own DOWN conrs TRUlILLOS youth climbs street pole to take down sign with name of Trujillo during nntlgovern ment violence in Santiago Driving Instructors In illihgthfl Have Perfect Safety Record CALGARY iCP Its not easy to become driving in structor in Alberta The government examina tions are so tough in fact that the Alberta Motor Association wont allow aprospective AMA instructor to take them Lmtil he has had at least 100 hours of special instmction One result says Roger Moore of the AMA is that the associa tions driving teachers have perfect safety record Operators of private driving schnalsnndtheir instructors must obtain special licences andrthe schools must post bonds prospective teacher first needs class operators lic ence of the type required for Albertas school bus and taxi drivers He then requests special examination from the provincial driver examiner in charge of driver training schools and instructors The driver examiner gives him 45minute written test on Whitton Opposed Jowliquor0utietsr OTTAWA CF Mayor Charlotte Whitton said Thurs day that hearings of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario are travesty and that liquor out lets are centres of prostitution She made her remarks at board of control meeting The board dec ed to oppose three £ityapplications1nrliquor lie ences and to ask the LCHOto pay for liquor plebiscite in the dry west end Liquor outle 11 increase poiicnostranï¬arethï¬ï¬ï¬e the province wantsto increase their number it should pay the costswhich result She said applicantsetorilic ences knew efo ehand they would get them She said board approval was automatic but ced over several months so Cl zens would not rise up in in dignotion only ONE There IL only one WELCOME 30 years of experience fostering good will in business and community life For information on oomszme PA 66302I Dominican Republic The street was named after the father of the assassinated Generallsslmo Rafael Trult iillo AP ercphoto which 85 per cent is the passing mark lts followed by two hours of driving One intrac tion duringthe driving test means tenure For example tumlng corner in Calgary at him Should he pass this first stage the prospective instruc tor is granted an interim lic ence good for two months The driver examiner returns at the end of the two months this time playing the role of new driving student The applicant must teach the examiner drive during fourhour road test The applicant if successful receives his driver instructors amined each year Man Charged With Murder WINNIPEG tCPOtto Schni ler 20 an immigrant Irom Stuttgart Germany was form ally committed for trial Friday the steamer trunk slaying of his roammate the decomposing body of Karon Binder 2s Hung an im rant was found in burl trunk near Beaconia Man July 28 He had been shot to death Binder and Schnller shared quarters in downtown Winni peg rooming houselSchallern trial is expected next pring Cou AréKilled TORONTO CP Herman Rosenthal and his wife Joanna were struck by car and killed Friday nightiasg they Jrossed Bathurst Street on their way to synagogue Police said the Ro senthals were struck by car driven by George Wilkinson 56 of Brampton deeth sentence said Mr Jun moretltanlzmph wouldfail deathliittlie seitencEW let containing personal papers licence but he mustbe mixrï¬ksnuwed under Theres not much you can do to prevent yourself being snowed under by now But you can take steps now to make sure you wont be snowed underwithhillsifyouhaveen accident or sickness onacapital murder diargeein vBillsicau pilrupprettyrfmt Schaller wasarrested alter apeclally if you live on farm andhave to hire someone to do the chores for while until you are on your feet again oms Accident and sadness Ink suranoe could help you meet this kind of emergency OnTorontoStreetr Elli Miniature Music Festivals Are maiuuun nxnaiixna sermon acreage 2s m1 Following The VIENNA Reuters in the wake of miniature golf and min iature cars come the miniature made festivals They have neither the sophis tication the splendor or am tic perfection nor the publicity of the big established festivals such as the one held annually at Salzburg Austria But they otter pleasant holi day in mountain scenery and picturesque settings with var ietyof other often unexpected entertainment added to the mo sic for good measure The miniieativals begin in May and go oo In different mcr No complete program of them is publiiled and they are en tIrcly uncoordinBlEd1mlxture of formal festivals culture days and folklore fefes UNUSUAL EXHIBIT One minifestival takes place each year at Saolrt Poelten 40 Chief Guide Improving CHARLOTTETOWN CP World Girl Guide leader Lady BadenPowell continued in good condition in hospital here Fri day The 72 year old guide leader suffered heart attack hcre odfil There will be an announcement Monday on when she will leave hospital Man Sentenced To Life Term MONTREAL CF Florian Hebert 36 was sentenccf Thursday to life lmprfsonmen for the bludgeon slaying of scrap denier Mnrcus Hilsen rath 48 last Feb You can consider yourself lucky you are not facing tioe lgnnce Deslauriers Hebert pleaded guilty to man slaughter Court ws told Hebert held the victim while Gaston Bou chard 19 administered the fa tal beating with 20 inch wrench Bouchard found guilty of murder was sentenced to later commuted to ill im prisonment Tancrede Ayers 37 who acted as lookout was sentenced to 18 years after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit rob bery with violence Nothing was stolen but wal This Winter parts ofAustria untiliateslmrn popular sites for mini festi TAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE snorting Kennys Gardens nmgnns 97 DUNLOP ST PROBABLE TREASURE wNDON cmAn old 17 ltrig that bgousewlfe Eliupflbgth miles out or wean when Vflmon right in back Hock 17th century Flemish apart mm delightful produc mt new that for 21 may artist tion of Don Giovanni the pro gram includes an exhibition ea titled results and tasks of the lowcr Austrian provincial health insurance Between number of readin also offered the festi vnl visor may choose too to visit camping display or an exhibition of living fish of the home country their element habits friends and enemies At Hdk Shakespeares As You Like it is produced in the openalr with baroque convent urn backdropand dark green rum birds and inches as natural stage props Ancient castles also provide prove to be treasure trove Ex pert say it could be valuable selfportrait of Robertus van den PRESENTS lEN WEEK8 HIS TRIO FROM TORONTOV AATIhc HALIOWEEN MASQUERADE BAIL TUESDAY OCT 31 pm CHINK MORTON Trumpet Soloist TRUDINE LADY DRUMMER CHINESE BUFFET $800 Couple For Reservations Cull PA M281 gt vain At Forcbtensteln Castle few miles from the Hungarian border Franz Grillpaners tra gedy Faithful Servant of in Master is staged As rvlrtuous woman character stabs herself the cnstles gloomy watchtower With its threatening bastion and rampartsheinthe audience forget that the actors some WARRIOR 100 1028 BIG BIG VALUES ALLANDALE APPLIANCES MCLARYWEASY rHEénEArEsr VALUE With or srArrs MONDAY EMPRESS us Low Low PRICES HE YEARL AT ALLANDALE APPLIANCES McCLARYEASY Meterdnire DRYER FABULOUS MODEL if you are laid up because of an accident or sickness WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton St PA 54000 TIM CRAWFORD 71557Pï¬ï¬‚ufsrfl ya 61791 CLARENCE BROWN PA asses tooperator Insurance Association bi +MPERIAL Svom behind homo tun iAun thin Haunt DOCTORS TWO noon TOGETHER MY DOG annoy STARTS MONDAY on economical Metredaire drying system your clothes came oul softer fluffier dried perfectly and at 25 less cost than any other system LOOK AT ALL THESE FEATURES Moneysaving Meterdaire Drying System Oversize Lint Filter over twice as much effective filter area as other makes gt Way Ve mg no installation problems ever Nonrusting porcelain enamelled Top and Doom WASHERAMA SPECIAL BUY NOW AND GET ANY DRYER cm as INSTALLED DAY As PURCHASE Low NOMINAL CHARGE SEE THE NEWEST MODELS WASHERS DRYERS Share In The Big 4sm SUNSHINE SPEGlllt Double lied size largest electric blanket maker oFull 2ycar guarantee THE VALUE EVENT or THEJEAL Dont miss it GREATEST VALUES IN rowNj ALLNDAI 34 not no TODAY ONLY LETS GO MARINES AND BATTLE BLOODY BEACH III ELECTRI stunner $2995 VALUE nil lop quallly blanket made by Canadas Can be washed and lined aulmnallcally oOlier goodlrom Ocl Hill Nov will YOURESTABLISHED McCLAnYEAsY DEALER oven lsYEARS