ummnlnémwln timo uLï¬n mm SATURDAY mmlillfl SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS inn coriiiiiicr 3mm elm party at herrhamo Satan BY MUSTON ELMVRLE wiin 11 miscellaneous shower dnyr with her mother iiirs idgf$m How mm Wm duh Wlnnilred nuntrr Allis They received many lowly aim Terrey mi mired Mr and Min Funk NorthSmith vulnerable ganggminmrgott READY ma hlr and nlrs Paul Rowal and mm and 3m and Ms Clarke Levering Barrie on Sunday 01 Pm Co children spent the weekend with Wm 57 Present Tmnm and sues Mall numbering 14 called wiry grunve nsen mo Mr and him George McKay me g°°d nd 13 Mr and ME 91 HOW on Allan Shaw and son Bl nude Ch Oshawa much If Seneca 5°98 MI and Mrs Mann Nevis to wlsh them happy 04 harm 121er iir and Mrs Gnrdon Spring 39 returned after viSiling reiniim hirinnny The dates were the rm General Ho Twin and Freddie returned irorn in Tomato and London the 18th and mi of October 495 Mr and Mrs George Beard 10 weeks Pm holiday at wmmgon sail Tliistletown spent law Eu Hawtm Vi a1 rue Lawrence Toronto To ï¬t windows from COUPLE 050350 days with the farmers mother ORO STATION ï¬$x°mmu 11 3110 Lions Charter Night tee to an leet in width On WednedaÂ¥i 00L 13 Mrs William Beardsall on and Dance Before ends and neighbors gnihered in baptismal sen1w was held HUNDREDS or he Sunday mm mm 5L Mr and Mrs Bob Bell of FAMILYPASWY at the morning service at sr 0f Alhswnl was an ac yngnus Andmwspmhymï¬an Church Gnlt were weekend guests at family dinner was held at Andrews Presbyierinn Church ember club and express xood wishes to the new 19 home 01 ML and 11 81 he hnme fr m5 Sunday when Rnxnnne R0 Huger ol the Bank 017 lywcds Mr and Mrs Humer Rowit 51mm for the family of daughter oi Mr andhirs Dale Hedrpmentlynt the Barrett nee Doris Isabel Mrs Kbagtv etï¬ngdA 31mg unlfkegrggoflmm inï¬riuï¬nnï¬aughlnr gt fleadï¬fï¬celnru all rs on an Thumpsomnmd prusentthcm Hespeler nllcr spending jaw and his wife are leaving for Vnmnbmg Sherrie 431 Brazil in November Another daughter Orb and Magnum MW CAMP LTD lure Movin and Star sari Stewart his Wife and am Bammwm bnpmdqï¬gmï¬jiwm mmmm Vmeumg 14111 ï¬ning 2mm hm mm bem lster welcomed Ihree nevmem PI or Nara Alumni Mrs Viuinm Crawinrd spent hers Van Lines CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE DAILY CROSSWORD 0mm mm be PA 66555 SATURDAY ocmnm menu Show 13119 pretehrnptgo hid for 400 non1mg In 3mm ï¬uflflï¬ï¬ ens we re er an an 11 Va itvlinnvnï¬r rgsriiyrfrflrmy rm mum in ages imam eaim prim purpose in 41wngg11ng New Hediinrr to crowd the hiddingspncn of Niagtqwflmr snnm Popcyel rv Puly lam mum the opponents and make lt dll Jnilrnï¬miï¬nmnm him iar°ini Aruded now icult for them to find their virtu um IVJ nonin rinod Wu or Sports 11m an mg best contract It In expected to ulna 91 ï¬ihlnwm Tum 1111 fish35355 momc tnhriu succeedqulte often and Mn Hockey nnnny Thom Show pmnt 231th not it does Ll il Llln frill€vryr in 5mgle snow maid mun nnnn Take Eain three heart bid cac TV News Look inch and Listen aim gram for Instance and observe the nu rd 13Achtkln 3351 Neva Spam 16 11 N21 7w 5th eflect 1t bus on South He has rnlortalilo bid to innke at The Belles or St Trlnllnl rnn Vulhcrmnn 153mm mm 3331 no on rd ri this oinl He can do la or SUNDAY ocronzn zs cgnirhnniiypni1r 111um Tilamuo mm 1010 Youth nna neunian mic Clrncgh nirninr 1800111an apricot unimoor mm 993 Wad 01 r1 Sn clubs or adopt the conservative Ar°du5i5d 171 71ng 77 r77 point SEnrthly puny gt passing TUESDAY ocronnn nbbn saber anchuryor Course mng 131 ms rm 12mm 191me hmthur inng South known that any bid he mm NFL mn 1100 Romper Roam Cnrnirnmnnnm 1200 Popeye nnd PAL WNW WOMEN Tn th rr 120 Nanndy In on warm 1127 gt iinrct ldrum limier yawn Venri or Sxiorll Cundles Rd East Battle P3 9091 gnThxtgmï¬uu chï¬nne out 533 gt Mldland Penetnng Elmvnle Phone Zenith Tim lrllDuige Miss RuthJennett was home No TollClinrgn gt ITclivauoDonnl Rena Show openy iiniun qunmrn from Chihan for the weekend Acaunlny Peflomuc School Teiccnat ML and Mrs Borden Jenna Lets Do It Again 142 Lonir in Mimi Gninn Flrm spentySundny at St Pauls with funding Plrinmnne The Wamonl Show Mr Lind Mrs Ewart Jennett Pmx In £33161 Dilininn show and attended anniversary ser azgrinfrzro Shaw Cartoon 15an vice at Burton Avenue United News Ventlwi sport Noni rimdune Ch Budgie burn in Draw mono1r ocronin so Earni iiiorirei Report Mr Mrs Emesz Norrln 1045 Trsi Pnltern News nnn innrimn 11pm Romper Room wmhcr Spam of cabal 5pm the weakend 121w Papey nd Pris Cmy with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis 1220 ï¬nondnywne on gnyslninnre nnnw and called on other friend ens on er no mi rnrrr Report From Plgu Challenge mud he Cnmlnp Evnnin inquiry hlnvln one Step Beyond anoll Incident open House 03 PSPF°PN as 28823 prvyyp SSSES 9992 99999 38 zigzag F53 238 CBC TV New The Wenthermnn Man From Interpol Today in Sports Friendly Gliint Communlty New sing Ring Around 1135 inicrpni Cnlllnl CTTO CHANNEL TORONTO SATURDAY OCTOBER 23 9in Take Chlnco on Wrcslllng 10nn Rmcmnn Learn To Drlw 103n Lnrntln Yuunz Cnrroon Time 1100 News Weather spam iii Timn 1125 Men or Destiny Within Four Wllh 1130 flatter Lnlo mjï¬rvsmmn ANDERSONS msummc Adam The riinmnnu Home 66 10 New Naked ciiy 735 PM Id ks DONALDST IPA 55085 vnnk Benny Showk $35310 Esau ï¬ï¬trryunmv gï¬gw Scienca Flcuon ThuIre AT YOUR SERVICE crnsr Cnnndn nnrn nnncn New Saturday Ninhi Movlo mrsnnniiiy Show YOU PHONE My Sister Eileen rrnressors Hldcnwny sunnnv ncrnnnn 25 5mm Iv£7555 You AT YOUR HOME MANaniriNCANAoAIY 1145 gas mesh TPVIenthnrn 7V fleraey Nzagignmgmu N53 WRITING ALL CLASSES on kl irrn ch Lnavo To ver 611 fig whim Znne Grey mi INSURANCE leLLlPs 8r PHILLIPS Cnnniry Cnlnndnr rnnnun hi mm NFL Football Three Heart Fu rJnllI WINTER 15 come no You HAVE lï¬tlirdn n1 LIME Egyp Shfrknéaln FIRST FASHION snovcry an Newr eer mm anln News Weather snoru ENOUGH Nsimmcgwnllm CLAPPERTON 31 mmrr in nu Arinrnonni hinn oi Destiny nnsr cuidweii Singer Enttnr nun Movln contn iinzni Pnrade iihiiizioriiiiinwiiiirse Movlm The Showdnwn MONDAY ocnonnn an 1030 News 1035 Fren and Ensy 130 channel TheLn Mm Rubin flood 220 All Star Playhniisn 355 News Lno Feisonallly Show 405 Protnssurn Hideaway Mo vniriL ï¬ï¬‚fl Spark 232 lyrgiï¬ï¬‚um SIZES AVAILABLE Wiiis1 3012 34 36 550 News 70a inihnr Known Beat 3B 40 42 44 46 WITHL ENGIHS iii Fi Is an Inspgctnr Maigret 29 vi 33 HIGHSPEED wonirTgforHEs in THAT LAUGH AT Lowcost flownr THAINW uKHAKl 0R GREEN Relnfarced Craig Wont Rlp Extra Heavy NECK SIZES TVTFSTWSATIGTGVQTI Zii Fact Deep Pockets 17 ExciusivnHanvy Snnforizerl Dnll Wain Band VPRICE KHAKI r375 Vat Dynacoini Win Not Fade Sniiéaciinn and PRICE GREEN than from The Mutualamfe Quaiiiy Guaranieed Joorbaiunmnmmhoywqm TAILORED teaches his sohs good sportsmanship and it tor FOR EACH PURFHASE OF HAUGH gives them all ohanoeto play together Stun CASUAL WORK AND CASUAL CLOTHING THIS life in not all play for theoman fromrlhe Mutual UTILIT Life He has other goals He helps people plan anWEAR WEEK YOUR NAME WILL BE ENTERED ahead for sound secure future Hes life FOR COMPLETE OUTFIT 0F SHIRT insurance counselloran expert in his fieldA vyon mm TROUSERSvAND JACKET iNYouirsizs valued mmdv Indra comploln rallon0lily alamenl thgiiguliiploumiinou IN The Mutual Life HOMElllEZlP SOON ASSURANCE COMPANY or CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend iécord unwind irirncron nsmcmz DISTRICTCOOPP 11 mix275 223 Wellington St