rieulturo and Canadian Indust lollowsd by prayer Mrs 31on rieo continued with the pro riston gave themotto Patienu gum Mrs Neshitt led to and contentment are Pillars unflalulau°u and sleetus accompanied by Mrs mag imï¬ukuu if of PeaceSoloethnokrmwere Mrs Keith K6 on the am Aiie with the guitnr one speak Mgr read and it was decided to 17 dam 04 21 er was Mr Gent oi Giiiord who 13 start the outth partiu again Mn and Mrs Sam my V19 isDireclor of Training at DeVry Samantha mi any an In November There were two fled in COUinEWWd 0n SundAY Technical institute in Toronto Shim WA and ms at Gum contests in the program won Mr and Mrs Robert Koii lie gave very instructive talk Wednem by line Kelcey and Mn Hogg on electronics and automation mu Dom Rm mm Meeting closed with the Queen film was shown illustrating km law at and uxiaihail hour uphill Motown hooL mlomntlermnchines as with harrbï¬w 1me 77 gt George Kell making progress in all types at Clmcramm Mr and Mn ailly work today Mr Gent answered ML Judy mum Imam visited near Sudbury tor few questions asked by thememberr Mum maven on days and guests on his work The Ban on Friday Mr and Mn Whale of hits Frank Keii accompanied committee served lunch and 5min Sambm of Kemptviiie were dinner guests by Dr Agnes Jamison attond social time was enioyed at the Toronto spam we weekend mm It Hmcly on Monday ed their cousins wedding the close at meeting he puma Mr and Mn William and Jamlcsoniiewitt in Oshawa it George smbum 3w mwdegx adcaflk 0° Mr and Mn Alien Brown nkvilla on an The 33 mung spent the weekend on motor Mr and Mrs Johnston 4H Club was held at litre John trip Southern Ontario uanmilyoi Edgar were Sun Richard 011 Nd even 11 ML Id 11 obi Lucille Harper oi Aurora spent day callers at Fred Salisburys Oct 20 tended the marriage at their the weekend with her grand Miaa Ethel Barr and iriend niece Eva Noble in Toronto other 130 RAILROAD HONORED nnd Miss Margaret Sawyer of on Saturday rm mm riw Mr and Mrs McGee oalllt Toronto were Sunday visitors at Mr and sun Tucker or ed at the home at Mrs Eben Sawyars MM visited Mr and Mn Jamey on their way home Those attending the joint WA wnuam Sutherland irom North Bay Mr McGee and WMS meeting from Giliord who has recently retired 1mm in Bradiord were Mrs Weaver WWW 95 WM End Club are by railroad work was honored with ing the iirst euchre party ANDWHBZES LI hire Kirby and hire Frank M12 wyï¬lgnwxr edncsday evening Nov dinï¬ler and presentlation oi 75W gzgvggNgggspiaz Young Mm ouvemmg of starting at eight oclock in 70 we ed 91 Bills JNEED HERNOWI womans iNSTiTUTE Toronto Mr and Mrs William 55W C°m° mg eiIh Tanning viiimum Giilord Womens institute met Young Billie and Cathy otAur men 10 com me midnika in Giiiord hail Tuesday evening era mm home at ordnm on 17 with the husbands as Mr and Mrs Tyson Noble Don ht aner Esbgnbgknitld Enema 19 03 and iamin of inndon spent the Chum 35 an swered by the name at an weekend Mm Mr and Mn on Wednesday Nov in the eiectric nippiiantfmfle two co Nome slugging ol the 21 ostuwn are is were displayed in the hall the on Several 0f the WMA at Mr and Mrs Hector Tltrnbull Mr and Mrs Jack Mac loaded the thankottcring meet and Mr and An mine were in Toronto on Sunday gnsfhnflm Md ken the ing oi Bradtord WMS on Mon spent Saturday evening with Dawson returned home with 11 let day evening Mr and Mn Clifford cmmn them much improved in health 5722 The local WMS ladies catered alter mendins some time in 31 $35M cards Bind mm to banquet nip the any OCK the Hospital or Sick Children dny cards are needed for th some teams on Mr and Mrs Fred mm is school at all times Mrs Ida returned home Sunday alter Voaver was appointed voting The annual meeting ot th cfnmb spending tow days with their delegate or the area convention Girl Guides was held in the 95 99 WninIEW Ind daushter End in Alliston on Oct 30 and 31 hall on Saturday with ladies at In Gem msgimf inmily Mr and Mrs Ray sponsored by the tending from all parts at the WV ed Mills in Trenton hall board and the institute will county Miss Osler was special ML and Mn prince and begin on Friday Nov Mrs speaker St Johns indies serv COMMUNITY CLUB Johnnie of Bani visited Saline Sherman Todd Convener of ag ed turkey banquet The Community mm dayevsnlng with Borden Jen Wednesday evening at Mrs Joe V115 Cochranes with 18 members Mrs Patersons aunt died on TELEVISION PROGRAMS Eiliiipeï¬Ã©ï¬ellfllilii and 055315CHANNEhILi CONTRACT BRIDGE on The Womens Show nosln Hood model 32 an at mm uolr HAvmrmo FEELWG Eggggzmwunfw NHL 10 DAD 1p COULD HAVE SOMETHING TELLS ME lols lunatic Popeyel rv Pam King wnyg You are South neither side Three notrump Here there CAP OFMYOWN nus ISNT THEM Fm Mrrlrrt nrpnrt cm TV News vulnerable The bidding has is no doubt that game must VET 7O MENTION If mggï¬pggmn 355 59 been be undertaken lines we ave gin Myyfljgmmmm of 5w PM n°llfilti3i€i2miit 033 enemas loan Yoiitl nna Refltlon pm in bid we might lust well 54 at gigglrny Amhrnro Show Algzufla tho eggglldy Whatwouidyounowbldwttb mama to Farmer am the but contract might lie to outrunw ï¬fyDentInlnTiges iEliï¬fiifeï¬k M5 This does not bar partner cac 7v NFL Football from going to founderw Wethemn gggafm mu 431953 VA 973 his hand calls or suit play 533qu ow Hart oi the Matter OM55 VKQ 99 +793 Four spades Again it is gmt Hymns 498142 0489 95 4am clear that game should be Movie This Above All glgAAWSIIy Places MMZ 472 bid and the indicated place is avue ssrunnny ocmnnn 2s ades This is not just 10 The Donna Reed show LPass It is nut generally CANyouoiAeMcszrr point hand by any means The fear Do stunml know that the Emmy at spades have risen in value he NEst rm Pattern lntermisflvn hands dealt are partscore LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES 99PF99F as 2eseseeze agape lnteroollegioto Football Bowling augn nunny rt inimediatel and the clubs also coflnerttme Andg Emilio Show hand dde NBWI Weather Sports Roaring 20 shown falls into the partscore have V31 because Jim cumfl Nawr Worthr Sports or game class No one can they Vanna state categorically that this The ma infant CFIOVCHANNELsrTORONTO hand Will or Will not produce 1mm Kane tangyiv ocrongn 21 SATURDAY ocroann 2s game after partner opened ham hear and damundh 919 gigging MW Profession mm with club and raised to two Vat the overall Value the hand to the status of an open Whirlyhirdl Snortl Collego spades but the probabllltles are sport News Weather Sports strong that ten tricks cannot mg bd L9 hand9 gmw Weather Channel Nine rnnan gt be made stature as bidding progresses Pierre aerto II tigerIt Mohicrnsr The theme he between pass the trick is to measure nccw Lou Allu shnw Lin rater the rise and fall of the West Coast Wrestling wealth jlflfmfufiï¬n giggle value of hand as the bidding anon train Learn To Draw cell on Have Gun Will Travel cartnnn Tim three spade bid is that the llrst Country Styia Hi Tim response was based on hand Three spades Whether Mr Yo Wi Naowwnmu Effort 5pm itggflgm somewhathetterthan twilight i5 game EDEN Don Better Late outdo spam ve whether partner has strength algin rFlayhouse urn rm he and the values altend Serpent or tho Nile Route sun 59 ever do of the matter which is Whether 5m The 59 spade Jaelrgv 8933 show or not game is likely to he say5 59 Mime car Fight or the Week made The are norgï¬mgï¬ePMade unless the opener has higiiycin Ira values to justify bidding 901 Wmum the sun or anturdy Night Movie Vrmpmdammipmpdr bids he has already made The guarantor1115177 Wm pm the pm more decision is put right where it Which nipmm belongsin partners lap rest antraln eg to four will also be subject Tomorrow The Denhnpeliu Popeye and Pele at coup News and Weather Speaking French Good lite Theatre ï¬iimiinï¬ih DAILY CROSSWORD News Ind Weather Living World Academy lgflnmanel hands The question is whether can Farm supported spanner 328388388 DONALD DUCK 3383 SPHFPISHPW 883235 Lords ol who um Discovery and News GRANDMADID vasmAmzYJr Movie gm amt vaulolowvoutz HAPPENED BIG MIRROR YESTERDAY Em was 920 erg Billie In the Alternool IIth You mfllii gals gauge sinner When new ball arrives °° some on wl caie 335i NW 813m brntsnveryapednlfnml will showdown asle iiy occasion mm Your Welcome Wa on autumnal Hostess will call wit Bqu mm skint of gifts anrl or IIPIIOISIERING ANTIQUE ANDMODEIRN Beautiful Samples Free intimates HGRANDMA limited parrot 26 22 successive an River into elody PHONE on was Printm Norman ERIE 2mm iiixï¬iï¬ï¬‚nï¬ ï¬‚ï¬‚lllll 65 BradiorilSt EIIIIIIIEII MISS Y0 11 your narrler has net arrived by 13111 please phone iigPA 82433 ArdA Copy Will Be Delivered To Your lining THERE is NoCHARGs FOR THIS service VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS