety stores and we have every rea son to believe that we will be successful in this higher priced field Mr Gooderham said Mr Gooderham said Frank Woolworth opened his first five cent store in Lancaster Pa in 1379 He had stock inventory of $410 Thirtyone years later he built 513 million building in New York Nickels and dimes were re spectable coins in 1900 Mr Gooderham said but the idea Frank Woolworth had caught on Nothing in the first stores sold for over nickel And in time when nearly all stores hid their merchandise in draw ers Woolworths was all on dis play He tried to upgrade his prices to 25 cents in somear ass but the idea failed to click and he had to abandon it BIG BUSINESS But the time came when he could begin to upgrade and this was the start of the really big business Mr lGooderham pointed out In 1912 when the present company was formed through amalgamation with number of other stores of the samegtype the price ceiling of Woolworths in Canada was 15 cents Already Frank Wool worth was multimillionaire With the crash in 29 the company began to lose busi ness for the first time in its history In 1932 zocent line was introduced and was well received Then in 1935 the nopricelimit idea was started The aim was to not let any other store undersell identical merchandise There are over 11000 Cana dian employees in the Wool worth empire today The struc T0 INVESTIGATE Ontario Chief Justice Dana Porter has been named to head sevenmun royal com mission on banking and fin ance in Canada Mr Justice Porter 60 was born in Tor onto Photo lure of thecompany is almost all Canadian We spend over 90 cents per dollar on Cannds ian produced goods fr Goodv erham said There were over 75 new stores opened in Canada last year The North American rate of opening was one store every two business days all year Woolworlhs is an internation ql company now as well with stores in about 10 foreign coun tries One of the West Indian stores is the only Voolworths to sell bottled liquor over the counter or under Mr Gooder ham said Coupled with the new plans of department store lines this means that Wool worlbs sells almost everything that there is to sell Complete wearing apparel for the en tire family is our goal now lllr Gooderham told the meet ing He also described the ex tent of the chains lunchcoun ler setup The only other organization which could com pare with us as to the volume of prepared food is perhaps the us Army He pointed out that Vnnlworths can seat 71 000 petiole at time which would mean about 142000 in lunch hour The price for the food is so low that some people wonder how we do it Mr Gooderham said The reason is that everything is fig ured to the fourth decimal place including the pat of but ter you get on your plate The retail field is diffi cult one in which to make fore casts Mr Gooderham said Automation will play an im portant part in the future of re tailing but this is just being investigated now if Army technician exlreme left operates tape relay mn chine at communications cen tre at Bridge Five Ontario headquarters for Tocsin ex ercise General Spar ling shows Premier John Ro barts and Immigration Minis luslrating fallout pattern alter attack Jim Rutherford as sistant director of Emergency Measures Organization shows diagram of EMO communi cations links Board at right gives estimated casualties at ler Ellen Fairclough map il Criticizes Work Of The Council Charles Newton today announced he will run for older man in ward two ltfr Newton is well known in Harrie public life He is former alderman and has been active for number of years in the work of lhelied Cross the Cancer Society and the Barrie fair Mr Newton is running for council because he says he en joys municipal work and be cause he has certain criticisms of the present council dont think the present council is doing enough research before passing legislation Mr Newton said Examples of this are the councils recent handling of such matters as the arena roof the apartment on Steel Street and the proposed motel at Highway 400 and Don lop Street The apartment aff air is good example of what mean Council revoked the bull ders permit without legal grounds for doing so and then had to back down They are not doing their homework and they are doing lot of fumbling The aldermanic candidate al so had some good words for the present council He commend NEWTON ed the work of the fire and traf lfic committee under Alderman Frank Hersey for doing good job on street lighting and also praised the work ollhe public chaired by works committee Earl Williams WARNS BUSINESS OllAWA CF Business men were told Tuesday that un less they exercise more volunt ary control over promotional practices government will im pose controls The warning was sounded by Earl Kintner former chairman of the United States Federal Trade Commis sion now Washington lawyer AllfMAN Jordan Reuters The Jordan newspaper Al Hayat reported today an es pionage ring headed by an Egyptian was recently uncovr ered in Saudi Arabian govern ment offices and the spies departed from the country The Egyptian worked in the office of King Saud DISCOVER SPIES cillcs where bomb hit hfrs Fairclough who acts as liaiv son between provincial and federal governments in emer gcncy is seen in federal oper ations room where all mes sages come in for action Examiner Photos Collingwood Chief Asks Investigation Fire Chief Jack ltchllister of Collingwond said today he has asked the Ontario fire mar shals office to investigate the $300000 fire which left five fam ilies homeless early Tuesday mornng The chief said his request is not based on any suspicion of arson However in fire of this magnitude he added an in vestigation is common practice The fire partially destroyed two stores creamery and restaurant and forced the accu pants of apartments above to leave Chief llchllisler said the people should be able to re turn to their home soon as the damageto apartments was not extensive Fireman Cecil Simmonato who fell from an aerial ladder is still on the critical list at Toronto hospital Emergency surgery for fractured skull was performed and he is report ed to have come through all right TRY EXAMINER WANIl ADS PHONE PA 82414 DEN WAS NERVE CENTRE FOR Weak Points Revealed In Defence Exercise More than million people were killed or injured in Ontario cities Monday rdght as enemy bombers and missiles hit the province Authorities were immcdialely faced with the task of helping the homeless and injured maintaining order and advising the public of the dangers of radioactive fallout All this activity was directed from Bridge Five building on the Camp Borden army base which served as the seat of provincial government and the nerve centre for rescue opera tions carried out by the army and the emergency measures or ganization PREMIER INVOLVED The whole complex machin cry set up at Bridge Five went into operation at pm on Monday as part of Tocsin nationwide defence exercise which operated as if the death and destruction of nuclear attack had actually taken place in Ontario Premier John Robarts his cabinet and key civil servants continued the processes of gov ernment from the emergency site as reports came in that such cities as Toronto Ottawa and North Bay had been deva stated by nuclear weapons To rontos casualties were estim ated at 526000 and 225000 in jured In Ottawa 141000 died and 64000 were injured Major General snarling directed the armys function of revenlry and rescue operations and the plotting of radioactive fallout in the devastated areas Ellen Fairclough minister of citizenship and immigration was on hand at Bridge Five headquarters to serve as lia ison between the federal and provincial governments During the hours after the attack llfrsFairclough Gen4 eral Spnrllng and Premier flo barts held conferences to solve the problems posed by the Ot tawa planners who designed Operation Tocsln to find the strengths and weaknesses of Canadas civil defence mea sures WEAK POINTS Several weak points were re vealedhy the exercise One of them was the allocation of vof untleer manpower after an at tac This is problem which has got to be resolved General snarling said Both the army and clvilian authorities need manpower The question is who decides who gets what We dont know what the solu tion to this problem is yet This is policy decision which has to he settled at the highest level BuL the exercise has Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA 84186 Get ready for winter Conventional Cars Antifreeze Snowtires or chain Drainvancl flush rad Check rod for leaks Check rad hose El Check heater hose El Chungevheuter thermostat El Change oil Too good to be true Hams where you can findoul tho frth about Volkswagen El Change oil Volkswagens VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD PIERCE MOTORSNLTD 8i Essa ltd PA ossss trad sum nation run two at nundnt um Volh ma nun caunny hIpI onndn mun omany mnll Conndlon floodl made ui aware that the pin blem exists The question was raised as to whether citizens would leave their families to volunteer for rescue work The people have always rallied in an emergency Pre mler Robarts said There was no shortage of volunteers in 1m and am confident that the people will pull together and do the job in the event of another emergency Another problem which the general pointed out was inform inglho public about the dan gers of radioactivity This area will require in good deal of development General Sparling said it will be complex job to inform the public in various areas when to stay in their shelters and when to leave srommrs oven in ACAFULCO Mexico AP Delayed reports reaching here Monday said fierce tropical stormravoged the seaside vil lago of Nuxeo north of Aca pulco killing more thanooper sons Other towns and villages nice the libmile stretch of Pacific coast between Acapulco and Zihuatanejo were reported badly damaged by the storm which swept the area from Fri day to Sunday Gt to now eeses srzclAtrAm OFFER may Brenna tn tastelflsecheeseAblendn£mildmedinm and nippy cheddars makes Bordensthe only cheese slices with real honestto goodnessoheddarflavonrEesyonseparate shoes abeatforsandwichmhmsdoenvm 301 mos even 810119 Wmmfl list or swirlsQ Watch for more values in quality Borden food products at your grocery store in me one salam an ihnmtufiflmflhrmfiuwv worm you end the mat2m undid with ma lam of tho otter

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