Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1961, p. 12

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Are You ll THE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER IO 1061 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Child la iaLI Rid5 culls is full or Wldnudaya Child LI mu TODMU Child ha to coin um and Ll IIV Addaguninallabonoatho snobla Dy Flair 5in no In In All IIII hp Coupler Cu Ilwsa want to know which at on In uni dim dnlo Kup lnu nd out In errant Inlarmauon or your call mill Harris Dr amine Birth Announcement will include tboaammrour ebild lb do at ia it month and gm of mfgbl nnd oth vltol on onnloa bus can bocoml DIImI by Boos or nmiiy in lo anrllo Examiner Birth Notice in only co To place notice onnnr PA um DEATHS noaAN Arcldnllly at UtoEII crlobnr is iosl edict pond oi an nun in his sin you Bolnvad nulb ad or Evelyn rimK our oi Patrick and io Son Duran Midhuni ms nu alman Barrio on ma ociobl l1 lo interment SI Mary cry WEBB Paasod owa at Toronto East General Hospita on Friday Loni wm Elisabeth dear ol Garnet Pigoli Loo Caiiorrila in her slit uilng at tho Truil Fu Ilnml 110 You Strut are or iuhcral nrv co in in chapel on Monday October Is at pm Motors to arrivu at pm Iniormont Barrio Union Cemetery COMING EVENTS FOWL SUPPER ORANGE HALL IVY WEDNESDAY OCT 18 580 pm Program Iohn Joscfik and his accordion orchestra irom Can adlan Academy oi Music Bar Ill CHILDRDI is AND UNDER no ADULTS our AUSPICES CHRIST CHURCH IVY allter AnsoluS1 CLOWE WI SHORT COURSE Mrs Shellswell Mrs Partridge Mrs Wright Mrs Marchildon Mrs Dyball Mrs Decker and Mrs Decker attended the Womens Institute extension short course Creative Cookery at Craig hurst on Tuesday and Wednes day Rev and Mrs Gem of Destran visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Percy Bon bey Frank Barker oi Winnipeg visited recently at John Lav anderl fillirralrd Mrs Bidwell and Robert George Bidwell of Craig hurst visited recently with Mr and Mrs Hartley at EatheA say Barry Lavender of Victoria recently spent two his uncle rylsvtlie Gilbert Lavender oi Victoria and Mrs Lavender oi Saskatchewan Best wishes are extended to Mr and Mrs Joseph McKinnon of Angus on the birth at their daughter Sharon on Sept 11 at Barrie hospital CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82444 Condensed and classiiiet adver Lisemcnts are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion or one and two times do per word ior three four or five times and 2lac per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADI VERTISEMENT 15 86c EUR 24 CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION condos CORRECTIONS Advertisers phone in on convenience Therefore Lilo IllllflEd his Department rsauiraa vo crs to kindly reclleck dvortlsemont lmmsdlataiy insertion In order Lblt ny errors or omissiooa may be reported belore it our in ordnr ibnl same may be rectified to allowing any Insertion order will to point out am The Barrio satminor responsibl or only no incorrectly printa ion on any advertisement and than only to extent or portion 01 ad um involves the misprint error which do not iuu the value oi ih advertise moot are not sillible ior como urn by mm loodl Coming Events 6c per word minimum charge $150 Eirth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam Ne 1icer$110fiifvarso used so pet word extra amin Lmlm amine lalolmiion ranrslac advertlaaro luillg blind Letter aux Numbers di Replies hold nilIctly cendd antill to better aoxu will had only in days alter 1m day 01 publiclion Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre eeding publication with the ex roeption oi Classiiied Display advertisements which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day styles or semi Iy ldcda may ihrough Tho Examiner ad na duomoons REAL ESTATE moronic eon anus HENDERSON REALTOR lo eoquIl slnszr PHONE PA Hm EVnINCvS nlrrscmn PERCY roan IA Lmo EMERSON SWAIN PA HM Idollabor at Ontario Kaith Marshall am esrAra BROKER ll CMPEIZRJQIL sr aAIinle PA L25 DAYS 0R EVENINGS MOORE PA 350 FRANK Nm PA WW biomblr mm and District Real htata Board ROSE REAL BTAIE EROKZR Il TITTIN STREET HARRIS SPLIT LEVEL Very attractive ii bedroom split level brick home only year old and locatcd only about minutes Irom North Collegiate and Oakley Park School This home Is in excellent condition inside and out finished recrea tlon room separate laundry room equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries ior $95 monthly including inlercst principal and taxes Lot 65 ioct Irontage REDUCED IN PRICE Reduced from 3800 to Slznao New home located on Penctalig Street three bedrooms large kitchen and living room extra large bathroom with linen stor age double windows full base Imoat with forced air gas heat ng $800 DOWN PAYMENT $7500 iull price ior this bed room bungalow located on Ill in St Living room kitchen and bathroom large storage space garage large lot 130 800 with abundance of treas Terms on this property are ex cellcnt and taxes are about Si ACRES SOUTH OF BAREIE LocatedmsZTnghway can slstlng oi about acres of land on which is located large brick home with all inside con veniences attached garage forced air oil boating fully landscaped grounds good water pressure system This property would suit the larger family or could be two family home Small burn on property has been used as dog kennel WEST END homeriargevlfiine oll heating close to new slipp plag centre $l 2500 Three bedroom bungalow plus one bedroom kitchenette and toilet in basement lully lendv scaped extra large garage CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the lisrila and Dirtrlci Real Estate Board CARSON To 45A DUNLOPST Next door to the imperial Tbeltru PA 66481 Member or Home and Diriiiot Real mm eonrd Nona AND George Holloway wish to sell their nlca madam 11 miles lrnm Harrie Mldhuist area Phone PA osloa MOVARLE FRAME garage Iol sale Proximatcly II it IS Icet Toic fignlo PA $5528 or Tim Mayor ArllGua Onlumikohcd hours liar mafiacoul wn years Three hedroomd Full basement Largo kitchen with dinette Rca oonabic Terms could be brunt ed Toiophona HE 57o THREE BEDROOM brick bous leIDl room with Rchlaco piece bath finished rocreation room all lurnuce Itornlo Ind screens double garage withPaved drive way Subrlnntlnl down moot lilo hiy payments or nclud iilllitaxel Cloaa to St Marys PA PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity of St Maryo Chore Early poss ession required Reply to BOX 49 THE BARRIE EXANHNER LOTS FOR SALE GOOD IIUILDING LOT Dear Sun nldnla Road and gel course In 100 loot list outside city limits Priced at 1700 Calh Telephone PAILIOZII MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE immediately to consolidate debta pay off existing mort gages home improvementsbgge Call ior appointmentPAo Mortgage Funding over Simpson 26 DUNLOP ST WEST HEATED Apartment Largo llvlllg Scilrs 120 Dunlap Street East REAL ESTATE ROGERS oNe DUNLOP PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TORS masonsr First in Barrie anion suesEcrunoil in canon of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES avemncs CALL aninsuooncfimn ROGERS PA Na CONNELL PA 07 KNEES BARR DISTRICT REAI ISTATI BOARD CLIFF BROWN itslump 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PRO PA MIMI PA 6020 lumbar or Lb Barrio Roll but Board MWDM mas Jun LustPA N7 For GarveyPA 57053 CORBY R0 Phone PA MAID MADE HARSHALLPA cusp le JONESP Sloull Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS REAL ESTATE KER so Dunlop at vi COREYPA Hal LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER smear PA aseoi blombara ol llll Dorrie and FIELDSTONE With its own kind oi elegance living room loom included in the extras you Dillrict Rial Lilit Board BUNGALOW bedrooms divided kitchen cosy Roughed in recreation room with replace broad il enjoy Call us now DO YOU HAVE $50000 Thats all you need to move into one at the several out oi town choice locations we have listed Call us for particulars CASTLE DRIVE LOT Choice residential location 90 We have good selection oi lot town 132 Asking price 3600000 to choose irom in and out of EVENINGS CALL Merv GouldOre 1515 Edith GouldOra laid Harry sicrrorPA econ Orca BrownPA 57235 MORTGAGES BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD Announces New Low Rates On Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans For Homeowners BORROW ssooo REPAY $3522 PR MONTH P1 Balaacast and at ist years NO BONUS Other Plans Available Barrie Residents ior confid ential appointment in your own home call 0p and ask for ZE $6540 No toll charge other Area esldents Call Guelph TA 29062 collect ACTIVE MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASS MonTnAuEsisl and 2nd bouabi sold and arranged nominalhis and residential nobay loaned on exiatlnl mortllxos Barrie Mort ug arolrsu PA cased FINANCIAL YRENTALS arcs aousns T0 RENT Two BEDROOM moiit apartV meal per month nciudiul all agggguiaucel TIIIPbunO PA TWO threeroom npnrtmenu Heat light and wit supplied Apply Toronto St or telephone PA com TWO noon rurnlnbnd ed lrimant Ior rant tor 37309 TWO BEDROOM cottage or sport merit to rent this year round art ly tarnished Telephone no Wasgs Beach or datalil TIIIlEE BEDROOM house inl rent onnlrnl Close in cpnrnln and uhiio schools and onnihnir lock Telephone PA in mom inn and alter 430 pm MODERN self contained bedroom apartment Central monthly Hunt and water Includ ad Apply Peal Street Apartment roun ROOM lurnlohed heated apartment three place both heavy duty ltovo re cantor hardwood floors Ava bis immediately Apply Armlt ng Hardware rl heat Suitable adults PA or Phob one 355 $5005 An FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE ONLY ASK FOR aiLL SIMMS PA 60203 BUS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL SALES OPPORTUNITY High return Ior mature sales man in new market Oppor tunity to operaleyour own bus iness No investment Car provided Act nowl Call MR SPRAII PA 64842 aenurv sao laid in Orlilil aw location low rent suitable toi ono or two oo craters Priced sol uick lala Reply box arms xnmlner eanVIce STATION Karen and snack bar Good living dualtorn Tam miles north Harri on main highway Year round busi ness Reasonable down payment reinpilono PA oiozo PUBLIC SPEAKING It you have dvar lud any oxosrionr ln apolklnl batora largo oerall group or people we an your services in phenomenal new in duslry ror Interview ask for Mr Moth li theMayor Motelrliov Duniop St Barrio btB Pan Hill on Tuesday October in NURSINGHOMEFVJ KIND CARE given bed and up pstlnnu Pleasant compnnlonsnip nutiliKll land road inungo and TV rooms Rcllonabie rates Ark Eden Nursinc Home GBRI stroud APTSH HOUSES T0 RENT telephone room bedroom dinette kitchen with stove and refrilora ior Control Buoinesa couple pra torred Talopnono PA com ATTRACTIVE unlurnishad thrdo room apartment withpprlvate bath Sell contained Hester Heavy duty wiring Tail hone PA dBbdfl alterb pm lol urther inlorml on UNFUIINIBHED HEATED spart ment separatc entrance heavy wiring llvlllg room dinotto kt chan athluom and two hcdmoma Adults only Tolcphono PA 0751 for further particulars aMALL unlurnlshod modorn soil can lnori one human art mnl chnilni 55 month not and water included Lnun ry lac Inodcrn IAIE Ii nloroy our hcdroom hound New lv decorated lilo por month Available October l5 Tale hflno PA 590 or lurther dot il LARGE HOUSE or rent our bed rooms gar heated in quiet loca tion Central location Reasonable rent Apply to Box as Home Bx Imlner ONE AND TWO bedroom I11an rnenii Stove rclrioerator Janitor service nnd lnundry minim none in irom seam monthly Telephone Leach PA Halo AVAILABLE immediate Three room rnll contained rtnlent Hut and water supplied sos par month For further details telc phone PA HASOEI or PA 09853 AVAILABLE any time liva roe untuiniahed IowchduplaxrgtWDilv iogton and Reynold Streets Adults Prclcrrcd $100 monthly Taic Ibsn PA 85704 between mm SPACIOUS six roemed men large living room with fireplace dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Ample storage self contained very central Available November see monthly role phone PA c1324 VERY CENTRAL Two bedroom unfurnished heated apartment or rent In new building Stove and refrilcrator Wlllllr lid dryer Available immediately Telephone PA azsaa UNELIINISIIED Apartment liv ing room two bedrooml kitchen bright BDd spacious Available Novcmber Contrai Parxlnl ll cilitias Telephone PA 573 evens inns and weekend TIIREE ROOM unfurnished lpart merit ior rent Centrally located Private bath and winner Heat and hydro included so or montll Telephone PA 04173 or Iurthsrintormaunn essLHoNTAINED Apartment for rent Largo badslttlnd room moo dcm kitchen utility room and bath swag nltrunce Bag $43 her man on roll HEATED rUnNIanED three room apartment with private entrance and bath Parking space Nur but route Adults Hoav duty stay and ralrileralo Tc whorls PA oIslls attortpm MODERN uNruBNIsnaD IeII contained three room apartment with private entrance and bi $15 per month hydro hast wa er and complete laundry Iaclll titr Must in lean to be appreci Ited Telephone PA 87010 Tllnon ROOM lumlshod uostair apartment modern kitchen cup hoards $15 monthly including util ities Available after Ocinber la Must be seen in ha appreciated in Cumberland siroat UNFuItNIeIIED bedroom apartment tor rent but watery refrigerator nndltbvc nrlrlng storage and laundry facl ties In eluded Available immediately Toldphonu PA bIIOI 2STOREY BRICK home 88 Oil parton Street with our he rooms livina dining and kitchen Immediate possession rciercncos required Apply ll Ii Coutts and Co Real Estate Owen Shunt Orle llitluil Apply Pool Street Armt mont PA HIM SIORE OWN ERS RENTALS ms HOUSES no news uNrUaninD our room butd If contoinod attuan Apply mubar Crucial Auistoa or telephone at new liter pm mar halaldished apartment tam rooms and bath but Ia booted Laundry room with dry Available immediately Tlopneol PA 5611 or PA um flu CONTAINID tarnished aplrtnanlt consisting os Livia iebodieomn bathroom Rent to per month Teloobonn PA also or PA wll RUN LOW ID bomnm Oll Imbiy deco ted Oil minute liy rulonncu 55 Bar month Ebb AVAILABLE Inmadilllly bodro modern eonvcni lr tarnished ma Silos ram milu mm monthly Tcllpbona M463 for runner lbIormatlosL hi TWO ROOM lumlsbcd Ipartnnut privaio antinil modern but Ind light Iuppllad Alan our room apori DIIDIFII1 lumisbad no and lint our on PA is oun lnu PA Miss yr THREE FURNISHED Room Apart with privato bath and cat Heated Hardwood floors aplc Ivaliabia Adulir is born PA on or Iurthor Particulars New Arm Kodgrp one and low on Ironnu endows cubic Knmponsou my in nu nrlring and Inniior mic lisch no Autommn wnhiag culliea PA szoos ranran moors two bedroom apartment in Strand apartment house Aouiln proirmd No oh lactioo in baby No pain Avlll nbio Novlabor in monthly Tolephonn Strch so MODERN two bedroom no meat unfurnished bolted loo trio ranle and relrlgentor Laun dry Iacilltiu and arlring area Jlnltor service Ava labia Novem her Talopboao Acton ior particulars ROOMS TO LET GENTLEMAN double room with anouflr ynun man All conveniences For iuri Am lormation tcilphouo PA M376 NICELY Furnished bed riitin room In rout l1 wrslrly Locate in Arena Iron Parking Iocilltlca Telephone PA 031 alter pan LARGE BRIGHT Room In private home sailbl or two girls Board item ninIord Street vicinity undry and parish tar clIItlas Available now Toilp one PA N741 CENTRAL Two Iumlshed bad roomr One large room with twin bedo nae iumiihed llngln room Builnus peoplo prelomd Phone PA 57567 alter pm TWO FURNISHED Ballroom in private home Light cooking lr dn silcd Also ball double laragc Psiliin spnco Available immedi stays in wail and Toiepbnnd PA ROOMWBOARD ROOM AND noAllD available Clara to downtown Apply is Don cxy Street or Author iDiormatiori ROOM AND DOADD available tar gentleman In private home park ng space available now Tell Phone PA ss7o7 COMFORTABLE Room with board One more suitable ni lwo gentle mun Home privileges Telcphuno PA Miss to snare Lunches packed ll Tale phana PA Mm ROOM AND DoAuD with home privileges central Buy at door Cloo to downtown Business girls proinrred Telephone PA M113 MARY sneer Vicinity Room and board Gentleman preisrred All EICUIIDCAILJOIDOJHVII dgu Clone in downlown Tclc phone PA codes roi lurtber inror motion ROOM BOARD WANTED ROOM AND BOARD wanted in quiet home or respectbis cider ly lady Apply stating rates box is Barre Examiner WANTED TO RENT ruaNisuna comma wanted to rent Dustblfiro erlzed and have indoor plumbing Shanty Dav ru grainsed Pious rand ropich on so amid Examiner WANTED nested two bedroom lower armlent with rival an tranc young bur Dess man with small anally by November IoriSc unwindtron Lnfilelbon able rent Apply on 7l aortic Drummer desired wANinn by November on Re plausible couple require nicc sur ihed Irtment one or two preiornhiy private ent lupzlh come or own lumiture No larch or pets nnpiy mung locationzand tele Ehooo number to can is airrlo xbmincr ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE AUTOMOTIVE Electrohome TV Stereo Hear the NI us Since no But in Sound McFADDEN Appliance Pllemm so PA We no rerma to suit your andgol NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes mid ideal ior lining hen houses attics garages etc Perfect NWTi NICKS DEAD STOCK 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Allende Ontario tutu 130com with Weaver mo Icopie algal Phone IA Halo raioIDAmx aria Automatic Waaber or Like new Telu Pbono ivy so auLLrioleo and audio Feaca Row and Stuns removed ri paon Ln PA um CASE LOANS4500 at month Tallpboill PA MIN armour Hashes Danica at FRIOIDAIRE stow Televialoa Automatic norDryer an Chairs ior Toiepbono PA IN or apply to uni Avnua FREE Ona lioray ram boual with hot air Iuiasco ll elmad away in the ground IlvlL Talo phona PA 35573 or Mayor blotoL lulLo or as an orilng mudol with recall pad no ammunition Reasonable price Tolophone PA More alter pm NATURAL aAs RANGE burnr Priced at not condition on RANGE Viking our burlici hula duty Oven liner and clock Win ow in oven door Now last year used to month APP 142 So Itch ID Iilvd PZWRIIKES bought sold redo ed to illed Student rental rates lr cut our neat Try than say our wormliar an er and so PA oases RAINATOM clashed repaired moored Plow point rebuilt namuion Radiator and Lawn Mow er Service Telephone PA 170 Or IIedlrlck Street TAnPAvLms or rent by Week or month Used Tarp bought sold and traded Used cila Iool Suitable Iur pnlntori drop ho vegetable covers etc Enrric Tent and AWD mg Ltd PA MI HEATING UNIT cam lat Hot water boiler Fe oil urner 150 gnilon oil tank is loot loidlnl garage door root liltlup car on door Llrlo quantity of wnidnw Irannu and sashes colD plete End springs and radia holrs Telephone PA some or PA Four In very Apply at Essa HUNTERS AND Sportsmanl lilo dei as Jean ss Beretta Pumps sac Now any olsss can an on Ln Shells 80 call buntlines $1505 rol ct grips owd bulleh llvo bl hunilnc iccnou hand gunl Everything or ii sportsman cpun ever evealnl Hoblohi an an em ROOM AND BOARD ll bi Im munuy flLiuM coms sTAMPs COINS Supplies Get ready for your winter hobby now All coin folders and albumsavoll able at the Barrie Stamp and Com Sturc 11 aayneld Street Barrie Colin and atampl bought and sold QUIT st VEGETABLES HALLOWEEN PUMPKINs and squalh or sale all sizes Will lell gr large loll Telephone FA No Titan erocx Potatoes or me Apply to Harold Wright PA Men or POTATOES or sale JIM Free delivery on dero Di Oil pbons Ivy No Personae or sale will deliver Apply anrv coiilnr lss Wellington StreetWEast or tele phone PA ems D065 PETS VWILLETTS PETS 4i GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gel Fliil lliriies andalipet OPEN sum PM DAILY PHONE PA saqss 1a or ARTICLES for SALE Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books clre in per fect condition bulhave l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM lZc to 20c Clearing ar9c ea lus PROVINC SALES TAX Commercial Printing ROUND or sale Black and tan maleI three years old Tralncd as hunter Talc hone PA $7610 or lurther detail aoxzo oolc SALE purebred mole rcglatcrcd your old Goo house dos load with children Telephone 132M Camp Borden Box Comp Borden BOATS do MOTORS WINTER STORAGE Boats up to 30 ieet stored in clean dry location Free win ter storage on outboard motors Have your motor winterized and tuned up how for next sea son AUTHORIZED SERVICE FOR JOHNSON EVINRTJDE AND EUCCANEER OUIEOARDS Free motor pickup in Barrie DELANEY BOATS LTD Barrie Telephone PA 85539 Dept Barrie Examiner Phone66537 HAVE YOU TRIED ARTICLES WANTED SHOTGUNS WANTED All sizes of ammunition available Barrle Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST wasr PHONE PA moi RENTALS slum Electric Porc able Machines for rent by the wool or tho month Singer Sew in Centre Dunio Street Well gfiIlvchnua IA E7 or Elmvaio blunt wt lifllh GRAHAM CARD SPORTS ironinva irucn NICHOIS 16 MISSISSAGA ST ORILLIA FA 55954 WE WILL PAY CASE or Hood used iulnitura or any good ulad article individual or eontcnl Iota Pnnnr FA Mmr ARTICLES WANTED wouLDauow nibbu lino wound in nod condition Tole pboaa PA to rail or Boat Om and uu Junta minted In 004 condition Tclapbclo PA 5FARM ERS MARKET DEADSTOCKT Highest prices paldTofiead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals rcmovedlrce For last service phone amine PA ensi collect or ask or ZENIIH 01180 NO CHARGE hours day1 days not RR Femlead Ontario License No 139001 LIVESTOCK rIOa so on lol Iola Tale pbono On or All drow Dumool lth Do On BROWN luau nil lose also brown born loco lbs iogetbr bl lopr Ily lion IloDaI mllkia machine File PA Mose Bwltur POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and men oultrgnln onooun HDEKAEBi alarm Startld Nady to lay and dly old chicks Ordar now or fly Urdu discount For Ilrvlca or Dal on ywnpouluy problems can roll on HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS sraoun PHONE 77 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES cannon FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Fail clearance at bar gain prices before win ler storage Cast New Holilnd David Brown Elltly Farm Equipment 175 BURTON AVE PA 32373 CASE TRADE TERMS ATTENTION FARMERS LINCOLN ARC WELDERS 180 AMP $15500 COMPLETE HAN DY HARDWARE STROUD New Management PHONE smouo lonii DELAVAL SALES Cr SERVICE Mllkers Walls Tania Vacuum Pumpa also Wlter Pump and all Rubber Part or any milk HANK BROWN RR EAREIE HOLLY PA 60338 AUTOMOTIVE moron cans pals SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HMMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA8M88 MDIOWN Used Cars Pre Winter Clearance $2890 1561 PARISIENNE PONTIAC Reg $3130 $1780 1960 CHEVROLETS only Reg $2020 $398 1959 FORD CUSTOM 300 Reg $1638 $775 1556 METEOR CUSTOMLINE Reg $895 $1395 1958 CHEVROLET DELUXE REE $1625 $798 1955 PONTIAC Reg $895 $390 1953 CHEVROLET DELUXE Reg $505 $390 1958 METEOR CUSTOMLINE Reg $595 $399 1955 CHEVROLET As traded special 41 ESSA RD ROY HAWKINS HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD DEALm about to All MIKE on and NAL Towing eelvied 7e aAYrIm so eAnlluc PA 84165 NEED CASHSeaboard Fin ance Your Lend Nailhbor on tel $30 monthly 141 Dunlo Street Barrio Talobhouo OM77 isso Polio station wagon autos mnllc transmission run in em glue no down payment required is weekly For lnlonriatiori tele phone Jim Dickson at PA M590 Enrol Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns MOTOR CARS FOR SALE we also WANTS ANEWCAR Buy II Noll Wltn boqu LlloInlund SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTLA 58 MORRIS OXFORD 1500 5s in Iirst class condition all through Under 25000 actual miles White with red uphol stererrldrddsshrtollapsibia arm rests electric wipers volt bLItery flashing turn signals air conditioned heatV ing original tires still good This is is solidly built iamiiy car which seats comiorubly Makes tested to speed 35 mph This car has been main iy used as second car and has been reguerly serviced throughout in life PHONE PA 66358 usd Ausrnv Sedan ior In good condition Priced reasonably ior quick rnio Tllopbona PA mas m1 TOILD or llil our door sedan Rebuilt motor Al merit aDIcaiiy load tlrcl body In Iail condition Talephone FA H711 PONTIAC or in Llurflh tin two door hardt 000 all roiopbono Camp Borden pm ior lumm dalllll WILLYI JEEP our wbaoi drive equipped with power hydraull snow plow ailei cob allctrlo lihdlhibllil wi er11 mag um now sag an owl outnu IDK PA 84651 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS EARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIR USED CARS in new YOUR CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PiIoN PA 34272 PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HARDRESSING now in this govraman chartered school when you or ulordughly mined in all bnnchao or beauty culture For Inlormation write DERWIN nainnnrsslNo scnooL lo COLLIER 5mm on PHONE PA Dam mun anor Coldwnvu aw by certified Inlrdrellor in own home Pbona Bernie at boas or PA 567 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP YOUNG MARRIED MAN to learn parts management Excellent future and growth prospects Apply to Box 34 BarrieExaminerfstatlogo education and previous em ployment OPERATORS or chain saw root and louder Telephone Lelroy 15 Jiiilt PART TIME Carathr and handy man Mult be clean and ofIIclaDL Apply to Box co lamid Examiner COBBLER wanted or boa repair Ibo Barrie Permanent heal Ieo worklot conditions Sal commensurate with experience PA 5H MODch uired or nail arm Must be to late rupa Ihility In Reply IIIIIK prerlenu ted to Box ID TWO ADDITIONAL Real Estate salesmen re uired or wall ole tablished olice selling upon once preterrod but not Dccesnn liy In real cstate Must have car We no prepared to ruin you in every Way possible to Earn above average income Phons Gordon in Conitl center Col Realtors bOwaD ShPboDI PA ems FEMALE HELP CLERK TYPIST REQUIRED With experience on bookkeep ing machine or willingness to learn same Permanent posi tion to rightperson Usual ts For appointment tele phone Mrs Dawson PA H496 PaacrchL NURSE isqulred also general help or nursing OIflI ID Stroud Good working condi tious Telephona Rd Strand HOUSEKEEPER cook or but men couple and two chlidnn Live in References 100 month Iy Apply Box it Barrie Examiner HOUBEKEBIBR or mail ramily rc uired immediately to Ilv in wn Ldloiuor wormsuadp elu gloymcnt Good remuneration eiepbooe PA Lino mill KEY PUNcn ornnAsoa wanted to start immrdlntsly Telephone Mrs Simpson Urum sal Cooler Com any Limited PA 577 ior lull stalls MALE 0R FEMALE summonses reuired to work in modaln shop ton HE 571 or turmer iqum atlon pismrauoons wanted in the nod rupplemnnt business run or part time Find out nlmui this un usual opportunity Very gond in come For interview con to Mayor Motel lie Dunlop st or on Tuesday October I7 it 145 pm and ior Mr Lloyd EMPLOYMENT WANTED ms aorta with new engine 15000 miiongo mechanically Ai green and whit twoAtnne snow um in pliuooo Telephone PA b7751 alter pm WILL LOOK AFTER Children in my ownTDMblWill pickvup deliver Telephone PA 51518 RELIABLE LADY willln Vto look after proschool ado chld in her own home in Dunn Street area Fenced yard no weekly Tele phone PA Mill inl dataiia Ooerownerrfrom snow iozos elephona Allis

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