Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1961, p. 2

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mcfii up 06 israz PARKE puma MONDAY newsman an WIFE HELPS MCNEELEY WORK OUT Heavyweight challenger Tom JilcNecley of Arlington Mass iands right on the punching bag as ho is assisted by his wife Nancy as he worked out at the Colonial Country Club at Lynnfield Mass licheel ey preparing for December title bout with champion Floyd Patterson In Toronto plans five to eight miles of madwork plus six rounds in the ring each day AP Photot INNISIII NOTES Meeting To Deal With Medicaerlan By RGS lt In Simcoe County most rural people are members of co operative medical service which pays for additional hnsA pitallzation over and above that supplied through the govern ment plan The service also pays for surgical and malor medical RTE That and other matters will be discussed with the members at meeting called for Wed nesday evening at 015 in tho Parish Hall of St Georges An gllcan Church Aliandale At least so members must be resent for quorum If mem ers who read this And there are many in our coverage area will make it must to attend this meeting they will be per fprming service for them selves and their cooperative WIDEN ROADWAY The decision reached to build sidewalk along the 8th line from the Lakelands Hall to the pork entrance will likely be car out by widening the shoul or on the north slde and gra veliing it in such manner that can be kept clear of snow by ws and be sufficiently wide is make footpath This was the decision reached when cfimmittee of the Businessmens Association and council got to ther last week The matter likely be confirmed at the Egular meeting of council to aGliYaFOXr CELEBRATItmri On Sunday afternoon the luv nihfll fire department was call ed to Belle Ewart where fire vtas found in an empty cottage fined by the Trombley Estate fire had made little head way when the equipment ar rlyed Why did you get here so soon was the enquiry made by some person standing and The building is among that have been under dis cussion recently as being triment to surrounding pro rties In this past weekend supple meat of The Examiner there nfis story of the bomb shel tors and how they can be built The story mentions the city of Bétrie as being one which may commence survey to see if public shelters would not be Isible It has been stated un licially that there are ap proximately 50 private bomb shelters now in the Barrie EB Campiled by Flynn There are many homes with in basement or outbuildings that might be converted into bomb shelter if definite knowledge could be gained as to what the sheltesr were to protst again at No one knows The new road built by the Suburban Roads Commission on the 18th concession of lnnisfil is one of the first to he corn plated The commission is made up of representatives of the county and the city of Bar rie sharing 50 per cent oi the cost with the provincial govem ment The two miles between sidoronds 20 and 25 in lnnis ii is splendid type of road well finished and ready for sur facing One of the noticeable things about the road is that not all trees along the rightofway have been removed and this has added considerably to the appearance of this drive into Big Bay Point The work was done under the county engineer ing department using county equipment and employees the total cost being $30000 for the two miles of road with 22 foot driving surface and eight foot shoulders The next por tion west will be more expen sive as deep ravine and rail way have to be crossed The commission has resurfac ed the Shanty Bay Road and kept other roads oiled but may have to delay any further building of roads until it ac iuiiiIilatEsmorefunds The chairman of the Suburban Roads Commission is Smith Campbell with James Hart and Fisher Ganton as the other two members Their report will be made at the next meet ing of county counci Ottawa Cadet Borden Winner MONTREAL CF George Findley of Ottawa is the winner of the Garner trophy as top graduate of the Air Cadet Leagues senior leaders course at Camp Borden 0nt last sum mer Iie topped 200 cadets repre senting all provinces at the sevenweek course of concen trated training it gne to broaden their education and leadership qualities Presenta tion of the trophy was Saturday TODAYS STOCK PRICES 93 Dunlap St Barrio INDUSTRIAL bestol bitibl Algoma steel uminium born on In Steel otMontrcnl Hank as aw Tel Dam Tu Gt Lakes Gut Pow Horns Pit Home Oil Hufinn Min Imp Tableco Imp Oil gdn Breweries Ind Acce ads Cement Chemical Oil Min Sm to Papa nsurners Gu Interprov Nornu Manny Perl Found Dom SW quulaitl 11 PM Famous Play Hard Farms inland Inter Nickel Jockey CIIIII leatt Mac Powell Riv ssvi Nor oat Nn Moore Corp assw Pacific sou Pom Pl Que Na ao Rothmnns Rfyalufllnk uni Salads sniniu lmpsnnl Stafford Steel or en Stampers Tor Dom or Tran Cari Pl Trans Iift Poi msm Pin Taxco Union on Walks new Gin Pit mo on is Hotlinler Eli 740 us 10 45 Les 62V 1in camp chip WILDEIJIIU can Denlson Gnu Hall Sullivan Falconbridgo Gibb Mine Lamaqua mall oSmox KamAddilon hill Lao Maritime ll queinont sner Gordon Staci flock Ivlnlted of en ura mm moss some snocxs goon Gas Lyndhurst Lk Duilult Now Mylamlutle Trans Cln Plpa mvmnnn nsannAnoNs $2 bilnns mo pnynbll Dad is ex dividend Nov so Aimor Gold pa ablc Dec ex dividend row is Can Tim was ch pnylhi ago ex sivioeoo Nov to nownouss Corp common 1109 Ion AVIRAGBI Industrial up mill up 09 Uulltlal up 44 sonomo noon nxcnsrmd mosx Golds down 07 Metlls down 02 Oils down 11 Charge Driver After Chase Provincial police stopped Charles Ross Fleming 25 Rose Avenue Tomato after Emile chase Saturday night along Highway 000 at speeds up to 110 miles an hour Provincial police at Bradford begun the chase Police said the car went through roadblocks and sldswiped two other cars before being stopped at Bar iie Fleming has been char ed with criminal nc Eencc Cars Plunges Into Canal few hours after coroners jury had recommended guard rails and other safety precau tions for the Holland Canal Road two cars plunged into the canal Saturday in separate accidents Gerald ORellly 27 of Peffer law was rescued by witnesses when his car went into the can al alter being sideswlped by truck He suffered broken arm and cutsto his face short time later car driv en by Francis Edward OBrien 20 of Colgsn skidded into the canal from wooden bridge He swam ashore without help coroners jury Friday found lack of proper warning signs on the road The jury investigating the death of Mrs Victoria Berak 21 of Schom berg and her daughter Cath erine last Oct 25 also recom mended lower speed limit DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal Harvey Higgins 63 member of the editorial de partment of The Star for more than 30 years TorontoJohn Grieve 80 re tired professional engineer and former manager of the Canadian Institute of Steel construction who came to Canada from Scotv land in 1909 WEATHER Synopsis Cooler air has moved across the Great Lakes from the Middle West Light flurries of snow are likely to occur from time to time to day particularly close to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay Tues day is expected to bring clear ing and somewhat milder though windy weather Haliburtoa Lake St Clair southern Lake Huron Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario re glons Windsor London Hamil ton Toronto Mostly cloudy and cool today Fair and little milder but windy Tuesday Winds northwest 15 today southwest 20 to 30 Tuesday Northern Lake Huron Geor gian Bay Algoma Timagarril regions North Bay Sudbury Saiilt Ste Marie Mostly cloudy and cool with an occasional snowfluriy today Partly cloudy and warmer Tuesday North west winds near 15 today be coming southwest 70 to as to night White River Cochrano rc glans Cloudy and cool with few light snowflurries todayu LT DUNLOI 51 IIAIIIIIII Due to an early start on mun icipal winter works protects the employment activity in the Barrie area was greater in October than in the correspond ing month last year The Barrio office of the Un employment Insurance Gom mlssion reports 213 placements compared with 135 in October 1m Employers listed 218 an den representing sis Job vs caocles asrcompared with in orders representing 130 vacan cies in October of last year Strongest demands for labor have been from agriculture manufacturing of iron and steel products construction retail trade and service industries The susply of labor was gener ally equate it was stated with the exception of suitable domestics farm hands and wai treason Tha number of applicants for work has increased somewhat since the and of September The figure stands at 939 includ By LYNN HEINZERLING ELISAEETHVILLE AP Some 30000 Baluba tlbesmen sitting in mud and filth on the northern outskirts of Elisabeth ville tell the sad story of The Congo They include men women and children Fear sent them to this camp for United Nations protec tionfear of ancient tribal en emles and of brutality by the police The Baluba of Kotanga are political followers of Jason Scndwe insofar as they have any political consciousness Sendwo is president of the As sociation of the Balubn of Ko tanga province and was for merly President Moise ishom bes most powerful political ops ponent in Katanga Now vicepremier in the cen tral Congolese government at Leopoldville Sendwa is an exile from Katanga The Balubas began to leave their homes in the Negro town ships of Kntanga more than two months ago They said police of Ts es interior minister Godefroid Munongo had circu lated through the townships threatening and maltreating them BACK UP SUBURB The Bniubns settled down in what once was dhandsome subv from trees gathered grass and made thousands of huts Trees grass shrubs and flowers have disappeared and tho Balubas squat in their huts When it is dry clouds of evil smeliing dust blow through the camp When wet the Baiubas cook eat sleep and squat in the HUNTSVELE Ont UP nghways Minister Cass today opened new $140000 mobile radio system one of seven now operated by the department The system which will cover 8400square miles surrounding Huntsville is the departments newest paewno agains teetls newest weapon against sleet ice and snow Twenty eight maintenancn vehicles have been equipped with twoway radios gt with which they keep in touch FORECAST Mostly on dy and warmer Tuesday with chance of show ers Westerly winds near 15 be coming southwest 20 to 30late today and Tuesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High niesday inds 30 50 so 50 so 50 50 50 50 50 so 45 45 45 45 45 us do Kapuskasing White River Moosonee neansassagsgg habilitated persons Plight Oi 30000 Tribesmen Tells Sad Story Of The Congo urban area They hacked limbs Cass Opens Mobile Radio Systemin Huhtsville Area and radio systems are to be iReport Brighter Work Picture Now in 501 males and no females as compared with in Sep temher increases were regis tered in clerical sales and see vice and construction occupa tions Thls is still considerably below the figure for October 1960 when 1130 were register ed as unemployed 607 male and 493 female edsl services rendered to loc applicants requiring speclt iallsed assistance such as phy sically handicapped or re released from penal institutions are con tinuing and more employers are showing keen interest in the program Since last May Richard Beer has been working full time as directorof this program for the Barrie office lilsnager Kramer said to day that the local office has many applicants who are will log to do fall cleanup Jobs for Barrio residents He added phone call to the National Ern pioyment Service office would receive prompt attention mud Flies rats and vermin make their life miserable Nnkcd children mm in dirty ditches The camp has no sani tary facilities cemetery soon became ne cessary and one small area is dotted with white stones Swedish UN troops make reg ular patrols through the camp in armored cars Once they opened fire when youths seized Swedish soldier Eight Balu has died Then days later it was discov ered the bodies were being pro served with ice from brewery The Bulubns said they were pre serving the bodies as proof that the United Nations killed the tribesmcn HATRED PREVAILS The 30000 Halubas sitting in the mud illustrate the deep tribal suspicious and intense hatred of tha Congolese They show why it is so diffi cult to form central govern ment representative of all sec tions of The Congo The colonial powers for years made no cliorl to integrate the tribes using these divisions to consolidate control Katnngu lenders insist they have nothing in common with the politicians in Leopoldville 1200 miles away Katanga they say was included in the new republic simply because the Eel gian colonial authorities arbie trarily included it to suit their purposes The Congo now has three armies Those of Gen Joseph Mobutu in Leopoldville Victory Lundulu in Stanleyviile and Norbert Make in Ellsabethvllle with each other and the Hunts ville district headquarters The radios will be used to report weather conditions and road hazards in summer they will be used for better control of general maintenance work The mobile units will patrol day and night the roads in the area which extends from Baa croft to Algonquin Park and from Barrie to Georgian Bay Mr Cass said the whole of southern Ontario will soon he covered by such systems Seven sections of the southern part of the province have them already added at Port Hope ford this fall The department spends more than 115000000 year to keep its 13000 miles of road free from winter road hazards Mr Cass said Tiresto and Strat I10 SIZE 75014 ATTEND MEMORIAL LECTURE Dr Eugene Porsey centre director of research for the Canadian Labor Congress was lecturer at the sixth lilorrison Memorial Lecture at the Ontario Agricultural College He is seen in an in formal mood with left to right Professor Camp bell of the OAC department of agricultural economics Ray laugheed Barrie president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture Dr Foray Justin Morrison Arthur sad if Morrison Toronto sons of the late Morrison In whoss memory the lectures ship was established Says Crime Syndicates Are Moving Into Canada TORONTO CF RCMP Commissioner Harvison said today that American crime syndicates are moving into Canada The American syndicates are showing an increasing interest in Canada and are moving to take over direct control of some existing criminal organizations and to expand their criminal activities he said in speech to the Canadian Club of Tor onto They are already sctlvein the field of gambling narcotics trafficking counterfeiting and in the protection racket There are many indications and there issomo evidence that the syndicates have already started to treat Canada as an area for expansion of their ac tlvities Commissioner Harvison said it is urgent that the crime prob lam be to ed before crime syndicates become established in this country NEEDS ACTION NOW Action now might prevent crime and suffering and loss of life and hevy financial losses in the future he said But it is important that such preven tiva action as is possible be planned and taken quickly If gambling could be stopped or greatly reduced in Canada he said there is room for doubt that the an would be in terested to the point of taking over direct control Already he added gambling in Canada involves many trul lions of dollars with the crim inal bookies raking off 10 to 15percent profit An awareness on the part of the public might tbring about fallingoff in the patronage of the bookies and horse parlors and therefore in illePlDiliSi0 the operators Increased police TAKE MEASURES BASIA Corsica Reuters The French government requi sitioaed three big passenger liners Sunday to ferry 4000 French police here to prevent possible assassination attempt when President es de Gaullo visits the islnd this week fourth ship packed with so curity police will leave Mar seilla for Alaccio today Ynncailtqn AllIIIII vanufsel AllIN Todays Iivin unmask wo nuyslsctnormai dnsysction nu ysslowdnvmim uritiesrunnin Infilllyllmflllnhl shemlqu feeling often an nor line as Doddo xii run our in immut in normal in You on battermt bonerwork betterplay betins on Dodds Kidn sin now You an dflnDotitia Towu COUNTRY WINTER TREADS m2555 an irhou oar TRACTION You can muss wvvi as nuance ST PA 66535 NEW LOW PRICES ON PNEW TOWN Ind COUNTRY TIRES soo om HRH on it MAKERS OF err 93 on Cana Elfin Oil am Ill activities against the bookies is oother means by which gambl ing can be curbed Another of curbing and indeed seriously crippling widespread gambling lies in the cutting off the wire and tele phone services that are essen tial to their operations CUBA FACTOR Commissioner Harvison said the gangster syndicatesmulti milliondollar operations tightly organized from the upper ranks right down to the lowliest hood lumare casting eyes on Can ada because of steppedup activ ities against them in the US the end of tourist trade to Cuba and shutdown of gambling and other vica establishments in Cuba He said experts in the field re port that crime syndicates are more powerful now than they were In the heyday of the prohi bition years He said the overlords wield power greater in many ways than that of the heads of legi timnto sin enterprises They are aided by bribed and ho the power and ability to GIFTS FOR THE niilovmm links HAND TOOLS POWER TOOLS and ATTACHMENTS wank BENCHES aAEE FLANINGMILL LTD 48 Anne Si Looking Youll find extra cash up to $250000 sometimes rfiehls have goon squads to enforce discipline and no sales fora POT OF GOLD buy ruin or remove permanen tly many of those who oppose them The police forces of Canada he added are taking steps at improving our efforts against the in slons of syndicated crime Text of his speech was re leased to the press in advance of delivery PLAZA SPECIAL at VENUS COIFFURE HAIR STYLIST ALL PERMANENT WAVES REDUCED $300 OFF LET US STYLE YOUR HAIR IN THE LATEST FASHION REG 1250 1500 1000 850 1750 2000 2250 NOW 950 1200 700 550 1450 1700 1950 FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Open Thurs and Fri Till 900 PHONE PA 0111 mm NIAGARA LIIANS more NIAIIARA FINANCE COMPANV lIMlTED Lamont AllUnnadion Consumer Loan Company Barrier ll Collier St Phone PA 06408 Orillia as Colborns at lssas SubOffice in Collingwood at 05 Enrontarlo so Phone 170

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