CATCHERS ERROR VarcoeHWilIQWS Win In Overtime Barrie Vorcoe Willows played two extra innings last night to eke out 74 victorfy over New market Allens TV adies in the first of bcstoftbree series to determine the championship of the Barrie and District Lndies Softball League The second game in the ser ies will be played in Newmar kct tonight Ann Spence Varcoes centre fielder scored from third on an error by the Newmarket cut cher in an attempt to catch runner advancing from first to second Mary Berthelottc Barrie cat cher scored the first run of the game in the first inning with long homer to right fiol bringing in Ruth Cole Highlight of the second inning was second sacker Betty Bish ops longing grab of hard anklehigh liner off the hat of Shyelea Preston Newmarket centre fielder in Borries half of the inning single by right fielder Helen Corbett drive in Ann Spence to GaylgWilson put the tying runs syruz CANADIAN Phase Chicago Black Hawks more mature and more conï¬dent in the eyes of coach Rudy Pilnus mdafeatcdafteethreemav tlonal Hockey League starts this season Butths teams remrd is no source of toy for Pilaus because the Hawks have yet to show Vary semblance of diatom that last spring carried them to their first Stanley Cup win HaWks Victors lDump Bruins 53 Stan Mtkita provided Chicagos three quick goals Boston closed the gap to on early third period goals by JockloTedGrey mdeohnnr Cucyir Then Ron Murphy and Bronco Horvath former Boy ton player rapped home goals to put the game out of reach for the Bruins Charlie Burns scored Bostons last goal with just one minute and L5 seconds remalnlngln tbs same mako the score etthe end of the second In the fourth Varcoes push ed the score to 40 when Mary Lou Bishop sacrificed to bring in pitchcr Janice Hipwcll One of the best catches of the game came in the fifth inning when Newmarkets Susan Reid make sparkling onehanded catch on the run to retire Var coes In the top of the seventh Newmarket came alive scoring two runs the first by Colleen Cain followed by Helen Swalle Ann Spence scored Varcocs second home run in the eighth slamming hard grounder post the centre fielder Varcoes six th run was scored by pitcher Jnnice Hipwcll to close out the inning Newmnrket staged rally in thantnth to tie the score at Shyclca Preston doubled bring ing up Helen Swallc who hit Newmarkets only home run bringing in both runs double by Juanita Bunn and walk to on base Helen Watt doubled driving in Bunn and Wilson in the bottom of the ninth Vorcoos loaded the bases but failed to score forcing the Jams into extra innings The teams went scoreless un til tho bottom of the eleventh when an error on the port at the Newmarket catcher allowed Ann Spence to score About 100 fans were in at tcndance Despite sixweek layoff Varcoes showed good form and steady ploy to gain the victory orcoes AB Hipwcll Berthclotte Cole lb Betty Bishop Mary Lots Bishop Fortune es Miller if Spence Corbett Cole rt Totals Newmnrket Scott Landry ss Watt lb Coin 2b Preston Swolle 3b Bunn 2b Cook Reid rt Bertoiinc Wilson =r mana maam noesNroaom rl ooaoeaauN lunaumwmamoa eel ao=onun ml ununNDnsAN Totals lt2 Terriers And Bulldogs PreSched Favorites By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Galt Terriers Allan Cup champions preparing to repre sent Canada in theworl eur tournament share pre schedulo favoritism with Wind sor Bulldogs as nineteam terio Hockey Association Senior Series opens its schedule this spots in many seasons Each team will play 36 games The other teams are Wood stock Athletics Stratford In dians Chatham Mnroons Strathroy Rockets St Thomas Royals Sarnin Rams and Wa terloo Tige The last three are new clubs St Thomas will play its games in the tiny village of Belmont near Londonesndmayhecomev BehnontRoyals The Bulldogs who have been pre season favorites many times but died in the playoffs have veteran cost but may ensive strength The have former Toronto Maple Leaf Joe Klukny as their coach WILL MISS PLAYOFFS The Terriers wlib Will play full schedule before departing for the 1962 world tournament in Colorado will not compete in the playoffs Coach Lloyd Rou bell will probably add players all through the season as they strive to become near allEta afiates thatif McNeeley wins he wows now Inns Swedens lngcmar Johansson FattérsoriMust Meet Cooper NBA Ruling Before March 13 TACOMA Washi CF The National Association will recognize the Dec champion Floyd Patterson and Tom McNeeley as world title event but has decreed this will not relieve Patterson of his ob ligation to meet the NBAs top challenger by next March 13 The associations stand was made known Tuesday by Dr Charles Larson NBA president Patterson and McNeeley from Arlington Mass and ranked 10th by the NBA meet in Isrounder in Toronto The associatinrï¬s currcent No chal ien is enry caper of Eng ilang NBA rules stipulate the world king must clash with the leading challenger at least once wflL Patetrson and McNeeley signed their contract Monday The agreement contained re turofight clause which Stipu must give Patte on rematch within 120 days Larsoneaid if McNeeley em erged the champion the NBA vwlllknot hold him to the re match clause If hewantcd to duck out on the rematch we would not sus pend him Larson said the association went on recordvas being against such agreements at its recent conventi in Hershey Pa to avoid it ing series of re matches of theflsame opponents as inthe case of Pattersonahd This does not permit try new challengers of merit to get into the picture he said As for the requirement that Patterson meet the topranked challenger by the March 13 deadline Larson said If there is legitimate No Lman we are going to insist that the champion defend against him at least once year cast for their big daternext March former KitchenerWaterloo years back Harvey Jacklin will coach the Indians with for mer coach Bill Woodward as manager and Bill Flick vet teran right winger as assistant coach The Moronns always con tenders are touched by Ted Power veteran centre still actmauplnyerei Houston Oilers HOUSTON Msc SpeediuesignediTuesday as end coach of the American Football Leagues Houston oil are Speedies resignation leaves the new head coach Wally Lemm with only two assist ants Lemm succeeded Lou Bymkus Monday and asked Speedie to remain Speedie said he felt obligated to depart with Rymkus because he had been hired by Rymkus Team owner BudAdams tired Rymkus Saturday and Fred Walker the defensive assistant place tie by scoring eight points matchmefldmmnraWm limit 36 shred gelding estraworld rec in 22 years Except for three goals within one minute and in seconds dur ing the second period the gawks looked ragged are ghLlnapostnghHv cs on over lowly Boston Burma The win came after pair of weekend ticsvwitheDetroihRed wings and lifted Chicago into second place deadlock with Toronto Maple Leafs in the league standings Each team has four points New York Rangers at home to Montreal Canadians In to nights only game are first with six points Pilous was dissatisfied with Tuesday nights showing and dldnt hide his feelings lilaybe we were trying too hard and maybe the way Bos ton plays caused us to be The Canadians only team bi sides Chicago that sports an an defeated record this season cut defenccman Jean Gauthier Tuesday and will dress only five rearguards for tonights bottle at New York eeicanthier was sent down to Hull Ottawa Candiens of the Eastern Professional Leogue subject to immediate recall puny rILous Dillallllled ragged he told reporters in the teams dressing room after the game Chicagos second period out burst broko scoreless tie and sent the Bruins on their way to fourth loss in five starts Bos ton hos only one tie to show for five games and has allowed the opposition 25 goals Jerry ltlelnyk Bobby Hull and NEUTRAL REF Has RELATIVES SAWSTON England AP When the referee for the Great Chesterford Saws ton soccer game failed to show up the players of the two teams agreed on the dri ver of the Great Chesterford bus as substitute Things went along smoothly until late in the second half Sawston players disputed decision Your name is Lightning and the player who sup posedly was fouled is named Lightning said the Sawston captain Are you related Yes we are brotehrs said substitute referee Peter Lightning check showed he had four other brothers also playing for Great Chesterford This is force said the Sawston captain as he or cred his players off the field and forfeited the game His team was behind 32 at the time Parker Leading Western Scorers By THE CANADIAN PRESS The fortunesof Edmonton Eskimos may have taken sour turn in the Western Football Conference but it hasnt kept Jackie Parker from running away in the scoring race Figures compiled by The Ca nadian Press show that the for mer Mississippi State Univer sty star playing quarterback and halfback has scored in every one of Eskimos 14 games for total of 91 points Thats 31 points better than his nearest competitor team mate Johnny Bright and full back Gerry James of Winnipeg Blue Bombers James jumped into second 65 Collier St an during the WW 233 Bradford St who scored 10 touchdowns in Edmontons first eight games hasnt made point in the last Service Call Up 0f Star Players May Kill Packers Title Hopes NEW YORK tAptPeui Bor nung and Bay Nitechke stars with the powerful Green Packers of the National Foot ball League and baseball player George Thomas have been added to growing list of professional athletes recalled to active duty in the Unitedstntes mnedforces The list totals nearly 20 and indications are many more are to come None of thecallupe hit with the force of Tuesdays en aouncement that the Packers defending champions in the eNILrwestern divisiï¬fprobfl bly will be without halfback Hornung and linebacker Nlts chke for the second half of the season Their loss could cost the Packers chance to repeat as Although weather is balmy and sunny curling ls lust around the corner The first flood of ice was placed on the sevensheet surface ratABarrie Curling Clubs plant at the Fair Grounds oft Essa Road on Monday night and it was in creased last evening by Vera Adams chairman of the ice committee and Hazen Drinkle building custodian it is expected that painting at the rings will take place this coming weekend and ice will be ready for practice curling by about nextffhursday START SCHEDULE George Kennedy chairman of games committee states the first schedule for the men for the Labatt Trophy will start on Monday night Oct 30 earliest in club history It will be for 13 games each team There will be four groups those curl ing at and oclock each Monday and Thursday and those on Tuesday and Friday Knockout playoffs start Dec 13 Teams will be selected next lweek MENS BANQUET The opening mens bouquet is slated for Wednesday Oct 25 with reception preceding assists We Use DeVilblss Equipment Spray Booth and InfraRed Drying FREEEngMATES Ar DANGERFIELD MOTORS TWO LOCATIONS PA 82487 PA 85415 Barrie Curlers Ready To Start western champions They share first place with San Eraacisco 49ers Theyre gone theyre gone moaned Packer coach Vince Lombardi What the hell can HnmlmgimheW year with points inive gamesfProbhbTy thï¬ost ver satile backfieldcr in football Horaung is an ace mnner good passer and place kicking ex pert Nltschke 24 has been standout on the Packers defen siva platoon Hornung has been ordercd to report to the array Oct so Nitschka is to report Nov meal atseven oclock followed by remarks and entertainment President Jack Nisan will preside Tickets may be ob tained from any club director Downtown they could be locat ed at Charlie Knights drug store or Harry Armstrongs Hardware The accommoda tion is limited CLUB LICENSED Barrio Ourling Club is now fully licensed since all regula tions of the LCBO have been approved in addition to ice flooding considerable painting and floor varnishing has been completed in recent weeks since Barrie Fair The ladies section of the Curling Club will meet on Thursday Oct 26 to make plans for their opening dinner and games nilfir snoreuu at LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM BUDGET TERMS 71 re stone 88 DUNLOP ST PA 66585 The leaders Bzc British Columbia cCaigary EEd monton SSaskatchewan Ninnipeglé ID FG Pts Parker 3211 91 James 23 Bright Mford All Hansen is Beemer l3C 48 Fleming 30 48 Whitehouse 44 Lewis walden to enjoy Why not enjoy it tonight Setworldhecor At New Woodbine rename or rati tor fouryearoid Canadian ord of 114 55 for turlongs in winning Tuesdays fourth race at New Woodbine Park Fair Juror clipped one fifth of asecondfrom the mark which Tyhnwk established at nIrf Paradise Phoenix Arlz Feh8 1959 Tyhawk also is Canadian bred iorse owned and Vtriined by Les Lear of Calgary SHIN 49 ESSA RD assailants Lu stormy WEWATltER AHEAD DONT resort THE ROOEV gasPRICED PER gLEs STANDARD coroun lN ASPHALT SHtNGLES CASHANDCARRY Inhgï¬uelfloltd YOURONEsroesuuomo SERVICE CENTRE SQUARE PA 8558T MInmlook at that new earmammeasdecanterl The mellow maturity of this superb light whisky means inï¬nite smoothness In its newfstreamlined decanter humans is easy to carry easy to pour and so easy HlRAMWALKER SONSLlMlTED WALKERVILLE CANADA DISTILLERS OFFINE WHlsKiES For even me vases