frag ulnar nxmmn rouoair across ii iii MALE HELP SFARMERSMARKIT AUTOMOTIVE aroma cans FOB aau HELP WAND est prices paid or dead or crippicd cattle and horses 3m2mgï¬gA Orthodontic grugagnm=gtr°ntnn COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLERS mm °°° Starting Rate use per hour or ask for condition Pflctd munI tor zï¬ï¬‚ffnfifljfgjflflf Full Rate $165 per hour NICKS DEAD STOCK minmflmiii ulollgl Alis2 FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDE RR onula IMEIIU 00d URI bogA thug meow No condition Telphone Paid Sufluwry Houdul mu LIVESTOCK 53 033535 33 Weeks VacaJon with or Annual Earninu 50 NO or nil nlnl in reio anno Camp Bord al P5d 35 Company Paid son noun Puileu Jill 4r Its Anybodys Guess Now in was or lurtnor ooiaiu mum Hospmmugn mu Comp Pl phoncOrul JRUCli3TRAniEEs 1193 nihilism Companr2aidvï¬ mu an woo Life Insurance Plua Weekly Sick Bandit PulinCompnny 77 lcl can cirrtit mm smud ï¬gglmflgwwfï¬ In Time and ON Hall For Overtime yonuslmur nuns and Gills tor new cnginn showy Coatsut Two lclilnulc Rest Periods Per Day in rgflratlrrd son an me In my Week so noun i° if Vlgmegmvoali MOBILE HOMES Excellent Working Conditions aieicriawm7 771 mnafl Iquippod with power hydraulic Paint 1550 ll Illa brown Bone 1550 bl lei author or up ately also Na tional milking mlthinc PhnnI PA avsas Switxar TRAILER Tolerant tannin ileepi our complete with watar nreuun lain toilet propane rr truertor oven and heater Clin iioi be told ironi new viiulii lhI Full Time Registered Nurse On Duty PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT term to reliable party no as Elltil Diantin FARM MACHINERY cannons omen PERSONALS FARM SUPPLIES mm SERVICE tiIopli will not Hanonlibla ior lny debu incurred by my huabnnd After this date October l1 lVGl And Itereore tIIe lustest Standings According to DeVItBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP Fa clearance bar without my wdiion Liantun gt Requires gain prices before win WOMENS COLUMN Man ior counter sales and general stock room work Experience Juiplumbingand heating supplies proicrred but not essential ter Storage Erwinimifmï¬iifrfï¬yéf Apply in person to linglflilnd mi2aitirii° MR NEW YORK CITY lollRfiGiiTEF tabulations in the Barrie Biminifobulous AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS can soon iagï¬ihgggmiï¬Ã©ï¬ 259 INNISFIL STREET BARRIE mm PLUMBINGAND HEATING DIVISION INTENTION instant unionist FARMERS tiltingmmï¬nhfglggnygg mg SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP LINCOLN ARC wagons til in towns Req uires ï¬llAmEYflSSIï¬ l0 HELP wANTED ngpquï¬lgzcrgoingil burnch mechanics and ductwork installation 375852 mama our MR SNOW 5m granny55133 1351 PLUMBING AND HEATING DIVISION wcok wright Cloum HAggémmmmdm 259 NNISFIL STREET BARR Innfhéibrï¬rifdioiiitifluém MALE on FEMALE OUEEKEEPEII COOK or but flAlliDIlEEBEfl Mulllflid I0 work than can In and two children in modern man Tclcpllana Allin Live in cicrnncu stoo month ion Hg in um Mom uc iy Apply Box name Examiner 13 AUCTIONSALES ation WEDNESDAY OCT 25 PM SHARP uoussxnaran tor mall iamiiy nisaniuurons wanted In on MOTORS LTD re ulraa Immediate to live in and supplement amines run or Auction sale at Holstein oat wnlo mother works Steady cm part time Find out about this Im 15 machines kin RAMBLER Mrs Norman Willoughby RR Barrie Stroud Mrs Robert Easlon Mrs Len Edgerton Mrs Beverley Elliott Mincsing Elmvaia RR Barrio Angus Alliston 2nd Shanty Bay Oro Station In In ioyment Good remuneration ugunl opportunity Vlry noon in 1wimmrvigramsmusumd MAN AND LAND ROVER PM not anonymous it one or 10 DOWN MALE HELP on Tuesday Gotchhlgrdo r1at 14 Graham 17 oownN STREET At Lot Range Oro Townv PR 66488 YOUNG MARRED EMPLOYMENT WANTED 3in long mile straighï¬ nag gt an aonronemos agt ILL cit 58 MAN sage 0le gnaw Term MORRIS to loam pm management deliver Toiophnna PA was res rve an arm is aaroNsl LE OXFORD Elixir ltlt 13 admit chid JERRY COUGHLINauwoneer Barrie Examiner stating age £95 l500 education and previous em 532533155 hyvï¬sléu Elsi AUCTION SALE One owner tram new August Ploymenl phufn ea Mm ior tanner Intoh Friday Cache 27 58 in first class condtion all RENEE EM rna on through Under 000 actual mgn wanted cmin n7 ecnrioari mm 12 OCLOCK SHARP Vflhit ith red uphol 1mm weaken Televhuns PA 35 Compiotédispersal oi register Padded dash collapsible ChonnlgZlkrvantgdrlorrlhol71qu senVlcus mantrasreiterate eddand grade Holstein cows ncn cc 55 °°° WPES inltwolim onion 51 arias instantirsrluc heifers high class ram volt biliary flashing tum communsurnto with experience APPiylo Box 3513 Examiu machinery for signals air conditioned heat PA oistz RANGE LAND FARM ing original tiresstiii dead mm ii in This is solidly built family Clnlldllnongflli1iglagrLonznlat LflhNolICES Eagfalcmï¬gsségglahï¬ol1m car which seats camiortebly PY PWI 05 12 gammacommW NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Executrix of the Estate oi Makes tested to speed li mph This car has been main ly used as second car and has been regucriy serviced MIDDLE AGED MAN requirnd lor lmall rnrmr Must his rule to take complain responsibility or arm OEVILLE JOHN BUYER uIsfl known as Orville Boyerl north of Shanty Bay Terms calséi No reserve as arm is so JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer through its use chom Reply stttns ex tum late of the Township of Notta WM Im wasaga in the County oi Sirn AUCTION SALE FfljQNEEAAuSSSB Em corGarage Pmricior who of In limBlJ dl Il umomjmmthmodicumionggï¬miiï¬yupaiiigxiit dfedM°g1rqrmll7°m$° $3115 50 30mm iiitie lraninilnlon and vii cm ilom mechanici repairs Apply Vi ori gins no down paymcnt mallch in person crceniore Moiori Cruse the assets at the deceased to Mas DeLOM so wcckly ror lnlormation tele more or tciuphone 12 between persons enuued mm an FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 phone llm niekann at PA ossaa amino pnii October mi 1951 having re 7230 pm gard only to claims than men BAR lE AUCliO oriy filed with the undersigned in Ram H133M5 Mrs Rita Curie 77m ¥£Z3ti2t WALTER Alma rs me me RR Barrie Wasaga Beach Solicitor for the Execuirix Auctioneer wan fur mu ï¬sh on 2524 Thornton Cookstown gt Etlt Ask About 13 pizza gall31111 oi Year Accident Toll Is Matched Mrs Dorothy VanderKruya Naw Lowell Crcomora EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 142 ELECTRIC MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all makes of appliances TONY USSELMAN formerly of Tonys App Serv Appliance $3le DASH Electric Motors 10 RosLSt PA 85307 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingilng porches recreationrooma Trimming houses complete and garages BRUCE CAMERON iiAPA 4807 Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hira DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Barrio FLOOR COVERING SERVICE EXPERT FLOOR not later than November Ill COVERING SERVICE Broadioom wall to wall irom $385 per yard Tile and tin oleum laid at contract prices Complete service on rugs Seaming binding fringing CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 3438 Bayfield St PHONE PA 32843 PAINTING AND 13 AUCTION SALES SCEEENED SAND FOR WINTER SANDING Sealed Tenders properly mark ed as to contents will be re ceivcd by the undersigned up to pm DSi October 23 23 or kt supplydl degvirly soc pileir WorksYardarnBobc 1961 of approximately 8000 Tons of Winter Sand Specifications may be obtained from the City Clerk as Collier Street Barrie Lowest or buy tender not nec essarily accepted Straughan City Clerk AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY OCT 18 12 NOON SHARP By THE OANADIAN PRESS Iraiiic deaths across Canada from Friday evening until Sun day midniflit matched the total thanksgiving weekend Cana dian Press survey showed Road accidents took 55 lives from pm Friday to midnight dayloclflTtiines the name as the toil between Friday evening and Monday midnight week ago In all 62 persons met acci dental death during the week end in in ding our killed in hunting mishaps two who died in tires and one by drowning Ontario led with 25 accidental deaths 21 oi them on the high ways Quebec recorded 16 acci dental deaths 14 ot themili traffic Dominion hilreall of statis tics report to the Ontario de partment of transportrecords 593 traffic deaths in Canada in ONLYVSCANWINfw Few subsï¬iptions toony ate ton can easily make diiierence in tIieStonIIings the Contest is thnttIIlse so GiveYour CIlnI PA soon CUSTOM CAEPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards and Renovations Remodelling Telephone after pm PA 66934 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIE FINEST iAPER SERVICE Twicn weekly piclllr oeilvary staynéflomniunity Arena the out seven months of the testont Your FoIITCoolethion nucthï¬P tgtaraga yehr DW GQUipmen 01 99 Ontario road fatalities mung and 1121 Hanging Aha late counted tor 650 or 41 per c573 Safari Shel team 03mm BoYER oi the national total The prnv 1m BanE 55955 no list includes all body rc Inca 39 99m an pa equipment weldlng mum Islercd vehicles In Canada SANITARYJHSPOSAL ment mechanical tools 1951 In The report says 48773 per Mammal on truck Wm sons were Injured in traffic ac DEAD ANIMAL heavy duty Garwaod winch dams to he endoiJuiy196zs DISPOSALACT and hydraulic boom chains 0513 Il rumors REm wz have been owed to re and wheel blocks Alan office ï¬x PA eassr equipment Coca Cola machine Eacarr BURNING nus Less than lllldliflyk cigarettesv 33 aï¬igalgeggdeindlheuggsg tires chrome one chesto hand CENTEEVILLE may AP Act tools snanon tooia rm FWSSI school bus with 25 pupils DRIVING SCHOOLS FREE REMOVAL Mon body lack cash register aboard burst into flames Moni ORILLIA SCHOOL OF and many other articles too day as it drove over methane BARR Pmkwny no numerous to list gas line but everybody gotout SAFE DRIVING GORDON YOUNG small use Terms cash No reserve as the My Smo now Herbert LIMITED BARRIE 0R APPOINTMENT HELP HER WIII AN AllEXPENSEPAIDJRI vIONEwmncm24 SUBSCRIBE on RENEW Now wnHivouII tOCAt ooNrssrANr New AND RENEWALSUBSCRIPTIO NSHE pour POI gt ittswdfrï¬atttiiï¬iitidit line loosened during sewer line gt Esme must be sealed Nnmhg Voimar said spark from the LICENE 05416 CALL PA 68551 Try An Examiner Want Ad JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer construction cuminV1451awthWLWmmmua