ANNOUNCEMENTS slams LL At the Royal Vklom nuptial Em All Slim 0¢ label II to If Ind 11 Krith Kati Glued datum Illmm Lynn ilAPn autumn all rayon gallonorganised Da Don Emuw CM arl no dad on ddylgfngflflh mun ml no mo is only um DEATHS FORSTER KNOW HOW As one of the gt You Estate Columns BARBIE mamas FRIDAY M0538 fl REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 103 REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS REAL ESTATE ottomanshit sous HAROLD REALTOR BAYlIELD ST PAOSlsaANYTiME most progressive Real Estate offices in Straw County ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOPSMEIEASI First in Barrie Home SalesForemost to Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL II II HOOKSPA um ROGERS PA 351 tomPA CONNDIpPA mu mans RABBI DISTRICT In MAT BollD PROP FOB BALI Siouii Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA moi LOW 1N PRICE HIGH IN APPEAL Ilonccoirnsleto homma nailmet Sudden Tuesday October mi mnrii Aiken Crellhton ll Harrie lD nil ma Yl Rhiflï¬isu in Elven an Huh John Smith n1 Rutlligcltwflnx Suggel NOBI IV KM on Saturday October so at pm interment nomad Unto grungy floylal Kai Se Mn glut FT 52 canon Plued innin waad Private liar url on Wed andy October lost Elva uclv béllyved logical to late tin man ear in her olnyOlIver Edward William nrymand both at Toronto ms Ruml of burns sister of urn oliver Carson ol urnvrm Rue lnat tho lennrii runml Home Barrie for funeral rarvlea an rrldry October so at 230 pm Intelmenlllldnunt cemetery nounsAt Ih Royal Vin torla Hamlul burn on nun October lost lennet circa loving drughter of Bob and Eileen route of sixand run our sister neverlry and Phyllis Rm William Simpson in her lath year Rental at the yrnnelt Funeral Home in Bradford 5L name or lunrnl urvim sriurv day October 25 It pan inter mont St Pauls Cemetery lnnirill MEMORIAM mnGmoNln loving memory of our Our children Loreen On hrm and Jim We cannot Lord Thy pu out don The sadly missed an lovlnlly rolt membercd by Mom Dad and sin Ill Shirlzy CARDS OP THANKS nauseaw vvlsb to prflu our sincere ii in in anr nellh ban friends relatives and co amplaya for their puny Madness ner of rym rtby rod bellltllul norl tributes in lhrnklng tho pallbearers Ilavar girls Dr paid or Little in HE NEEDS HELP The owner REDUCED BY $75000 room DOUBLE CHECK On this rug PEACEOF THE COUNTRY your bootbet for completm to action in ylng Idling II to see Harold FOIL SlER Realtor of this three bedroomghome on Bushy St Angus has two home since the Air Force moved him He is now mak ing payments in two place he cannot afford to keep this home Cement block con struetlon on very large lot that is close to school Your real opportunity now Call Emory Miller PA 60476 income home with separate entrances bathrooms Gar age Close to downtown bos CiiFF REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA dm PA M24 cabin oi the arm Rul but Board Smith CampbellPA Ilm Juan hutPA uni form UnrulyPA 07 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER 575mm as riRsl NORuAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE7 PA 89961 PA 68742 INTEREST dos or VALUEN0 Fm CHARGED curbing call Joe Lanltln PA We Iverolt Shuuwu Oro 2919 Howard Norris irrk Wilma PA Hm Normn Shelscll PA om PA um pita schools park and Arena Asking price $0200 with $2000 down and monthly payment only $70 Live free cash offer could be less too Call Joe Palmer at PA 60863 PII brick home at 135 Napier which has just been reduced another $1000 Livingdining room three bedrooms steel beam construction full pour ed concrete basement Now only $1500 Barrles best buy today Call Norm lies keth now PA 07013 all Four miles from Barrie on the Shanty Bay Road Two years new red brick bungalow on well landscaped lot 100 200 The living room has cheery fireplace with dinottg adjoining kitchen with many cupboards and View oi open country Three bedrooms and pc bath on one floor Full Just outside city trees Three milcs shop and dining area circular drive BROKE CORBY one PA MAID 107 740 Thrix bedroom larg Close to school REDUCED TO Two family bungalow with possible on room is 42 long with fireplace menl with bathroom and tiled sink three room apartmcnt ovcr in which there is beautiful living room with ï¬replace rooms kllclien modern brick be other portion Lors Full basement EAL ESTATE as Dunlap St FOR SALE OR RENT Charming five roonl bungalow among pine north of Barrie on Highways 25 and 27 Lot is living room 23 16 Kit Awnings on house also $14500 basement apartment Recre Outsido entrance to base Two attached garages with of bungalow has three bed dining area and large living room This is use onone of Barries newer streets very central Highways so and 27 north just outside city 175 320 This is choice building location with plenty of trees Also 23 acres that could be subdivided to 10 minutes driving film from the city mewo HEY Ideal for lourplex or lovely just as they are Gas heated Spacious lot with double garage Bargain at $5500 SOUTH OF BARRIE ti acre of good garden soil with its storey bedroom home on Highway It carries for 360 and FARM lib acre beef and grain form good soil barns one new with steel stabllng water bowls now slab silo room briolr house with all convenien ces Priced to sell at $21000 xvnleGs CALL limVlN GOULD 0RO zils EDltH GOULD can all HARRY SthsOR PA m7 oRcA BROWN PA on MEMBERS or liII BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD lDGstILL DRIVE Beautilul new labedmnm bungalow in quiet country latflnl Tree on lot Aluminum storms Ameru Ind doom pe bath iuu basement and attached garage iiiks it your for 112000 with 31500 down and one munglie for the hi ance Crlt Lmory Miller PA Mm eprdscrltlrig Harold Forster Rul or 5129 great advantage Only PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT nilch DUNOALOW three bed room living mm Wm impinge llflel Near Oakley Park School oil iumce storms and screens Nur rchools on Dunddnrld st Goodbasement Telephone PA ad zole overlooklng tho bay roams Ind bath attached garage walkqu basement cold room starmi and screens and many ex tru Talephono pn coast oven lags PA Lion noun ROOM unfurnished heated in OFFICES STORES RENT no mum Ill Ollie Sp on second floor in modern build in nu Collier St Pnnls worn mom Trlroboar PA um and pm NURSING HOMES can nun bed and up patients Plexusit rnmpnnlemhip auUngr good nod tonnn and TV rooms Reuonahll nun Art uamr ullphnng Beside Lake One and two bedroom apartA meats complete with stove and refngerator Use washeer dryerRedmraled ann oily PA 510$ 21 DLDROIRI rattan or apart run your mud on ed Tells bond Wu Beach Or distill PAonsz rwo bedroom new bunglaw hat and cold water hydra wooded lot n1 trout lllelmgldellly lo rated miles north or nrrrlv loo PA one after pm LARGE Clean Drlghl three room sellcontained per duplex Four piece tllo bath ts at cupboards oil healed Apply do Napier Strut or telephone PA smo HIRsz BEDROOM hour of7 rum in Village or Siroud All lhrids canvenlencu New uii mrnm being installed son monthly Telrphuun 40R Strand ImPuRNIslinD LOWER duplex Three large rooms llinparch and bath Oil hullng Lara back ya class to downtown Avail able at tho and of the month Telephone PA 111 UNIURNIsllzD uan room apartmem Heavy duty wiring is modern Smlllnftl ear us opp Pan Apply 10 Johnson St nrimrnt to rent Laundry inc IAva sale now lephohc PA lorJurthertnlomallon 0N3 HSDTIOOMAPIIINEHI unfur dished halted Near new rhupoinz Pllll on Donlld Street laundry room with dryer Heavy duty Mrlnl Telephone PA 52153 UNPURNIsllSD on and two bed room Ipartmean lieted centroi Ly located Kltchcns with buiioin APIS HOUSES T0 BENT PPR 3003 bedroom living room litmus dlnln room bath Available Noticing Phano PA 607 or 90 Over Rolls lion m1 lineted on Highway too lad Danie Stren Wm monthly Avalll ll Nov Telepbnnl PA Hide Iwo DIDROOM Apartment tor rent all contained heated in mint pauruian relephsnr PA soul ans HOUSES To RENT hszdï¬gï¬hnfgmï¬ ADJolbuhlsoARKImmtwew MT WRNIsIDID two bedroom rpm ment Living mm dining room kitchen and Downlowu location Tails our PA sens Two lino HIIMG mmuidd lvlrfment or not Hut and cold ruler suitable for an or two Idultl Telephone PA um evo nu FURNISHED complete privrle living room bedniom then In uird bath oundly loclllue Nnr rm and the to moi LADY mugs to ram nicely turnished apartment with nma located in central downtown rru Very reasonable Trlepbnno PA Hon tor ruralr details Amacnvs sailcontained un turnlrhed three room manhunt Stove Ind refrlleratnr Punrlrug and St Vlnrenl ELL Tele phonorPA H5 rilRaninn threo rnom apart msnt Rdfrllenfnr stove hydro and but supplied Separate enl llncLJEDod locltloll on bus route Telephone PA Noun Drdrittin Apart merit Largo hitch to cats mire Heat and hydro supplied per month Telephone PA was ior rurlhrr inlormpuan FOUR n00 furnished outed apartment tbm pirca bath heavy duly stove refrigerator hrrdwdnd nods Available immediately Apply Armstrong anrdwrro ONE AND Two bedroom Avilrte menir uniumlrhrd heated Sol unis enlrrucu Clean and quiet lleuohlb Apply 38 Anna Street OVERLOOKING the boy at Simona Shopping Cantre two bedroom Itment stove rrtrigrntar laundry lrcllitles new build ing Telephond PA Hols SELFCONTAINED clean warm ihroe roam agonizith with three piece bath loss to downtown Suitable ioi cougle Available im medlltcly Tolep nno PA Noll NICELY Furnished Apartment central Available now Suitable gr one or two adults Abstllnera Ki ill ROOM BOARD I00 AND aOAID lvflllhll clnu to downtown Apply nor cry Street for further lntormrtloo IDOM AND nOARD ior burlapo ashlar new bond lelrptwhn PA Psikind llcllitLrn Ivllllble llama cooking Telephonu PA can for lurthur sum ROOMS TO LET czNIllAL LOCATION mrntrhed bedroom or rent rrlephan PA um uler pm DxDROOM tar rent idr guurmrh Lu quiet home Downtown location Telephonl PA 31 DunslrnNORoonl or rent kit llehritr Iumlsbed call at no Cadrlngton Street anN ROOM in quiet homo Gentleman prrlchr About mlnuiu walk 1mm downlnwlrrPA 549st for iurlhsr particularl PURlellBD Front Room or rent in Alllndale Iii stop at door No cooking Would lult whs dcllrnl room only PA um DOW OWN in prlvrlr home Two tarnished bedrooms and Irrgr room with twin beds Ind on nlngle roam Suit business people Telephonn PA dual one runmslizn Bedroom ior root in good home Centrally located Two blocks rpm downtown Home prlv liens Reuonlble Tole hnns PA H11 for turthrr part ulrn lmarun nicely nirnlrhrd bedvslta ting room Parking space able Apply at in panic van or telzphonn PA Md altar pm shrioncr lephonl DRlOm comlartrhla bedroom in good hams Conlrni lir Ieplrl entrance electric grill mirlge tor shower Ono gentleman weekly Apply evenlnu Dun lap Street nut WANTED TO RENT DusINsnsolAN reoulrrs room starting October 29 nu later section of Dunlop and no Stu Apply to nor is BarrteExumlner noose wnmp to mat in tho Sunnldale Rnad rm by elderly couple nun bo bunlnlow nut mm and trout en Cantn Rosa iml rs la maker Tilllrl Street Brrrlr PA min ARTICLES for SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x15 ideal for lining lien houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN cu boards Adults on Tole lions PAP pagan Ly FURNISHED madam one room apartment in sinus Holt vo up refrigerator heat rnd or Apply us nrydeld Strut LARGE MODERN upsurnlshed apartment throo rooms and hath not water heated Laundry room with dryer Avrilbis immediately Triaphons PA 06224 or PA duals room kitchenette and sunrnnm $5235 Ilaï¬lfgnldlmggg 3g Tï¬gï¬ï¬ ï¬gglyuzgf 33 rooms and private bntbrnam oil sum or when heated Central location Availbill LOTS FOR SALE ité Biinni5ttni°tri basement with all heating and CONC 14 curs BUNGALOW Eh of comlort in our recent lots of light for many $18717mmrmomfrmahdwumranflTherm may 410m sALn seas ch than gunman Hm 55 95 Tileri bathroom also basement garage This lovely home is 312 33 ad Hydro and laundry facilities lakeshore properties in ShanA built high and dry with beautiful view Just outside city llrnlts quite no role Street or phone AVIDhie Novl Telephone Slrond PunsoNl wish in ihrnk Ill ty Bay area please call No on 02736 ï¬gngmjï¬dkï¬gï¬am rah Ratkes at Oro 402i DUPLEX choice we for srlaioo uh Vtotarl Ho lul ism Four rooms and our rooms down Now gas furnace Large sect overlooklns hire on Shanty wtmoyam II AveéNggctmgg trees Close Ito downtown Income of $145 per month on this Rm Zorny on tbs nurses who no High dry excellent rail role uprhly and kindly followed their ammo small investment Garage and lovely garden All in excellent phone pA 5am LARGE unfurnished bndalttlug imtrucuons and to the stall who Iidrd them Mrs Pearson EYMr rnd Mn Robert irmuy would like to trims rns Dnlthbors klndnru rnd lymplthi won wen and all ch of ndneu as the long illness na death their loved one Thu Tracey bedroom bunga lows ln Angus $500 down pay ment Drive out to Angus turn left at Supertest Sta condition Splendid investment will MARSHALLPA own COREYPA om lion and drive until you see FORSTER signs Salesman on the site every aiternoon or call Karl Marshall PA 89917 OWEN JOWXVAHVBJQH BEST HOMES IN TOWN PROPERTY WANTED Hardwood Basswood Timber and Logs PURCHASED THREE DBDRDOM Hnuse to rent Living room dining room and kit than ruti bhsorncrlt Close in both gubllo and snpliratu schools and us stop Telephone PA oma Avalunbx Navembui two bedroom bungalow all convenien us all hut Reasonable Tel phone Oakvlllo Valley 7ssllo or Novrmber Telephone PA 59757 any cONaAlN3nlwo roomL rurnirhed heated1plftmenlfwflh three piece bath iron and back entrances Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply 31 Dryuld St or phone PA sons FOUR RO0MCottlla for rent right on Highway so near Ers Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario STORE OWNERS Assorted qitlariï¬ity of old BAZAAR TEA ANDIHDMEMADE BAKING Ausplces of Rebekah Lodge No 100 COLLIER ST EARRIE Wednesday Nov 1061 230 To PM TEA 350 7J5 Esme Located aIJohnson and Steel Streets just north of Johnson Emory Miller PA 60176 the Dominion Store Shopping Centre at Blake and Johnson Streets Joe Palmer PA H863 Norah Raikes Oro 4023 Doris Nuttycombe PA 87957 Marya Smith PA 73 FULL PRICE $12150 UP CHOICE OF OPEN 0R BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOTS dALESMANON SITESATURDAYAFTERNOONi rges Church Basement Re Est Broker GORDON CCUISA OFFICE PA 82485 EVENINGS 66164 BURTON AVENUE Owen Streot nanid FRIDAY New OWEN 5T BARRIE pices SLJnderAnglican SEMLSP LEVEL Three bEOIODlIIIylitlck dwelling EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR DANCING reduced to $13300 Attractive EV EVERY entrance spacious behaped CABARET 5mg signed kitchen curbs chipped COUPLES ONLY road Close to schools Call now REALTOR szso couple EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME PHONE PA 67 For table reservations WITH BUILTIN GARAGE BRAND NEW withfireplace largedllli bed MAMMOTH DRAW ms area beautiful htchen With 33 Eifï¬ilï¬beli Athena AND BUFFET rooms ceramic tile bathroom oil fired hot water heating view 95 STEEL ST Beetan Community Split level three bedrooms and Memorial Arena Mr CW SPACIOUS RUG BRICK Both beautiftu decorated Gor 1062 Ford car or$g000cash gem kmhenst lumnm mamas are of With drivein garage 245 Bay occupancy Call Rita Scandrett each mlude WM mud and field Street leulg room 1225 YOU WOULDBE PROUD mmmmt Anya Whmg bedroom covered with broad T0 195 219 Im Pmh mflnll CLIP This havelly lanldscapedflproper 50 by me Been standing features immediate an unga ow my possession Inspection by an monthly Payments Close to BAKE SALE Com Call Walter schools and shopping CatlPer EXCHANGE EXCELLENT moral SITE MULIIPURPOSE OCTOBER 23 and residence on CloverlmfwsDK acres around the an Highway lull View of arugula highway Fast de nul mm Bo PHONES Office PA use Evenings GORDON courts9A HIM WALm comaPA 3151 SANDY courtsPA Haas HOUSE Member or amid dglatstltot Ralph Rumble are celebrating edding Anniver da November cc BOX VENEER LTD LPsTAuts downtown apartment WIMP APPU 29° and shopping Heat and water location Excellent clientele Owns ONE AND ma bedroom spare AUTOMATIC oasis for details arm Examiner ing lram sauoo monthly Telephone artnlnt ti an ted ru apartment three piece bath lint gnvnienm 0mï¬ld 195 on the date hne FOR welcome Available immediately mmï¬ Clearlng at 9c ea BONUS mm mm mm am mm bathroom and two bedranmr Ad Am MW Tm $I549 al $55 Monthly unfurnished three morn apart Wm 5LI5IT°I¢PIIWE Dept Lots of storage rprc elephant to may rheated nnlrtmeJIr rur rentln htchanereuï¬Ã©rnléï¬nkhw HAVE You gt phone PA 515 Keith 14 Duniop St 13 Wenthlï¬lwhiimstwud rent Big Bay on area rum bonds $75 monthly Inclusion uut Second Hand Store is CLAPPmToN sr Dannie Liam LOANS mun noolu mm BARRIE only mg an location No children Available room bun alow all conveni yous BUDGET bedroom 541 two bedrnnna 55 IHE MANS SHOP terms ranting service Available Novem Moss evenings PA alsiv gt Or mortgages coming due PHONE PA $0622 daily turnover would suitr Mmam pmmm avalaghng inginn and Bayï¬eld Streets Adults PA 0981 nlllties PA olsol my buxom Patios10x 14 All colors Barrie Good house With all SimmonsSears dro supplied $45 monthly lmmed 313 Immediately Patio Pads an ldewalk Slabs mm Mm decorated ulr pnntutaedtwa bed mflmm Dalwan AV mile mm EarrieonAHwy217Joldfludlmflliï¬cmfl rPbana PA 81925 COME IN COMPARE ment unmmlrbnd wth nova and mg run rampbl rent water under pressure Blilldingshmzeni balanceTas ier FINANCIAL 13 mon OARD in nu Purchaser ma mm mm ROOM FINAL CLEARING 0U ONLY 471 FOR WEEKS and bath Ample storage rats than Available now Telupban pni Member of Barrie and District BOX FEES 719 rlriin Street Barrie Evenings Coll Street Public School Tum north two blocks at traffic lights mo beam mmh Karl Marshall PA 39917 JDWParHomrrï¬ IFDWN TO ONE NHA MORTGAGE SIX BUNGALOW PLANS FOR lNFORMAIION CALL UMMAGE SALE 10 am pm COUTIS CO $2200 DOWNM Lich Thornton mm mm WEE 11 We WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED SATURDAY living and dining area well do PINECREST for mm in COLLiER 5mm ished inside cnnvrnlrncer hat ltlex Available lmmnfllatelv Mint PHONE ELMVALE 757R Centre hail plan living room 101 STEEL ST PA $592 new Decorated two lieted ANYWHERE GOVERNMENT breakfast area three large bed garage 1390 square feet Tues uteri Telephone PA sioss lar immedltely $75 mmhlli AFPU WEDNESDAY NOV 695 of bay Terms arranged Call den withvamchefl garage IFYOU NEED MONEY WWW on heating Second floor Con See us for all your hunting The elimination draw is for 53003 bedroom home on be Telemann AM BUNGALOW stOrms and sexeens Immediate Home Improvement arts activities Tickets at $10 Han Har mg area extra large master couple iconic kempenrelt Bay Holt wr preferred sloo monthly le dY dware tic is please contact Beetpp OWN MORTGAGE boards and several other out man Lanna Radm ground uninhibited underDime letlc Association mortgage Reasonable modern conveniences Good mu Spam 545 dal pointment 13 Dunlop Street into possesslon Telephone PA CY Ford mugh Drape see us one 623 mm all sizes and colors PARK SCHOOL Area equivalent to seven lots PROPERTY 10 AC Write box 54 Barrie Examiner mm 1W duplexï¬ Heh mt on an Mum 19 RES Ema REE Tyne Evening Pithllc velopl area Three miles to north 40 rods on Hwy 27 This Idmlimmy mud new three room unfurnished HANDY Ht WARE onerous six roamed rpnrlmenl own financing Cali Emerson mm amt gm mm ROOM AND pomvallnbieIor SALE ASK FOR gm uglmorznmmmï¬ station Newly hinted inside Bvsorronmmms assistoalbatross sanctum we Mm SALES BOOKS supplied Children welcome Avali rr has other interests Bestofler menu srava rarriganlar imupr These books are In per Leech 5m NEWLY Decorated Apartment MORTGAGES and hydra luppled Completely mm mm REGULAR PRICE GanglidatioLof Bills vliomsd T°Ph°° rnprrrre entr heavy wiring kitchen and bathroom Seli con 5m Pnlem P118 Low RATES PROVINCIAL SALES TAX apartment selfcontained lully EPA count or apply in Dunlap hunt with private bath Selfcon $3544 at $90 Monthly Barrie Examiner PA 5885 SEABOAR Stroud apartment house Adults IV We 051 Emma Barrie Auction Rooms Pm6477 THREE ROOM inmlshed upstrln EM IMMEDIATE and cold Afer no monthly 11 be seen to be apprecated one 55 DUNLOP ST WEST DAYS OR EVENINGS moms and kitchenette campigisu nhell heated tiled bath stove WITH LOW MONTHLY SURPLUS mm menu 31 high st Telephone PA 5500 down 00 Hwy bed To consolidate depts trio range and retrigmtnr Laun ml mm mm Pommm equipment We buy and acres miles from Bame EmM AVAILAan Inyumel five roam Any worthwhile cause puking and 1mm up phone PA ssm between Undisr 50 ACRE FARM FUNDING slaar apartment with private bath stove and mm ham Way stream running Brick Barbecue Last one now for only $8500 With low waann Mortgage money or or In su mm mammalsUnits in private drive out clothes dryer suplt MORTGAGESlat and 2nd dough W47 Barrle Small home Two fully is terrific location for only mum mi Mm heated apnrtmanr stove and relaxertor Also am News mm all large living room with areplran Er 5mm 11 Edinbom MM Flberglas puiupirwll nusldo toilet luc um apartment Near reboal church nnAualr SALON or me Good SINGLE CARBON able November Telephone pA accepted for quick sale sax oi urvicr and irundry lrelutles Kent suitable for couple Also main fec condlilon bUI IICVe umansnnn large tbrra raom MONEY AVAILABI selkzonlnlned One small child FROM lZctol0 repairs eto vaunNisuEn room upper 0m dim niche thined Vcry central on heating 910 575 Commercial Printin LIFE INSURED Amcm newly aman modern uladbnhranm Located tulned heated heavy dut wiring El Up to $5000 and 60 month 4s manipsphcious living mm on umumsnsn two bedroom lnnza bedroom dine mm honeL66537 DISCOUNT panned pm Mamble NW Business couple prelerrnd Tele kltb and NEW TWO agnnuolu Course for mum REAL ESTATE anoxan MORTGAGE Fhmr mm éillglewmm CETbEtldeETZHONE PAEW mmuhad Downs and refrigerator supplied Central 000 on 27 Hw North $5 PAYMENTS TAILORED TO gt ROSS STREET MODERN two bedroom lpnrb WURNISBED Aplrimenh one rooms all conveniences easy Pay existing mortgages mm mm until November Telephone PA guns Gmcefli and meals We $100 hm ANDMorn unfurnished lower duplex Well Call today for appointment er included Auidmuda washing ln Ind PM NEW MANAGEMENT gt Approximately miles from over erltor Iutom and entrance Close in Barrie ny washer and dryer apt lied Reg $5900 Special $4500 down payment balance on easy silent partner to flnannd motel 95 WSW STREET Modem mum Wm lots of $2500 piled Apply Bl Eccled Street North veer BRIGHT thren roam apart mm rrunent rlvatoentruxe Both equipped poultry houses mm with low rrigemar black rram new 16 limo couple Man Dumb Telephone PA dam Phone Siroud 10R convertible to other uses 14 MOORE PA 00 dlnlnl raom kitchen bedrooms warring gentleman Central lac nvnlvnsz CALL nnntllned very central Available PA awn far further details on 20 iv oftlleir Street Barrie bars and relatives ted Norrll Wlhb or et Elma will be their irieuds and ednrldu November Nil l5 and 730 till III occasion their Gol llnl Anniversary madam CAIiéoNI REAI TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Nut door to tho Lmyurlll Th in PA 66481 Member Barri and Dlllrifl an Board Member or Barrio Ind District and Acntzs OP LAND 400 feet of RITA scANDRLlI PA was DOROTHY WILCOX PA 54 melt FORD PA Mlan mean SWAIN PA Bonita Ontario Real Estate Board MOVING Dont forget toiransfer your INSURANCE SEE STEVENSONS land it you need extra coverage of any kind REALESTATE sublime is Imm mm banal CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 lvw PA spool ils Dunlap St Thre bedroom two and half years old MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR nun DALEY IZA6 0203 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re November 95 monthly this phone PA 86824 ATTRACTIVE aetbcontllned run Dlshed apartment in shanty any Plriepanelied bnisittlng room aunraam overlooking Lake Simona kitchen and bathroom Ground floor Private driveway and front rnd rear entrances Sultabln tar business lady Phone cm 4423 LAROrï¬dlil bedsitting room land kitchen on ground floor Plenty of wardrobe and storage space Heavy duty stove and rlgrrrtur Wail heatad Would Iult young married ndupi vAvnll able now Also large uniunll ed four roam heated gprimant ROOM AND BOARD available in private home for and or two pen sons Gentlemen preferred Tele Dhono PA doses for further in Inmnflon ROOM AND DOARD for one or two girls in new home Central location End at door Hflflll priv ileges Telephonr PA 53323 wAnIu Comfortable beam to rent nnard optional CelltraL Parking faculties Reasonable Tel hone Ill pass LARGE Iu Ished room with two piece brth hoard blciudud In quiet hours on Gadrington trout equipped with controls battery battery box 75 hp Starflli motor Regular $2600 Sellin price $1725 New motor warran ty only 12 Flherglas cartop Regular $235 Selling price $175 only 55 Evinrude 1961 Regu lal $270 Selling price $170 new 40 Lark 11 Result $770 Selling price $599 WASAGA MARINE AVENUE AND MOSLEY PHONE WAEAQA 00 EBARRIE dliving roam 2nd klinhun 113 Mm own ML 1mm raisinfellï¬arsjazh suits Phone PA 824T4 15 gm 3333 Buoinosomtlemnp Pgétllll lvlce Telephone PA Er BUBLDOZING and Grading Pence Rows and Stump removed umber th Elm021P ophons Lee nun PA Milli Incl hulll leaphmle PA OHM loll Fatah lrontago on paved road near vill XA lNER l5 acre cleared landr bllr