Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1961, p. 5

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GRANT FAIR WORKSON DRUMS Collegiate Band Hopes To Enter World Fair By ELIZABETH TRAINOR Ind WAYNE RICHARDSON Barrie Central Collegiate The iirst school dance oi the season at Central will be on Nov it is the Harvest Hop sponsored by Central Glee Club Girls ore to wear dresses and sporta Jackets for boys it promises to be great suc cess and admission is only 35c per person Seeyou there At senior assembly Tuesday morning Pot Hoare told oi her visit to Western University at London Ont to attend the Un Iled Nations seminar The rea son for this waa to acquire an accurate knowledge at the Un ited Nations organizations Preceding and In closing the easemny the band played selec tIons irom the Broadway hit Wildcat IAND it Is lime theband has been given some special attentlon in this column not only because of the entertainment it provid es iorthe student body at Cen tral but tor the recognition and honor it has brought to Barrie The band has been reicrred to by Dr Leslie Bell as well as other music educators as model bandland one ior oth ers to follow The president at this world renowned group in Carl llam ilton Grade 13 student GROWING At present there are 31 mam Wbut the number is non vtinuaiiy Increasing This years band class is the largest since the division oi North and Con trni oolleglates Mr Fisher founded school orchestra at Central in 1937 but changed to hand in 1940 and in one year rapidly progressed to the stage where they played in Massey Hall in 1911 Since that time the Barrie band has been competing in the Kiwanis Festival and capturing iirst lace ior every years competl on except in 1857 when they were not entered FIRST PRIZE This past summer lllr Fish crs took the band to the Ex hibition as he has been doing slnce 1951 and ngoin walked oil with iirst prize The band entertained audiences in Orilila Penetang and Graven hurst Just to name icw The hand also performsmany iunctlons righLinBarrie Aside from putting on their own con certs throughout the winter the members enjoy playing for the skating carnival and the Re membrance Day service SWINGING Although Mr Fisher prefers that the band play original music or the concert band he is known to hava set ma swinging and swaying wi Dixieland Jamboree Mr Fisher has knowledge oi all instruments and his musical education is outstanding In his college days he played in the basaltsHr tel and was in an orchestra in Ogdensburg He also lnycd bourg TRAINING As Mr Fisher wants the standard the band to remain at its all time high Previous musical training is ap reclated if you plan to enter band Once again Barrie has hand to be proud oi The rogram committee of the Worl Fair is inviting top bands from countries on the North Ameri can coottnentto compete in the fair at Seattle next summer We are pleased to report that because of the previous records and achievements Mr Fisher ls submitting an application to the committee Congratulations to Mr Fisher and all the band members POMBALL With hardviought lit1 win over Aiiiaton seniors and de faulted game from Barrio North Centrals team moved in to twoway tie lor second place with Cotilngwood Our seniors have encountered iour wins and one less so far this season TOUCHsz In the game last Thursday touchdowns by Jim Sturgess and Percy Shepherd gave Cen tral the victory Failure to nut back kick irom inside our end zone gave Alliston its only point of the 4amo JUNIOR Our Junior team won its iirst game with single point over Alileton juniors Central play lfioth oilensiveiy and deiensive Tonight both our teams jour ney to Orillia Park for games under the lights All Central studeth are aged in support our earns err appearance at0rillia Students who if ed to the games lroe but the dance at terwards will post 251 Brédks Record At Cross Country Ra Hollis football teams have been continuing with their schedule at games home game on October is against Midland and game at Barrie Central on October 26 While the scores again showed losses lor our teams the boys are putting up some good opposition Two more games complete the schedulerronerin rustlingwood October 26 and home game with Orlllla November On Wednesday October 25 alter school BMHS and Orange viile heldiL olnt track and field meet on Alliston field It points were reckoned on the basis oi points for first points for second points for third point for fourth the total points gained by both boys and girls would be 298 tor Alliston 134 for or angeville innran Entries were limited to two boys events and Tony Skarda minutes87 sfiwndsfllm Fish competltors irom Orangevllle and two from Alliston in each ley so lead clarinet in hand Co ere showed great Canach no Ere nt acthza event even so keen competi tion resulted in All events Particularly outstanding per formances were turned in by Brian Brooks in winning the senior boys 100 229 and yard dashes lvsn bowling and dim Fisher in senior boys iield events Mungn McQuigge and Mac Hethe gton and liabjiastlnganJmermedms Ted Gould Richard Larush and Clark Persons in junior boys events For the girls Sharon Pearson Sue lrwin and Michelle Mor row bad double wins INDIVHJUALS The following individual achievements by suns stud ents surpassed our present cords John Owen inrsenior boys mllc withs tlmroisl er feet Inches in senior hoys shot put Bill Hitchmsn 38 feet inches in senior boys shot put Jerome Brad seconds in Interm BILL MOORE PUFst ON TRUMPET rains éhna Opera Singer Sings All Parts Of Carmen Geoiirey ariTeld is an eightyearold operasinger who occasionally amuses himself by singing all the partsmale and female from the first act oi Bizets Carmen This the only part oi the Cfinpany li puttingon periormance oi Carmen he is usually taken home to bed right after the iirstaet curtain falls The whole charm goes topleces it you have professionally trained woman singing In Carmen Geoffrey appears wearing paper hat and carry ing bugle as one oi the child ren playing soldier act STARTED AT FIVE in the first He has been studying singing since he was at the Royal Conservatory of Music here Like most youngsters he oc ysrds Susie Monsto inch in senior girls softball throw Sue lrwin eel inches in iunioigirisfstan broad jump Michelle Mom 113 feet inches in junior girls soitbsll throw past week that midvtcrm re ports would be issued about mid 1ermexsminatinns could be heiddurlngthe two to Christmas holid Elmvale High imay LINDA possum day Oct 24 We willingly ac Jislsinimieagrcedmaccept cei late boysl Dan Shaughn easy minutes 55 seconds in intermediate boys mile Herb 101 feet Inches in ate discus Tony 112 seconds in Junior 00 yards Richard Ls rush 617 seconds in tinlshing second in junior boys yards and minutes 314 seconds in Junlanoysfmll eRutbBridl seconds in senior girls mo leet Students were notiiled this November and that fall weeks prior See Examiner 2me HIGH SCHOOL The Early Joe banner was presented to our school one day by Mr Yarwood it is green and white pennant with the in scription Early does on It and is presented to the class with the fewest late pupils on and 10A 10311 and 12 will share it for the month of 0c tober very exciting game was played with Collingwood last Wednesday The score forthe boys game was to There was do girls game as Coiling wood do not have girls team The EDHS Press Club has had kind invitation to visit the Barrie Examiner on Tues cepted this invitation and are all looking forward to the trip One of our senior students Mary alhuner attended the physio education camp spy sfifithM Monument oi Education during the last two weeks in July Mary gave us very fine report at her stay at the camp at Assembly last week and explained the pur pose ol the camp which is to train girls in leadership and to teach them the correct rules of athletic games so that they mBYJBJJicllLlflJllLEWiiul Education teachers in thelr schoo ren Ordinarily she accepts boys at about eight or nine because they are then physi cally strong enough to take it Girls rarely have the develop ment of voice until they are 11 or 12 Geoffrey on trial basis to see it he was advanced enough to understand instruction He was The children Achorus oi the CAMPUS STUDENT TILLS SOIL Saturday was plowing day ior this Cookstown boy Don Trench grade ten student of Banting Memorial High School is shown here plow ran HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER WHISPERS log the soil at the ElmVAl Plowing Match Don was entered in class that had never plowed in competition before Ekaminer Photo THIS YEAR TREAT YOURSELF TO AN EVENING AT THE Youll see Canadas finest riders meet the bestfrom attic51 Geoiirey is bit of an oddity piercesifiamiitonrpmir dent oi the wellknown Bar ria District Central Collegi ate Band and right is its dy ilam Hamilton said Thursday the rising cost of living and the Vchanges in tha attitudesotthee HW ideologues Fisher The band has enter ed an application to the pro Says Benefits Match Costs senor 51a MARIE Ont CWPostmaster General Wil night the benefits from in creased social weliare pay ments havemore than matched shrinking valueon the dollar Speaking to the Canadian Club in this northwestern Unta rio city he said recent changes in legislation on social justice have kept place With the de lotion and reflect subtle Canadian people toward their social respons ibiiitiea and SALLYiSSiiLLIEVS anmtostak tenedpmcchdsmias shopping thisyear fliocJtarving children in In youw old ordinarily send Agramcommittee the Worlds Fair in the hope oi attending the Fair at Seattle next year The bands out radlord High Losell Game To Thomhill TTBTIEfii visions Fradiord District High School Last Thursday our junior soccervteam went to Th rnhiil shofianputatlonandtheWhopesoiyictoryin mmd Jighmpinloneokmany musti eians make this hopes prob ability Canadians Invited Play Santa Claus OTTAWA CP Dr lotto Eitschmanovaexeouiive direc tor oi the Unitarian Service committee of Canada has plan whereby the man or woman who has everything can play Santa Claus halt around the world to Wretched little oft boyor gir this Christmas it works this way Thisall Canadian nonden nommatlonal grassroots organ overyour by buying Canadian milk pow dia or all the money that Canadians will send to the USC AL 7LSparksuStreet in Ottawa earmarked for the Christmas gilt cardscherne Just compile list of names and addresses oi those something that he or she neither really needs nor wants and en close cheque or money order floemnonntydh wolildtivfiis spend at aminlmurn rate of $1 per person The USC will send one of its four attractive cards explaining to your friend or rolative that instead of receiving mllslfiasflpnrcel he is playing Santa Claus Every dollar will provide years supply of milk or starving clfld makes living wage 01 Wotre both It alive TRY EXAMINEBWANT ADS PHONE PA 84414 ame ac disappointed having been defeated We hope they will do better this coming Wednesday when they will begin the tinals against Pickering Qflllegeglihenwhole Whfioflng for both the junior pod senior teams hoping they Will take the championship this year The boys from grades 12 and is are preparing for afootbail game this coming Thursday The irle volley ball teams get the first taste of competi tion on Tuesday when they go to Bayview for the first game he season The boys of 113 are to be commended on the excellent assemblyiast Friday Their presentation of the Bloomer Girls was very entertaining ueaflayrtherzdthancoagain ed the annual celebration of the UnitedNiitions The his tory students of grades 10 12 and 13 under Miss Kelsos supervision prepared special assembly in accord with this theme There were speeches by sev eral students telling the various functions and aims of the UN Marilyn Lamson and Robert Koch gave reports on the know ledge they gained this summer atthe UN Seminars To end the program BarryLangrldge and Leon Van Dyke for the affirmative and Jack Nesbitt and Robert Devalk for the negative debated on Whether the UN is the worlds only hope or future peace All those who took part in the program and the decorating are to be congratulated on splendid job The Halloween dance is to be held this coming Thursday night inthaeg ikcts have good turno with everyone there in the operatic world because he is child singing childs role We not unusual for woman old enough to be his mothErJLbegiven the part Herman GeigerTorch general director at the Canadian Opera Company sayshe always us rchildrenrinrchildrensrolesf its not fair to make women to to so appear as children The lovely voices she said But an quality of childs voice is so differenteiromethatioiflfiduit By LESLIE COXALI Barrie North Collegiate This Saturday Oct 28 in Norths auditorium there will has special presentation at the llariem Satellites or the Diplomats They will be ex hibiting their skila inv the game at basketball and demons strating many Vdilierent tricks such as playing with fluores cent bali They be playing against the AllStars oi Barrie The game will begin at oclock dents and $1 for adults IheiStudent Council has de cided tostart ascholarship in memory of Patrick Woods who died this summer while sw ming jar wiiibo placed in the main ball by the coat check and any student wishing to do nate to the scholarship may do an The Student Council will match the 11 cLlIectaiLnos tha scholanhip will go to the student with the in Grade Xi French Whirl the dance sponsored by the Drama Club There was good crowd and there were lots of good records Madame Zoo Sinunlc teacher attthon amatorrwhorworkszwithm harne4oflegiate£n$aturday taken by Barrie North Camera the photos the students were and admission is We foratun highest mark Lastnight was HieWoodland dint was also there to add that in all dance We are North won the gamc 205 Our seniors tied with Orillia 77 Both teams seemed ave special touch of mystery All it waaga very successiul very Proud ot our junior football team for its fine playing in the game against Oriliia Collegiate laa Friday 711k wwmwmranyflfia yEar has 16 Gunman says owauld members little more than average give up singing But at other times particu larly amid the excitement of performance he says lm glad stayed withsingin Mrs Morris Clarfieid at first hesitated about giving her son EganAlljfldrmayoe aunt insisted He began to study WILILHEIEIL iy matched and even though they tried their utmost they couldnt break thetie We cer tainly hope they will win their next game Last week class pictures were Club This year to improve asked to wear clothes of med ium color because it is found that black or white blurs the smiling laces oi thezstudenlss Last Sunday the Camera Club went on field Ei into hills0mm The alternoon was spent taking pictureseoLthae beautif cry in that district Everyone at North ov joyed today ita the teachers annual convention and waha holiday Not Corrunencement willbe l7 finest will prescription or you rrscn pickedup an delizergd Ks char cusosNis PHARMACY says Mr Geiger iorel It hard torecruit them rc booted vanIlIaJlaiourls ExtractYouliflnd true flavour In all SaladsShim products But we shouldhave more msuanncn Aprch 110 DUNLOI so mum mum TRUE vanilla tavnau ilaVOurW saver on In this bottle oiShIrrIff orsey v¢ countries in soother round ofthe famous International lumping Championships And as special added attraction at every per formance youll see the breathtaking NOTICE Your Horse Show ticket includes General so come early haveAavpleasantdinner the Coliseum Room then stroll around the Royal finest livestock fldwers by the thousands fishioncshcwsrth Childrens Royal fruit and vegetables dairy andrpoultly products field crops commercial many other eithsbits PLAN TO SEE IT ALL AT THE ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW MAIL THISFORM Youll see Canadas and government displays and TROYAIZ ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR RoyaICollseum Toronto 23 Canada FLEgSE RESERVE FOLLOWING SEATS Afternoons Saturday Saturday Nov Thursday ammoo Evenings Ix Friday Nov10 Saturday Nov Monday Nov 13 Tuesday Nov 14 Wednesday Nov 15 Thursday Nov 16 Friday No 17 Saturda usmou lstizsutitlmh Noy61uth There are no rose to Number of Seats Total char al donorI sdmlfiisneoulnss Children Epplua sectorspa Number of seats at $250 at $350

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