Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1961, p. 17

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sul wfltreslfromkEphesds to embers church at Corinth telling them that every Christian is the manifestation of the soms talentfor the These gifts are different for different people One may have knowledge another wis dom soother fslth another AL another teaching seal ltles etcI Corinthians 110 10 2830 Just as no man can live by himself so the whole body of aIIIDteWTTm not thrive without the best gifts of all its members It Is our duty to look to our neighbors Corinthians 11 1M Whammfbfiffhasmt butlnueenpartseoltisthat often the most treasured Christians are not obviously gifted but have modest tal entsl Corinthians 112225 GOLDEN TEXT Ephesians XMCA he heard the cell to Central United Church To Celebrate Anniversary The Rev Bruce Grey 1313 minister ofKew Beach United Church Toronto will be the guest preacher at Central United Church Barrie on De tober It II lm It the Nth Anniveer Service Mr Gray was born In Tor onto leaving him school to en llst In the army He was comm commander ia the 75th Toronto Scottish Reg WHWJIHFHIIII Cross for action in the Battle of Cambrsl Once secretary of the the ministry when he was la ronto Streets building was dedicated to 1m Kew Beech United Church T0 ronto and has held that post for so years New Beach has over 1000 members and 1000 families received the 131 degree from Victoria University In 154 Dr Gray On its 06th Anniversary Cen tral United Churdl looks back on long and checkered his tory of church building Furor We in the year 1065 It moved to the corner of Dunlap and To There frame In 1001 Hits building was cornerstone was laid on Dec ember 15th 1957 and the building was dedicated on March lBth At that time the Christian Education Wing was still to be finished It was hoped that this might be accomplldled In the near fu ture although It took great op to view it as an im mediate possibility JJab JlaVmCITOWJmIVYIZOLM the congregation that in two and half years on October 16 1060 the Christian Education Wlng was dedicated and of ficially opened This part of die building contains youth pushed back on the lot toserve as Sunday School and new large sanctuary was added at the front it was officially opened on March 15 1900 tor In business Dr Gray graduated In theology from selves in power by an army of Emmanuel College in 1929 and needlgg employs uppomd held pastorates in Victoria and by everincreasing use Vencouver BC From the lat centrs auditorium with stage and Is equipped for badminton volley ball and basketball The accent on youthcomes The Christian Ideal Of Service liter Fred Jackson MA 13D St James United Church Stroud Ont since the day when Jesus said amamong you as He that scrveth the Christian has been characterized by will ingnoss to render helpful self rforgetting service to others The early Christians were so xdevotcd to each other so rea lous in their concern for the spiritual and material welfare of all members of the Chris tlan community that one ob gscrvcr was heard to exclaim in stonimment How those Chrlstlans love one anotheri While it is true that there wera jealousles selfseeking and factionnllslninthe congrega tlons of the first century as we learn from the letters of Paul and as there are todoylt ne sverthclcss the church at Its best hns always been fellowship of believing men and women hose devotion to their divine faster has led them not only in the ways of Inspiring worship at into caring for those who xcannot help themselves Jesus also said The Son ifot Man came not to be minis terod unto but to minister In order to show what He meant He took towel and wrapped It round His waist after which He washed the feet of those who sat at the table with Him The theme of His ministry can be spelled out in terms of serv ice So heavy wore the demands made upon Him by those who Were sick ln mind and body that He must often have rcach ed the point of physical ex haustlon Small wonder that He felt the need to withdraw from the crowds for prayer and spiritual renewall Ho literally poured out Himself without stint on behalf of those who so desperately needed the help that only tie could give Those who have rendered service in this way know how utterly dev mending it can be The first Christians set up fundcn behalf of the widows and the povertyvstrickcn Not only did the first apostles heal the sick they sold their goods BIBLE TODIIY Mr van dar Veen ita guist and translator of the Neth erlands Bible Society who has worked for many years in Cen tnal Celebes has recently com pleted translation of the Bible into Taa South Toradia Mr van de Veen discovered how the telling of Bible stories helped him to uteblish an ex Iact translation into the Tonadja language Bcglning with para phrase of Bible term word or temporary makeshift ren dering it becomes possible to explain this with more exact derins Thus at first lrHoaveo was called Banua Bulaanna Puang Matuathe goldne House of God In the translation of the Bible this was rendered by the loan word suruga which was little known at the beginning missionary work but gradually became more accepted In the story of the crossing oftheRedSeatinaideaotbhe waters being wall to the Israelites was conveyed by ep proaohiug the meaning of wall by phrase which meant sandstone cliff Later the word tembo meaning brickwork was used though little known at first In the Bible translation wall was rendered by rtnding tembo brick wall Anotherdlfficulty was in die fact thatthe Timorese had no knowledge of such animals as lions ml lantern alldeewere used and when they saw pictureof camel the people gave it two names the horse with the crooked bac and the long log ged horse When it wm ex Fplajned that the camel was used to travel In the desert natural teature knownto children from schooltouching they thought the hestrendering in Tlmorese who the horse of the desert suggested Bible Readings Sunday Navemher 5th Mark 101734 Monday November 51h Mark 3545 Tuesday Nove ember 7th Mark 1046 1111 Wednesday Novelobey 8th Mark 111133 Thursday Nov Ember 9th Mark 12127 Friday November 10th Matthew 23 30 Saturday November 11th Matthew 251430 Miriam mules and so on Illustrations on and shared their wealth with one another Take page from Pauls first contacts in Europe Everywhere he went he ax perienced the Girlstlan grace of hospitality If ye have found me to be faithful to the Lord come Into my house and abide there said one who had come under the spell of the HEALTH PROSPECTS The Unitarian Fellowship of Barrie Is presenting another social action type program at their Sunday Service on Octo her 29th 1100 am at the Bar rle YWYMCA 20 Owen Street What Is Healthy Mani well known Unitarian and former Director General of the World Health Organization Dr Brock Chisholm in his presen tation October 1901 In To ronto on Healthy Mans Religion referred to the con stitution of the WHO where health is defined as state of complete physical mental and social well being and not mere ly the absence of dlsease or lnfirmlty The healthy devel importance and the ability to live harmoniously in chang Ing total environment is essen tial to that development This Is new moral imperative SOCIAL ACTION In our presentation on Health Prospects the Public Health Nurse of Simcoe Coun ty and valuable member of the Social Action Committee Miss Elsie Rallies will review the many health sspectavthat concern ourselves the obliga tion to our families and to the community at large In the introductory part the theme is Universal Religion and musical interlude will be provided by guest artist Miss Jessie Heap Who will sing accompanied on the piano by Bill Porter MENS NIGHT The Womens Missionary So Church will hold their Annual Mens Night at 745 pm on on by Rev 11 Guthrie will be the special feature of the program His talk on Palestine will be illustrated with the aid JLooIar slides Everyone is welcome US SEGREGATION out the United States and Can ada have contributed to the special fluid of the First Unl tariaa Church of New Orleans These funds are in aid of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 1W COLLIER ST Services Sunday School EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT Reading Room on premises Wed 24 pm All are welcome THE BARRIE Rev Cornelia Bone Minister Phone PA 010 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN 10 be held in st James Church at Crown Hill YOU ARE WEISOME FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vinccut Street Rev lac denzebroek poster Phone PA 59816 isr Shanty Bay ans 1030 sm REV JAC OEUZEBROEK 710 mm REV JAC GEUZEBROEK Dutch The Church of Back To 1100 Hour Radio Program if Gospel pity for the girl whose gltt of soothsaylng was being ex He Wu moved with AROUND THE crannies opment of thechildisol basic clety of elBaptisL November traveloguerglvr More than 800 units through1 plotted by greedy men for per sonal profit Under the lrnpsct of the Gen pol which in turn owed much to the teachings of the great Hebrew prophets new con sclence was born in Europe conscience which was to re struggle of racial integration In whtdi that church is taking leading role Over $18000 has been received Legal ices also total $1000 Including ap peals to the 118 Supreme Court Money Is being used for defense expenses for Uni terlans charged with criminal mischief iniconnection with the downtown sitin and to assist families driven from their homes by vandals duamarra McMaster Evangelistic Quar tette will come to the First Baptist Church on November sth All are invited to attend CHARTER Wlllmdsle United Church ave opened their membership roll for four to six weeks for new members The roll will he chartered in early Decem ber The church ls holding Its services In the Steel Street School suit eventually in the abolition of the slave trade and greater concernvforthesickrthrdown trodden and the illiterate When Paul said that in Christ there is neither bond nor free and when he urged Phl lemon to receive back the run away slave Oneslmus and treat him no longer as slave but as brother in Christ Paul did more far the cause prime oppressed than any amount of political agitation could have achieved Furthermore It was the Church which pioneered the first homes OIIMCICY includ ing hospitals and orphanages Was the Church not also re spoasiblo for advances in po puiar education and In agricul tural betterment in Africa India and on every frontier the Church makes her Witness through bearing witness to Him who was known as the Great Physician the Friend of the friendless and the Saviour oi men Social service follows preaching as the right foot fol lows the left In the process of making headway At this point It should be noted that the Church Is vol untmy agency and that In per forming her services she is Christian service means not just welfare payments but dl tor he was called to become assistant secretary of the Na tIonal Board of home missions In 1925 upon the coorumm tion at church union there was marked Increase in the mem rect personal involvement with Ilfiiie tor whom Christ died Christian Businessmen Meet Later he became minister of Christian Business Mens Com mltee of Barrie monthly dinner méetingWE hild in Burton Av enue United Church Niree gentleman who gave their testimony for the Lord were Harris Siddall William Hamilton and William Chappel President Tom Broliey an nounced the next meeting for Nov it with Dennis Clark as guest speaker Buster Laogman introduced the guest speaker Dr George Doxey at Toronto He was born in Toronto and is chiropract or Ho Is married with three children and member of High Park Bupttst Church Some things mentioned in his talk were CBth stands for all men in Christ Jesus regardless of church affiliation He took his test from the 3rd Chapter of Peter Verse 15 But Sanctify the Lord God In your hearts and be ready always to give an an swer to every man that asketh eworkingelnrrdlrect roamL mmnjflhlmmhalk the needy and with minimum of red tape By way of con trast there are governments Which in the sacred name of social welfare lngratlste themselves with unsuspecting voters and then maintain them 111 you with meekness and fear Dr Doxey asked the question of all present Are we as busi ness men living our lives al ways ready for the Lord His answer was if you do not know the Lord you cannot give an an llt Burton United Church hmwill Tofie aEtifi or the 31 hour swer The answer is the hope of eternity Salvation isthe only way let Christ wars through us love your fellow worker so that men may see good through you Christ came into the worldto save sinners He died on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven Cast all your cares on him for he careth for you and me 32Hour Heck Is Predicted TORONTO CPIA call for action to bring about azhour work week was sounded Friday by Ross Russell director of or ganization of the United Electri cal Radio and Machine Workers of America lnd He told delegates to the un lon annual convention that it week The 115 delegates unanimously agreed to pettlon the federal government to reject nuclear weapons either for arming the forces or for storage on Cana dian soil of bershlp of the congregation About this time too with the encroachment of the business district thoughts began to turn toward seeking new site However it was only in recent yearrthat thesethouyits were implemented In action In 1954 the new site was purchased on the corner of Ross and Toronto Streets The first cod was turned on Sep tembcr 5th 1950 and the work construction began The Ask Federal Govt Help Build Roads OTTAWA CF The presiv dent of the Ontario Road Builders Thursday the federal govem ment should adopt perm anent policy to assist the prove lnces In their road connstructton programs Association said Completion of the Trann Canada Highway must not be allowed to mark the end of federally aided highway pro gram across Canada Roy Steed told regional meeting of the association JELHshoutdqnarkT new beginning of accelerated financial support by the federal government for stepped up highway construction program in every province Mr Steed said the number of vehicles in Canada has more than doubled since the Trans Canada Highway was begun tome iflcflia limit TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next to the Post Office TRINITY XXII torus 11on coiaiiiilon you am really amm sirino The Van Read DANISH Antonin LOYALTY IIIde School Nursery 1100 mus Morning er lemon The Vsu 11 nus mtmue Assam LOYALTY 100 pmsunsonr almost at Simon us St Jude To an Charging You an cordially invited All Are Welcome THE IiNiillCHN CHURCH 01 EHNllllii ST GEORGES ALLANDALI Burton Avenue at Granville Street mnvrrr gm sought the Lord end no heard ms mumHoly Communion 11 amMornlng Prayer Jr congregation and Church School Oonhrmstioa Class Young Peoples Bible aim Nursery Class in the Rectory Meeting Room pm Evening Prayer and Bible Study We tnvlte you to come and worship with us organist Mrs Shaw amw ductileAer Mn is ameuinrst Weller Dyer Ree ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH wen and Worsley St Rev Adams 3A Minister Director of Praisel Raymond Daniels urc1 945 REFORMED CHURCH Erin Dutchmansew 00 urnNursery Junior School noo Stsndml Time THREE MEASURES or MEAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Birrton Avenue Allsndsle Rev Bell Mrs Walker Organist Ii MR BILL WILLIAMS Student in Bradford REV Churcb school at mo LinaPrimaryto Young People ROAD BA Minister BELL COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The Rev Gardiner Skelly MA BD ORGANIST CHOIRMASTER Lloyd Tufford REFORMATION SUNDAY 17 00 am The minister will Preach on the Subieet CHERISHING OUR HERITAGE CHURCH SCHOOL years and over 930 am under years 1100 Baby Sitting Facilities at 1100 sm IGA CAR PARLING AVAILABLE FOR CHURCH GOERS VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCOME CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Rev David Reese BA BD Minister Mr George Jamieon Organist Jutoomn WHAT JUSTIFICATION HAVE YOU Sunday School no am Jr and Sr Departments 1100 am Nursery ind Primary DeplrtrneTlta 100 p111 Guest Speaker DOROTHY YOUNG Delegate to World Council of Churches New Delhi India Harmony Fellowship iol lowing evening service Wed Nov 800 1111 Bible Study Fellowship WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH naturally to Central United Church On October sth met the first branch of The Epworth League to Ontarlo was organ ized in Central then called Elizabeth Street Methodist Church The Epworth league was the forerunner of the Young Peoples Union Mrs Lloyd Strachan recent ly designated missionary to Brazil and Ross Gllroy can ate for the mlnlstrylof the United Church of Canada were members at the Young Peoples Union of Central United Church SETTING EXAMPLE CALGARY iCPtTha mar riage of Jesse Lowen and Laura Esau set off chain reactlon In the nine ycors since then three of Jesses brothers have married three of Lauras sis ters They are from two south ern Alberta Mennonite families UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP OF BARRIE 1100 am School of Religion 00 am Joly HEALTH PROSPECTS Speaker Miss Elsie Rallies Owen st YMYWCA For Further Information Call PA 03172 Everyone Welcome Roman Catholic ST MARYS CHURCH B5 MULCAIiTER ST PA 52985 SUNDAY MASSES an ans 1015 am 1130 am EVENING DEVOIIONB Sunday 241 Wednesday at 730 our Motber of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST rumors MASSESJJORIItlujfimi 600 pm LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel St Off Hwy II REV MEANiBABEIa PA 61631 1109 nan mva woismpw Sunday School 045 ern The church or TVs 1W PRESBYTERIAN Ross and Toronto Streets MR IRELAND ILMJ Organist and Chairmaater can ANNIVERSARY THE NEW CHURCH WITHTHE OLD STORY REV CECIL BRENE BA 31 1100 am Standard Time Sermon EXPECT ATTEMPT The Rev Bruno Gray DD Minister Kew Beach United Church Toronto CHURCH SCHOOL 945 cm years and ever wllw em up toTyeais gt Wannai urc YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING NEW RESIDENTS AND v15 °EMM BAPTIST onvmoem as 045 anonFamily Bible School 1100 amwtraous rr Ass NOTHING 700 pmTHE ADVENTB OF THE CHRIST Enjoy trip from Orlllfn to Illustrated by 350 K00 chromes and narrated by Pastor Guthrie at our an nual WMS MensNIght Thursday Nov 745 pm isteelSfreetrPabllcSehool Mr Allan Tomhns onrhiinister 1000 am caution SUNDAY SCHOOL and WORSHIP aswa Charter Membership Roil Now Open For New Members NEW CHURCH SERVING NEW DISTRICT mm BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Worrley Ber Gordon Walker Pastor Miss Elsie month Director of Music 10 to iiiSunday church School 11 mm IXCUSES THAT FAILED Broadchst ones thus LIVING LEGACY The Friendly Church with the margrtflrflr Welcome imitva in JOHNSON 31 SCHOOL savanna MINISTER 930 mm MORNING WORSHIP 930 mm SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Beray and Dunlap Streets George Ross Pastor 045 amtSunday School 1100 amMornlng Worspr moo pugEvangelistic Service so Collier Street Sr Captain and Mrs Gillsale Corps Ottlcen SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 945 am Holiness Meeting 1045 eon Evangelistic Service 100 pm Temporarily held In the one Fellows Hall on Collier Street WP Volt Dulce wawomn swans you The Scimion Army Citadel

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