TODAYS RECIPE Yul£1103 VEGETABLE bilnAuD padrage froren cooked andddralned shred ed peeled raw bemgs about medium sire tbsp bottled thin Italian drusInE cups broken mixed salad greens Sweet onion rings package is ounces sliced swise cheese cut into thin TEE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 16 161 WMS Executive Session Reports 3323 mm At BeetonUnitedlWMSrMeetingW sewn hm Item acmmmmremmnx members and visitors innuendo b0 IWMH mm iliary of the Womens Missionary ance Marat Society of Trinity United Church won First VlcePruident When ready to serve Ill uh held its meeting at the home of Mrs Camplin in charge ad bow with Inked greenl or Mrs Thomas lfarvey on Thurs the meeting opened with Hymn range beets beans and oruoo day with good number of 259 and prayer During the bus rings on top Fill centre with iness letter was read with THE STARSSAÂ¥ Swiss cheese strips regard to the WMS Sectional By ESTRELLITA parcrs RecommenderL Crest can reduce uour famiqu Cami365 by Dental Association Dressing mecéinlg t1o7be begun grmgm Pare and uartcrrcucumber on Remove seegs and chop pulp part on the WMS Execu Mr and Mrs Hamil ton dance to the music of the Four Clots mJnstmmental group from Toronto The ac casion was the closing din ner dance of the Barrie Golf and Country Club held on Saturday evening The dance Wella1létï¬ï¬ by the members and guests of the club finely Fold In cup dairy sour cream seasoned with tbsp vinegar tsp grated onion if tsp salt in small bowl Makes cups dressing HQ Sgts bless LA Camp Borden RAIL HOSTESSES LONDON CPIFrank Mox iey editor of Railway Review sflmm lï¬ntBrIlIsh Railways should have trnin hostesses similar to those on alrilocs Miss Norma Bayliss Wédsi JChn Magee On Saturday Baskets of red gladioli and white baby mums decorated the altar of St Georges Angli can Church Allnndale for the Saturday wedding of Miss Nor ma Alice Bayliss and John Latimer Magee Rev Walter Dyer officiated at the after noon ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Bayliss of Barrie The bridegrooms par ents are Mr and Mrs Nelson Magee of Dorrie VELVET GOWN The bride was given In mar riage by her father She chose floorlength gown of white chiffon velvet fashioned on princess lines The bodice fea tured scooped neckline trim med with seed pearls and lily point sleeves The softly gather ed skirt fell to chapel train Her headdress was tiara trimmed with seed pearls which held her fingertip veil of tulle illusion She carried cascade bouquet of red Weat heart roses Bridal attendants were Miss Audrey Haliyard of Toronto maid of hon lrs Gary Bay liss of Oshawa siste iniaw ot the bride and Mrs Graeme Wilson of Dorrie bridesmaids Misses Susan and Nancy Acker of Washington DC nieces of the bridegroom were the junior bridesmaids Carrying through the theme of the bridal gown the attend ants were gowned alike in tur tle green chiffon velvet waltz length gowns Their head dresses were matching green velvet prllboxes Their only Jewellery was pearl necklace anine bridesmaids were gowned in frocks of gold velvet with mat ching headbands William Ayerst cousin of the bridegroom was the best man The ushers were Gary Bayliss of Oshawa bride Jud Donald Wiley Bur lington cousin of the bride groom GUARD OF HONOR The junior choir of St Georges Church sang Breathe onMe Breath of God at the YOUR HEALTH EVERYONE likes to day dream hut some people dream more than others Too bashful to enjoy life each becomes psychological turtle Inside his shell he can hide from the world These plodding turtles spark swift progress Without Einstein atomic energy would be moving at snails pace other dreamers inherit weak shells that crack under pres sure and explode into schizoph renia was giving an enema to sick Gila monster when he turned and hit me one man said This wild tale had to come from schizophrenia51 in world doctors agreed Schizophrenia begins when the dreamer builds castles in the air and moves in At first he commutes to his dream world He senses some thing wrong as his mind darts back and forth across the bor derl separating real from un rea LOSES CONTROL But thoughts race out of con trol Ha blames everything on strange aches and painsbright lights in the stomach lightning in the brain His personality plits His face no longer mirrors his feel ings He greets sad news with chuckle excitement with upoker face The junior brother of the Schizophreniés Live In Dreams By BURTON Ii FERN MD beginning of the service and following the ceremony formed guard of honor for the newly weds The soloist was Mrs Harry Smcthurst of Barrie The or ganist was Mrs George Shaw reception was held at St Georges Parish Hall The mother of the bride received the guests wearing an after noon frock of blue chiffon vel make their home in vet with matching accessories corsage of pink roses com ploted her ensemble The mother of the bridegroom as sisted wearing frock of sea foam green peau de sole with matching accessories She chose corsage of pink roses to com plement her costume For wedding trip to Florida the bride were green wool dress with fur jacket and chocolate brown accessories Mr and Mrs Magee will Sault Ste Marie where the bridegroom is stationed with the department of highways Wife Can Help Husband To Diet By Cooking With Less Calories The average husband tends to put on weight as he grows older because he needs less food but his appetite does not diminish accordingly Food tastes so good Homemakers take the load If the doctor has ordered the head of your house to re duce start cooking with fewer calories Recall this true story Ahusv band found bimsflf losing weight unaccountably he wasnt cut ting down on food While he was pleased to see the pointer on the scales going down he felt some concern at the unexpected weight loss and checked with his doctor It was then the doc tor explained he had advised the mans wife to cook with less fat and suggested that she stop adding butter and sauces to vegetables This quietdiet plan provedtobLsurprisingly efI fective When you know the calorie score on fats it is not difficult to see that curbing fats is the fastest way to cut calories Fats are concentrated fuel one ounce of fat yields 255 caloriesmore than twice as many calories as are furnished by an equal amount of sugar starch or pro tein Carbohydrates and pro teins findish 113 calories per ounce So much for the calories The role of fat in nutrition is Confused he interruptssank ences to tell about meeting Napoleon climbingdaclss bean stalk or fighting off the whole worldtwife neighbor and hoss are all out to get him He may hear and believe lit tle voices Even though hes never strayed hell believe voi ces calling him an unfaithful husband Some chemical probably caus es schizophrenia Perhaps tal stress whips up pro uc of this substance protein in the blood of schizophreniasuffer ers causes temporary schizophb enia when injected into normal persons SEOULDNT FLUNK Prevent schizophrenia by re lievingmentai stress and strengthening that protective shell child who feels loved accepts discipline and disap pointment lie shouldnt flunk out of the reschool rrofih if knocks Schizophreniasufferers meow er often without hospital treatment With todays tran quilizers psychiatrists are rear ching yesterdays hopelesscasr 85 What happened to the man vvtlth the constipatedGIla men or 0h he didnt have schizoph complicated one and as yet not all the answers are known Some fat is needed in the diet particularly the essential fatty acid bucolic acid which is for nished in corn cottonseed and says oils in these liquid veget able oils the fats are unsatur ated Meat and milk fats supply chiefly saturated fatty acids There is evidence that today the diets of many in this coun try contain too much fat and too much of the saturated fats in proportion to the unsaturated ones The big question is Would the great risk of coronary heart disease be lessened if we change the animalvegetable fat ratio in our diet Scientists do not know for certainty and cannot know for perhaps another few years In the meantime the fats and make sure thatsome saturated vegetable oil To lessen dietary fats Choose lean cuts of meat Meat fish and poultry should be broiled roasted simmered or rotisser ied instead of fatAfried Or fry pan that requires no cooking fat can be used Whenever feasible vegetable oil canbe used for cooking purposes but to bring about natural change in food habits that will trcl terucyciewher homemakeccamurthownonalL of that which is used isun The aim is not only to reduce result in permanent weightcont Plan this days schedule smartly Pattern activities on st successful procedures avoid extremes and dont en gage in new entures Ea cspav clally cautious in financial mat ters Some misleading influ ences could lead you astray where monetary affairs are con cerned Tor The Bitthin it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as of early December you will on advisahle to lay as firm foun dation as possible for job and financial gain Do not expect immediate returns but if you make your plans well you should reap fine results from your efforts by the middle of 1962 An eilent business pickup in late December or early January should be of great help Domestic and social activities will be under fine vibrations during December also between May and September of next year Your chart alsopresages cl and an interesting roman tic siluation during the same pe riod You may experience some nervous tension next month also March but try to curb it There will no real cause for anxiety You have such fine mentality and such good judg meat that yourshouldhave no trouble in solving even the most difficult of situations child born on this day will be selfconfident and extremely amiable in dealingwith others orIal service and minute of silence followed and was held for the late president of the WMS Mrs Selby Dobbs who passed away on Sept 22 1961 reading on Temperance was given by Mrs Churchill The worship service was conducted by Mrs Edgar Willi ed by Mrs Wright Th tndrmflsiglmlï¬nrmrslx Kearns the benediction and following 1517 the hostess Mrs with Mrs Mrs Bray served refresh ments during the social hour tlve meeting held in Barrie was given by Mrs Camplfn mem ams assist was given by Mrs The meeting was closed with Harvey Thornton and IIIIIIPES Ready To Hang $995 SINGLE WIDTH Large selection to one two and three width pain BARRIE TENT AWNING is anyone at rs m1 STYLE ESTBHNSMILNTS FUR TRIMMED COATS When It Comes To Coats Come To Siransmans STRANsMANS 44JJUNLQESLE lsnrcnon it WOOIWORTH PRICE aawattucm SAFE SANITARY IONG lASTING 18 long Simulated Passengers Showing in Windows WOOLWORTH rm JUMBO TRACTOR 14 long Molded Body 88c Guaranteed First Quality MicroMesh Seamless TINIED NYLONS 100 Needle IS Denier Sizes ll Popular fall Colon Reg Price7r7t WOOIWORIII 7c PAIR WOOIWORIII PRICE PRICE NEILSONS FAMOUS CHOCOLATE CHUNKS Delicious Milk Chocolate In Now Shops email PRICE ECONOMYf coovrmrucr the new combines convenience of renia He worked at the local real Whmyeu consider storms and screens for your he Ell511M EMORING COMEINAIION WINDOW on nilmetal window with the bean Rciency of wood The uninxinply low price will plenreyou FORIMORMATION OR FREE ESHMATE OR LVISII inn Promos no 48ANNEsrs Cliaï¬mg5torn Window is our WORK ncISeIfstoring WindéWE were IOO our ANY moor ngiiirrnsrar Ir selfstoring COMBINATIONWINWWS me be sure and visit your lumber dealer to Youll ï¬nd its the window that ly and unequalled insulating ++aPLi 82496 Expensive with co trp BOYS ThickSet Corduroy pr Flannel lined Sheena Cotton clotsBrown yond Charcoal W00tW0ltTH