0Hicers Mess SILENT BAT Barrie YMYWCA and Camp Borden chess dubs battled to adendlock last night in special match at the The quiet calm which seemed to reigm in the room above be lied the furious and violent battles which were silently being fought across the boards The games wound up as fol lows Barrie names first Siesiing won over St Amour lioffman lost to Ciarkson Colo won over Kurtz Emery cnrss BOARD lost to Latta Hoop draw with Julien Murray lost to Both ner Megdooald won over Cooke With one point for win int for draw the score finished at points for each club and half County Plowing Slated lit Elmvaie Cookstown have two special features in ad ditioa to the regular plowmg classes Tractor Club as sponsored by the Barrie Rotary Club is hold ing its Achievement Day at tho Elmvale Match Their program includes Safe Driving Demon stration October is Plowing Match month in Simcoe County Two of these matches have already been held at Oriliia and Call ingwood last Saturday On Saturday October 2i the Centre Simcoc Match will be held at Tom Drapers farm just west of Elmvale and next Wednesday Oct 25 the South Simcoe Match will be held at Harley Timbcrs farm near Cookstown The Centre Simcoe Match will October 24 has been desigu ated by the General Assembly of the United Nations as United Nations Day This will be day for making the aims and activities of the United Nations better known to the peoples of the world Barrie schools will participate in this observance Pearson BA Superin tendent of Elementary Educa tion for the Ontario Department of Education has suggested the following outline for the junior and intermediate divisions ol the elementary schools obser vation of the day reference to to the many achievements of new at the Eimvalc Plowing Matcha Horse Shoe Pitching Gompetitionopcntrrirc first ten teams to enter with the Sec retary sing Eight cash prizes are suffered ranging from $800 to golden opportunity to try your skill at the ancient sport of fly ere Horseshoe Pitching at Elmvaie this Saturday October 21 Matches The Minesing ili There will also be something Allan McNabb Mine Loo for the 8th prize Here is mine manager at Hasaga Gold the United Nations in the last sixteen years the basic aims of the organization the respon sibilities of Canadians as clii2lt ens in member nation and the hopes that thevlinited Na tions organization holds for the future OpeningOyster 7539 Meeting Opening meeting of the 0flt ticers Mess Grey and Simone Foresters will be held at Bar rie Armoury this Friday night at 830 oclock This will be combined with the annual oy ster stag partyand games Business meeting will con sist of introductory remarks by the officer commanding Capt Unwardï¬andthe adoFtieAmesrpresidenr Capt Harris Steele Al Wigg is mess treasurer The mess social committee from the associate members will be elected and plans dis cussed forythe 196152 season Opening dance is this Saturday Eight Oct 21 ï¬ne metss hall een open or epas wee every Manda through Friday from 515 to 615 pita for ac ive onoragy an dimers and guests Sgt Clarence Jones iragain the steward in charge Hanna snoop John FquhCllESfEt PEng chairman oï¬he newlyformed Simcoe County Chapter of the Association of Profession al Engineersof Ontario is Regional Lines Engineer 0n tario Hydro Barrie The chapter is holding its first meeting at 800 pm Wednes day at the Barrie Community House Girl Dies Hit By Car AneeightyearoldchildrRose McMeunwaanuwycs terday when struck by car No Simcoe County Road in Everett five miles north of Al liston Driver of the car which struck thelittlegirlwas FranHKirlr patrick of Mansfield He told police that the strongsun was in his eyes and he failedtu see the child until she ran into the tender of his car associate The girl was the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Kenney The family moved to Everett from Torontorecently HUBERT United Appeal Total Growing happy and enthusiastic United Appeal Campaign Chair man Gord Leighton has an nounced that pledges and cash received to date account for almost onethird of the total campaign objective of $74900 for Barrie This represents returns from the earlier phases of the cam paign suchzis advance solicito tions corporate and professional divisions This part of the cam paign is over 75 per cent com indicaies greater participation in this area With the payroll deduction part of the campaign swinging into high gear now and the housetohouse blitz personnel readying for their canvass next week returns should start com iag in much faster OBITUARY picted and THE HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT ll Modern or Contemporary Art WII the title of Mrs Yvonne McKaguc Houssers talk at the Simcoe County Art Exhibit held at the Colllngwood District Collegiate In trying to explain why muchart today is of an abstract nonrepre sentative or surreailstlc na ture she stated that it was difiicultjagrtolivcfnan couldnot help but reflect We are obsessed with move mgngpoedrexcitementand violence she said Nothing seems to betsolld or still Be cause of this form is done away with there is color against color resulting in ten sion and movement Psychology has affected art too she held Freud and Jung have brought from below the subconscious strange and fans tastie aspects of nature Some artists have tried to re produce visions of their dream world on canvas or have tried to express their inner feelings Others have seen interesting colors patterns and shapes in nature and have tried to com municate the feelings these generated in them to others Stllirothershave been influ enced by primitive forms Mrs Housser sai int ing is and should be as varied in its manifestations as life itlt self She thought that each person should follow his own style and attempt to be true to himself This meant constant observation of all aspects of life and continually reaching for something beyond ones grasp to speaking of composition she said that everything that takes discrimination and choice relates to the aesthetic in us and that this aesthetic satisfacv tion is very elusive Mrs Treadweli of Barrie chairman of the Simcoe Coun ty Art Exhibit committee pre sided Miss Mary McKay of Colllngwood introduced the WILLARD EARL BARTON Funeral service was held Oct 14 for Willard Earl Barton of Toronto and Beeton formerly Mines Ltd Red Lake and Pickle Crow Gold Mines Ltd Mr Barton was born in Ego ton Simcoe County and grad uated from private school in Toronto HE was employed by the John Hammcll organiza tion for 25 years and look the mine managerships For the past three years Mr Barton had been employed by New Mylamaque Mining and Smeiting Co Ltd sa mining consultant and had travelled extensively in this country and the United States Until five years ago Mr Bar ton had been active on several school boards He was curler RedLake Curling Club He leaves his widow Kath leen two daughters Mrs Douglas Fahlgren of North Bay and Mrs Ervin Miller of Winnipeg three brothers Har old of Toronto Frederick of Benton and Ernest of Saska toon sister Irene of Beeton and five grandchildren Praises Artists At Simcée Show rpeaker and Mrs Anderson of Orillla expressed thanks Haber Smith MP for Simeon North brought greetings from the area and expressed his in terest in artistic development in Simeon loimty Dont be afraid to be your self said Paul Bennett art and craft adviser for Commuir artist in his own right AimBennett urged those pre sent to be continuallyiuying melhlig new in their painting aad not to be conformlsts He stressed the adventure in painting and the enjoyment one could get out of trying new style or changing oaes brush for palette knife Sob ject matter too need not be standardle and one doesnt have to go 100 miles away to find something to paint In commenting on the art show he said that many things impressed him The spacious mess of the hanging was excel lent and thervaricty of paint lags was good The training was for the mostpart very suitable However little more sparkle and adventure in the works would make for an even more interesting exhibit About 400 people visited the Collingwood District Collegiate where the exhibit was held Flowers were arranged by Miss Margaret Lemieux of Elmvale and background music by Edmonds of Coliingwood The tea room was presided over by Mrs Gilbert Patterson and refreshments were provided and served by members of the Blue Mountain Art andCrafts group The exhibit was an ranged by Countywide Com mittee headed by Mrs Treadwcll of Barrie as chair man it was sponsored by the slmcoe County Arts and Crafts in cooperation with the Barrie Art Club and the Drill Art ists Guild Louise Colley of the Simcoe County Community Re creation Service gave admin trative and advisory New Engineering ilssdciation To Hold First Meeting Here Professional engineers in Simcoe County will attend general meetingmLtbelr new lyformed Chapter of the Asso ciation of Professional Engin eers of Ontario tonight The meeting to be held at he Barrie Community House will begin at 834 pm The Simcoe Chapter includes 105 engineers of Alliston Bar rie Camp Borden Creemore Midland stayner and Wasaga Beach Drillia Penetang At meeting in June at which time it was decided to form chapter provisional executive was chosen to organ in and plan the initial meet ings until such time as elec tions could be held and former DEEMEHLfltuleAExemï¬vememherslreg chairman John Winches ter secretaryvtreasurer Derek Lemprier and directors Stuart Stuart and Peter Dieplr pie The Simcoe County Chapter is one of 25 chapters which ave formed throughout 0n tario during thepast year Two Burial was at Trinity United munctions of the chapter Church Cemeierym3eetonraie to provide forum and where Mr Barton was mem her organizational structure for the discussion of professional mat ters and to provide direct communications link between the Council and Association and In Herman miracudennm by Evelyn Dyke made turn Charge Girl BRADFORD SpeciallNew market police have charged 17yearold Holland Landing girl with dangerous and care less driving in connection with yesterday morning Police say that car driven from Main St Newmarket on to Millard Ave and mounted the curb high school stud ent Janis MaeLennas 17 Queen St walking with com panion to school was struck and buried against wall She was taken to York County Hos pital suffering from multiple bruises companion Pat Heather 15 was able to jump clear membsmijlong whiehjdeas an opinions can flow in both directions The guest speaker tomorrow night will be Pat Ry an PEngineer of the Associa tions Head Officeln Toronto Mr Ryan is past chairman of the Niagara Chapter which was the first chaptertobe formed Prior to his appointment to the of the St Catharines Area in the Niagara Region of the On tario Hydro ARE You lurEItEerp in the Then MAIL the COUPON To P0 BOX 98 NAME look into your fire vinsurancewverag Today building costs are higher Replacement value otvhome furnishings is high er Your present fire insur ance may not beenth to cover possible loss Better checlr AGENT ABOUT ScenicDome mil travel Ailinclusive fares in Group discount fares eluding meals berth etc ltyJrogramcBraachrand to staff MrfRyanwas manager Toronto Editor Bishoï¬ At Rural conference Sallilde Nghrtwghddrenedwm Em the Provincial Rural Confer ence of Churches yesterday af ternoon at St Georges Angli can Church in Allandale The dealercoma logic theme cgas wn an uotry Chur Ila Life and Challenge dish conferenceubegan Mon with rcglstra on 1118 billets anda wiruung it continues today Following Matias and Holy Communion Arnold Edinborv oogh and Revithth Péaï¬Ã©k Fellowship addressed the con ference on the theme for the day Life of the Rural Church mundvtahle dlscuï¬ion oon stituted the program for the at ternoon Canon Allan Read Arnold Edioborough Rev John Peacock and Mrs Torrance Beardmoro led the discussion Following the discussion the members of the provincial connmttee met to evaluate the conference Their findings wera made known to the rest of the conference at the dinner meet Doug Burger is first casu alty among pickeLs at strike bound DeVllhlss plant Doug FRESH CUT president of the Rural Workers EIRLQIN vvmégl Rt Revi Wiikmso Bishop of Tomato gave the ser moo at the evening service This mornings theme for the conference was the jChallcnge of the Rural Church The Rt Rev Hunt Suffragan Bishop of Tomato gave the ad dress At noon the reports from the Barrie Firm Host To IBPA Mansfield Rubber played host to over 60 members of the in dustrial Accident Prevention Associations Barrie section last night The men were rep resenting 11 local industries at regular meeting and were shown the companys safety setup by vicepresldcnt Jansen After the tour light lunch was served by the hosts and then elections of officers for the coming year took place was coming down steps of trailer soup kitchen supplied by union international when evaluation of the ooufmabea and suggestions for the mtg were made The provincial committee ain alstslof Rev Bruewp Jarvis0nt secretarytransm er Rev Goodman ORI awa Vicechairman Rev Milne Mooseoee The on consisted of two representatiiaa from each diocese in the p2 dmgsa were heard mm New chairman taking other from popular columnist Smith is Alex Christie the lat vicechairman my Murray and the 2nd vic man lsSid Cox Mr Murr represents Hill of Can Ltd and an Cox is from car adylet Closures The new rie retary is Paul Pope at West BendiCanada Ltd and iepresentative to the DivisT or Council is Lloyd Cook of the Barrie Tannery Next week the Divisional Council annual meeting will be held in Gravenhurst Members from all over Sirocco and Mus holra Division will be electing officers STRIKERBREAIGANKLEINTALL heslipped and injured his ankle Strikers on 24hour picket duty can get food 11 coffee at the trailer FlNEGRANULATED WHITE LEesT7 BREASTS MATCH IHUitSDA Pagan For our WEEKLY TransAtlantic steamship service Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Can do Airline serviceacross Canadai nking continents West Indies cruises iniormnlicnpndIuarvofions loom ll Ctngmara Mldhurst Ont PA 82125 moo MARKET TheWoricis Most Compiefe Transportation Syï¬cm RAILWAYS STEAMSHIPS AIRLINES HOTELS COMMUNICAIONS EXPRESS eTRUCKING PlGGVHAEKi locational non