MR AND MRS GEORGE CRAIG CraigBell Bites Held At Standards of bronze mums decornted the altar of St Pauls Unitcd Church Midland for the evening wedding of Miss Jane Bell only daughter of Captain and Mrs Bell Midland and George Craig eld er son of Mr and Mrs Frank Craig of Barrie Rev Wilson Mordcn officiated Mrs Gordon Smith of Mid land was soloist accompanied by Mr Hirons at the organ The bride was given in mar riage by her father She wore floor length grown of pe au de faiile fashioned with fitted bodice trimmed with Valencien nes lace bow of matching mat terial was caught at the waist line from which the skirt fell in soft folds to the floor Her headdress was tiara of crystals and pearls which held her fingertip veil of tulle illusion Tile bridc carried bouquet of white gardenias and stcphanutis Bridal attendants were Miss Joan Wood of Stayner maid of honor and Miss Judy Craig Barrie sister of the bridegroom was bridesmaid Their gowns weds fashioned alike of peau de soio with vel vet bodices and full skirts The maid of honor wore gold pcau Midland de soie and the bridesmaid wore frock of moss green Their headdresses wore fash ioned of matching material and they carried bouquets ofbronze mums John Cutler of Toronto was groomsman Tile ushers Paul Borysiuk of St Catharines and John Bell brother of th hridc reception was held at the home of the brides parents where the mother of the bride received guests wearing sheath of Dior blue lace with matching accessories corsngo of pink Sweetheart roses com plemented her costume She was assisted by the mother of the bridegroom wesrA ing an afternoon dress of gold brocade complemented by brown whimsy hat and cor sage of Talisman roses For wedding trip to Northern Ontario Sault Ste Marie and Michigan state the bride wore black sheath dress with ma genta accessories and grey lamb jacket Her corsage was of white Sweetheart roses Mr and Mrs Craig will re side at 68 Blake Street Out of city guests at the wed ding were from Toronto Wal laceburg Hamilton Ottawa and MR AND MRS WILLIAM WALT Keeping Active Is Best Remedy Say 50th Anniversary Celebrants There is no greater gift in life than to have good healt agreed Mr and Mrs Willia Walt of Steel Street who cel brated their golden wedding niversary recently The couple whollave been active all their lives think this is one of the important factors of happy marriage The celebrants were married at the home of the brides par ents the late Mr and Mrs William Dunne of Midhurst The bridegroom is theison of the late Mr and Mrs John Walt of Knock Rev William Wéstney of Bolton former rector of St Pauls Anglican Church Mid hurst oificlated Mr and Mrs Walts first home was on farm on the second line of Vespra where they raised purebred dual pur pose Shurthorns and did general farming Mrs Walt took an active interest in forming and was especially proud of her gar dening capabilities The couple resided there for 43 years until their retirement in 1954 when they moved to Barrie to reside at the home of their soninlaw and daughter Mr andMrs Eldon Didr Steel Street Mrs Walt is an active meme her of Central United Church WA and was member of Mid hurst WA priorto moving to the city The couple have six children Stanley of Dalston Mrs Dougs las Campbell Gladys of Bar rie Mrs George Deavy Mar garet of Capreol Roy Walt of Cookstown Wilfred Walt Pains wlck and Mrs Tuck Irene of Barrie Theyhave 12 grand children and five greatgrand children family dinner party was held in honor at the celebrants at the home of Mr and Mrs Tuck Steel Street Among the outoftnwn guests were Mrs Howard Deavy Mrs George Dcavy and Ronald and Janice of Capreol Ivan Walvoi 0t tawn Mr and Mrs Thomas MR AND MRS DOUGLAS LACKNER Miss Donna Marie Gazcll of Barrie became the bride of Douglas Gerald Lackner of Don Mills at an afternoon ceremony at Knox Presbyterian Church Kincardine Oct 14 Rev Cromey officiated The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Gazell Kincardine and the niece of Mrs Maclnness Wors ley Street The parents of the bridegroom are Mr and Mrs Geraid Lackncr Don Mills Given in marriage by her father the bride was gowncd in street length dress of champagne pcaudesoie lash ioned with bell shaped over skirt headdress fashioned of mntching peaudesoic en crusted with seed pearls held her shoulder length veil She carried bouquet oi Talisman roses and yellow mums The bride was attended by Mrs Hugh Bates of Gait as matron of honor Mrs ates wore gown of bronze pean dcsoie fashioned sirnilary to the brides dress Her headdress and accessorlt ies were of matching bmnze tones She carried bouquet of yellow roses and bronze mums The best man was Neil Wil kie Agincourt Kenneth Laekner Toronto acted as usher The organist Miss Sheila Mc Leod accompanied the soloist Mrs Phair both of KincnrdA lne The reception was held at the Bruce Inn The brides mother received attired in twopiece ensemble of Wedgwood blue brocade with black accessories Couple Marry At Kincardine To Make Their Home In Barrie She wore corsage of pink roses The bridegrooms mother as slsted gowned in new leaf green brocade with matching accessories and green velvet hat Her corsage was of Talis man roses For travelling the bride wore threepiece suit of gold bouclewith brown accessories On return from the wedding trip to New York City and Eastern United States the cou ple will reside at 29 William Street Barrie Guests attended from Gode rich Waterloo Kincardino Tor onto Agincourt Gail Midland New Lowell St Cath arincs Don Mills and Tiver ton Christmas Party Plans Completed The WA at 102 Squadron Air Cadets held its November meeting at the home of Mrs Clifford Graham Parkside Drive Eight members were present Tickets were distributed to members to be sold on hand tonled leather purse Plans were made for the annual Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs Eleanor Brett Peel Street FSgt WestgarthTaylor spoke at the meeting and outlined the activities of air cadets at sum mer training camp at Camp Borden Mrs Doris Farrier thanked the hostess The Afternoon Group of St Andrews Presbyterian Church WA met in the Ladies Parlour with the president Mrs red Churchill in the chair The meeting was opened with pray er by Mrs Ross Adams after which the reports were read successful rummage sale was held by the Afternoon and Evening Circles The net pro ceeds were $31350 and from Masonicbanquet the net pro ceeds amounted to $125 letter from the Board of Managers was read thanking the group for cheque for 3250 to apply on purchase of chairs and tables for the senior Sunday School motion was also passed to send an addition al small cheque to the Armogh Girls Home letter was read from th Mental Health Association ask ing group support on supplying Christmas gifts for the patients at the Ontario Hospital in Pen etanguishene There were 315 letters from the group shutIns thanking them for cards and flowers It was decided to exchange small gifts on Dec 11 in Essa Road Presbyterian Church when Dunn of Craigburst Mr and Mrs Walt received flowers from Central United Church Barrie IOOF and congratulatory message from Prime Minister John Diefenhak er special anniversary cake was presented by The Barrie Examiner from Canada Bread Limited CHRISTMAS PERMS 52000 $1509 and $1009 LESS 50 Tlll Dec 21 1961 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 DUNLOP ST PA 84423 l7 ESSA ROAD PA 39811 Dunn Mr hnd Mrs Arthur Proceeds 0i Projects Reported At St Andrews WAMeeting the group joined the Evening Circle for the Christmas party Plans were discussed regard ing the bazaarnnd tea to be held Nov 22 in the church Lecture Hall GETS ANNULMENT MONTREAL CP Tereza Lanzetts of Montreal was granted an annulment Monday of her marriage to an ltalian immigrant she married by proxy five years ago Mr Jus ticeC Bertrand said the husband Angelo Raffaelo Faico of Toronto used the marriage solely as device to obtain an immigration visa The wife said she spoke to Faico for 30 min utes and has not seen since SALLYS SALttcs Dont be alarmed He says its part or his military police training FWWERS To Friends who Are Miles Away Inquire Today FENDLEYS FLOWERS 14 Blake St PA 84975 facing the head of the bed may realize long cherished him Cheery Atmosphere Helps Bed Patients By BURTON ti FERN IS YOUR dollyourself hospitA at ready for emergency reser vauons with so much going around someone in tile family is bound to come down with something some time this winter Choose sickroom that wont have you lacing up and down stairs all day Nurses generally stay near their patients room with view of the street wont seem like solitary and an open window in the next room lets in fresh air without any drafts Aerosol and electronic air puriï¬ers can wait away slekroom odors Hospitals work on schedules Meals bath exercise and visr itors should all come at dciulite times Attendance Record Make medicineattendance record Under the proper time list the name and dose of medicine to be given After each dose mark it present on the record Your doctor may also at an InputOutput Rmrd Details about food and drink and intes tine and kidney function wooden chair upsidedown can be wedged under the mat tress to raise head and should crs Soft pillows make fine arm rests THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Take the initiative now whe it will help to advance your forests Theres stellar promise oilfinecoopcrotlon from those in position to help so make the most of it During the late afternoon the aspects will be excellent for taking action on postponed projects and for mak ing plans involving future secur ity For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday some fine indications in your chart presage possible occu pational promotion monetary gain and an interesting avoca tional opportunity within the next seven months of course it will be up toyou to make the most of these benefit influences and do your utmost to merit the fine chances possible With your innate abilities however this should not be difficult So get busy and turn in fine record by years end The last six months of 1962 should be extremely happy ones where domestic social and ro mantic matters are concerned and during July or August you dream of travel Look for some exceptional heartening new next September child born on this day will be sympathetic and congenital companion and highly ethical in business dealings Personalized Just for You stationery and thankyou cards add that extra touch of warmth to your wrrespondence Your name and address or initials are prian on white or coloured quality writing papers in beautiful raised lettering The impression is digniï¬ed and oh so charming yet the cost is very low Choose your personalized stationery dinner napkins cocktail napkins coasters matches and playing card from the many available styles youll see in the personalized Just for YouI sample book ES They make wonderful gifts for family nnd friends too FOR APPOINTMENT with our REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE PHOTouLlTH PA 32321 MD Moving around in bcdore vents compllcating pneumonia blood clots and bed sores En courage your sick one to mil from side to side bend his hips and knees and push his feet against the iontboard Making The Bed Clean dry wrinklefree linen is mustl You can change sheets with the bed still occu pied Simply slide your patient to one edge nnd make the bed onthe opposite side jmck both sheets under him slide him onto the freshlymade 15151 and make the rest of tb 03 Nursing sick person on an ordmary low bed can keep you doubled over most of the day If you cant rent hospital bed to save your back the right books can help you Simply place pile each leg of the bed to raise your patient foot or so TODAYS RECIPE MEAT LOAF lb ground beef 9i cup uncooked oatmeal egg beaten ti cup tomato juice tbsp chopped onion tsp salt Combine all ingredients thor oughly Pack into loaf pan or custard cups Bake at 350 de grees for about 45 minutes St Peters VA TAFFY TARTS eggs brown sugar tbsp melted butter cup raisins cup corn syrup Method Beat eggs bron sugar melted butter and mix well Add raisins and syr up Put into tart shells Bake 1o minutes Ovcn 450 de grees VH no Sgts Mess LA Camp Borden PA 84561 nlc nnnnflnuhin Besmvf NOVEMBER mi Collier Street United WMS Present Life Memberships The regular monthly meeting of CollierStrcet United Church Afternoon Auxiliary of the Wo mans Missionary Society was held Nov 10 in the Sunday School room The ladies were welcomed by Mrs Frank Dut cher and Mrs Andrew Cum mlng Mrs Neil MacDonald president was in the chair Minutes of the October meet ing were read by the recording secretary Mrs Sam Steele The trensurcrs report was read by Mrs Millward interesting reports were re carved from secretaries of de partments Mrs Ray Allen dis played lovely quilt which had been pieced by senior mem ber Mrs Baldwin and which 15 be sent to one of our home missionaries for Christmas gift request for Christmas gifts for patients in Penctong Men tal Hospital was received from William Paulin On behalf of the CGIT and Explorers groups Mrs Douglas Ferris asked for gifts of clothing for small chil dren to be sent to the Frank Muirs in Japan the gifts to be sent about the new year Gifts of life memberships were presented to Mrs Riichardson from Miss Leila Hunter in mem ory of her mother presented by ltirs Harry Arrostrong and to Mrs Gladys Flock the giver to remain anonymous presented by Mrs Andrew Cumming gift of life membership pin was presented to Mrs Neil MacDonald and Msr Phillips Mrs Fair was in charge of the program The offering was received by Mrs Norman can garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce COKE TIME TEENAGERS EVERY VBD FROM 4115 Pabl Sneeill Student Rates Dy appointment only 3s Maple Avenue King and Mrs Stewart and dedicated by Mrs Fair Mrs Leighton Clarke review ed the study book Youth in Transition from the book Signals for theSixties by Oliver and Kenyon ltiost youngsters in Canada are securityvrninded says sur vey reported by ltiacleans Mag aLine MajorGeneral Georges Vanicr says Canadas young people are her most precious resources Their development and education are the concern of every citizen They are the hope at the future Rev Allison Fraser says The over publlCizing of juvenile delin quency has made many people view all tccnagers with suspio ion The evidence on every hand of young people seriously at work in school and in posi tions of responsible leadership in the community needs to be looked at with equal attention Perhaps the most lm rtant thing the church can dopais to encourage the allimportant edu cation nf parents in order that they in their turn will know how best to help their own and other young folk effectively Mrs Charles Kearsey led the devotional The singing of Blast Be the Tie thatBinds brought very worthwhile meeting to close Travel Arrangements WORLD WIDE SERVICE AIR SHIP BUS RAIL HOTEL and RESORT RESERVATIONS 0x Johnson and Co Ltd 101 Dunlap name PA scan or bar 82 Toronto nu com What everyone should know about term insuranCe Term or temporary life insurance has many usesbut watch out for possible abuses Just as Fire Insurance pays only inthe event of ï¬re loss during the life of the policy so Term Insurance pays only indie event of death before the term expires Often The Excelsior Life man will recom mend Tenn Insurancebut only as temporary coverage where the maximum amount of im mediate protection is needed for the least amount of premium And he endeavours to make certain that this temporary life insurance is convened into permanent personalpolicies as soon as the owner is able to do so There is no equity in Term Insurance which can carry the policy if adue date is primed and none Which builds future security for its owner We suggest that you talk to The Excelsior Life representativein your community He has beéHselected and trained to help you with all your life insurance problemsand especially assist you to design your own Blueprint for Securit 74 EXCELSIOR LIFE yam awe147 rnrton Francis Manager Bil Dunlap St Phone PA 65459