arm Examiner 16 Beyfleld street Barrie Ontario MONDAY OCTOBER ll Jill Hunting Season Here But No Color Blindness iTést The hunting season is here again and soon the totals will be tallied so many Beer so many moose But how many else livestock and humans We have heard of Huefarmer in Ontario who claims he will point in large letters on one of his animals Most lamentable will be human toll and already there has been one guide shot in the back while leading rookie hunter through the bush when gun accidentally discharged Obviously it was pointing in the wrong direction and with the safety catch off Usually the vic tims are other hunters although recent ly youth shot at bird on fence and wounded railwa worker inthe 0511 3W3 district The hunters who meet with disaster arealways mistaken for game Can adas rising standard of living has on abled many more people each year to so buntissand in more efficient weapons The result in fourfooted animals bagged may be set isfying but the result in hunters killed is shocking One hunting expert claims many of the new crop of deerseekers dont dress roperly tn the traditional brl red But we have heard of electric no as good warning Trouble is there is no colonblindnesstestgivenwvhenahunte nppliesjoiiislicence nora mental test continually better Our Tax Rates TerrrHighv Canadian tax rates are hurting indus try Such was the gist of strong warn ing given by Neil McKinnon president of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce in an address to the Toronto Can adian Club the other day The high tax levels he said pro duce in aggregate tax revenues not more but less than lower taxes would Incentives for industrial growth cannot be created if the level of taxation dim inishes initiative either by the corporate body or by the individual Pointing out the popular fallacy that high tax rates take away greatly exces sive earnings and that excessive earnings would be created regardless of the tax level Mr McKinnon said In nearly all countries of Western Europe the maxi mum levels of taxation are lower than those in Canada if we expect to obtain Down Memory Lane COLDWATER LADY T0 RESCUE The Barrie Examiner of Sept 1980 had an item headed Goldwater Lady Rescued Three The Goldwater Nevis stated that sensational rescue from drowning was effected by Mrs Frank uchanan at Gloucester Pool when three men were in trouble on the lake with canoe swamped by high seas as they were making for Whites Bay In the canoe were Dr Snider Dr Smith and the industrial effort herewhich will com pare with that of other countries we should look at our tax levels and endeav or not to put our creators of business at disadvantage with those in other countries The speaker suggested that Canadas attitudes to work may be weak mention ing that among number of nations this country has both the greatest number of holidays and in many activities the shortest working week He also noted the large number of young persons going into the labor market inadequately edu cated and inadequater skilled Certainly he said we are not going to become as nation industrially large or rich unless we are prepared notvonly to work hard but also to equip ourselv es with the skills necessary to compete in this highly technical age Mr King All three could swim but Mr smith wasnoteguaiimtbeatram and becï¬e exhauste Mrs Buchanan by using field glass noted their plight and pluckily took boat andwent out to their assistance as there were no men available to help her at that time If she had not acted promptlyno doubt Dr Smith would have gone down as the other two men were also nearly exhaust ed by their efforts and could not support him much longer Other Editors Views PART OF DEMOCRACY Zurich Citizen News speechand free expression of opinion by means of letters and editorials is right not mere privilege Branding critics With harsh names is wrong It does not deal with the real issue whichis to answer the criticism Rarely do answers tocriticism satisfy everybody But that does not matter Frank answers are all that can be expected Nor can anyone find fault with public officials for stick ing to their guns But they must not be annoyed if people quarrel with their de sentto the headquarters haven but their wives and families The cisions That is part of democracy RATHER POOR PLANNING Sarnia Observer One sometimes wonders just how gov ernments planning processes can take turns that are highly illo gical For instance should the world become embroiled in nuclear war an emerge ency government headquarters would be set up at safe distance from Ottawa This is because there is schooleof thought in the national capital who be lieVe Ottawa would be prime target in any future war gt y0ttawa should be No target for some enemy of the future escapes us It would seem that the mass like Toronto or Mon effect upon cities treal would be much more appealing target than Canadas capital But should there be war emergency thezgovernment officialswould all be with families would he left to become Cinders before the blast of an Hbonib Ni Do the national defence and emerg ency planners at Ottawa think they can The Barrie Examiner marina Pan Ollie Dally Sunday and Statutory Eolldlyl oxlepM KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN amour Berian Manager EMcPEKRSON wunnnnl Editor Damn WADGE ranmm Manager my WILSON Advertising Mnnngn JOHN HOLDER Cuminfan Muller Subscription rate on in carrier us my are re bribes on outsta ootino 6000 your audio line Manon Audit Bureau of circulation month LowerIi Av ro towed fishersI iizotnn scha vmoizl is labor or this moraln No Pl hip nihcu Annotation The on at nd the The Consdlï¬i Press in exam to the flu for re ubllntion or all news ml In this aim are food toii or The sum ma Press or auterl and also in looll om published shown es and children good bye and then hustle off to some secret Thereisstilleaefreeisocietyrandfreoheadqusï¬ï¬strléï¬e their families im protected Are these men of government going to be efficient planners of nation al defence if they receive word in their hidsaway that Ottawa has been wiped ou Survival of civilization or pro of part of Canada will ties and people should know that HITCHHIKINtHiAzAans WoodstockaSentinelReview Good samaritan motoring on the ction not replacafamily even government TransCanadanflighwaymtheeotherdayhm picked up two hitchhikers near Portage Prairie Manitoba Presumably he thought he was help ing deserving strangers in distress He wound up in Manitoba hospital after being savagely beaten stripped of his car and left lying by the wayside It took him an hour to drag himself to the nearest farmhouseir Theiineident leads recent writer in the Canadian Motorist to suggestion that few thinking menwvould open the doors of their homes to invite strange passersv by to share few hours with them and their family Yet there is many motorist who even when travelling alone will stop his car and offer ride to acomplete stranger whose only communication has beenvan upraised thumb The Canadian Motorist quotes an apt warning by Edgar Hoover to American motorists as they approach Ms Dont pick trouble is he happy vacatioiierTaiT escaMminal leasant companion of sex maniac riendly traveller or vicious murderer In the gamble with hitchhikersyour safe ty and the lives of your lovedones are at stakeDonttake the risk In short turn thumbs down when you get the4upraised thumb of the bitch er PARTY LABELS TODAY Vancouver Province If the voters are confused these days it is understandable If party namesareto hgngny meaning the Socialists should go back to being Socialiststhe Liberals to belngGrits and the Conservatives to being Tories And while the Socreds cant go back as far as the others they can return firmly to the principles upon which the party was launched There are too many political chameleons on the political foliage these days REPORT FROM Londoners Can See CanadaMade Films can now in Iandon in new lmm amid it open located in the new Canadian government building on Gros vonor Square the theatre will be operated by the National er FilmBourd of Conde At the opening ceremony for this new preview theatre heard Victor Adams the tions Film Boards chief for the United Kingdom and Europe give some interesting informa tion on the scope of its activ ltlcs The new theatre be said become ABOUT IT OTTAWA REPORT Salutes Education In Newfoundland ay rarities NicnoLaou Our youngest province last week appropriately staged an impressive salute to education such as has never been wit nessed in any of our older prov lnoes The occasion was the official opening of the new campus of Newfoundlands Memorial Uni varsity located on the outskirts of the provincial capital St John The emonleg were lavishly plannedon grandiose scale by tbat energetic showmanPre is the Canadlsnborn newspaper publisher Roy Thomson Now publishing over 90 news 13an Am Fuel cess papcrs in Canada England Scotland lreland Wales the USA the West In dies and Africa be Is said Mr Smallwood the greatest interna tional publisher the world has known gt myse am far from being endemic this new chancellor told the university body cabinet ministers and distin guished visitors welcoming him But repres worldiwhiob WWW canliavéa powerful and not unmmmm as LETTERS TO EDITOR TUDHOPE DANCE Dear Sir We of the Barrie TeenTown executive would like to thank everyone concerned with helping us make the ludhope dance held Our thanks go especially to the Barrie Recreation Society and the Arena Commission for their assistance in helping us to obtain the use of the areas We would also like to extend our appreciation to themembers of the various service organiza tions who volunteered their as sistance as chapelones The students atte ding con we had been ally designed to meet the verse needs of the board With seating capacity of 75 it Wimm ansdfsn films for which the National Film Board has be come famous Mr Adams int ed out that the tendon off cc of the NFEC serves an area from Iceland to the Ural mountains and from the Arctic to the Med iterranean FILMS IN DEMAND Canada is noted for its health education servlc said Mr Adams and of our films on child and mental bealthbave been trons lated and adopted by other coun4 tries It is most rewarding to be able to serve humanitarian The traffic moves both ways too We are looking for technical and information fllms throughout Europe for distribu tion in Canada Although the National Film Board are made primarily for Canadian audiences of them are widely distributed in other coun tries as well TheJloard pro QUEENS PARK Wintermeyer appmochestn production duces films and lilmstn for clamoom use tcchni sub jocts on health safety andagrl cultural topics and films to pro motc discussion ofcurrent nodal WEEDS CANwdAlgï¬lANS eceu Adams the National Film Board has produced films abroad to keep Canadians informed on develop mentrirthrwortd wsaitbrs study orthe ibrl resources in relation to its grow ing pulsticn comparison of religions and currently series on metropolitan growth The NFBC now has cat alogue of 700 titles covering may subject fields made in many countries of Europe Asia Africa and America Recon tion from critics and festival judges last was brought thl boardsomo 15 swam ma NEW covering The new preview cinema in London which has been equlpv pad with two GK 37 projectors with Xenon lamps sound equip ment and wide angle some has to be equally suitable for lillow lng theatrical short to dis tributoror 85 mm slides to doc tors One feature ls long desk across the back of the auditor lum with shielded lights and movable chairs for NFBCpm ducers selecting footage from European sources and for Bri tish producers selecting Cana dian material Each year the board lists number of experimental films as one method of developing fresh One of these shown at the opening ceremony was Morning on the Llevr most of the films of this years Berlin Festival Diploma of Merit to Edinburgh and has already been accepted for hteatrlcal distribution in sev eral European countries Shows Fighting Qualities TORONTOAnd he meant it The CCF could have bad the political show of the century But they didnt take the bit CCFer at the New Demo hope that in the future With crat founding conventiï¬ made met Joey smauwmd our to gsï¬gcggrflgazg $13 in this dance as an example the crack about the Liberals liq may he assured Student that members of the dehope com uor policy days guests enjoyed the gener ous hospitality of the provincial government in crowds ranging in size from the population of the capital watching marri mothparade to 040 diners from five continents at Newfound lnnds largest state banquet In fact everything was the biggest and the provincial cab inet had voted 3200000 foot that biggest Never before had so many oolchlldre 000 puriï¬ed in Canada nor had so many full bands 10 played for marchers nor had so many Canadian university presidents 80 gathered in con vocation nor had so much At lantic salmon and partridge berry pie been eaten by so many formally dressy women and ï¬clffailsuited men And never he never hadsoiminycena diens turned out to cheer vis iting priine minister of Canada Nawrouivnmlvpsrluna What day this is for New foundland rbapsodized the ex ducer and leading performer Joey Smallwood Confederation has been the greatest blessing under God bestowed on New foundland and the explosion in education is the latest and best of all those blessings Just how great that explosion has beamsaid the premier can be measured by the expenditure on education in Newfoundland Frani first settlement up to Con federation 350 years the total bill for education was $55000 000but from Confederation up to today just 12 years the total bill was $115000000 This is just one of the blessings madepos sible for Newfoundland by shar ing in the wealth of the other Canadian provinces What this means to Newfound lenders of course is better edu cational facilities available to more children in those 1400 out ports scattered along the rugged coastline as well as in the larger communities What the new university campus means is higher education available to many more students who can benefit by it and the Newfound land government explained Pre miar Smallwood now awards larger sums in rnure scholar ships for higher education than all the othernine provincial gov ernments and the federal gov ornment combined And what the 12 new techni cal chools costing 3200000011 and hreequarters financed by Ottawa will mean to Newfound leaders is at least uai pppor tunlties in our increasth tech nical employment field Ass To woes Tbo dignitary at the apex of Newfoundlanda swelling educa tional pyrarrild is of course the chancellor of the university The public figure just selectedby Preniler Smallwood to succeed the retiring first chancellor Britains Viscount Bothermere higher education is no substitute mlttee will see their way clear He said it was based on the hard work and grams to permit students to hold fact that leader lobn Wmter value lies in instilling habits of industry What day indeed that was for Newfoundland the day se lected by Premier Smallwood to symbolize the increased impor tanco of education and the vastly increased opportunities now availa Is to Newfoundland children todayrstudentsito marrow leaders if points alone are driven home in Newfoundland and across Canada that would be emple rwerdforthelavishexpenditure of timpand money by so many who contributed either to those celebrations Damage Suit Against Govt dbope come dance in the years to Sincerely JOHN DOUGHERTY Pres BONNIE TAYLOR Sccy EMS Applications Up From Year flgo TORONTO CF Applica tions frommunicipallties to have projects declared winter works are coming in on such scale that many cannot be ap proved for this winter Labor Minister Starr said Friday night The federal minister said in mayor was tied in with the liquor interests newspaper man reported it Mr Wintermeyer saw the story He hit the room He got the reporter on the phone at Niagara Falls and is vehement denial you tell cm the iftthdanff ï¬ver there and tell them sol The offer was not taken up thougb to tell the truth you could hardly expect it to be But it would have made wonderful scene The Liberal leeder defending himself at New Democrat convention It would have made real news which the convention itself did not of course TEE SMEAR Also at the convention there was no sign of change in this OTTAWA GP Two years an interview municipal appllcn same smear complex to which mugmkmanaaï¬rknlsmmwmnghav come to nothing in Newfound lands damage suit against the federal government for alleged breach of an RCMP contract The trial was to have begun here today but on Newfoundland successfully ap plied to Exchequélrtï¬ilffm ident Thorson for post ponement of the trial until Dec but that doesnt mean the trial will start then Justice do oLwinterworks projects are coining in at twice therate of last year He oathhated winter works will provide onsite jobs for l50000 persons for various pe riods between now and next Mr Lstronghbjectionr it of course has been the ballmark of the CCF And it probably has been its greatest drawback The people leading the party cant seem to realize thisor at IdLukemmbarin leastt use can it its public industries supplying materials and services Last Winters $300000000 program employed 120000 onsite workers and similar numbei elsewhere artment officialsare WW9 Bfldpmvincial smut hether may Wm ever take pay for 15 per cent ofrlabor place and Keith Eaton of Dt tawa counsel for Newfound land says hLdoesnt know either He indicated the deci sion rests with the Newfound land government The case arises from the March 1950 loggers strike in Newfoundland when Provincial Attorne asked Ott reinforcemBTits to the scene Under 1957 contract the RCMP polices Newfoundé land and the provincomouldssk for such reinforcements But clause gave Justice Minister Fulton power to deny such request if it would interfere mm responslbilities in other parts of Canada The were never sent BIBLE THOUGHT Thou shalt ion the bore thy God with all in heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mindMatthew 2231 If we put God first in our lives we have enlisted the greatest £0338 to the universe in our be annivan Moscow The great Italian actress Ele anor Duse who died in 1024 never used makeupeither on off the stage costs on approved projects was program begins next week attitudes here in Ontario But unless many of us are wrong the public just wont stomach digging into the innards of others on the premise that the world is full of crooks Certainly this writer cant take it He can and does like in Wintermeyer took such mire their sincerity and their ef ifart and sometimes their abil And when it comes to people like federal MP Douglas Fisher lLiie can have outright admira on But he cant swallow without gagging the righteousness com bined with nnbelt fighting whlcb has characterized the party Mencken said My at titude towards idealism is invar iably sceptical The idealist assumes that his antagonist is not only wrong but humeral Me too Mencken from what have seen here T00 GODIF In the meantime it was prom ising to see Mr Wintermeyor blow his top The Liberal leader has been bit too much the other way He hasnt been willing to believe anything bad about anybody He is good fighter though it hasnt shown up And if he can just be convinced that be can fight the opposition without using their tactics he will make things interesting Retain Character By Restoration HALIFAX CF Commum ity planningdoesnt mean teac ing down every old building in sight and replacing them with new ones the Community Plan ning Association of Canada was told Friday Mrs Blanche van Ginkel Montreal planning consultant said itis betterrto preserve an cient buildings still standing then spend money croating jpioneer villages the pioneers never lived in 3W5 sendRWnn dlvldual CCFers And he can ad BUY CANADA SAVINGS BONDS THROUGH THE ciuhmmmmt NKVOF COMMERCE 0091260 handles to serve you BA OMMERCE THE