Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1961, p. 7

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By SALLY LOU AMERN The ocean surrounding the North American cou tinent abound with an unlimited supply of fish and shellfish that has scarcely been tapped The protein as valuable as that in meat and fish has the advantage of being low Fish is the only form market It searches out ter or hired hands to tend in cholesterol of proteinrrthatraises itself its own food needs no shel it WHuwlbftgzmrWedfifiwabie canhelp to va yo From Newioriindland to and Seafood nuai Fall promotion of our under the auspices of the cries min Neurfixuoiand long Week Oct 1622 This Bri sh Coiumbiazits Fish is the seventh an commercial fishing industry federal department of Fish adept at cooking cod come these suggestions for delicious main dish FiSH STICKS SPANISH STYLE cup pack aged precnoked rice can 20 ounces tomatoes 11 cup water Va cup chopp tsp salt ed onions COLLAPSE OR RECOVERY Discuss Future Of Family Life ALLISNN Special regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary oi the WMS was held Lu Cowper Photo in the Church Hall General business was attended to with the president Mrs Newton Wilson in Icharge he er reported that free will giving had increased and itJL ted allocation with out diiilculty it necessary money making project will be held beiore ttie end of the year it was approved that an in vitation be sent to Cookst Beeton Burns and the Alliston alternooiLjomens Missionary ety groups inviting them to the guests of the evening auxiliary at the November me eting when Mrs Bell Barrie president of Simcoc Presbyterial WMS will be the speaker GRAVE CONCERN An interesting program was presented by Mrs James Shil ton and Mrs Butler which or me social conditions whom thrives have intensified alcohol ism is on the increase with 200000 known alcoholics in Cam ads and the apather attitude ol the public is real problem in itselt mass plan or betterment of iamliy liter The church and the community services should and must work together it success ls obo achieved in the preservation oi the iamliy recent survey showed that hard core ct mumproblem fam ilies make up 23 per cent of weiiare agency cases and take half the entire time and money and agencies at cost of $7 500000 annually FOR GENERATIONS it is reported that there is is steadily recurring incidence oi generation family one oi the best investments at atter generation of the same time and it is strongly felt that II many othen Mrs Shilton also strand that the majority 01 people are more concerned about the standards of ii than th are about the 121 Only serum instant Mashed Potatoes come In ready cookad FLAKE form These alter make the smooth fluillest instant tatoes you ever tested As all Salado oi living money would he the re habilitationreii onr generation the youngest members and the impact would be great if this were done There is much work to be done by the churchamong the new Canadians the older cltlz ens young married people and ShirrliiHorsoy iood products youli flnd trus flavour and extra value in every package stressed iamiiy lite and its collapse or recovery in these times Specific statistics and iacts were taken fromthe new study book Signals tor the Six ltev Walter Dyer performed bridegroom is the son of Mr ties which show that there is the afternoon ceremony The and Mrs Nelson Mogeo all grave concern that family lilo brideMiss Norma Alice Bay of Barrie is on the downgrade Churchill Womens Institute enrch and Current Events Mrs Host Leiroy and Giliord WI Mrs Wesley Hindie oi Cools town delighted her audience with travelogue in pictures at the Xx Leimy and Hard Wumeng MB Constable armde um THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT 18 rear institute branches WEra guests interesting progrnm with the former in the choir mm an omiosa Mission Reports eard SA mm At Stroud Presbyterian WMS liquor advertising Delegates to decided to cancel the Halloween ch met Oct at tiiehomomf party for this year Melville Ayerst Bronze and gold mums with autumn leaves decorated tbevl Bounan daughter of Mr and Mrs Waiter ClarkeBaunanbe meeting ot Churcliili Womens heard this outs conducted by Mrs ioel Prosscr Area convention in Alliston Oct The Womens Missionary So Bride Chooses Brocaded Gown Vasey United Church Oct GUiiRD OF HONOR FORMED7QELME Thejnnioi Choir at St Georges Anglican Church Allandnle termed guard of honor for newlyweds Mruand Mrs John Latimer Mogce 14 tsp oregano cup grated Cheddar cheese package ounces fish sticks Combine rice tomatoes onion salt and oregano Heat to simmering temperature and simmer uncovered for minutes ourrintoragreased lwouart baking dish Sprinkle with grated cheese Top with single lay er of fish Bake in moderately hot oven 4001 for 15 minutes Makes to servings During one lobster fishing season Canadian Fish ermen bring in more than two million pounds of the delicious delicacy Some of the catch is enjoyed by the Maritime fishermen while some of the catch makes its way to the party menu of thousands of tables across the nation LOBSTER BISQUE CANADIENNE pound cooked lobster or can 14 oun ces frozen lobster meat tbsp minced onion tbsp butter melted chicken bouiliioiigubes cup boiling water 54 cup flour 1A cup butter melted cans 10 ounces each chickei rice quart table cream heated tsp salt 14 tsp whitepepper Va tsp cayenne to cup dry sherry as they leave the church oil owing their wedding Oct it Emiliaoft product is quality su hythl liss is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Bayllss The Roll Call cure for wrinkl cs Conveners of Historical Rcs Mrs iiindie told oi an unusual house in British Columbia that is built of embainiing bottles As many as 1000 people day have visited this unique place The ladies all felt that seeing the beautiful colored slides of the prairies Butchart Gardens Yellows to Park and many many other places was next to visiting them MrsMacDonald of Churchill rendered pleasing solo accom panied by Mrs Burns The motto is present progress too rapid was ably comment ed on by Mrs Constable Many good suggestions were brought forth invresponse to the THE STARS SAY ay minimum The president opened the me eting with the call to worship hymns and opening prayer The roll call was answered by verse on Thanksgiving Minutes were read and approved Cor respondence included letter from Mr and Mrs William Wal lace as Thank you Th secretary Mrs Hand reminded the ladies of the Tbankoiiering meeting Oct 18 at le5 pm which would include the societ ies at two neighboring churches and also of live sister churches Mrs Walker gave th study of into allthe world to getherwith theyounger church es This start withtelllng of thr splendidsuccess of th with Mrs Archer Colwill played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Ronald Robl who sang Entreat Me Not to Lfigfmfififi and Handels ain Following the ceremony th 12 cup of meltedbutter bouilhon and chicken soup with rice Cook stirring con stantly until consistency of thick sauce Stir in heated easomngsfiiobsterandcnion Cook gently be institutc Oct 12 ing speaker tell of her familys resolution was endorsed to 30 to at were named it was ety of Stroud Presbyterian Ch or October Wedding In Vasey when Miss Bonnie Catherine came tliobEidé To David Wilig liam Lepnrd son of Mr and brides mother wearing rnut Mrs Cecil Mpard ol Brant ed turquoiseidresseotEnglisir northern waters off the Queen imp from the more southerly waters of the Gulf of Georgia Combined in the follow ing manner they make delicious individual seafood casserolesso acceptable for buffet ineals SEAFOOD MEDLEY CASSEROLES PlansCWT cup cooked or canned crab meat um Dining we PM hawmr cup cleaned cooked or canned shrimp yam Impmve and Shaw cup chopped celery 1upthnppedmr tablespoons minced onion 34 cup mayonnaise tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon Worcestershire sauce to cup crushed potato chips Mi ctip giiatid cheese mea an in into bitesi me and add celery gregn pepper Chunks For Tomorrow Clear thinking and direction will be necessary to overcome JQSII7IE erierence with your geitogetbers For Birthday it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while job and money matters may be at something of stand still tor the next six weeks they should become quite stim ulating immediately thereafter and will so continue well into 1962 Put forth your best efforts in December since show of itiative and enterprise then Will reap this results later Personal affairs will be under good aspechlorfinostoffihe year ahead and from late Delt cember through Jasuary as well as during the JuneSeptem ber period you should enjoy highly interesting social life and very pleasant domestic and sen timental relationships ih with the unusuaiareative tai ants with which Libran um usually endowed will be under fine stimuli during the first six months oi 1962 child born on this day will be sincere and loyal friend but may have to curb tend ency toward hasty anger which he always regrets later TODAYS RECIPE BUTTER DOMINOES Makes about dozen ii cup butter V4 cup sugar 13 cup cocoa tsp vanilla egg cup cut up cocoanut cups graham water crumbs IA cup chopped walnuts tbsp vanilla instant pudding powder Vs cup butter tbsp milk cups sifted icing sugar oz squares semisweet chocolate tbsp butter Melt cup butter in sauce pan and add sugar while hot Johann in comervainlfigg crumbs cocoanut and walnuts Cream cup butter blend in ridding powder milk icing su gr Spread over crumb mixt ure Chill Melt chocolate and by papa41 demand tbsp butter spread on chil MORE DISNEYKINS ledmixtura Chill Cut in bars to COMPLETE YOUR SET Chop crab Comb The Womens Auxiliary of 102 Air Cadet Squadron held its October meeting at the home of Mrs Doris Ferrier Donald Street Ten members were present Plans were discussed to hold aebakesaleinNovember Lun cheon will be served by the WA or the Air Cadets on Arin istica Day on their return to the Armoury Mrs Archie irvina related highlights of her recent seven week holiday in Scotland She told of points of interest visited including Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace and of the various tours she had taken during her holiday abroad Sou venirs she had coilecied on her tours were displayed for memberslio view Refreshments included tea and shortbread imported from Scotland The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Clifford Graham Eccles Street North Nov STRAINED PEAS Wait till you yourself see the gardentrue color taste the sunkissed flavor feel smoothassmooth texture that perfection personified These are the ice that make Gerber Strained Peas so deliciousiy diflerent Howdo they get that way Why fieldfresh Canadian peas arcrushed to thcvplant and processodfastl Rev Lindsay assisted mums renewed the guests and tielng it in with the other many assisted by the groom smother missionaries we are sharing in gown of champagne brocade corsage of bronze mums congregations in Formosa also quarter length sleeves Suit side Noiwood disdain Port Cre gyms slnn veil was caught to For travelling the bride chose new framfimisslwary rounded by croton leaves and Mm magcmfig green shoe and is here sisters matron of honor Bride and the closing prayer by Mrs Miss Patricia Lepard sister of Bake sale Plans Taylor and Mrs Frank Cow peau de sole wore match eaves and pom poms real Museum of Fine Arts has Thompson and John Lep the museums permanent collec November Plans graduated from Queengllniver England Andrews Presbyterian Church Mrs Bert Churchill presided After reports were read and ac managers requestingthe con tha senior Sunday School room banquet which the WA will be on held at the Church Nov bran1 ford lace and corsage of bronze new churches lushnone County at areception held in Wye new churches being started in 351 82 dfihndofigflfiggfgfi bridge communityhal She was other lands As we support our who wore sheathstyle dress in the success of the churches byTiirliliiféfilfiiéairlift 71 filmy beige brocade and so or the 700 The fitted bodice was fashioned Guests were present from Tor of high schools and two hospit with scoop neckline and three onto Barr London Eimvale glee andd of the splendid work in one leats skirtvielltorfiuttonfqueehsvnle Bfiano imposing of music by gnaw eHer matchingmu Vasey and Ottawa Miss Isobel Taylor of Oriiiia as crown of champagne brocade forest green English wool ms Wilma She carried white orchid sur knit Show with brown mink work carried on much as it variegated pathos leaves ba bei not and gloves and Prayer by Me Nelson Wat MN All Th0mll50 35 her Evhite gcorsage son was followed by hymn smaidsware MissJune Bann may an sister of the bride is Luncheon was served by Mm whittledawaomrhlscussed BY WA 3gp hostess mm in street length dresses of gold ing gold crowns and carried am EXPERT bou ue Lauturnntonedcroton MONTREAL CPlThe Mont Stan Dekin acted as best appointed MaryLouise Funke man The ushers were Allan as as director for tours of brotheLo thp groo tions and special exhibitions nativeof Morrlsburg Ont she sity Kingston out before studying art in Germany and Include TeaSale The afternoon group of St Womens Association met in the church parlor The president The meeting opened withpray er led by Mrs Ross Adams copied or letter was read by the secretary from the board of sideration of the WA in the pur chase ot chuirsand tables for Plans were discussed con cerning the Lodge of Perfection 93 Oct 25 It was decided rummage sale will be the bazaar and tea is slated for Nov 24 7¢ell can garrick The alternoon group was HAIR STYLISTS pleased to accept theiinvitatinnwéé oi the evening group to join them at the Christmas part bi bionmns iiit suggest moilure pantnloonIFDutchmsn Breeche also one of the the gt new Bsonlso Bond picture and leri Wild Flowers of North gt There fullcolor cards are free iner Rose and Blue Ribbon teu Indoodeel All 48 picluro cards be of the flow 88 Mhpio Avenue Gerber Peon like all Gerber Baby Foods are pre pared by spe stsnwho trained in the Ways of providing the best possiblenourishmcnbandrmeai appeal for your precious baby we Invite you to taste Gerber Peat soon And ri° don forget the other 6Vclioioe vegetables including Sweet Potatoes Garden Vegetables Squash CELEBRATES 93rd BIRTHDAY Mrs James Brennan Owen the late William Lockhart Street entertained in honor Mrs Lockhart still residesr at her mother Mrs William oh the old homestead with her ankhart last evemug Mrs son Russell where she is still Lockhart was celebrating her in charge of her own kitchen 93rd birthday The celebrnnt and housework Mrs 10ch was born on tho iith conccs harts family were all pres sion of innlsiil near Holly out last evening including She was the former Esther Mrs Brennan Jennie the Jago daughter oi the late hostess Clitf Russell and and Mrs Lyndley Jago Learner Lockhart Examiner 9n Dec 20 1993 she married Photo ANIMAL Lineman rpm phi yourhnlmolfcardfnllceflon gt Ziofifiihzflzfiffiufijdm bzes are yr business our only busmes COLLECTORSALBU Ill 48 Wild Flower Ilaltd 25¢ mos groc Picture Guns be none ems andsqunres 95 cm Lia One it St Peters WA

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