Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1961, p. 22

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ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS ANDElhoNA ile Royals IriI ltosplul on daIy October ll ms to Sir Ind sin ltnser Anderson to Prncuns sneer BILrte son IPerry Lynn Anderson LoanAl the nori vino1n uospilIl nude on Manda 0c mu to Mr um Lord Angui nIugnler lheri AR ittPoll1AN1 chm ing mm or your child Ihouid he II pIeIsurc Inn othm will wInl io now Will choice NI your child II uirliiy II pun Inn Lu the in lvlduli nemc in mm unminer Birth Announce meal IIIII cIiI oilr Clcuiaed Irtmenl sin thI tIclI taciudln nImc Ind will publish Dina Notice in lbs nut edition in only sud Thiephnnn PA um or this annual Service DEATHS GARRETTPassed Iwa Ii am tie on llondIy octolm ls mi lune lIobEI liars neiovui wilt of In to omen me our nun anviluim loss London lnlll Renting II the JIIIIIEII Funrrsl Home or innerI service It Trinity Anguun Church nn Thursday oeipner ll ll pm Intermcni Barrio Union Came Lf CARDS 0F THANKS usArllMr Harold Hulls rut No strand willie to nnvsy hiI ilncmtnsnr node IwreciI lion lo Iii wnohnve been In kind during the recent bereavement of MI mniher COMING EVENTB YOUNG PEOPLES RUMMAGE SALE BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH SAT OCT 21 IO am pm ANGUS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ARE HAVING General Meeting MONDAY OCT 23rd PM In United Church Hall EVERYONE WELCOME RUMMAGE SALE St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall chn and Worsley Streeis FRIDAY NOVEMBER pm Among other things lhcre will be ouanlity oi good clean childrens clothing Auspiccs oi St Andrews WA NOTICE llc CHEDRENS DE PARTMENT of the Barrie Public Library will be clos ed from Monday October 30thto Saturday Novembt er inclusive while new ceiling is installed The adult department will be open as usual and the chil drens department will re lopenson Monday Novem er ralltlves evening or Ssturdny Oetober on the ccculon oi Mr linr rt llremenl Ir thr cInIdiIn NA tlonIl nIilwa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824Ig Condensed and classifier adver tisemean are inserted at the rate oiic per word per insertion for one and two times so per word for three four or five times and aloe per word to or more insertions 10 addl tlonai charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSme VERTISENDENITSSFC FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION mans on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded 1h lil phpnu insertion orders In IdII convenienca to you Advertiser Thererorc the amused onmlrlnn Department requires III Iaverums to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately Iiier first Inmuon in ardcrthll THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESD REAL ESTATE mom tin REAL ESTATE ROGER REAL Ionaounwr PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE micro EEG 1O nnm mm IARIII CALL oAvon EVENlNG PA 82379 urine aIni nn District uni but loud KD CARSON REAI TOR 45ADUNLOP ST Next door in the Implrhl Thu PA 66481 Manner of Barrio nit Dflklct IIIi all end HAROLD VFORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFlELD 51 PA 6645 Member or aIrris cnd niiiriet RIII titIa noun WINGS CALL Pistth llluizlt PA 6047A IoE PAultil PA ooss KARL MARSHALL PA Mm NORAH Dantes era in poms Numcoltal PA 57957 NORM Hrsltmil PA Mole MAnYANN sallill PA um HENDERSON REALTOR II COLLIER STREET PHONE PA lows KEMPENFELT DRIVE This older six room home is in air condition Forced air oil heating New roofing Priced at only 57500 Call Percy Ford HOUSE TO RENT Five rooms central to down Iowa $70 monthly APARTMENTS Fllvlle PA 82410 Central locations Call Percy Fmd BLAKE ST DESIRABLE ADDRESS Shows the owners pride trees patio carport Three bedrooms large living room replace dinette bright basement all ex trnaneludadJLihls lovely home Terms Owner transfer5 red For appointment call Ern crson Swain ALLANDALE STORAGE Very Iowcost dry storage about 50000 square ieet Call Emerson Swain 240 CODRINGTON 912509 home with an in come or just use it as large tamilyJome if the room is needed Three bedrooms large living room iamin sized lul chen plus two bedroom com plete apartmentTeims Coop listing Phone Ritasoaudrett 91 WELLINGTON EAST IL is uoanLPA or Icons PA Last Isabel smiiicmpsuLlA hm CENTRAL ONTARIOS Numbers of the Barrie and merits WAIT NO LONGER 3115 with $15 down often HURRYI LIKE HITTING with dining area $11000 with $2000 down Zoned Commercial ticulars Merv GouldOre uis Edith GouldOra 1516 nay withiaundry tub thTofi cellclit Iivingoilarlers attached MAID MARSHALLPA 14450 PROPERTY FOR SALE 0R RENT in 20le overlooking the but jvaiknut basement cold room storms Ind screens Ind many ex trin Telephone PA soul even Inge Paoiosz overlooking ravine zfiofoot liv roomll toot separate dln room13fioot kitchen Illrce large bedrooms lslle you Late tall posseision sM mortgage ill Aerne Cali Ritaficaudrett svanNos CALL RITA scmnm PA uses JDDOTHLWIMOX PA 6m Patel FORD PA Hun FARMS FOR RENT Aches son am to bc cul tinted ply to iltlmer Lnt some lap 11 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home KM repairs etc N0 BONUS REAL mnunnom LIFE INSURED is cLAPPmroN 31 mm $I549 at $56 Momle PA 592 $3544 at $90 Monthly DAYS OB EVENINGS 1171 to $5000 and to month moon PA Lasso to repay PRANK Nuns PA was SEABOARD Memo gitn ns District DISCOUNT nuIntcccacun 714 Dunlop STEEL NORA AND Glmll HOLIDle WISII PA 664 BARFRIED Pbonl PA pales ENTERPRIsES Lro ANGUS Unfurnished house 11 sale In country Twn years 01¢ Announces New Low Rates On lst and 2nd TIIIALh£drnnml Pull bulment thlc kitchen with dinette Rea Mortgage Loans For Homeowners Tam could he lllllll lzonnow szooo REPAY Dateslo RIII nut noun IDIIIDIG es phons as um we WILL PM it Lnwriting We man your olier tor one or these new home in Angus 1th have rooms with EA III COLLIER STREET EA 5001 room with piece washroomu Garage SgolpuHWTAHMAhalemHanthfiinchedginger TORS STREETEAST CONNELL run In Barrie Home SuesForemost ill Quslity or Service PA 85568 IRUNK fiesw avaNiNGSCALL IL airmanPA um comm PA uns Imtam shun DISTRICT mLmArs ocean CLIFF BROWN REALTOR inch smear aARRle PHONES PA sow PA mu VHImbIll DI the lam Ihli Iltlll hoard loll lungPA lIrguI aIrvuPAIM Sioufi Agencies Lrd LARGEST REALTORS Dlltflct IJtltl loud STEAL HOME Been puILIn oil becomingn home owner because oi high pay bedroom bungalow with THE ACKPOT WHAT POSSIBIIJIIES Because of its location Corner lot one block from Collier Street Excellent Investment or whatever reason purdlased Now rented is our apartments Cali iormareparu cvauiNos CALL bare ment api Just five years old Lovely residerlltal street Asking Real value like fills doesnt happen Charming bedroom home extra large shaped living room Basement iully tiled Completed recreation imagInIJIlLAhN ior Harry ShilohPA 0067 OrcI DrawnPA ems 93 Duniop CHOICE LOT MARKET GARDEN ON HWY 27 12 acres well established business also cute bungalow with all city conveniences two barns and garage Two good wells and nicely landscaped lnIIIIns This is money mall er Unlimited possibilities business could payfar itseltina very iew years CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER St Beautiiul building lot 67 167 overlooking scenic KEmpenielt BRICK BUNGALOW TWO YEARS OLD Well kept including atoms and screens This is charming plan overlooking small park on new quiet street FA0 heating Close to schools stores Ind BE INDEPENDENT OWN BUSINESS Lunch bar and varier shop as well as live cabins and gasoline outlet Splendid year round business just outside ctiy limits Ex This cannyPA um um JUNETA M037 FINANCIAL $5000 ASK FOR FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST PA 60203 SALES man in new market iness No investment outings TV mu strand Beside Lake Aw High return or mature sales Oppor unity to operate your own bus MINI LOAN CRESCENT WEST ASK FOR BILL SiMIdS BUS OPPORTUNITIES mt nook tile mu mam up Inl soonl View or Iuy Neu cut en ppirirplsu clepho EPA UNUSUAL Car provided Act nowll Caii MR SPRATTPA6IMZ I2 RENTALS NUnsnm Hollies can given pea Ind up pnuentILPlemnt companionship good food lounge Ind rumReasonabl iItes Ark Eden Nursllll Home telephone ms HOUSES no new poo unsuited gnome iron gm zRENIALS am HOUSES IO BENT ux noon uni smelled house to rent oil but on Buhsld 5t Telephone PA can or runner inlcnnition IKDIDOM Inuriud III on use or will gt IIODmMIl tabloid an bedroom Implant Cchlrll monthly and In Mind Od hunky facilities Apply PHI Emit Apmnl IOU I003 Muhld he Id Islamht mm pile hath duty no musrotor hardwood Icon Available Inmicdilnly Apply Armstrong Mil AVAILABLI Immodlalliy him as uu uulained IpImnIni ixin Ind um puppiId us per month to mthn dItIil rein phone PA Him or PA user rm Iooll unmrrllshcd hlllcd IpIrunpnt loi rull Pius sun in Tfii i3 L°A i°iil oven men HunIn ALL lumls ed hichelor IpIro Iargo nlri crater up bill um um Inapp ng cm Included Would unit can no our month Telephone oozes not 10 um llVll rooms Ind bath on Cumberland Street Tcih Phone PA 56179 or unhol in Inrmltluh UNYURNIIRBD vcn room he duplex Oil heating Sell can In cd Also three room unmrnilhcd apartment Cellini lint and we tor Ilrvpllcd Telphcnn PA sssis AvAlLAaLn any time Ilvs room unfurnished lower duplex wuh inglon and Blyflcld SING Adult prelcrrad mo monthly rue phone PA um bliwscn In pm SMALL unfurnished modern soil contained one bedrooili ment Central 355 month Ell rand galcr included LIun ry tie nILEI7IanfiPeI simt ApIrt nun TWO IItooli Apartments untur nidhcd huted tiled hItn Iiove Ins tellllerltor supplied Cafllrli iocIlIen No children AinlIbiI Immenineiy no monthly PA biillorPAsmo saints uNPuRNieriEh lower duplex three in rooms Iunporch Ind bIth oil IIling urge bIck Ird clone to downlown AvaiIbio now Telephone PA unit AmAcrlvl seitcnntIined un umilhcd lhrte room apartment Stove Ind rcirlgsntor Plhetanl and SI Vincent SLI I75 Tele Phone PA ON AND bedroom Ip rt Stovo lcIrilclllol Illliior some Ind laundry llflilillu Mute in mmmfio monthly Telephcnl Leech PA UZflii srnoun anght our ream un IpIrtment private bIth room but Inn hydro us monthly Ideal Ior Iaultc Telephone mu Struud slu CDNTAINZD lllmlshed apartment camiitlng ol living room kiichenptu bedroom Ind bathroom Rent as per month rsiaphcncPA was or PA llel HUNGALOW two bedroo eag in he Pmth decanted on him minutes to oIIuey Park School City nrereneu required was per month Phone PA unto nine BEDROOM rontGange oil he tile lloor lore lo uriIte Adults pgrlemo Pulm ggfl November Telephone PA UNPURNIBHED rtments one bedroom two bedroom 355 Oil hllillll Second H0 Cen tsIl Immediate puslaulon No rent until November Telephone PA 81545 evening PA 525 new CONTAINED two room lurnirhed halted IPIrtlllent with time piece bIth rsont Ind heck entrant Suitable or bachelor and In supplied House or III UNPulllerlen two iIrgo rooms 1m nnt Comblnhtlon kitchen Ind Iivlnl room me bedroom Oil lighted Immediate pnueulon Tel ephone PA 601 or runner in lormulnn UlNlBflln he ed rtlnenh Livlns mm henrnani kllchenrtte place bathroom separlin exitj rspcekcms to downtown suit able or Adult AvnilIhl Nov embel PAH143 AVAILABLE Now Furnished Inolt dern IpIiuneni Kitchen hreIk sIls sPAcloDs Iii roamed pIrtment Ihrll Vial eroom with firhllliccn oNEY17P mansM or ptéfikfl pAmJUMIu RENTALS ms HOUSES T0 BENT Hummus Ind tn Ii tB Iconic ampsulald lay Enéfiu included Antonin ualss ll eluuu PA Hm nouns TO LET currnmtl It Arvs 1lrtrhl bedroom in dulsthouu Chain Trlephciu PA III Tumsasb 31mm or rent flat Ind cold cuter than Ind ccmumhlv moon to mL GINILIMAN to she dollhII Ir you on For An PA 5651 NICKLY finished Bad shun room or not Valli Locate in Ann IrII Pulling lIcllitlaI Tnltphpnl PA or III mm rumsnzo Bedroom lee nnt two oloeki irom downtown pun hen nun pretensd Telephone PA Hm Wmlm ROOM or not with nilinure Ins rlngctte Hutd Ind Iiildn surplicd APP II any sum or lilnhll om in canAL LocItton Bright bed room and hitched or not hill furnish Rcllunlhle nnt Ill neIt Ind tights Included den or couple IIllphdnt PA or drum GKNanMANwInIed to IhIrc lIrse bright room in prints nnnie Board opuonnl aIntord stx vicinity laundry and log Iciiiiien AiniIhlI now Pbo PA 141 ROOM St BOARD stooM AND BOADD Close to downtown Appi is this fly Street or llllthel amnion n00 AND human with home Drivilelcl cdnuaL Btu It tiller Clole to downtown Businul lilll Preicned Tclcphonl PA 115 410th AND BOARD IiniIb in northcut district PIrkinIi Lunches pIcked it desired Home Driviielcl Tel hon PA 51 or II Dothwsil rercent 0N amour erm room or rent Board optional Tolevhond PA 63215 or Ipilly It so Shnlord street nIniz or lunherpIrtie IrI Room noun wanna ROOM AND aoAno mined in aulei hams ior mpecinoic elder Iy lady Arprly Atllinl run to Box as Exp incr WANTED TO RENT rUnNisiizo COTTAGE noise to rent sluit be winterized ms indoor plumbing anInLy an Eatenen PinIs scnd miles to ax to ami axIrnlner mo hznaooiil unithell hell ed Irtment wanted or lunily al our clan to sepIrIto School Will pIy up to tioo per month Needed by October zi niophonI PA ions Ilter mm WANTED By November so RI spnnllblo couple require nlcc ur nishld apartment on or two bedrooms lpielenhiy private eat rInce Wii Iuppi some or own Nit Io svllabla Reply Itailng location and cl Ehnne number to an and Imincr ARTICLES to SALE STOREOWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALESBOOK$ SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM l2c to 20¢ Clearing ai9cea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Depi iihmiittmifiiithimfmmBc Icll MeyExaminer contIlned very central AvsiiIbin November no monthly To pilan PA 5362 FURNISHED Apartment lug mm two bedroom kItchen bright Inn spIclous Avllllbil rNovembeHaGsntnl PIrlrlng clinics Telephone PASflss Ivan inn ms weekend iier CONTAINED ApIrtnient or rent Large hidsitting room mo dern kitchen utility room Ind ilv bIth SepIrIts nntrInce nsnt no Per am Dunn manEsau trim min IpIrtmcnt with privntc entrance Ina bath PIriung space Near hut route Adults lluvy duty Itove Ind rcirtgentor Telephon PA um Itter in columnsAnne nnrurnLIhed sell can neo one bedroom IpIrtment huieo Ground floor cenmi lov EthanPunting provided Immedi month rolsphone stroud Phone 66537 HAVE YOU ramp Barrie AuctionRooms and Second HandStore 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 82421 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionain GliaTcInteed Hunting gt The Real Estate Column ARTICLES for SALE ll unions 5A mm on farm lcr me An nu will dolim Inn hook hp Phone at um turns saytlm iurniturc No children or pets MATS Size 2211 hiui ior lining hen bolls Ittia llllle etc perfect insulator Pelt DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario HOWE AM Drlflil In Em and ltnm return Tl Iphhns I40 PA dun humid It In momh Talophobl FA 64 grace maul Dluliw It IPA Am for is Coll sun will hut or mm Al condition But all Tole phone PA IPIII coAl Straw1p up If to no condition 5gp lo Ion Run or mum Ionstips nlBIDAm sm Tolnlsloa Automatic Wuh DH lh min is pnonI PA sun or Ippiy quII Avcnuu NATUIAI on lANal burner Priced It fiend condition App and gum WW1 Juht or lined lit IIGM Iquian candb lion on PA Mi um pm moiart sol semiautomatic Ellie new condilloh lill Includ illl use Tlllphond lllflhlr lalornnIilon GBLI ILUI COAT IIIIImY II Dollar llfl IL lilo IIII In amnion on am of PA Hill flnmmll bollflli IBIS lllflr la fl hind SIDIIODI rental IIIII in plug oulhlluntélry Ugh Ila us or Bradlord so PAulIls lANfll Vtkln our burner he duly Oven mar Ind clock on In oven door New last an ilnd lor month ply CD SIskItchIwIn alvd CInip dell zuc II Rut It llll or In electric cinthn dryir ll Inlon Hardware telphone Hui xumlc nANal apartment sin 10 Oil EPIC II Ind wood rIllr wnrmlng closet ails ilobin leflwarl Illwhflhl PA Hui PA lxtliilnt Mahler new slip covers on extrn Ina chair lslillll reasonably C4181 or snmm sum portth in condition no pile daunan mm will Tilt phone Cochin 43141 INA Illll Electric Path IhiI urchins not by the III or in month Singer Pm Centre Dunl llrul Wat Riphanl IA Iv or DEV BOATS MOTORS WINTERSTORAGE Boats up to so hot stored III clean dry location Freerwiir tor storage on outboard motors KIve your motor winterized and tuned up now or next sue son AUTHORIZED SERVICE FOR JOHNSON EVINRUDE AND BUCCANEER OUTBOARDS Free motor pickup In Barrie DELANEY BOATS LTD Barrie Telephone PA 85539 DOGS ls PETS WILLETTS PETS 41GQWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgles Ind Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 930 PM DAILY PHONE PA 58036 poo FOB Le an new mils ilonnd two oi good hunt Ir Ap Iy tlIlmo crIir burst TERRIER PUP or All All wesks old Tenor bl pncsd lc up in mil al Iva Whiitoa Pholpston it MANCHESTER Puppies lot re irisred Good nthi dogs ply ll Dianney ll Aulmy Avenue on Ridgel Telephonl PRO mu FRUIT do VEGETABLES No PinAreas tor IIIc Will ADP HIrv Coiilll an ion strut tut or Illa ah PA Mm BUSINESS SERVICE APPLIANCI SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes 147 DUNLOP ST PA 67 I42 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPADIS to all makes oi appliances TONY USSELMAN Iormerly of Tonys App Semi Apphnoce Service Manager DASH Electric Motors 10 Ross St PA 85307 CARPENTER THE CABINET SHOP 239 Bradford Si PA 84444 Modern kitchens vanities pre iorrncd countervlom Furniture custonLtlullt and repaired Win dow and door irnmcs Sash storms screens Mlliwork Cabinet makers for hire FREE ESTIMATES CALL JOHN RUSSELL NEW HOMES Remodelling shingllng porches recreation rooms Trimming house complete and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA BWII CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards and Renovations Remodelllng Telephone after pin PA 66934 Duran SERVICE mamas PINEST DIAPER SERVICE DIRECTORY AirAbont Low Rates By Month or Ilear jfIleiephvanA3414 EXCAVATINII FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed slo Hall yard Backhoe for DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 290l INSULATION nvsuamon with No Rockwool ALUMINUM CUPBOARD BIDINC IN COwURS METAL DOORS WINDOWS AWNINGB BY ALSCO FREE ESTIMATE GUARANTEED WORK SCOTTMm MINESING 211 lime mannanon Your PAINTERS Barrie Tsfidwm Decorating Painting Contractor FLOOR do WALL TILE GYPROCJOINT FILLIN Your satisfaction our pleasure 59 LETITIA sr BARRIE PA 6142 PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1M0 RR Barn PA 66050 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYsON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappcrioll St PHONE VPA aissz sansran proposal DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed move your deadaud crippled fifllflmfllflndefthfi One and two bedroom spart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA store Odier Plans Available fir mm mm In Barrie Residents for conii ential appointment in your own Realtors Evelyns now home call0p and ask or ZE vow No toil charge tilt ufirifiwviuipifififi other Area esidents Axply 41 Toronto St or tcieP on mm Call Guelph TA 290625colle PROPERTY WANTED Acnve MEMBER omAnlo MORTGAGE BROKERS ASS WANTED TO EUY MORTGAGE LOANS OR RENT ANYWHERE hm mm immediately to consolidate Chur Earlyms debts pay all existing mnlt 9551011 Iqull El 59M In gages home improvements etc BOX 49 Cauior appoiiétment Pisax 60981 ARRIE XAMIN Mort ago no lag over mpsoné THE ER Searsg 120 Dunlap Street East ws nave moununs dIiiy roi moderately price homeI with MOBTGAGESdst Ind 2nd bmilhI Imam an it 12 carat trash one The In cu In re snow It you you sell An Existing moitum IEIirle um appraisal will cost you nothing II cum Real mm um paueuinn Telephone PA Mommas my in reported before LIT In order that nine me as ractiAed or the roIIowlng days insertion order Wewlsn to point out out The Battle hammer is responsib roi only one incorrectly printed insertion on my advemsement Inn then only to thoextont or portion of III tint involves the misprlnl Ehlml which on not lessen the value or the Iovenuc ment not eligible or come clam by In good Coming Events gt5c per word tminimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words iover25 words per word ertral in Memoriam No ices WIT liv VEWEper word extra IaLiND LETTER naPuEs Information rcgardinl ldvertlsers tinsBllud LettcrBox Numbers cl Replies is held strictly confldv ential Replies to Latter aom will be held only messy me In day of nupiiuuon asslfied advert meats and tlces ior these pages must he received by pm day pro éeding publication with the up caption of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by 1100 noon preceding day Rates and iyoc rum in Ienil diipin clusioedi my be oh Milled through Till Examiner Ida vanilla department Twice meld niclm enliven ii mNCiso InnAn rill1147 DRIVING SCHOOLSfi ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING iamcn rm iron APPOINTMENT CALL PA c5551 FLOOR COVE RING SERVIC EXPERT FLOOR COVERING SERVICE Broadioom wall to wall from $395 per yard Tile and lul oleum laid at contract prloeI Complete service on rugs Seamingphindlag ringing CLARKfs HOME FURNISHINGS 3438 Bayfieid St PHONE PA 82943 lZBO monziur momsmzn enntiined three room putr with privatl entrance no hill 75 per month hydro he wI tsi Ind complete iInnIiry lrciil en to be Ipilreci PA e70 hutint Only tsoo down Inn 15 pe month Telephone Karl Machail PA um Emory Miller PA salvo representing HIroch Forster Rs hu man BEDROOM brlels Ilfllfle Living room with Iigepiiee Spices hItn annhed recreation roain oil Iurnacc ltolmlhanfl screens double rune with paved driva wa Subllllltill down pI an no tth pIyInenu ol S15 nclud Illlllhxel leso to st niIryn PA $3522 PR MONTH P1 IBalancc at and of 1st years N0 BONUS McFADDENI Appliance PENETANG smear PA om sLecInlc RANGE huvy duty automatically controlled onRIng oven large wmnlng oven our top glemenu no cu PA um um am snecmc srova hery duty Frigidaire Relngentor medium me three piece cnuterileio Ind seven lece dining room sulf tor IIle IIInnIoic PA 617 Room FURNACE Large siegiei room lumsce tor me Will out seven or eight rooms Used two III Cost over Moo wui sell one MIy bIIeen It Burton Avenue or telephone PA was HEATING UNIT complete Hot WI ter boiler Il oil burner ZIII gallon oII LIII 114 not lDIlIIril Irate door root Ulhup garage door Large uInntlty at window lilmel Ind lllh complete Bed Ipnng Ind TlflIlMIl runners PAST 01 YA 518 AND sportsmen Pn FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARR PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE cocci WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED 3v LICENSED humans Pane ESTIMATES Couplcind Drilling an emails PAS7646 WELLDIGGING WELLS dug deepened and roo paired PUMPS sold and instaue KEN WINTER ll MARIA STREET PA 60702 n1 Arimm wmti malt noon surnisbed upItIlrI IpInnient modern kitchen cuP boIrds Q75 monthly Including utii lties AVIiII liter October ll giznsé III II algklelehappreclstcd um or In rwo nDoM heIled lumllhcd IpIrirnent or rent flat Ind cold DNPDnNssrlnp wItcr SuitIhiI lol nne or two ldllltd Telephone PA Hails Ivan ngs It zDnnxomu Dungslow with gInge AiniIhie VNov Apply itogers It yConilcllL Resilnn PA 569 one ttmnnt ror rent rigerIior Ind stow storage Inu laundry eluded AvIliIbie lramedlItely Telephn PA 61167 TERI LARGE Pull Illmild flool lplflmcm with private bath and ntrlnce Parking Clor to Barrie Hydro pplied us monthly Immedl ponenon Televhhfl PA mu Manama two bedroom moot Ilnlunilshed hsntrd bedroom EBAle ApIrtmsnL LIrge living room drown dinette modern kitchen with stove and rangers tar Central Business twill orb lined TDIIphnnl PA 4516 ATTRACTIVE Ilnlurnishgd tom room Iplflmanl willulrlvlta hItn Sell contained Benin HIIW Inn ID tric cm Ind Idlmerflm lIun dry la lit and Irhiilt urn IInitor service AV IIDII NounP duty wiring Tole hone PA Loose hcr Telephone Ailcoils or 61 put In rthlr Informs nicui on 22 UNPUDNralraD BEATZD lplrb InntUneI 595 rg mull IcaIrIte entrance hery owner bullets live bal wiring living rom dinette kit Icencer an Inn Everythins chen hIthrnum Ind two bedrooms or the parislnan Open revuy Adults only TeiephonIPA lislz evening Holuflris II It rill or urlhu plflicuhfl BImI It not Broken PA um Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phope PA 82414 room with Iircplm Hrat hot ter Ind airn suppliedulaundrx on lround lluor Telephone Hollaer II pm In An Examiner Want Ad PaoNs PA Ilm

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