ON ONTARIO POLITICAL SCENE Redirects Selling Skill To Rehabilitqte Mend TORONTO CmPrison ro form is difficult product to sell but George Wardrope 0n tnriol minister of reform insti tutions has made great strides in the humane aspects of pen olosy The 61 year selling techniques to the rehabil itation of man with such vigor he has succeeded in abolishing corporal punishment in all pro vlncial penal institutions Possessed of big smile and firm handshake Mr Wardrope has charmed prisoner and voter alike becoming minister of re form institutions in 1968 Rinters at the Guelph Rev formatory in 1959 were sur prised when squat friendly little man in straw but and old insurance silk suit spoke mthetnthrough barred gate and reminded them that government had abol ished the strap for their bene fit The inmates capltulated as soon as air Wardaope prom ised to listen to their com plaints One of the problems at Guelph was overcrowding and Mr Wordrope went to work for more institutions As result Camp Hendrie was built in Slmcoe County and start made on reformatory at El liot Leke MAY PAY PRISONERS Mr Werdrope has impressed departmental officials with his interest in petrology and study of modern reform methods He has given serious consideration to the payment of prisoners for work ncrtonned and improved visitingprocedures His feelings have plunged him into trouble too After the conviction of youthful Stephen iruscott for murder Mr Ward rope said he often wondered whether the boy was really GEORGE WARDROPE guilty few days later he went before the legislature to epolo gize for casting doubts on the integrity of the courts Born in Montreal and edu cated at London Collegiate ln stitute end the University at Toronto Mr Verdrope has lived most of his life in Port Arthur He was city alder man for to yearsFor some years hehes carried on busi ness as an insurance and real estate broker During the First World War he served for five years with the Forestry Corps of the Ca nadlon Army retiring with the rank of motor He was first elected to the legislature for Port Arthur riding in 1951 His announcement that he will contest the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conserva tive party at the Oct 2345 con vention came as surprise to fellow enbinet ministers Friend of Mr Wardrope sq it is diiilcuit to tell lufl how serious he about the leader ship He announced his candid acy only after being pressured to run by the local riding Is sedation 0n theer hand might seem improbable Yun inuttit5 numhiflifllW Tm Weinunin Mn Im Mn wharf Ymuflt hisW usan otth won mum $thth Woman United Church Minister Begins HerService In Trinidad SACKVILLE N3 CP Geraldine Reid Suï¬ sex ï¬rst womnngfrom the province to become United church it Canada minister has started her post ordination service in Molded Ironically Iha is working for the Presbyterian Church at mission station where the two churches work together The lronyis tn the feetthet thn Presbyterian Gourd inannadm does not ordain women ymat the United can um time conterenu is the 50th woman minister in church micf 45 uh mm BEAVER PAINT DEPARTMENT SPECIAL WWW Canadian history and the fifth born the Maritime The quiet serious young woman former teacher chose her calling after seven years will the Canadian Girls in Training It wasnt sudden thing and even thumb my hrotherinlsw ire United Church minister at Souris PEl his calling had mthiefto do with my decision omen lliinisteu in our church can choose the type ot ey can bestnursing teaching evange llsm dietetic or social service if they are called to church with mm 38 sun13 wrmï¬pth me flfllnqlh wk my would all admin WM uW ammotmmm swanow WW EM they serve in many capacities inst man would have Ilqu wanted to be an educa tional missionary DVERCOME OPPOSITION Miss iteid graduated item Teachers College in Frederie ton Mount Allison University her and Pine HillDivinity Hall in Halifax She has worked with the Maritime Religions Educa tion Countii as partvtime secre tnry and while at Pine Hill she ï¬lled in at rural charge in New Brunswick during summer vaca GILL of the so women ordained sincerrimrw meehlflchriG have astora are assistant ministers Most of these serve in Western Canada where the need is greatest and where congrega as pear THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT il would be glad to ordaid mom them if congregations would accept them ling to take woman minister rather than do without any Once congregation has made the plunge and accepted women minister the relation ship is invariably happy on Li church spokesman in Bninswict Another commented its rear prejudice tor the most part People are accustomed to think of women as dependent and not secure in themselves minkter needs to be sell assured 0n the other band oougreganuamishy of rselfr assured woman She considered domineering This is largely unfounded Our women ministers do as Raasoodbw Hymn good as themenWe Merrv Menagerie saves you money Ii you sign up for Canada sovergs Bonds on the with regular 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