Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1961, p. 5

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Automoblles rest on their sides with windows pock marked with stone holes sf for on antigovemment de CLIITTEBED STREETS IN GUAYIIQUII monstration early this week In Guayaquil Ecuador stones Television Pollsters Ready Selections To Be Made Soon and rocks tossed in demon stration litter the streets Election Reforms To Draw Attent1on QUEBEC CPtThe Quebec government plans to carry out election reform which will draw widespread attention The most radical of these are limitation of expenses by par ties and candidates payment of basic expenses of candidates by the state and new balloting system perhaps using automatic voting machines The government of Premier Jean Lesage apparently has no intention of going halfway on the question of limiting ex penses As and election expert put it You cant limit the election cxv penses unless you limit what parties or candidates may do during an election campaign What the expert meant was that the law can limit can didate to spending fixed amount but it cannot do any thing to stop his friends or as sociates from spending money as freely as they wish IAY LIMIT BANNERS The way to overcome this dif ficulty is to limit the number of banners candidate may put up during campaign the volume of advertising that may be pur chased in his favor and so on Such measure would radicv ally change the election atmos phere in Quebec where almost anything goes It also would reduce the ef fectiveness of political party war chests If candidates are An Atlas missile carrying monkey in its nose cone veers off course after launching and showers burning wreckage bickon Cape Canaveral restricted as to the kind and volume of propaganda they can use the effect will be to even party has against the well heelcd political mac ine expenses will be nobody knows just now but indications are the government intends to make them as tight as possible State payment oi basic ex penses by candidates is another reform which is designed to shake parties loose from the grip of political machines Mr Lesage has described this measure as one that would the chances financially poor Just how tight se limits on make it theoretically possible for any qualified person to be come candidate in an elec tion Politics he said is not only for the rich but for every one This should not be interpreted to mean that any man or woman 21 or over may be candidate and expect to be paid for his trouble Presumably these expenses will be met by the government under certain specified condi tions and one of them is likely to be that candidate must get determined proportion of the popular vote DETROIT AP New clues to sort of uncommon coldone linked with wracking croup in children and runny noses in adultsmay load to protective vaccine scientist said Monday Three nowly discovered vi ruses that strike adults with coldlike symptoms have now been found in six to 19 per cent of the respiratory illness of children The influenza like viruses were found in six per cent of 4675 children with respiratory illnesses said Dr Robert Parrntt of Childrens Hospital Washington Top left the Atlas at liftoff top right veering off course bottom ieflw explod ing in ball of fire as pieces fall back to earth These pic Isolate Uncommon Cold Virus See Possible Vaccine Soon Evidence of the virus was found in to per cent of an other group of children in hos pital with such illnesses vast majority of adults have been infected at least once Dr Parrott told ses sion of the annual American Public Health Association meet ing In sense suoh precaution will be an extension of the old principle under which candi date loses his $200 deposit un less he gets half the votes of the winning candidate potent vaccine could theoA retically prevent much of the se rious respiratory illness in chil dren Dr Parrott said tures and others on the laun ching were made by AP staff photographer James Kerv lin with motorized roomm cquipment and 640mm lens CF from AP Mono Road Out EASY COME AND EASY G0 LONDON Ont CF Tmusands of earthworms beckoned by warm steady drizzle of rainsnaked out of their holes Monday morn ing and spread themselves over three streets in east London Warned by distinct odor and stopped in their tracks by the sight of gobs of worms all over the road motorists eased their vehi clcs down Chippendale Cros cent Buckingham Street and King Edward Avenue in an effort to lessen the pain as as possible By noon most of the worms had left as they came washed away by the continuing drizzle Shows One Animal Grand Champion TORONTO CF Tom Ride of Hailey Qua exhibited only one animal at this years Agri cultural Winter Fair His two yearold bull Alderwocd Ele gant Monday was named the grand champion Ayrshire The reserve was iunlor cham pionship won by Brolwey Ashburn Ont The Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association picked up Its first fair grand championship in the Holstein bull class with its entry Thorniea Texal Su preme The junior champion was For est Lee Rockett Kismet Boy owned by Forest Lee Farms Springfield 0nt Albert Cornwell Norwich 0nt and Emilio Ferander Moreila Mex ice The junior reserve title was won by Robinswood Jackpot owned by Ebydsle Farm and Wemer Romahn of Kitche her and Petersburg The grand champion Jersey hull was Basil Royal Oxford Aim owned by Oak Hill Farm Cambridge Ohio and the re serve was Ron Head Quad Jes ter owned by Lionel McKeown The junior Jersey title went to ordale Basils Venture owned by Cecil tifortson and Sons Queensviile Ont The grand champion Guem sey ball was Beechroft Victors Thor owned by Robert Batty Brooklln 0nt and the reserve grand Guernsey hull was Ren wood Supremes is owned by Donald MacKenzie Mount Vernon Out The junior title went to Mc Donalds Farm Bruce owned by By CYNHiM LDWRY NEW YORK APlTbe year end polls for the best in US television already are in the works gt if were to out vote in any of these following would be my personal choiceson the ba sis of shows seen to date But network TV program incidentThe Defenders Best TV performer Series Raymond Burr Most promising new main and female starsVincent Edwards Ben Casey and Carol Burnett featured player in The Gsrry Moore Show Best comedian and come dleoneEob Newhsrt and Carol Burnett Best comedy team Joe Ross and Fred Gwynne of Car 54 Where Are You Best comedy showMy Three Sons Best variety program The Gsrry Moore Show YFRES Belgium Forty Ihree years ago Saturday at 11 am the cease fire was sound ed all along the battle line which traversed Belgium and France and brought to an end the first world war November it lets saw practically all of Belgium and large area of Northern France in ruins Cities and towns had been reduced to heaps of rubble Great forests had been levelled with only jagged tree stumps remnini The terrain was shambles of shell holes and mine craters with scarcely blade of grass showing All over the landscape were the remnants of pillsboxes great area of vicious barbed wire and row upon row of deep trenches in which the troops had lived and fought for the four years and four months of the war That was the scene of devas tation and desolation as it was known to the troops who on survived the scourge of battle and were able to raise their heads above the protective par apets and walk around freely on the areas which had been drenched by shellfire mortars and grenades It was grim sight then Those who saw it could scarcely believe that those shelltorn cities could ever be restored and those waterlogged craters and shellholes with all the shattered impodlmentat of war scattered over them could ever again become fertile fields GREATTRANSFORMATION Looking back to France and Belgium as we knew it in those days of war it is al most unbelievable that this was the same terrain which cov ered week or two ago in company with party of vet erans of that first world war Thetransformation has been amazing it was hard to be lieve that this lovely country side was the same area as that in which we lived in trcrh ches craters and shellholes ex isted in kneedeep mud and be came something less than hu man beings as the tide of war moved over us and back again Going back to the old battle areas now 43 years after the armistice can be strange ex perieace One does not find it easy to recognize the places known in the days of war For instance this ancient city of Yprss was in the struggles between 1814 to 1918 reduced to heap of rubble Not building was left standing its beautiful Cloth Hall had been completely demolished as ad its cathedral Around the square were heaps of broken brick work and masonry around which one dodged to take shelt er from enemy shells DIFFERENT TODAY How different is the Ypres of today it has been restored as fine modern city but its Stewart St Catharines reconstruction has reproduced EATONS $149 DAY IN BARBIE ls TUESDAY that Armistice Day of ms had But dramatic program too minutes hiteboock pre seats Best western series Gun smoke Best mystery programPerry Mason Best news commentatorDa vid Brinkley But sportscsster Bud Pal mer More new TV shows are on His way to the executioner CBS The investigators will go to the network axe soon to be replaced by new show with Gmucho Marx and night tlrns version of the networks new game show Password Recommended tonight Family Outing ABC lDIO30 ESTdrama about the life of an astronaut and his family as the countdown proceeds The Many Faces of Spain NBC lollChethuntley re Iportls on conditions in Francos on Battle Lines0f 1918 Unrecognizable Now the Ypres that used to be with Cloth Hall and all the buildings around the Grand Place replicas of those which were there before war tr In 1914 To anyone who has not seen Ypres since 1917 or 1918 the transformation seems like modern miracle Out in the trench areas from which Canadian troops hold guard over Yprcs there are no sign of the devastation we used to know at places like Pos schendacle Sanctuary Wood Maple Copse St Elol Vermoze ele Hoogc Hill 60 and in the trench areas around and below Kcmmel Hill stood on top of Kemmel Hill the other day and looked over green and fertile land land dotted with new villages where there been heaps of ruins From Poperinghe off to the left the scene took in Dickehusche Lake Yprcs Zillobeke Lake Whyts heats Ridge Messines and pre sented as lovely picture as one could wish to see NOW SUMMER RESORT drove around Zillcbeke now summer resort with modern hotel through the village of lelebekc and on to Hill 60 and Sanctuary Wood Only at these two plac es had areas of the old war time trenches been preserved with museums vealed alongside them Everywhere else lb or were field burgeoning with fresh crops fine new growth of trees delightful vista At St Eloi the craters in which we found in the spring of 1916 were transformed into farm ponds with ducks and swans swimming on them The great Pine Crater blown at Messines in June 1917 was lake in the midst of flowering shrubbery Passchendaele th at hle of mud which the troop knew in 1517 shows no signs of the tortured earth of these days Prosperous farms now cover the area where the win ning of few yards of slimy muddy terrain was major battle So could go on to tell of he Messines and Armentieres are now once again flourishing towns of the rebuilding of the wrecked Cathedral of the lean ing virgin at Albert and the restoration of the mining around Lesa There isso little left now to recall to thepresent genera tion that over this area was fought the most bloody wsr knownto history up to that time Yet there are signs aplenty that the tide of war had pass ed this way These are to be foundin the hundreds of cem etries where lie the remains of those sacrificed in that war They are to be found in the hundreds of war memorials nearing the names of tens of thousands of the fallen who have no known grave These tell the story of the sacrifice If someone you know is moving friendl mil the weiwmawsgan notes will help then feel at home Join in carrying on our ammunityehaditional italitylcll elcome ages the name and address of famxli es you know who are movin WELCOME WAGON BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY NW ll m1 Canada Research Said Inadequate OTTAWA CF distill uished Canadian scientist warned Monday that total phyv lcal and human facilities for re industry search in Canadian are dangerously inadequate Dr Mackenzie former president of the National Re search Council snd Atomic En ergy of Canada Limited told some too leaders of government and industry that both govern ment and industry must share in some way the financial sup port for leadership required to set our fie technology right He msdo tho statements so he officially opened the new re search nnd development labors tories of Electric Company Limited two miles west of Ottawa of generation of youth so that these battle areas co uld again become great and pleasant land inhabited by free people On the Memin Gate memorial are 56000 names of Common wealth soldiers who died in dc fcncc of Ypres and who have no known grave At Tynecot cemetery near Passchendaele there are33000 such names on mural Cenotaph The memor ial to the Missing of the Som me at Thiepval has 86000 names of those whose remains were never identified or even revelcred At Vimy Ridge 55 000 Canadians are memorialized These are the things that told us that war has passed this way these and our own mem ories of experiences of the years between 1914 and rats These were the things which burned deep into our minds conviction that all ofthls wast age of war is futile that it is mockery of the sacrifices of millions of young lives that within sight of these cemeteries and memorials men are again being trained in military arts for more diabolical than any we knew in those days of 1914 19ls How foolish can be mortals that we refuse to learn from the lessons of the post and allow ourselves to once again be thinking in terms of yet another war Polymer Will Up Synthetic Output TORONTO CPlE Ralph Rowzee president of Polymer Corporation Limited predicted Monday the Crown company will increase production by about to per cent by1965 to meet world demand for syn thetic rubber Mr Rowzee told the Canadian Club that in 1939 the world can sumed l0l10000 tons of natural rubber This year consumption will be almost 4000000 tons but about half of itwiil be synthe tic LUCILLE TO MARRY NEW YORK APlComedi enne Lucille Ball disclosed Monday night she will marry night club comedian Gary Mor ton here Sunday Miss BallsJo yearfinarriagéto Desi Amaz ended in divorce last May The laboratories will cm or some too sclenUsts technle and supporting staff They have been pronded with the most modern equipment svsllsble for research in the fields of com municntlons and electronics and methods to Improve the long distance transmission of electric power Dr Mackenzie said the labo ratories located on swam lite overlooking ths Ottsw River will play major role in helping Canada to strengthen Its overall scientific and induv trial research competence He sold Canada learned dur Ihg the Second World War that countrys military survival depends largely on tho techno logical competence of its Indus try as whole and not on the competence of few large units of Industry Hunter Freed He Shot Girl PORTLAND life AP 15 year old Frecport Md hunter charged with man slaughter in tho shooting of young girl whom he thought was being kidnapped was set free Monday when municipal court judge found no probable cause Harold LaPierrc Jr told the court he was certain that lDyear old Brands Broad of Portland was being abducted by two men when he fired grot gun at their car The girl one of 13 children of Mr and Mrs Olen Broad of Portland was state ward who had been placed with Mr and Mrls William Levesque of Pow na Levesque testified that Brands left their home and he and his son Paul caught up with her urged her to return then pulled her into their car LoPlerre told how he pulled his car in front of the Levesque auto jumped out and dc manded to know what the two men were doing with the girl When the car drove off La plerre said he was convinced something was wrong He loaded his shotgun and fired striking Branda in the head Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 32414 IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING SCREAMING HITS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT onusunecooonoooo IH EAT will end up the trusting husbandl nannnncnn aJIIE Impatient rival lt FAMO PLAYERS STARTS WED MATINEE WED AT PM The trouble with house parties is you never can tell which parties playing house attain the restlessviife IliiiSlMlitiiIS the innocent bystander restore It was no Add Entertainment LAST jimesropAvtAoULr CLAUDELLE mouse +120 93a

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