ninen meet and debatetwas the scene RESUME INTENSIVE The Grey and Simooc Flor esters Regiment has resumed intensive training again John Band Preparing For Santa Parade Santa is coming to town on Dec Is This vcar Santas parade hcre is being sponsored by local firm and the Kem penfclt Trumpet Hand The Parents Association of the band is already busy painting and decorating floats The association was set up this year to help administer the affairs of the band When the band began hack in 1958 it had two drummers four trumpetch and leader Bob Lucas Mr Lucas has been playing with bands for 17 years During this time he has learned to play all the instruments but prefers the snare drums 100 IN BAND At present the band is train ing over 100 members with 30 practising in case of drop out The band supplies both uni forms and instruments There fore said Mr Lucas our main trouble is financial Charges are made for publi city stunts but any event which deals with children or Sunday march the band only asks guarantee for transportation and voluntary donation Playing engagements keep the band busy Mr Lucas said We have only had two week ends free from May up to Oct The band takes up 90 per ExPM warns oi Reds BlaCkmail LONDON CP The noble Gothic hall with the red leather benches where Britains peers for touching return to the political arena The Earl of Avon better known as Sir Anthony Eden made his maiden speech in the House of Lords It was the first time he had addressed Parliament since illness forced him to relinquish the role of prime minister almost five years ago Never was novice so bur dened with experience said The Guardian of Manchester in its report It was as though the clocks and calendars were running crazily backwards but the House of Lords which listened to this beginner with eager at tention judged his performance sane and salutary andcntirely promising Lord Avons theme was Ber lin He roselrom his corner seat looking fit and alert and spoke with an authority that impressed his colleagues in the chamber and the strangers in the gallery above AGE SHOWS Time and illness have left their mark on the 64yearold earl once the golden boy of British politics His hair was whiter and the lines on his face deeper That maiden speech last week was warning not only to Britain but to the entire free worldthat it cannot submit to atomic blackmail and survive The West must stand firm against Soviet threats cajolery and blandishmenta aimed at Russian Leaders llrrive Saturday OTTAWA UP Six leaders of the Soviet Unions coopera tivc movement will arrivein Montreal by plane Saturday to begin tw0ltweek tour of Cana dian cooperatives it was an nounced today The visitors including one woman will be guests of the Co operative of Canada They will repay visit made to Russia by six Canadian coop leaders last June Porter and Andy licllabb re ceived instructions last night cent of my spare time said Mr Lucas spend three nights week and all day Sat urday on hand work The enthusiasm and spirit of the children are surprising he said Two days last win ter in Penetang the band marr chcd 10 miles each day Wo are remaining without sponsor and strictly free lance in order to be able to compete with the Toronto bands ex plained Mr Lucas Right now we compare very favorably with them he said The other main problem with the bond is the matter of trans portation stated Mr Lucas The Joycees have adopted this problem as project and are going to begin to raise funds for bus next week he said This year theband is featur ing npiece marching unit of girls and boys from the ages of five to 16 They have 22 so prano tnlmpets to baritone trumpets three French horn trumpets two alto glocinspicis four alto glocinspiels two cym bals 15 drummers and ma jorette corps of 20 girls During 1961 they have com petcd in 48 parades in Barrie and the surrounding district The band also competed in three different competitions in Lindsay Beaverton and Grand Valley In each competition the band brought home first prize getting the Allies out of Berlin Russia did not want war as Hitler did but she wanted Eer lin There wasenoireasonetoe expect that Communist pres sures would subside We must expect them to gather force as the Kremlin glories in the new power to lntimidate he added The Marquess of Salisbury followed Lord Avon There was no one in this country whose enforced silence during these last years has been so widely and deeply re gretted Silisbury said of Avon He has qualities which think are most valuable in statesman and especially in the ing the cost of the new second present difficult timesan un ary sewage treatment plant and this matter rivalled experience of the inter associated feeder sewers sched national scene realism courage uled to be built in Barrie on and unshakable interstiilf The new peer howevermade to return to the thick of polit ieal battle and international where the cost of the project would be included in increased water rates in line with their belief that those who use them scribed himself as onto the must should pay mast also man stream of active politics Dom out that under their plan This appeal to be the new federal buildings schools and role fa an my other governmental agency lo the cations not normally taxable was described as Hamlet would pay share of the cost affairs Deliberately or as some saidalmost casuallyhe de dark days of the Suez crisis called upon to play Henry water rate Ian Anthony Ede he spent Mayor Willardp Kinzie who also speaks 1mm minister grasped 1° member of the Public Utilities Commission WW credence to this idea lifetime training to become prize when Winston Churchill retired in 1955 It crumbled in his hands and 21 month otter he th Office he that the additional amount re cognized Even his political enemies would be insignificant He conceded that no British leader added that in the case of the was forced to resign in recent decades has played pgainst such hard luckTo top pays over 60 per cent of their it all he was the one big loser cost anyway and the amount to come out of the abortive BritishFrench military inter vention in Egypt RAFISTS GET LIFE LITTLE ROCK Ark AP Tbree Negro teenagers have been convicted of raping 10 yearold white girl and the jury set punishment at life in prison The jury which included two Negro men deliberated 51 hours Tuesday before returning guilty verdict against Raleigh Tour details are not complete but it will include Ottawa Tor onto Guelph Niagara Falls and Western Canada Williams 17 Troy Alexander and Marvin Aron Ham mond 10 The state had asked the death penalty TRAINING or as an adjunct to the water CLEAR FRAYS rate new arguments are ad vanccd and counterat ents clear that he has little desire are offered gum in the use of field switch board from Sgt Carson WILL SPEAK Gooderham sales manager for the Wool worth Co will speak at meeting of the Kinsmen Club at pm Tuesday nt the RobRoy Restaurant Subject of his address will be Wool worths Today Yesterday and Tomorrow He will also speak of plans for the new Woolworth store opening in dowtnown Barrie in May or June 1962 Says Racketeers Working In Ottawa OTTAWA CP Ottawa po lice aaid Tuesday that gambl ingsyndicate with headquarters in the United States is behind counterfeit ring flourishing in the Ottawa area Organized ers who want legitimate money are the ones behind the scenes said Detective Inspector Inspector Hobbs said large amount of bogus bills are in cir culation in the Ottawa area and many are of excellent quality We have an idea where its comingrfrom butithatsaallfli One man was sentenced to two years Monday for uttering counterfeit bill and anodier was arrested Monday night for being in possession of bogus bill in the police crackdown on tho pushers of the phoney money of the fact that the goods were Alsmall percentageol the cases involve legal fees but investin Thls is the reason for Cowlin which he ho to et the $4 Hobbs 000 De joinayouthorganfzatioLhut active in Britain West Indies sonata EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV It New Sirens Will Blare On Barrlcs armed attack warn ing sirens newly installed here by the Canadian Army will raise their dismal voices on Monday evening or Exercise Tocsln gets underway cout tocoaat The exercise ordered by the federal government to test effi ciency of the Emergency Meas ures Organization and the Na tionsl Survival Program will be 1+hour test over Monday and Tuesday of next week The order to test all sirens has coma from the Department of National Defence Message will be received by Barrio poilco headquarters over special telephone installed there for specific EMO emergency use immediately upon receipt of call from headquarters pro ceded by the propriate code words the po co department will activate the sirens Monday According to the survival plan now being completed for the calmly and city in the event of an actual emergency it is ill do of the officer receiving the to advise sed area headquarters in Col ltnzwood Midland Ind Orillla and it is the responsibility of these headquarters to use all existing facilities luCii as tele phones existing sirens factory whistles church balls or what ever other means available to advise the public of the situalt on Area headquarters also will have the responsibility to pass on all pertinent information to those municipalities within the area In this way it is ssiblc to quickly and cfflcienty fun out warnings to all municipalities in the county Hopes To Raise $4000 Fund For Underdog David Cowllnshaw of Toronto is on crossCanada tour to raise funds on behalf of the Do derdog Organization He stop ped off in Barrie yesterday to outline the objectives and give reasons for the formation of the new group lilr Cowllnshaw former newspaperman says he hopes to raise $4000 within the next three weeks during his tour which will take him as for north as Alaska The organiza tion of which he is the founder hopes as the name implies to give help to both men and women who find themselves in Jams from which they can not extricate themselves Mr Cowllnshaw first be came interested in such an or ganization last winter when he came to teh aid of an excon vict who had been mistreat ed The man had been jailed again for receiving stolen goods but claimed he was unaware stolen Cowllnshnwo obtained evidence to have the man re leased Following this incldcot Mr Cowllnshaw took steps to form the Underdog organization Working with him are In its tlonary engineer an ordained minister provincial police man an Italian Immigrant 76 year old retired business man lawyer and two house wives Their work is done without charge The organization receives an average of 60 letters week tion costs are also involved shaws trip across Canada on sample underdog case was reported in letter to Canadian magazine It told of an Orillla boy who tried to was refused because his father was in prison The boys moth er cnntacted Cowllnshaw With in six days the boy was admit ted to the club Underdog Organizations are New Arguments 0n Financing Sewage Plant As tempo increases in discus of water used in federal gov sions as to the merits of levy cither the general assessment Proponents of Opponents of the increased headed by in his capacity as dont give much Mayor Kinzie said yesterday from this source two local collegiates the city ernment buildings as to be of no consequence in the cost against water users would mean that existing rates here would be when computing the new rate the cost of having green lawn the scheme in dry season would be so great we may as well forget our Beautiful Barrie he added es is just dodging the issue lire Advanced is so small The mayor said that levying trebled If awn watering usage is included In the mayorsopinion put lng the charge onto water CALL ISMITH Stamp 38 Dnnlop St EKPA 176 Over Hunts menu woodman by popular demoI DISNEYKINS klnson coordinator of the Organization Australia and Canada Mr Cowllnshaw says Those who may be interested in the organization may write CIVIC OFFICIAL WINS NEW CAR Barrio Lions Club last night held monster banquet and car draw at St John Vinnney Hall The lucky winner of brand new automobile was city traffic official Jim Lowe Shown above at the presen tation of the keys to the var hiclc are left to right Bill Merrick Tom Tattersal Jock Curd Jim Lowe and John Koren Jims nom de plume on the winning ticket was Five Points Examiner HIoto ï¬ggdgggzgrgggeymgg Beef Breeders Of County Hold Their Annual Sale Should Know The Warnings With emergency sirens in stalled in Barrie citizens have been asked by Roy At iocnl and county Emer geney Measures Organiza tion to fumilinrlze them selves with the siren warn ing systems and know what the various signals mean Here are the instructions The Alert 0n sirens horns whistles etcsteady blast for three minutes or more moans An attack Is probable or radioactive fall out from an attack else where is expected Listen to your radio for instructions Do not use the telephone Prepare to put your survival plan into op eration Take Cover rising falling note on sirens or short blasts on horns whis tles etc for three minutes or more means Danger of immediate at tack in your area Take the best available cover immediately wher over you happen to be If possible listen to your radio for lnstructlons All clear Announced over the radio for areas expect ed to be free from direct at tack for one hour or more providing these areas are not in danger from fallout By sinirmN Simcoc County Beef Breeders held their annual sole of bulls at Creemora on Tuesday after noon with good crowd in at tondnnce The weather which usually changes to winter for this sale was not as extreme as usual and helped to produce better turnout Breeders pay an annual fee plus the costs of the sale divid ed nmong the members accord ing to the number of animals sold The animals are inspect ed before entry by represen tntlve of the Ontario Departr ment of Livestock Under the Ontario bull policy premium is paid to the pur chasers of an animal which must have been fed in the ex perimental stables of the coil ege and have made gain in weight of at least 240 pounds per day during the test if the animal has passed this test it is then eligible for the Bull Bo nus from the government As auctioneer ONeil told his audience several times this bonus of 20 per cent would come through about Christmas and was real Christmas present from the government some aniccs There were 13 consignee of sale bulls Cyril Cook Ernest Gilmore Ed Grenier and Sons William Hall Calvin lreland Lockhart Vaaclsc Crawford John Currie Maurice Methernl William New Harry Rumney Sprouie They are all tops among the Hcrclord and Short horn breeders The sale is under the secre taryship of Keith Mchuer This year Cyril Cook of Bar rie is the president with ONcil of Dcnlield ns auction eer The expected consignment was 14 llerefords and 10 Short horns However this list was couple short as one animal had taken sick and another was sold previous to the sale The results of the auction were as follows Lot consign ed by Cyril Cook sold for $325 to Gnllanger Everett Lot conslgned by Cyril Cook sold for $340 to Earl Preston Wycbrldge Lot consigned by Cyril Cook sold for $285 to Earl Preston Wyebrldge Lot consigned by Ernest Gilmore sold for $380 to Thompson Orillla Lot consigned by Ernest Gilmore sold for $405 to Leonard Hannon Dundnlk Lot consigned by Ernest Gilmore sold for $210 to Henderson Stayner Lot con signed by Grenier and Sons sold for $405 to Ernest McAr thur Lisle Lot 10 consigned by William Hall said for $355 to Brown Shelburne Lot 11 consigned by Calvin lreland sold for $385 to Anson Shelburne Lot 12 consigned by Lockhart sold for $385 to Hart Bros Egbert Lot 14 con signed by Vancise sold for $410 to Frank Flsher Colling wood Lot 15 consigned by 15 Crawford sold for $295 to Hugh Frenchan Corbcton Lot 10 consigned by Craw ford sold for $330 to Francis Morrow Antcn Mills Lot 17 consigned by Crawford sold for $330 to George Pear aail Shelburne Lot 19 consign cd by John Currie sold for $305 to Harold Hulsh Stnyncr Lot 10 consigned by Cur rie sold for $100 to Russell Sage Anten Mills Lot 22 con signed by lifaurice Mcthcral sold for $335 to Barthol omew Anten Mills Lot 23 consigned by William New said for $470 to Esiey Arnold New Lowell Lot 24 consigned by William New sold for $440 to Morris Miller Angus Lot 25 consigncd by WI Lam New said for $340 to Miller Stayncr Lot 20 consigned by Harry Rum ncy sold for $250 to Nelson Raymer Stayner Lot 27 con signed by Sprouie sold for $265 to Charles Leggett New Lowell Lot 28 consigned by Sprouie sold for $340 to Andrew Smith Crec more Lowe consigned by Sprouie sold for $265 to George Law Corhcton The sale which was to com mercial breeders was consid cred succcssful Already dis cussions are underway for next years arrangements The Cree more Womens Institute served dinner in the curling rink at noon HTVImmIlooik iatï¬thait IléW streammed decanter The mellow maturity of this superb light whisky means inï¬nite smoothnesa In its new streamlined decanter MERIAL is easy to carryeasy to pourand so easy to enjoyWhy not enjoy it tonight lilRAM WALKER SONS LIMITED WALKERVILLE CANADA DlsTiLLERS or FINE WHISKIES For even 100 Years lMlPiERlAl asrn lass imt Hum Fact Take the road is fre bers of the pi fied by some resulting from how The firs authorities anl potentially ban The Ontar from and artic York Herald driver is the cl ty Yet his ina of all traffic For 30 year ed to identify drivers involv vise tests that acteristics in the hope that such characte from driving it awa Times co Accidentim compared to to Vision dep ery reaction ti knowledge of ing common good drivers The accidenti better in all ti erw who has There has for the accid Rem Remembrar should be hell citizens Even which often many persons at cenotaphs The holidag Day is conti onto Globe aw issue is sl action of the in changing tl year Because urday which civil servants Monday Now In other it en time off in merely as We suggest with its ouidt ter be obserw CLARK LEAIZ The Barrie headlined win 32 fro game The Smoky Smii running of Clark in Bat Fishermen innings Barri at Southamptx cut the batting for the visitox His control Asbury did for John Doi jury his first 15 chances first of his first run WOOD St Wood is big ness which err nually receiv and wages f1 and woods pr some 8000 with net val $25 billion Of total Car tinn this accoi seven It is eq The Authorf Post 01 only Sundays comes HARRY wanna Subscriptlnn grain your 0801 year month outid no new year offices as that Strut Montreal ur lumber of tho llahlts Alloclltlo Audit Burnn ol nlclnldllfl use for republic noer credited cuter 1nd alsol