Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1961, p. 20

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if Forests men their spare time mostly at night or the protec tion at our deer herds and HUNTING SECTION Dedicated Mend Attempt Save Game From Poachers Every year across Ontario iunge or trout Does he Malia group of so called sportsmen that early In the spring before are rebended by our ever the seslon opened man with wstc Departmental Lands powerful light and heavy and Forests men or violations spear has taken this big iunge oi our line and IMP 801 or trout when they were spam These violations isll into various ing in the shallow water and categories some rather inslgal we ham pram1 them snt bu others sro so nus mm menace to our luture hunting they have deep water and ilshlng These are the reasons that dedicated men 01 our conser Bffihmyfifm$w3kddo vsiion clubs are assisting the lite giveito the Lands and spawning iish nrese men rsa ceivs no renurnerstion in tact sll reluse it or their time and PP Brim trouble in some instances they Famed mm encounter violence and personal mfgggllfilwcspdnmfi at $33 by mm lst in 1731 it belongs to the iixwortismllysndisoneolths Th mm clued IPOW wellkuown flowers Canada rnsn ihey are thstrue Isymbol In th Roch mum and DI mm Wmmm their ioothills whole mountain 2ihi3hilt was or you can every nd um 1° from scarlet to maroon Wm Mlle Emmy some slightly diilerent types are ish our natural resources yellow whm Witnthe rapidly swelling Our common Merchant ranks of the iishing snd hunt paintbrush has airy single in traternity the Department stcm rising mm rosette oi oi Lands and Forests are faced green simple leaves The upper with tremendous task of man stem ls about foot tall and aging and protecting our stcnd PP Vim den mail it is partly parasitic its roots already overburdened Depart ment of Lands and Forests stall in any way they csn to dis courage and apprehend the wouidbs game mum and so preserve the natural resources of our county ior our ehlidm and their children behind your Departmeoust Leads and For ests obey your hunting and fishing laws and preserve onr Godgiven resources oi sported leaves and bracts which surround the mall tubult ler flowers it is the leaves and bracts which give the wonder uleelor they look as though they were dipped in scarlet ink The tips at the small flowers are yellowish and occasionally rsdtipped The white paintbrush is slightly diilarent with smooth stem and pointed leav Because 1ndlsn pelntbriiflthar only low green leaves and green leaves are vital parts oI thgjlgeslilLflflmLPldnil sometimes into other plant roots stealing the Juices so necessary ior the making at plant iced iiy diminishing woods and wild llie These men are stretched to the limit and even now they cannotadequatelycovar the area designutcd to them They need help and they have re ceived It irom the conservation clubs throughout Ontario But even this is not enough They need help from the priv ste citizen Not so much in OUR SQ OUR FISH NSERVAIION FANS wuss use or ouR WATER waasejllcimVuIl awarectthst horrible word pollution We elyhopethatthestopa that mbeingtakennow it hard to realize that less than loo years see this great cormtry had no pollution problems and water was taken tor granted We cannot live without pure waterright now many municipal ities are literally scratching their heads torind adequate water Jordalaltlng let alone the growing needior industry use whldr is expanding beyond our present knownsupplies Lrfis Millions oi acres of our tonnes1y richest iarming land have been lost to Us from improper them from tahingeverything ImiBx aothlns Only in the put decade or so have In become aware oi crop rotation contour plouglung the planting of outer cropstbe pre venting ol soil erosion just to mention law wise ways in which we can preserve our precious heritage of productive arm lands OUR FORESTS We were endowed with riches beyond ones imagination in our wealth oi forests At first wp slashed them down because there was so much Thank goodness we have awakened to reiorest ation and replenishment beioreit is too late May we become as conscious of the appalling loss due to iorcst tins helme it Is too latetoo many at these tires are or lnated unthinking human hands WILDLIFE As we pushed back the frontiers slashed away the crests and the cover for our precious soil so we wiped out the habitat oi our wrldhie and we are continuing at too last rats in this regard As our streams and lakes have become polluted so we have lessened the places or our precious iish population to breed and physical assistanceY but in 01 multiply arid Willa lowing and obeying the Only with an allout reolizdtion by all people in all wants lilo widfimisfmvgnvéfimeni and greatly accelerated program of clean up control and long or the protection and conserva range planning can we hope tor the future wealth of our tishing no of our tennis and wildlife industry our sport iishlng and the maintenance oi our wildlii iheprivate citizen who enjoys the iishlng and hunting in our he who no ACTIONS the deciding vote in the fight gt against the game violator who seeks not sport but cash re munerstion ior his criminal acts THE LAWS COURSE The two biggest problems that face hun tersl toda are lie on robs bunk or in com the loss of limb and life by socalled sportsmen shooting at everytlung that or stealing and is convicted es and sentenced according to law nightly so with the man wh destroys our wildlife illegally The ever narrowing area in which we can hunt due to socalled sportsmen not obeying the law and respecting other peoples property not getting permis sion to hunt on their lands Thi It but he Liaiuggaffigm We Stock EOOd 5919mm 0f high WWWd £155 It is deirmtely to your advantage to encourage the upandcoming hunters to at for the deer and moose hunter to come and look tend gs llucgtlllctaelirtaen3 over Such famous rules as thwjnéhester9and un er safety traimng lectures and sessrons There appears to be little or no hope to do much with some of the unsafe older unter but cm 1211 man5 gum 1115 thiisiterliiiualgioltI 512623 ijaglglugfifigiesgt of training and concentrating onthe younger felloiIls maysbe we 21 Eeiflioyfig gut 12$ are 11 aged glllllmegn sogfir pointgwhere it well be safe for everyone to go out in therbush again momma Emu who my Please encourage andpromote hunter safety training and please obtain permis follow the latter oi the law and 51011 from landowners to hunt on their lands mm smm ACCESSO ILS am hunter who We stock good selectloh or Imp incurring kits mun take the wooded shot gun cleaning kits gun blueing solvent Hoppes hills andtamarnck swamp in patches Jackets ammunition scopes extra magn quest of our white toil deer zine clips decoysand everything the hunter re realize that maybe in the area quirps filtdifiiiiéhidplsfi°srhfivg sARRiEs NEWEST GUN HOUSE 1clout maybe the big buck 133 linLhanwayunnte 4kisv sw 77 But the violator doesnv take GO ANYWHERE WIIH tinrtzaoczonsnz Dominion Royal Winierides BARRIEandesllmcr altggéhe can sell them tohls QUIETEST TIRE You NEVER HEARD BUY TWO TIRES GET WHE on me mnemn the man °NE EL Fell Special our NEW snow TIRES who has always wanted that big V2 PRICE and Receive Gals AntiFreeze FREE courier BEGINS Nov crown on lheiirstoi WWW DOMINION 3mm Lum 83 Dunlorstrw PA 83345 Ier inNsurvivsl echv Iire Desler nques eg ov De ence giggtcfi Harkness said Friday 110 Ehrlich one say deputy minisr ters can grant leave to civil 35m MMNDMEWMBERQ stopwatché BARRIE IdFUEL gt and Appliances 4959134iél959td 55817 Boom ram XPlFra404 bistribuiors of Propane New 3031me cannula New Web GUN CASE W9 mm SUNS new AND Roconomoueo so rounds I303 SP AMMUNITI New red or yellow duck REVERSIBLE JACKET AFUMINUM WOOD FIBERGLAS New THERMO Boors BdATS New red or yellow REVERSIBLEHAT pair WOOLEN 50x so lRSERMCESPEGlAHSFS pair new so am evmnuos sAiEssSERVIcs SHOT GUN SHELLS Shanty Bay Road Loss thaoths cost of most rifles BUTLERS SNACii SERVICE MODERN MOBILE TRUCK SERVICE BOX LUNCHES FQR FACTORIES PARTIES OFFICES AND BANQUETS RROMPIANDcouRreousoEquRF PA 61001 RR BARRIE IA 8153531 eRssERveouenArURALREsouscesyI BARRIETANNING BEFORE You no1 SSBraolfordShlJ 7ROSS SI PA 60622

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